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Posts posted by iamtheman

  1. Best thing about that was the ace Small Faces tune. Fucking Brilliant.


    Oh, is it? I thought it was their version of Hey Joe. What's the song called?


    Ogden's nut gone flake


  2. Rockstar are releasing Max Payne 3 in feburary. so i dont think they would release two games in such a quick succession


    and it wont be coming out jun-august as nothing comes out then so september seems about right

  3. The third triathlon in SA while not hard does take well over 10 minutes. The running at the end is a great slog. Makes me feel knackered just watching it.


    Least favourite mission in SA was in the desert airstrip when u have to drive a bike down the runway avoiding bullets as u go and having to make the plane in time before it took off. Took me a good 20 times to get anywhere near the ramp. Great visual once ud finished. Jumping out of the plane as it explodes.


    Mount Chiliad took me forever as well. Bellends kept forcing me off the mountain :(

  4. Just to be a nuisance




    lets pop some rumours here as well




    Strengthening long-standing rumors for years that the next Grand Theft Auto would be set in Los Angeles or a fictional version thereof, a source familiar with the game told Kotaku today that those rumors are true. GTA V will be set in some version of L.A., bringing the famous franchise to a place that last got the GTA treatment in the series' top-selling Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. (So much for our other dream GTA V cities.)


    We're also hearing from multiple sources that the game will feature more than just one playable character. That would seem to be a natural evolution for the series. Following the release of the PlayStation 2's Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto Vice City, PSP games set in the same cities as those console games let players control a single new character apiece. Those portable games helped establish the idea that there's more than one life worth living in a Rockstar-made GTA city.


    Then, following the release of Grand Theft Auto IV the series' creators at Rockstar Games allowed gamers to play as a second and then a third character in the exact same high-definition version of Liberty City. Those who bought the base game and the two downloadable episodes could choose from the GTA IV's menu whether to play as Niko Bellic, Johnny Klebitz or Luis Lopez. Each had their own lengthy, interesting and distinct playable story. A GTA V that features more than one playable hero would extend this concept further.


    Back when GTA IV was being shown to press, Rockstar representatives would stress the importance of the number in the title. As successful as Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas were, they noted, it was the game that preceded them, GTA III that was a paradigm shift. They hoped and believed that GTA IV, by being a numbered game would have and merit some outsized influence of its own. If that is still the company's philosophy, then after Grand Theft Auto IV's un-numbered episodes, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, a numbered GTA V should again merit special attention. Shifting cities was not sufficient cause for a new numbered GTA before. A change to the series' formula, however, one that gives players more than one controllable character, would.


    Rockstar has had a lot of experience with L.A., working with Team Bondi to create a mid-20th-century version of it for this year's L.A. Noire, presenting a drive-able version in Midnight Club and, most famously of all, turning it into the amazing Los Santos as one of three featured cities in GTA: San Andreas.


    Rockstar Games did not respond to requests for comment about GTA V today. Should we hear them, we'll update this piece. Otherwise, look for the official trailer for the new game on November 2.

  5. went to watch Tintin and wasn't expecting it but it was excellent. the animation style works welll especially with the main action sequences. and it means the characters look just like they should. although it is Speilberg and you should never really doubt him


    couple of sequences are breathtaking. performances are good across the board but special mention must go to Andy serkis as Captain haddock. steals the whole film with an hilarious and at times quite emotianal performance.


    went to see it in 2d and it looks great.


    recommend it especially if youve got any kids (they will love snowy)

  6. favourite moment of GTA4 was the mission 'three leaf clover' where you had to rob the bank with the irish fellas (name escapes me)


    like a final mission but right in the middle. epic as hell.still can't believe i did it on the first time.

  7. San Andreas has always been my favourite. just an incredible amount of things to do with a great storyline that was great to get into. Samuel L Jackson and James Woods were perfect for their roles. Woods especially.


    must admit ive always had a soft spot for vice city stories. a great storyline, another 80's soundtrack, great variation on the gang territory system and there was a mission where you had to stop phil collins getting assainated while he was singing which was just brill


    i too am still waiting for San Andreas Stories. Hope the success of red dead mean theyve gone all out on this one. they always try and go further with each different game.


    really looking forward to it

  8. Paranormal Activity 3


    Went to see this last night and loved it. as said its the backstorys of Katie and christi from the first two movies when they were little girls and just right there is a great setting because little girls acting creepy is very chilling when done right and it is excellent during this. as before the tension gradually rises during the film but it's the little scares that are very well done.


    its a very good cast(the little girls especially are great sports for the things they are put through) dennis is a very likeable character and his friend randy is a good laugh as well.


    the tensions builds during the movie from a smaller scale to a much larger but even then there are some excellent little things placed during that are little creepy touches that are very frightening.


    but for my favourite moments(and general thoughts)


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    when they are making the sextape at the start and the dust falls down on the figure (toby)who looks like a massive fucker and he runs away as fast as he can. thats very good.


    they only manage to repeat the one thing from the earlier movies which is katie just blankly staring looking at her parents in bed for about four hours. its creepy but its been done before.


    the little scares where julie comes out of the closet and the babysitter says BOO into the camera are just your basic little jump scares. i laughed but a lot of people in the audience were got by it which was great.


    the bedsheet creeping up on the babysitter was fantastic. i just thought it was one of the girls but when the sheet drops i'll admit i was got.


