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The Total Package

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Posts posted by The Total Package

  1. I expect along with a lot of folk my age Guyver was a huge part of my early look at Anime. One of them actually has the hand painted background with the cel, its one of the Zoanoids.


    Thats true, one of my first animes was Guyver but back then I called them manga lol, I managed to get all 3 guyver model kits when I went to japan years ago, good job too, because now they cost a bomb

  2. Anyone like the Highlander one?


    Seen that a few years ago, I did like it, think it was by Madhouse that also did Ninja Scroll, the only thing I didn't like was the ending without ruining it supercena comes to mind.


    Anyone else here seen Highschool of the Dead?


    It could have been very good but the fan service is so bad I gave up after three episodes.


    LOL this show is so OTT, after every episode I felt like having a wank, I might as well be watching porn, its a good job you quit because later on even the god damn zombies get fanservice.


    Is Gundam worth getting into?


    Absolutely, massive Gundam freak right here.


    What you need to understand straight away is Gundam has (UC) Universal Century and then what people call (AU) Alternate Universe, UC shows are all connected in some way, and are the original main shows, the AU shows are not connected to UC or even other AU shows, they are their own standalone thing, apart from SEED, but you don't want to watch that ;)


    If you think of it as like each Final Fantasy game is its own thing, set in its own world, but they're all called Final Fantasy but got nothing to do with each other that's what AU is.


    As for what shows you should watch, the as mentioned Gundam Wing is a good one to start with, I watched that way back when it was on CN Toonami years ago as well.


    Other shows, I would say Gundam X, this is easily my fav show out of the AU shows, theirs also G Gundam, you will either love this show or hate it.


    If you want the original shows then its best viewing them like the starwars saga, I recommend you watch in this order;


    Mobile suit Gundam (aka Gundam 0079) - The 3 movies, its the TV show made into 3 movies, its what is considered cannon now not the TV show.


    Zeta Gundam the series not the movies, the movies have a slightly different ending and other changes, it loses impact, alot of Gundam fans consider Zeta Gundam the best Gundam show, it is certainly the empire strikes back of gundam shows.


    Chars Counter Attack - this is the end of true gundam story, great movie, but you really need to watch those others before you watch this, has a great score as well, if you're into score music, most Gundams have great scores.


    Their are other shows around in the UC universe, but the main core story is the ones I just mentioned.


    Live action Gantz! Out next month.


    Just don't compare it to the hardcore violent/sexual antics of the anime, this is only a 15 certificate afterall but hopefully it'll be a decent movie first of all.




    You don't mean the first movie do you? Its just I DL'ed the 2nd one the other night, bit slow if the first is only just coming out here, Ive never watched the show, but I did like the first movie.


    Since we are mentioning live action based on anime then I recommend the live version of Space Battleship Yamato, that was a great movie, if you're into sci fi movies then check it out, I thought it was much better than the latest Star Trek film(which I also liked), and its certainly become one of my fav sci fi films.




    Great score to this as well.

  3. Let's not forget that Dillkid's gimmick was that he was allegedly 14 years old and often whinged about how he was depressed because of school. Yet for a 14 year old his knowledge of the Attitude era, which came across as recollection memory and not swotting up on old shit, was pretty impressive for someone who would've been rocking the Huggies at the time.


    Thats because he spends all day watching it on ustream/utube along with old Nitros, and likes to pretend he was there on friday nights watching it with the rest of us, if you look at some of his posts its almost like he has totally convinced himself he was there to see the boom of wrestling.


    Its not a problem he's even obsessive with the attitude era, I just dont get why he likes to think he was there, strange chap.

  4. WTF is going on in here? I swear UKFF attracts the most odd balls on the internet.


    Only on here would my manhood be called into question because I dont like wearing shite wrestling shirts outside.


    What kind of scrubber are you? you know I have awhole set of clothes that are just for wearing inside, does that make me less of a man? or maybe I just like to have stuff to wear when I'm inside.


    Do you go outside in the same t-shirts you sleep in or something? wait dont answer that.


    I wear my Edge and nWo shirt outside all the time, if a shirt looks like crap then I wont wear it, whether its a wrestling shirt or not, Im guessing everyone else here is the same.


    Also people might just be collecters, maybe they are a massive fan of the nWo, DX, Y2J etc and just want all their gear.


    Sorry but whether its on the net or irl you sound like a tit saying that stuff, and I wouldnt be ashamed to say that to your face.

  5. Like I said, I dont hate Affliction shirts they are class, I just hate that everyone else tried to copy them.


    I totally agree with what purplemonkeydishwasher said, thats one thing that I dont like on the CM Punk Nexus one, it has his name on the back.

