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The Total Package

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Posts posted by The Total Package

  1. Not in the slighest, the great thing about point n' click games is that they rarely age at all. The genre's still going pretty strong considering how gaming has changed over the years, Gemini Rue for an example is a more recent game but fits right in with the classics and betters many of them, imo.


    That's one I've played not long ago, first one I've played in years. I'm a sucker for cyberpunk stuff, and that game reminded me of Beneath a Steel Sky, one of the first games I played on my PC, don't know if some of you older heads remember that one, "detonate" ha classic lines. Gemini Rue is well worth picking up, I got it from GAME for about 2 or 3 quid. Great sound track too. It's true that point n click is very much alive on PC still. I've heard nothing but great things about The Walking Dead game, I have it, just haven't got round to playing it yet.


    I also picked up this game called Primordia in a steam sale, seemed quite decent in the trailer, so hopefully it turns out to be good when I eventually get around to playing it.



  2. I'd given up thinking there would be another Onyx album, a bit like Deltron it feels like forever, that I've been waiting for Black Rock to drop. So thanks for pointing that one out Mike. I've given it a quick listen, I like it. From what I can remember of Bacdafucup Part 2, it's probably around the same level of that, not as good as their first 3 albums though, but hell after this long any Onyx stuff will do me. I noticed Seeza wasn't on the album, I hope he is still involved with the group. I know he did a solo album a few years ago. They're far better together.


    Gibbs & Madlib, will have to check that one out too.

  3. Nolans imprint on cinema is probably for the worse. Although to be fair I hear the original turtle comics are quite gritty and not exactly party dudes. I find it funny in the trailer that the CGI characters speak while the human, as in Megan Fox does not. It's probably going to be shit.

  4. I think that would sum up the franchise to be honest, it's either really good like first class or shit like X3. We can only hope this is more like first class. I think the trailer is great though, has this big epic feel to it, that none of the other x films had. You're right, it's going to be juggling act with all those characters. I heard rouge got cut out already, she wont be missed since her character has been shit in these movies, looks like Storm might be out of it for awhile too with that trailer, again not a loss, because of how badly they've handled the character.


    Fox is betting big on this, I think it's their 2nd biggest movie of all time, obviously everybody is trying to cash in on the superhero gold rush, and for the most part it has lead to better produced movies. Plus if theirs one villain I would love to see on the big screen who hasn't appeared yet, it would have to be Apocalypse, who would be surely showing up in the end credits.


    Looking forward to this and Spiderman2.

  5. Here's hoping it lasts as long as FlashForward!


    I liked that show, well the first couple of episodes, then it seemed liked they didn't know where they were going.


    Goyer is like the Vince Russo of Hollywood. With better talent around him, to reel him in, he can be great, The Dark Knight for example. On his own you get shit like Blade - Trinity, a franchise killing movie. Goyer would do well working in WCW 2000.

  6. I didn't bother with Origins either, even before I heard about all the bugs in it. The game just seemed liked a glorified DLC to me, not the next step. Which is what Arkham Knight sounds like. Looking at that trailer I don't know why they couldn't make a full film like that, I think it would be great. I remember a few years ago, the one for DC universe online was also great. Same with those Star Wars trailers from the same time I think. These people doing the trailers seem to get the idea better than the film makers.

  7. I remember a little while back we were discussing concept albums in hip hop. Has anyone listened to the new Ghostface album?


    Here it is in full -


    I've only given it a couple listens so far, but I'm rather enjoying it. The music has a very "soundtracky" feel, and the tracks all tell a part of the story (as opposed to a lot of other so-called concept albums in hip hop that rely on the skits to tell the story and then the tracks have nothing to do with the idea).


    Sure, they kind of hit you over the head with the story a bit and it's all rpetty obvious, but it's nicely done.


    I'm a huge fan of Ghostface, but his output is certainly patchy. One of my absolute favourites when he's on form though and he is here.


    It's a short album at just under 40 minutes and there's no filler. Well worth your time to give it a listen.