    everything in the kitchen disapperaing and then dropping from the ceiling was the best scare in the film. worked in well with the oscialting camera that dennis "invented"


    katie running into the "wall" and then getting yanked up by her hair and her bloody mary game with randy (especially randy getting scratched by toby were frightening.


    the kids bloody mary game that was in the trailer was not in this movie. i was expecting it but its a trailer and these things happen.


    when katie is getting sucked into the vortex (or whatever) the best touch was the occult symbol on the light brite in their room. that was brilliant and i think showed that the makers and researched what they could do with things from the era


    and so towards the climax where toby had been trying to get everyone to go to grandma's house and i thought the creepiest part of the movie was when the girls were playing dress up and christi was dressing as a bride and her mom asked who the lucky guy was and in her sweet little voice said "its toby". errrrr chills then.


    the whole end sequence with the figure dennis and the camera sees and then he goes to the shed because he cant find anyone and your thinking dont go the shed you twat but he does and its pitch black and he gets the light on and theres the old women in a line just staring at the door (got the biggest scream in the audience)


    i thought that some deal was made with christi first born and she must have got 'married' to toby. so we will probably find out more in part 4.


    the only gripe would be how the last tape was found. did grandma keep it just for laughs? but i'm ok with that


    [close spoiler]



    these movies are getting better with each one and at this point in the saw series was where i dropped out but i'm there for the 4th film (probably next halloween)


    if you are a fan of the series this comes with the highest recommendation


    The thing that I found stupid was....


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    if there mother had been killed in this film, why do we see her on the later films?!


    Also, they were going to watch these tapes before the events of the originals, why then did they claim not to believe in ghosts?!


    I suppose the general gist of it is....


    The grandmother did a deal with the demon for wealth, and sacrifcied the family's first born son...which was Hunter, hence why it came back in the originals to claim the debt.


    [close spoiler]



    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    there 'mother' could just be a setup by grandma but hopefully we will find out.


    probably grandma mind wipes for them not remembering?


    also(i may be wrong here) but at the start katie gives them the tapes. and then when their house is trashed (not sure where this falls in the timeline to be fair*) the tapes are gone. is the movie just us the audience watching the tapes. i say this because at the start of the film it just went straight into the film. no text scrawl explaining what we are about to see. not even any production company logos ?(a production of ...... presented by ........) (loved that by the way)


    *just checked it's the start of the second movie


    [close spoiler]



    anyway the trailers before the film were Dream house (meh), the devil inside (looks excellent) and The thing


    and im bringing this up because im just wondering why we have to wait till december for The Thing? its been out for over a week in a america and with it being halloween just seems pointless


    the reviews for it are mostly negative anyway (as i thought they would be). still wanna see it (probably just to moan though but who doesnt love moaning)

  9. Paranormal Activity 3


    Went to see this last night and loved it. as said its the backstorys of Katie and christi from the first two movies when they were little girls and just right there is a great setting because little girls acting creepy is very chilling when done right and it is excellent during this. as before the tension gradually rises during the film but it's the little scares that are very well done.


    its a very good cast(the little girls especially are great sports for the things they are put through) dennis is a very likeable character and his friend randy is a good laugh as well.


    the tensions builds during the movie from a smaller scale to a much larger but even then there are some excellent little things placed during that are little creepy touches that are very frightening.


    but for my favourite moments(and general thoughts)


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    when they are making the sextape at the start and the dust falls down on the figure (toby)who looks like a massive fucker and he runs away as fast as he can. thats very good.


    they only manage to repeat the one thing from the earlier movies which is katie just blankly staring looking at her parents in bed for about four hours. its creepy but its been done before.


    the little scares where julie comes out of the closet and the babysitter says BOO into the camera are just your basic little jump scares. i laughed but a lot of people in the audience were got by it which was great.


    the bedsheet creeping up on the babysitter was fantastic. i just thought it was one of the girls but when the sheet drops i'll admit i was got.


    everything in the kitchen disapperaing and then dropping from the ceiling was the best scare in the film. worked in well with the oscialting camera that dennis "invented"


    katie running into the "wall" and then getting yanked up by her hair and her bloody mary game with randy (especially randy getting scratched by toby were frightening.


    the kids bloody mary game that was in the trailer was not in this movie. i was expecting it but its a trailer and these things happen.


    when katie is getting sucked into the vortex (or whatever) the best touch was the occult symbol on the light brite in their room. that was brilliant and i think showed that the makers and researched what they could do with things from the era


    and so towards the climax where toby had been trying to get everyone to go to grandma's house and i thought the creepiest part of the movie was when the girls were playing dress up and christi was dressing as a bride and her mom asked who the lucky guy was and in her sweet little voice said "its toby". errrrr chills then.


    the whole end sequence with the figure dennis and the camera sees and then he goes to the shed because he cant find anyone and your thinking dont go the shed you twat but he does and its pitch black and he gets the light on and theres the old women in a line just staring at the door (got the biggest scream in the audience)


    i thought that some deal was made with christi first born and she must have got 'married' to toby. so we will probably find out more in part 4.


    the only gripe would be how the last tape was found. did grandma keep it just for laughs? but i'm ok with that


    [close spoiler]



    these movies are getting better with each one and at this point in the saw series was where i dropped out but i'm there for the 4th film (probably next halloween)


    if you are a fan of the series this comes with the highest recommendation

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