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Surf Digby

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Posts posted by Surf Digby

  1. I understand that it was a work, and a pretty disgusting one, both morally and practically.Invader#1 drank a pint of pigs blood and downed vodka before the match, so he would vomit blood. Meanwhile the angle was that Hernandez was trying to get revenge for Brody's murder.

    A work so well worked that he took a lengthy time off (in which he wouldn't have been earning money) and when he came back he was generally a bit crap until he retired early?
  2. Hapkido

    Another kung fu "classic" I'd been wanting to see for years, particularly as I'm a Hapkido practicioner myself.

    The plot is very reminiscent of Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury, with several actors reprising essentially the same role in this film as they did in Fist of Fury. This time, it's the Japanese having a problem with the Koreans having a school.

    Plenty of future stars are apparently in this one. I spotted Jackie Chan (as a member of both the Korean school and the Japanese school. Two timing bastard!), Lam Chin Ying and Yuen Wah. Apparently Yuen Biu is visible, but I didn't spot him.

    The action scenes are a mixed bag. At the beginning we get Chi Hon Choi (the "father of modern Hapkido") doing some fantastic joint lock work, and Whang In Sihk with his trademark kicking awesomeness. Apart from that though, most of the fight scenes are typical early 70s big swinging punches and crescent kicks. Not particularly Hapkido-based at all.


    All is not lost though, as you've got Samo Hung, Carter Wong and Angela Mao Ying in the lead rolls. Mao Ying has a reputation as a respectable, wholesome woman, but in this she absolutely smoulders. There's some underlying sexual chemistry between her and Wong, and she looks like she could fuck you into a spinal brace, and then demand a refund.


    In short, it's good, but unbalanced between really good stuff, and just okay stuff.

  3. Drunken Monkey

    I was so looking forward to this, and was so hoping it would be good. And it is. Sort of. It's good, but it could have been better (or at least better suited to my tastes).

    Basically it's a kung fu movie, with the classic "master gets betrayed, disappears for a few years, trains up a new student and returns to kicks ass" storyline. The kung fu master is question is Lau Kar Leung, who is a genuine old school kung fu master that trained in fields with logs and rocks and stuff. Also in the film is Lau Kar Fei (AKA: Gordon Lau from Kill Bill), who is Lau Kar Leung's adopted brother in real life, and also a fucking awesome traditional kung fu master.

    Now, Kar Leung isn't a young man (he was in his mid-late 60's when this was made) and so when his character is doing the flips and acrobatic stuff synonymous with monkey style kung fu, it's obviously a double. I wouldn't mind so much, but in other scenes he's doing rolls and showing agility that's perfectly acceptable for the style and pretty impressive for his age. It just seems so unecessary when he's in such good shape and is so impressive in his own right.


    Plotwise, it's an autopilot movie. You know pretty much what's going to happen, and some of it is a bit dated looking, like an old Shaw Bros movie. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, depending on taste.


    Choreographywise, it's everything you could hope for from Lau, that perfect balance of screen-flashiness and realistic looking technique. The fight in the temple against Kar Fei is breathtaking. Both men matching each other with crisp, precise technique delivered at lightning speed. Even at such an age, the Lau brothers are a fucking spectacle to watch, which is why I found it so annoying when we get a long shot of Kar Leung's character doing a backflip off a table.


    If you love The Pops, then it's a must-see-but-don't-go-out-of-your-way-to movie.



    Odd Couple

    Samo Hung's legendary weapon-fest. I've been wanting to see this for years, and thanks to Play.com's sale, I picked it up for

