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Posts posted by iamtheman

  1. i am a big whedon fan myself but i am not fond of a fair bit of his stuff (angel season 4, most of buffy season 6, first half of dollhouse's first season) but bufyy and angel in its pomp still are some of my favourite tv series 've ever seen. buffy in its seventh season had arguably run its course but angel's 5th season was excellent and i was pissed when it was cancelled.


    and for mr seven. whedon would occasionally contribute for buffy and angel scripts with out being credited for it.


    looking forward to cabin in the woods. you can probably guarantee that i'll be fawning over it once i see it on tuesday. just a shame it was delayed by MGM going bankrupt

  2. well derek wasnt very funny apart from plikington's rant about wanting to throw out tat in to a skip. i predicted the ending and what was going to happen. found it quite moving but that might have just been the music. even with gervais trying his best to show emotion towards the end.


    i did get a bit teary at his speech in the extras special though

  3. New Johnny-5 will be threatening


    The thought of the director of Alvin And The Chipmunks and Hop reimagining cute, big-eyed robot Johnny 5 for a Short Circuit remake may leave you fearing the worst, but if Tim Hill’s interview with the LA Times is anything to go by, maybe he isn’t planning to make the movie into a cuddly, cheesy, kiddie-friendly romp.


    “I’m tempted to go back and grab the original,” Hill admits, regarding the design of his robotic star, “but I think it has to be closer to what modern design actually is. There are computer models and labs developing real machines like this… You’ve got to find the balance between something fierce and something endearing. The original was cute. But no one was threatened by it.”


    The new Johnny 5 will created from modern warfare technology, including unmanned drones.


    “The thing that makes it so relevant is that we live in this age of robots, particularly when it comes to war,” Hill continues. “We have drones that do our fighting for us, do all these jobs men and women don’t want to do. And that’s what makes this so interesting; things like this moment in the story when Johnny realises he’s going to be disassembled and contemplates death, and whether it’s right to terminate someone else.”


    Sin City 2 to start shooting this summer


    A dame to kill

  4. Just started watching DOA. In the first 10 minutes there's a Holly Valance fresh from the shower action scene, which pretty much makes it the greatest film I've ever seen.


    I've watched all the Holly Valance bits on Mr Skin. Let me know if anything else good happens.


    There is a pretty sweet fight scene where Holly and some other lass who is very nice to look at basically beat the crap out of each other fightclub style in the rain...... what more could you want?



  5. I really liked Studio 60 as well. been dithying for ages over whether i should get the dvd. Great cast playing intriguing characters. early on the show is excellent but towards the end it gets very very dramatic from what i remember and the "show" was barly mentioned at all instead focusing on situations that would just come out of nowhere plus a heavy focus on religion for some reson.


    been a few years since i watched so i will probably get the series cheap someday and see if it still holds up.


    anyway here's the trailer for sorkins next show

    which starts this summer. it looks great

    must admit i wasnt expecting much but i laughed at lot at this. especially the song


    Sandler and Jack and jill sweep the board at the razzies


    Jack and Jill-WINNER



    Adam Sandler, "Jack and Jill / Just Go With It" - WINNER



    Adam Sandler (as Jill), "Jack and Jill" - WINNER



    Al Pacino, "Jack and Jill" - WINNER



    David Spade (as Monica), "Jack and Jill" - WINNER



    "Jack and Jill" - WINNER



    Dennis Dugan, "Jack and Jill / Just Go With It" - WINNER



    "Jack and Jill" (dubbed a "remake/rip-off of Ed Woods' Cross-Dressing Camp Classic "Glen or Glenda" - WINNER



    Adam Sandler and either Katie Holmes, Al Pacino, or Adam Sandler, "Jack and Jill" - WINNER



    Steve Koren & Adam Sandler, Story by Ben Zook , "Jack and Jill" - WINNER


    Total Recall(Remake) Trailer

  7. I was quite surprised by the hunger games when i went to see it. the performances across the board are very good. It's jennifer lawrence's movie and she is amazing but the older cast are all fantastic. Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks and especially Stanley Tucci (who was almost my favourite) are great in their roles. Donald Sutherland with his small role has a great impact


    it could do with a higher age rating as well to be honest just to accentuate the violence. theres an obvious reason why they went with the lower rating and the violence can be quite brutal but the shaky cam they use for most of it is dissappointing and the weakest aspect on the film. its a great satire on reality television with the events surrounding the games with the people ocherstarting the games and the public who enjoy/are horrified by whats going on. the games themselves suffer from the fact that a few of the kids are basically "red-shirts" and aside from it getting too dark to see at times (frustatingly at one point) the game delivers.


    the comparisons to twilight will be there as this is aimed primarily towards teens but this has much better actors (Donald Sutherland for christs sake) and a better story. there's a love triangle but one of them is barley on screen(guess theres more in the sequels). theres a couple of things i didnt get (havent read the books) but i enjoyed it and im looking forward to the sequel as ive no idea what will happen. although the ending gives me a slight idea.

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