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Posts posted by iamtheman

  1. Johnny English Reborn


    wasnt really expecting that much but chose it over musketeers as i dont think anything will get me to see that


    its ok nowhere near the funniest film you will ever see but ive always been a fan of atkinson and seeing him do is thing is as funny as usual. yes some bits drag and some gags get used more than once and the reveeal of a villan isnt exactly shocking but a few sequences (adjusting chair height, helicopter piloting) are very funny and the end confrontation is excellent.


    it wont be to everyones taste but i enjoyed and its bound to be better than 3 musketeers (probably)

  2. Slighty off topic but after rumours the show would be finished after the current (23rd) season it has been confirmed that it will run till at least the 25th season bringing the total number of episodes up to 559AlsoBRANDINE!!!! I dun busted my stinkhole

  3. i agree that quote is terrible but the film is great. top performances from the top three actors. edgerton really does remind me of chael sonnen which was cool. nick nolte was very impressive and tom hardy really is very good at playing nutters (a likeable one in this film though)


    special mention for Kurt Angle as Undeafeated Russian superstar "Koba" :D


    i'd like to know how this managed to get a 12A. only found that out after i went. there were some little kids in the front row who i would never have expected to be there (for the Daily mail parents were there with them) could have been much older than 10

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