  4. El Ligero and Bubblegum were paid within a week or two.

    What was the date of the show? You've previously said that El Ligero was paid around "new year". I thought the show was earlier than mid-December.
    I'VE not previously said they were paid in the New Year, I can't remember the exact date, the show in question was in September '05, it certainly wasn't long after that. Kriss has NEVER handled the money side of things Kriss PUT THE CARDS TOGETHER and that was all Kriss did APART from being the main person to handle the OPWO-related stuff on the internet such as the Press Releases and Forum threads. Kriss was NEVER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MONEY SIDE OF THINGS, SO KRISS DOES NOT OWE ANY WORKERS OR ANYBODY ELSE ANY MONEY, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT IS MYSELF
    http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=1254944http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=1254774In these threads, Kriss very clearly says that El Ligero was paid around new year, which is not within 2 weeks of September. If Kriss is not, and has never been, responsible for the money side of things, why do you do nothing to stop him posting "inaccuracies" on here regarding them and further tainting the reputation of YOUR promotion. Also, whilst looking for the above quote, I stumbled upon this. Just in case you missed it last time, here's some more ideas for you to take on board.http://ukff.com/index.php?s=&showtopic...t&p=1254839

    Ronin and BBS somehow were overlooked.

    So were Lexx and Imperial Dragon. Remember when Kriss said that if Lexx wanted paying, then it was in her interests to make the effort to contact him? That's not a "whoops, I forgot to pay her". That's a "meh, can't be arsed to pay her". She also confirmed that emails and PMs from herself and Mickey had been ignored.
    Lexx, Micky L and Ian are NOT owed any money to the best of my KNOWLEDGE, They agreed to work the show on a "Trial" basis, for FREE, I have said previously if they can prove I said otherwise, MSN conversation for example then I'll happy pay them but they were not in the records for people being paid and I certainly do not .
    Why, in the 15 page thread, did Kriss never say this? Why did Lexx never say "It's okay, I agreed to work for free". See the hassle that could have been prevented? See how the "OPWO screw their workers out of money" thing could have been avoided?

    What was the date of the show again? How often to people on here remind Kriss that he owes workers money? He's had over a year to sort it out. The fact that he's left it this long again suggests that the intent isn't there.

    I'lll say it again, KRISS owes money to nobody, So Kriss has NOT had over a year to sort it out, I have, and I fully intend on seeing to it that Martin gets the money owed to him.
    You'll have to speak in Kayefabe. I have no idea who Martin is.Anyhow, so Kriss doesn't owe people money, you do. Fair enough. Why then, when people had spent over a year telling Kriss that workers were owed money, did Kriss never pass this information onto you? Did he seriously not realise, or not give a shit about the damage it was doing to YOUR promotion's reputation? If he was passing this information onto you, why were you not sorting it out? If all is as you say, then you need to have a serious talk with Kriss, maybe in a raised tone, and possibly mentioning pointy shoes and testes, that he needs to act a bit more responsibly when discussing YOUR promotion. His sub-BYW standard match blighted the reputation of YOUR promotion. His online slanging matches in threads set up to promote YOUR shows, damage the reputation of YOUR promotion. The blatent, blatent bullshit he posts (5 time PSOW champion, bookings in Japan, bleh bleh bleh) in threads discussing YOUR promotion damage it's reputation.Making responses, seemingly on behalf of the promotion, regarding the non-payment of workers damages the reputation of YOUR promotion. Do you see what I'm getting at?If you seriously want to have a go at this promoting lark, then you need to eliminate these problems and behave a lot more professionally. How about you slip Moo a tenner, become a paid member, ask him to change your username to "OPWO Promoter", and then only post information regarding shows. If you don't give us any ammo, we can't shoot you with it.Also, tell Kriss that as an employee of OPWO, he is not in a position to post anything that should be coming from the promoter, and if he continues to do so, they he is to get his hand in his pocket and buy you this, as you'll be kicking him in the nuts so hard that he'll be redundant for a long time.
  5. Kriss is a kind, HONEST, caring family guy who just wanted to work hard

    Booking himself in matches without learning to wrestle first suggests otherwise. Putting shows on without learning how to effectively promote suggests otherwise. Booking talent without having the money to pay them suggests otherwise. And yeah, he's a family man. So am I. So is Ricky Knight. So is Brian Dixon. So was Saddam fucking Hussain. It's not relavent to the matter in hand though.

    Kriss is a kind, HONEST, caring family guy who just wanted to work hard

    Go to the other thread and read the responses from Lexx. They suggest otherwise.

