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Posts posted by iamtheman

  1. sorry to double post but


    European theater owners are meeting in Barcelona right now for the annual CineEurope convention, and a chief topic of conversation surrounds the extra cost that exhibitors expect to pay in order to project Peter Jackson's two-part adaptation of The Hobbit when the first film releases in December.


    The Hollywood Reporter says that distribution of the film, which was shot at 48 frames per second rather than the standard 24, will cost theater owners more because the technology requires upgrades to projection systems.


    Jackson is attempting to push the boundaries of filmmaking with the move into 48 fps, but as we reported back in April when we screened some 10 minutes of The Hobbit, the results were disconcerting -- almost like watching a live television broadcast rather than a proper "film."


    "As we know, software updates are not free to exhibitors," European Digital Cinema Forum CEO David Monk said at the conference. "They take time and money, and you have to shut down the systems to install. Then they have to be tested."


    THR adds that there are almost 4,000 screens in North America equipped right now with the Barco Series 2 projectors and the required software update to play 48 fps. Additionally, Sony plans for most of its 13,000 installed 4K digital cinema projectors to also support the format by the time The Hobbit is released


    Is 48 fps really that bmuch of a difference? There were lots of complaints when people first saw the footage at 48 fps about how disconcerting on the eyes it was. should definatly be interesting at least this christmas

  2. Just seen Rock of Ages and was surprised to discover that not only is Kevin Nash in it, but he sings too! Is ere no end to Big Daddy Cool's talents?





    i was joking for ages that he would sing. glad to hear.


    he's gonna be in steven soderbergh's magic mike as well. screw the dark knight its Kevs summer at the box office

  3. Just saw Prometheus.


    It's shit.


    It's shit and makes me sad. I have to stop looking forward to things.


    Why the fuck would they

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    do the chest burster bit?!!?? Unless this is a reboot. Which it isn't. Why be a cunt? Why? Fucking moronic artsy cunts. I mean they set up everything. Am I now to assume that the blue man just got up and walked all crippled over to the ship which crashed in pretty much EXACTLY the way that the ship is on LV-426? On a different moon?? Or have I missed something here?!?!


    [close spoiler]



    from the link i put on the last page


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    It didn't end where Alien started!


    It wasn't supposed to. Ridley Scott has been firm on the point that, come the final credits of Prometheus, we're still a film or two away from the start of Alien. That's why the creature we see at the end isn't the one you're used to. and also why the Space Jockey isn't yet in the place he's discovered in Alien.


    But it's all set on the same planet isn't it?


    No. A crucial difference, this. Alien and Aliens surround LV426. Prometheus is set on LV223. Very different worlds. 203 LVs apart, in fact.


    Is it the same Space Jockey?


    No. For reasons stated above. Also, in Alien, when we see the Space Jockey, it's clearly been the victim of a chest burster. Again, we're some way away from that happening.



    [close spoiler]

  4. Prometheus for me was ok. let down by the script and at times the choices that the characters make in what they do but i did like it.


    The slow build for the first hour was great and setting everything up was going fine but then it just goes downwards.


    fassbender is great, raapace is good and how Idris Elba managed to get so much out of so little is incredible

  5. along with HMV's best british album list they also did a film one that should cause plenty of discussion


    here it is

    1. Trainspotting (6.00%)

    2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (5.48%)

    3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two (4.79%)

    4. Monty Python

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