    Late as fuck replying to this, I'm terrible these days at keeping up with music. I've been listening to this for the last couple of weeks, at first I thought it was just decent, but it's grown on me and now I love it. I'm always going to see A Prince Among Thieves as the best in terms of concept albums. Ghostface, who is also one of my fav's has also set his own bar very high with things like Ironman and the appropriately titled Supreme Clientele, because it really is. So with all that, I can't say it's on those levels, but it's still damn good.


    Some stand out tracks for me are, Rise of the Black Suits, Blood On the Cobblestones and Revenge Is Sweet. I've lost track of Ghostface the last couple of years, so maybe this was his return to form, although it would be hard to maintain such high output.


    I've listened to Deltron 3030 Event 2. I was disappointed with it, but I guess it's because I've been foaming at the mouth for it for years, plus the first one was just a surprise out of nowhere to me. It will probably be another one that grows on me though.


    I will have to go through this thread and see what people have been suggesting.


    I've been listening to Formulatin' Fathers - Sleepless Knights, came out around mid 00's I think, even though tracks sound older than that. It's another concept album, don't think it does a good job at telling the story as some of the others I've mentioned in this post, but it's still decent.


    Some tracks;


    Formulatin' Fathers - Brighten up the Son


    Formulatin' Fathers - Eyes Like Blue Skies

  8. That shit is hilarious.. you forget people like that exist sometimes. Mentals. Makes you glad this forum is not like some of the other online nerd repositories.


    The NeoGaf wrestling threads are full of the most dickiest dickheads imaginable


    I think that is an age thing, as most people on there are of a younger age. I guess it's like multiple Dillkids posting all at once. I like the UKFF because it has quite a diverse roster of different posters/opinions, who are quite civilised, unless someone is posting constant rubbish.


    I don't like what is happening with wrestling crowds right now. Martin Samuel wrote a great piece about it, he was talking about football fans, but it applies here too. This 'It's all about me' culture, the fan wanting to take the spot light. It's shit. More than half the chants have nothing to do with the in-ring match and come at random, like you're playing one of the old Smackdown games and JR would scream out something completely irrelevant to what just happened.


    It's one of the reason's I like watching old wrestlings clips from the 80s etc, none of this crap, if the fans turn theirs usually a legit reason, but now it's just to get yourself over.


    WM at this point is surely going to be hijacked and ruined by this bs. Might have to actually wait for WWE edited DVD version to fully enjoy it.

  9. Guardians Of The Galaxy trailer reminds of Firefly/Serenity with a bigger budget. Seems like it will be fun anyway. Marvel doing that and Antman seems like a risk, but I guess they can take some flops if that's what happens, if they turn out to be big hits, then it will open the door, perhaps they could even do Planet Hulk.


    I liked the Ultimate Marvel line when it first started, but after a good couple of months or maybe even a year it started to go down hill, and that reboot of it, is one of the worst things I've read.

  10. Isn't there rumours that they delayed it so they can film a Justice League movie back to back with it?

    Still seems like a rushed idea. That and the fact that the last batman and superman movies were two of the biggest disappointments of the last 5 years means I'm not getting my hopes up about any of this.


    You're absolutely spot on there. It's like a gold rush for them to get to JL as quick as possible. Everyone wants that Marvel/Disney money.


    This means it comes out against Xmen Apocalypse aka First Class 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Franchise reboots I've actually enjoyed and Spiderman 2 looks pretty good. I wonder if they will eat each others B.O results.


    This whole everyone is making movie universe thing, is surely going to have an effect, as we will be getting far more superhero movies each year now, by the time JL comes out people might not be so willing to go see it on the big screen.

  11. Yeah, they're both pretty good. Dalton was probably a bit too down-to-earth to be a long-lasting Bond but both his films are underrated.


    Yeah, that's why I put them on instead of the usual Bonds I watch over Christmas. It's been a long while since I watched them.


    Proper modern, at the time, Bond and a non-ultra gritty reboot from the Moore films.


    Licence to Kill is a bit of an anomaly. Certainly the most ruthless don't fuck with Bond or Bond's friends piece, but it's a bit too violent for what the Bond films had become.