    The audiences were not as low as reported, the first show was around 30

    The reported number was 29. I can't remember what was reported for the second show, but...

    the third was very low at around 10

    The reported number was 10. How are they not as low as they reported?

    I appreciate certain workers may never want to be associated with us because of what they have read on the internet

    I'd be more concerned about what workers hear from other workers.

    we have more in our lives than wrestling

    Yeah. Crimefighting, writing screenplays, television production, modelling, etc... Yeah, okay, so that one was a cheap shot. But then so was Kriss telling Herbie (or Sean as he calls him, seeing as they're buds. Both having a television background and all) that he fucks his own mother.And him calling Cage Tyler a "bullshitting yardtard" as if to transfer blame of their matches poorness to him.

    Now, as for the workers that weren't...take it up with the workers that threatened to "beat the shit" out of a pregnant woman if she didn't pay them triple what was agreed

    I'm going to call shenanigans on this. It sounds like you're saying that the reason you couldn't pay Bubblegum, El Ligero, Lexx, Ronin, Imperial Dragon and BBS is because you had to pay some workers triple, and this left you short to pay the others.With a few exceptions, the wrestlers in this country are not scum. We would not stand back and allow another worker (and let's be honest, who was on that show that was so big that nobody would take it up with them?) to threaten a pregnant woman in order to get more money.Why didn't you just shout "Ronin, help me". Ronin's a big fella. It was also his money that you were giving to these that were threatening to beat the shit out of you. Why wouldn't he help you?If this genuinely did happen, why not report it to the police? Your account books would have shown what was meant to be going out. As for the wrestlers that did this, name and shame them. Not on here, but PM/email/phone every notable promotion in the country so that no promoter will book them, and risk his wife being abused in order to get more money. All that is takes for evil to succeed, is for good men to do nothing.After all this though, I still don't buy into the story of the money backer. In an unsurprising twist, Kriss' version of events doesn't make any sense. Surely when he proposed the concept to Charles, he would have had a business plan/model to sell the idea to him? Yet according to Kriss, it was Charles that suggested the SkyDome and Kriss just ran with the idea. Unless Kriss' business plan was based around running a different 3,500 seater,
  6. El Ligero and Bubblegum were paid within a week or two

    What was the date of the show? You've previously said that El Ligero was paid around "new year". I thought the show was earlier than mid-December.

    Ronin and BBS somehow were overlooked

    So were Lexx and Imperial Dragon. Remember when Kriss said that if Lexx wanted paying, then it was in her interests to make the effort to contact him? That's not a "whoops, I forgot to pay her". That's a "meh, can't be arsed to pay her". She also confirmed that emails and PMs from herself and Mickey had been ignored.

    I haven't yet dealt with BBS

    What was the date of the show again? How often to people on here remind Kriss that he owes workers money? He's had over a year to sort it out. The fact that he's left it this long again suggests that the intent isn't there.

    it seems to be a trend that's cropped up, paying workers

    No, it's something that was always done. Not paying them is the trend that's been cropping up.

    People in the wrestling business struggle for money at the best of times and travelling up and down the country, putting your body and sanity sometimes at risk for nothing just isn't good

    In other news, the sky is blue.

    I have been doing it for years myself

    if you've been travelling up and down the country for years, putting your body "on the line" for nothing, then I would have thought that you'd be more bothered about Kriss oweing money to workers over a year later.
  7. the personal problems we've experienced

    having one of the most stressful times of your life

    we have a beautiful little girl and little boy on the way

    when having personal problems as bad as they were

    don't start with the nasty comments, I'm not sure I want to go into labour

    my past personal problems

    little girl has made my realise my life is in my own hands

    I'm probably going to come off as sounding somewhat heartless here, but none of that is relavent to the issues that people keep bringing up. Also, we're wrestling smarks. We're cynical by nature. This just seems like you're clutching for sympathy.
  8. And if they did, I'd change the name of the business, so what would they gain?

