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The Total Package

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Posts posted by The Total Package

  1. I'd also recommend 'Broke' on Netflix, I think it's one of the ESPN docs. There's a lot of talking heads & the score is pretty terrible but it's about how 60% off all NBA players & 80% of NFL players (or some equally as ridiculous figure) go bankrupt within 2 years of retiring. It helps if you like US sports but it's pretty shocking stuff.


    That sounded interesting, so I gave it a watch. I had no idea NFL players careers were so short and that they got zero during the off season. Makes me wonder about football players over here moaning about how short their careers are. Roughly about 10 years or so at top level, never mind retiring at the likes of QPR and still picking up silly money. Still the money some of those NFL players were spending is just crazy. I guess it must be mad to have such a large jump in wages after one night. Probably best to treat it like you keep winning the lotto every week for 3 years, rather than assume that's what you'll be getting from now on. I know this was about sports, but that late 90s boom in tech/media/property etc that they touch on briefly would be an interesting documentary to watch. I guess we are paying the price for that now.


    I think the worst thing about it, was the guys who actually tried to invest there money in other things, only for them to get fucked over.


    Also did you notice the Coach was in this for about 2 seconds? Seems he is doing alright for himself.

  2. I did all 4 Die Hards back-to-back a few years ago. Ace way to spend a day.


    Only if doing it in reverse. I wouldn't want to end on 4.0.


    I watched the first 4 all recently and you do have a point. However 4.0 is still a good action movie. It's just not up to the standards of 1 and 3 which imo are the best. I haven't watched the latest one yet, might watch it this week, but what Die Hard needs is John McTiernan. Again it's no surprise his movies are the best, too bad his life is a mess, so that will never happen.


    Oh Richie if you're watching Gamera movies, I highly recommend that you check out the Gamera Trilogy from the late 90's. Guardian of the Universe,Attack of the Legion,Revenge of Iris all great monster movies and has the best suitmation ever done, yeah better than any Godzilla movie. Saying that, Godzilla 1985 aka The Return of Godzilla is still overall the best monster/Godzilla movie. Yeah, I like it even more than the original Godzilla, that was a reboot they got spot on.

  3. I actually like Endgame as well. I mean it has Donnie Yen, Edge and Damon Dash, the tit, all in there. What an odd ball cast, but you know what? It was entertaining. Crazy to think WCW was still around when that came out. The one after that, which must be the one Pitco's is on about, is absolute shite. That film should be shown in every film school on the topic of how not to make a movie. Endgame I thought gave the franchise some life back in it, but that movie just came along a killed it stone dead.


    Still if Robocop can get a reboot, then maybe theirs hope for Highlander fans yet.

  4. There have been so many shitty rumors (and patents) about the next gen, mainly about forms of DRM that will stop you from buying and selling 2nd hand games. Another problem is that the tech leap won't be all that great, most games will be very similar to what we have now but with a little extra shine and now that i own a PC which is already more powerful than the consoles will be I'm not seeing much point in buying one for myself for a good while.


    Yeah I've seen the so called leaked specs of these new consoles. All be it a PC cost way more, I don't think the graphics are going to blow anybody away. I simply think neither MS or Sony want these next machines to be out as long as 360/PS3 have been, and so have cut back on the tech. Not as bad as the Wii U, but still not enough to convince players to spend all that money.


    Apart from the Wii, it will be first time consoles aren't sold on "better graphics". I guess, it will just come down to how badly you want whatever games are coming for them. I'm more interested in buying a better graphics card right now, it will probably cost less and be better value.

  5. Yeah. I was about to ask, how are you getting away with uploading that :laugh:


    That Mystro beat is alright. I think Papoose does the same thing every year too. Reminds me of that track by GZA. Fame. Now that track is just amazing.


  6. Just watched Dark Knight Returns Part 2, wow. The best DC animated movie so far, killer stuff.


    I wouldn't have it as the best DC Animated Movie (Batman: Mask of the Phantasm still holds the top spot though I need to watch it again to be sure). The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 and Part 2 are near the top of the list. I strongly recommend them.


    I watched it last night. It is very good. To call it the best I can see why people would say that. It's hard to disagree. My fav's are still Phantasm and Red Hood, but DKR part 2 is not far behind at all, just a shame I didn't find part 1 all that great, it's good but DKR part 2 put's it to shame.