    Dalton and Lazenby's small sample size do give them the Batman benefit, they never lived long enough to become the villain.


    The bluray set is going for

  12. Tried to watch the recent Wolverine movie last night. Fuck it was awful. Who on here said it was any good recently? I blame you.


    It started off ok, but then with each passing minute became bad to awful.


    What do people think of Dalton's Bond movies? I watched them both recently. I enjoyed them. They seem to fall into this Bond anomaly that On Her Majesty's Secret Service, also finds itself in. I think you have to remember at the same time stuff like Die Hard and Lethal Weapon movies were coming out. I like how Dalton handled the character. It's too bad he never got the chance to make that third movie (Goldeneye) not that Pierce Brosnan or that movie sucks, it's just I feel his Bond is more old school, and again theirs nothing wrong with that either. As far as modern takes on the character go, Dalton is better than Craig's (so far).

  13. WB/DC are just in a hurry to get a JL movie out aren't they? I started off being interested in this DC movie-verse over what Fox and Sony were doing. However, every time news comes out about it, I lose more interest. I'm looking forward to the new X-men and Spiderman universe films more now.


    Spiderman 2 looks good.

  14. I don't know why that after over a decade, that people still want or think the Attitude Era is coming back. The whole reason that happened was because WCW was killing them, they had to do something to stay in business, and as said before, trash tv was the mainstream with stuff like Jerry Springer, South Park etc, all big shows back then. WWE have no threat to there throne now, and probably never will. There is zero reason for them to go back to that format and actually lose money. It's a business, that would be just a silly move, just to please some internet fans that would just torrent or stream your shit anyway.


    TNA have done everything apart from sign Stone Cold or Cena. They've done edgy, got the girls out to flash a little bit of skin, wrestlers bashing people with guitars and chairs like it's 1999. None of it has worked. TNA is simply the reality of wrestling company not called WWE. Maybe a few years ago you could say TNA could grow into something bigger, but I just don't see that anymore. They will just carry on how they are until Spike decided they no longer want a wrestling TV show.


    For me WWE and TNA's problem is they just don't have enough interesting characters to make me watch TV or PPV's. What they have now, is a good roster of people that can have good athletic matches every week. While that is impressive, I could care less about a 60 minute iron man match between two people who are dull as a dishwasher, I'd rather watch Hogan vs Vince.


    It's a problem that has developed over the last 10 years, so there is no easy fix. I suppose it's a bit like trying to rebuild a football team, it will take time and it might not work out anyway.

  15. TNA peaked with Bobby Roode talking to the ducks. That was the most excited I've been about the product, hoping for Roode to win the title at BFG. No matter how good he turned out to be as a heel, that was still a missed opportunity for me.


    I couldn't agree more, that was the first time in a very long time that I was completely sold on a wrestler I liked, and was into his push, it reminded me how good wrestling can be when you're really into it. I think it was also the first time they had that BFG tournament, it was just good TV for most of 2011. I actually enjoyed TNA more than RAW, it still looked like shit compared to RAW, but I was far more entertained by TNA. BFG that year was going great with a fantastic match between Sting and Hogan, I thought well Roode and Angle are going to put on a classic and have this go down as one of TNA's best PPV's. Instead we got a shitty rushed match and Roode lost, only for his best mate to win it on a TV episode of Impact the next week.


    I haven't been so pissed at the end of a PPV since Stone Cold beat Jake the snake at King Of The Ring. I lost interest in TNA after that, the only time I've watched it since then was when they did the UK tour with Hogan. Like you say Roode went on to play a good heel, but I just wasn't interested. I think in wrestling you have to go with the momentum, it might not last, but it's better than just killing it before it's time, it's not something you can re-create easily.


    From the sounds of it, TNA seems to have just been going downhill since then, to the point that it's been sold off. It's a shame because in Samoa Joe in 2005 and Roode I think TNA had something special, that doesn't come around often.