    The point is you can't call yourself " Ltd " or a " Company " unless you are a registered Limited Company .
    True, but in defense, he could be waiting for it to be approved, I dont know much about the business side, I employ people to deal with that, but it can take ages for it to be sorted as far as I know.
    As far as I know, the paperwork still hasn't been filed. Charles was supposed to be doing it, and has been saying it will be done since November. It's entirely my fault it's not done yet for not pushing it.

    While you're here, I'd be really interested in a reply to some points I raised a couple of days ago, seeing as you didn't appear on that radio show:

    Anyway, enough talk about the past and present. Time to get positive and look to the future. I know many of you have scoffed at the idea that I

  9. Tough choice between TXW and SAS.TXW appeals to the smark in me. In-jokes, superb technical wrestling and innovative hardcore spots. And Falcon almost dying on a regualr basis.SAS has a more traditional feel, but a modern version of it. It's family orientated, but not so panto/Dixon that it puts off the "smarter" wrestling fan. The production of the whole show is of a high quality, and there is a fine aray of talent used.

  10. Scott Future is no backyarder. I don't know too much about him, but I do know he trained at the Hart's Dungeon at some point, and was the trainer for one of RBW's schools until early-mid 2004.I've only seen him wrestle once (against Alan Kilby), and whilst far from being the star of that show, he was far from being awful.Having said that though, he's not a drawing name. For reasons unbeknownst to me, he's massively unpopular in some circles, and in a thread on the old TWC forums about who was the worst wrestler, someone nominated him, along with a tirade of abuse to follow it up.

  11. Proof, were it ever needed, that Sprules lives in a fantasy.http://619wrestling.proboards16.com/index....read=1052656960

    Hi, haven't been around for a while, but here's the deal:I'm wrestling on a show in Wilmington, North Carolina on June 28th, and with your help, I can get a huge crowd in. Here's what I need you to do:We all use a lot of message boards besides this one, and I'd like it if you could all go to those boards, and plug the show to hell. Full Details follow below:

    Independant Championship Wrestling Presents:WrestleRock 2003!June 28th, 2003!Wilmington, NCNational Guard ArmoryMain Event-World Title MatchMean Marc Ash vs LotusFelon Lex Reed (w/ Dr. JD Legacy) vs Brent MaverickWorld Tag Title MatchEast Coast Bodily Harm vs Anti Hero League John Thundercloud vs DeaconTre-G vs HangtimeSteve Michaels & Aaron Devil vs Big Lawman & Body count'KSP' Kriss Sprules makes his US wrestling debut vs J Marcus LawsonAlso: Dave Renegade, Cage, Drake D, & Much more to be announced!Tix: $ALL SEATS $5 (Adults & Kids)$All Advance Tix are $5 & Are Available Here Through PayPal!!

    thank you kindly for your time, and I hope to see some of you, and your friends there.
    Yet the results page from their website says:http://www.starprowrestling.com/

    June 28th, 2003National Guard ArmoryWilmington, NCAttendance 127 (Paid) 158 Total ***Blood Lust beat Creeping Death***J. Marcus Lawson battled Duke Richards to a draw***Tre-G beat Hangtime***John Thundercloud beat Deacon***Aaron Devil & Steve Michaels beat Tyrone Knox & Fire Stud***ICW Tag champs Chuck King & James Reno beat Vinnie Vain & Vax by disqualification***David Renegade fought Felon Lex Reed to a DDQ***Dark Starr beat Tre-G***ICW champion Mean Marc Ash beat Lotus by disqualification when he was attacked by Duke Richards

    Look at the date of his supposed booking. Now compare it to the date of OPWO Scorn, where he booked himself against Cage Tyler (the "bullshitting yardtard", as he referred to him on TWO).
  12. "Spruless" is the best typo I've seen in months.

    Dude, you need to get out more. Coventry can be a decent night out. They have wrestling too. You know that big building with the dome, that points at the sky? Got blue neon tubes around the front?Over the road from there, next door to the Dragon Phoenix Chinese Restaurant. In there.
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