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Posts posted by iamtheman

  1. i really enjoyed season 2. the halloween, christmas and D and D episodes were great. the paintball 2 parter is fun but fizzles out and could never really top 'modern warfare' anyway.


    season 3 had a good start remedial chaos theory, the dean pelton episode and the christmas glee pisstake was the best of the bunch. admittedly the two since it's come back are nowhere near the show's strongest (and shown out of order as well) but the upcoming two-parter looks great. big bang theory's back in the US tomorrow so the show's going to get mullered in the ratings. the first ep since they came back was the highest for a while but fell on the second week but was still the highest rated show on NBC and signs look good for a fourth season. which i hope it gets at least as that would be what jeff needs to get his new degree.


    cant believe i forgot 'Inspector Spacetime' bloody brilliant

  2. seems to be a new trend that im not sure about really. although the new twilight had a 15 second teaser for a 48 second teaser?????


    anyway here's ridley scott on Promethesus in 3d


    How was it working in 3D?


    I'm kind of naturally visual anyway, that's where I come from. And you're working off superb 3D screens, which are on the floor, and are really big. It was just wonderful.


    I was shooting on 3D, then seeing it on the floor. It was easy, I must say.


    Do you push it in a way we haven't seen before?


    Well, I mean, yeah. You only want to push it so far, before it becomes arrows popping out of the screen and stabbing you in the eye. You use it for visual effect.


    Is it more immersive, giving depth?


    Yes, yes. And you can do that afterwards, by the way. I'm actually decided right now how deep to make it on certain sequences.


    So you can literally, as it were, twiddle a knob, and the depth will increase. It's kind of bizarre, but there it is. Technologically it's absolutely staggering.


    I was working with MPC in London, looking after almost 1,300 big FX shots, and every night they would pipe through shots to a big screen in my office in Lexington Street; I would sit there watching a sequence that had just been graded or refined in perfect 3D. Really amazing.


    wondered about the 3d. not sure about it but scorsese's first 3d film had fantastic 3d so i might change my mind

  3. Yep, I'm another loving New Girl, it's a mix of nice and fluffy and a great character in Jess and some really funny stuff from the chaps. It started off great and then I wasn't so sure but it's really hit it's stride now, the last 2 or 3 (Channel 4) have been great. It's apparently taking a mid-season break on Channel 4 because it's not performed that well, when you put it in an 8.30 slot and a slot opposite Corrie you're asking for trouble.


    Oh and Coach was amazing in the first episode so it's a shame the actor had to suddenly go back to another show. Winston is more of a 'normal' character though so stops things getting too wacky for the sake of it.


    i thought the reason it had gone off was because channel 4 had caught up but looking at wikipedia they are about 5 behind and its playing every week till the finale in the US. hope they give it a good time slot when it comes back.


    lizzy caplan just came into it as well and long with cece youve got some hot women on that show. schmidt's great as well. a recent ep that ended with his various doucheness ws great


    'Happy endings' (what coach is in) is great as well. really funny cast and its a very fun half hour

  4. bit more from Moffat


    She's funny and clever and exactly mad enough to step on board the TARDIS.


    "It's not often the Doctor meets someone who can talk even faster than he does, but it's about to happen. Jenna is going to lead him his merriest dance yet. And that's all you're getting for now. Who she's playing, how the Doctor meets her, and even where he finds her, are all part of one of the biggest mysteries the Time Lord ever encounters. Even by the Doctor's standards, this isn't your usual boy meets girl."


    After the initial eight episodes in 2013, there will be more later in the year – exactly how many is still under wraps. Matt Smith is contracted for all the 2013 episodes.

  5. and the next companion is




    Jenna Louise Coleman. who you may know from emmerdale, waterloo road and a small role in Captain America



  6. in possibly the best/worst/most batshit remake of all time news


    WWE Films to remake leprachaun


    According to Variety, the WWE and Lionsgate have come together for a two-picture deal, with one of the films being a remake/remodel of the schlocky 1993 Warwick Davis/Jennifer Aniston horror flick, Leprechaun.


    Lionsgate and the WWE will co-market, and split the cost of, the new Leprechaun film, which is set for a 2013 release. The other movie, from the two-movie deal, is yet to be determined. This doesn't mark the first time that Lionsgate and the WWE have teamed up as they also partnered to make See No Evil (starring Kane) and The Condemned (starring Steve Austin).

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