  16. I'm stunned at the reaction to this. It's in the IMDB Top 250. At first, yeah, it seems like a really solid drama, but the last hour is like the most insane Nick Cage film ever, increasingly mental with every passing minute. It's worth watching for how utterly batshit it goes. It's like they meant to cast Cage and John Cusack, but instead got two guys who acted the shit out of it.


    I do think it's a bit longer than it needs to be. I never knew about it's praise before watching it, so I didn't expect much going in, so was surprised. LOL @ Cage and Cusack, don't they have a similar film? I think it's called The Frozen? I remember seeing the trailer too it awhile ago. Might be worth a watch, to see if it turns out better or more insane than this.

  17. I watched Prisoners the other night. Really a great film and Hugh Jackmans performance was amazing. I think I've just got used to him being Wolverine all the time and forgot he can actually act. Jake Gyllenhaal as Detective Loki was class as well. It probably wont take you long to figure out where the film is going, but you will still be entertained, well worth a watch.

  18. I found it to be too much on the comedy side, that when a serious moment happens, It just has no effect on me. It seemed like everyone was trying to be Tony Stark, with witty comebacks or jokes. The budget for first episodes of shows is always decent. I don't think this show is on cable in the states, so I expect you wont see anything above what we have seen already.


    Don't really like the cast either, especially them two science geeks. Also SHIELD without Nick Fury just don't seem right.


    It's only one episode, so theirs loads of time for it to improve, it's 50/50 for me at the mo.

  19. Well thanks for your input. In the end my friend bought it for me anyway, he has been on the fence about it as well, like me, but at that price he just said fuck it. Can't say no to free, I'll find out how bad it is soon enough. As for AVP 2010, yeah that was a let down for me, who would have thought they could put something out worse after that. I still play AVP 2000 and AVP2, great games, even at 10 years old they're still better than recent efforts.

  20. I actually like the Stallone film. I have no idea why it gets so much hate. I know he committed sin by taking off the helmet, but really, I never found that an issue myself. The film visually looks like the comic books, far more than the new movie. However I think they're both really good movies. I dont think Dredd did well at the cinema's so probably won't be getting a sequel. Too bad, would have been cool to see what they could have pulled off with a bigger budget.

  21. That's a bad thing isn't it? Why can't they just make campy fun Superhero films like the old good ones? Not people taking themselves seriously. I'm still waiting for one to come anywhere near Superman 2.


    Have you seen the first Ironman film? I think that's close to what you want and for me is how a superhero film should be. I'd put it very close to Superman 2 in how much I like it.


    It's just Zod is more of interesting villain, than the one in Ironman. That's why I hate the new Superman film though. I'm sitting there watching it, and I swear at many points I just forgot I was watching a Superman film and not just some regular sci-fi film. You could take out Superman and replace him with some robot, wouldn't have made much difference. Again the only good thing in that was Zod (Michael Shannon is great actor).


    Can't say I'm too thrilled at Affleck being the new Batman. Never been a fan of him really, although I hear good things about his recent films. This however is Batman, I just don't see him in that role. I don't really like the idea for Superman vs Batman either, reminds me when they did AVP. Sounds good on paper, but ends up being shit in reality. Especially when it's been done by the same guys that made that new Superman film.

  22. My sister is really into it. Apparently Sims 3 was total shit, and most people still play Sims 2. She hasn't mentioned anything about 4 to me, but it sounds like it will be hard for them to drag people away from Sims 2, so it better be damn good.


    I started playing Blood Dragon, I have no interest in FarCry 3, but as soon as I saw that Blood Dragon trailer, I just had to have it, good job it's a standalone. Really should have been a full game, but I've heard rumours it might actually turn into it's own franchise. It's crazy how a DLC will probably be one of my favourite games this gen.

  23. I'm reading drug overdose/Suicide, but I think it's far too early to say. Whatever the case it's a shame.


    I actually liked Young, Rich & Dangerous. Been some years since I listened to that, might have to put that on today along with Totally Krossed Out, for old times sake.


    I have checked out them links you posted. I will get round to listening to them at some point. That TiDUS stuff was interesting as well neil.

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