  6. I want that warrior shirt, that is class indeed, any links Ian?

    Here you go. There's a shitload:



    2 Sweet!!


    Cheers for that.


    As for designs of current shirts, its been a total miss for me, the only one I would even consider walking out in public...in, is the CM Punk Nexus one.


    Atleast it seems WWE have gotten out of their "affliction" phase, not that I hate them, but they just got too popular.


    Hmm you know I've never paid much attention to TNA shirts, interesting stuff being posted, makes me want to take alook.

  7. I want that warrior shirt, that is class indeed, any links Ian?


    As for what I find class;






    Sorry couldnt find any better pic's, Edge seems to be wearing one with less paint, looks better with more imo.


    LOL at that DX Vince likes cocks, I forgot about that stuff, the angle I mean, did Spirit Squad have any shirts? I'd wager they were shit if so.


    Yeah I hated that rKo shirt as well.

  8. More than anything, this Wrestlemania will be about the likes of Punk, Del Rio and The Miz firmly establishing themselves as certifiable main eventers for the next five years, and I'm all for that.


    You're certain of that? I only see Del Rio being someone that stays at the top, Punk goes up and down, and as for The Miz, if he is facing Superman at WM I dont see anything but a loss for him, you know send the fans home happy deal, plus he has had a great run feuding with Lawler :rolleyes: he's had the title for awhile now and even longer come WM, apart from the shock and awe when he won it, I dont see many people raving on about him, while Im not a total hater of the Miz, when I look at him I cant help but think of the mean street posse, rather than a guy that could actually beat the likes of TripleH, HBK, Cena etc.


    I've seen a couple of people say that this looks the worst Wrestlemania in years, but have any matches actually been announced so far?


    Its more to do with the talent on offer, the fact The Miz has been stuck in a feud with Lawler, shows how weak WWE is on star power, will WM be a ok event? it might be, but this is the bigone it shouldnt be just ok and be another extended RAW/SD! episode, it should be awesome, Ive only just got back into watching WWE last year, but their PPV's are hardly any different from their normal shows.


    After two big matches with HBK, who wants to see Taker fight Wade or Nexus, when we have seen Cena single handly destory them on his own for months.


    Its all well n good building new talent, but you do that on other shows and PPV's, you dont see UFC or BoxOffice paying top dollar for green talent to come in on their biggest shows, because nobody will pay for that shit, thats why Vince was doing his best to get Brock in anyway, because he knows he needs big draws.


    The longer they leave it to announce matches the worse it will be, it seems to me even WWE are not sure what direction they want to go in, Del Rio it seems is on course to win at WM, but thats the only cert for me.


    They defently need that money match on the card, whether its Sting/Goldberg or whoever, they need it.

  9. Ah well just watched the Vid on youtube, it was indeed fun while it lasted, that vid also ruined EC, not that I care about the rest of whats going on in WWE, but its clear what matches we are likely to see at WM after viewing that clip(shit has to be said imo), bit daft of WWE to let something like that out tbh.

  10. Who'd have thought a vignette could get me (and so many other people) so excited when we really know nothing but a date! :) Marvellous work WWE!


    Its only marvellous if it is Sting, if its Taker or even worse some new guy with a mask etc, then WWE have just fucked themselves, people will be even more disappointed with a WM without Sting and Taker fighting Wade.


    With no Goldberg and no Lensar, their is no big time money match at WM this year, and Vince cant let that happen, otherwise this WM buys will have the worst in years.

  11. Well I just watched the clip on utube, much about nothing really.


    As for Boxing vs Wrestling, neither are the power house that they were in the 80s/90s, yeah WWE can go for 3 hours long, but it doesnt say much when people are walking out the stadium during your main events, which is what ive been reading on here about the current tour.


    Both have the same problem imo, not enough true megastars, thats why you end up with shit like tonight, I bet in the 90s Harrison would'nt even be a warm up match on box office, and here he is in a main event lol.

  12. Its the case of money aint it? WWE has to invest money in their chosen guy and hope it pays off, I think they tried to do this with Jericho years ago but it never really worked out so TripleH got his Timmy Mallet out and ended him, they did the same for Cena but it paid off.


    That and you probably have people in the back questioning is this guy the right guy to lead the company etc, which just leads to more if's and but's.


    WWE have actually tired to push alot of people, but its like they take a guy straight out of midcard into mainevent and then just shit on him and leave out to dry, swagger comes to mind, I really thought WWE were going to push that guy, but again same old story.


    The question is what makes a guy over, more victories? it can help for sure but I dont think thats it, the wrestler has to connect with people, Hogan the all american superhero someone thats stands up for whats right, Austin screw the rules sick and tried of taking shit off my boss, so i'll kick his ass, who hasnt ever thought that about one of their bosses? you see something that connects with fans is the key I think.

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