  7. Hey Chest I've been listening to Prince Among Thieves all week at work. It is awesome man. I can't believe I missed out on this, it has certainly become one of my fav albums, theirs not many that I can listen to without skipping tracks, but not with this. So many thanks for mentioning it :thumbsup: . I haven't gotten around to listening to Handsome Boy Modeling School yet, not much space on my mp3 player, but I will give it a listen, later on perhaps.


    Anyone else ever heard of Distrakt?


    Nope. However now I do, I like his style. His animations remind me of Ralph Bakshi, he indeed does have some pretty cool stuff going on. one of my favourites from him is probably this;



    HipHop and giant robots, that's perfect.


    Subbing to him also lead me to this other artist and video, which I think is pretty neat



    Also good shout on Jedi Mind Tricks and Stoupe, he does make some killer beats. As for Jedi, I sometimes find that his lyrics are too vicious for the beat he is rapping on. The tune will be almost RnB love kind of beat and he is talking about "God hates me! I'm the first to cast the first stone" etc, lol. Still like what they do though.


    One of my fav tracks is where they sampled Max Payne, even putting in that crazy ass boss, who thinks he is Matt Hardy drinking the blood of fallen angels :laugh:


    Great track though, for Max Payne fans and HipHop fans here it is;




    Talking about games, I've been listening to the Madworld soundtrack a lot this week, have to say I like it, another rare start to finish album for me. Worth checking out, here are some picks from it.


    Ox - Get it up



    Doujah Raze - Come With It



    Ox - Body That



    Sick YG - Look Pimpin



    Ox - Crimson Rain



    I swear that last one has sampled part of Ghostbusters score (not the main theme another one), anyone else think so? or know the track I'm thinking of. Meh either way I like it.


    As for current good mixtapes, I dont really know, of course if I come across anything I'll mention it.

  8. Both prince Paul and dan the Automator are probably the only ones who have pulled off these really good hip hop concept albums. Love those two, and also Prince Among Thieves and Handsome Boy Modeling School spring to mind.


    Wow I never heard about them two before, they sound interesting, so cheers for that.


    Oh I never mentioned that I like Papoose, but I always thought he was better off on mixtapes or featuring on someone else's track.


    I dont know where to put this, but this might be the better thread for it, but this guy here, has made quite a cool hiphop mix to the X-men 90s cartoon theme.



    Also for football fans, he made one for the CL theme as well.



    Both great imo.

  9. Del has done some amazing stuff over the years, although his output is patchy.. Good news though Total Package - Deltron Event 2 is actually totally recorded now and Deltron live shows will be coming to the UK. Dan the Automator told me so himself on Twitter! Can't fucking wait...


    Wow, that is indeed great news, can't wait to hear it, read some blogs/websites, sounds like he really put some thought into this one.


    First time I ever heard Onyx was seeing the version of Slam with Biohazard on Beavis and Butthead. Awesome..


    It's funny you say that, because for me it was the first time I heard of Biohazard, back then I was stuck in my ways and not open to other music outside of Rap and RnB, but then I saw these wild white boys getting wild with Onyx and I thought damn these guys sound alright, checked out their stuff and became a fan ever since.


    They would work together again on that great Judgement Night soundtrack, which I think is probably the best crossover Rap/Rock album ever, and the movie was good too.


    Some good 90s links there people. Yeah Souls Of Mischief '93 Til Infinity is a great track and they were a great group, much like Pharcyde, just great chill out tunes. Ha thanks to you lot, I'm probably going to spend the rest of the day listening to Labcabincalifornia.


    Anyone listen to GraveDiggaz? Their first album is still the best, that shit blew my mind back then, it was like HipHop meets Evil Dead, I know that scene eventually became to be know as Horrorcore with groups like Insane Clown Posse (which GraveDiggaz are miles above of), but nothing has ever matched the lyrics and beats of 6 feet deep, it's one of my highly rated rap albums of all time, again like Deltron it did something interesting with rap and did it well.


    GraveDiggaz Diary Of A Madman


    As for UK rap , I've never really been able to get into it. I've tried, but something about it usually ends up rubbing me the wrong way, especially when it comes to videos, I feel like I'm watching a parody of American stuff.

  10. Onyx one hit wonders? come on, maybe that one track was big mainstream wise if that what you meant, but they are great overall, loads of top beats from them, certainly one of my favs.


    I'd say Shut Em Down is probably their best, although it's close because I really like their first and 2nd album, the video to React was ace.



    Too bad Black Rock never came out, but Sticky Fingaz first album is really good.


    You mentioned Del there, I really liked what he did with Deltron 3030, being a fan of cyberpunk, it was really cool to have a rap album based around that theme, not something you really see, he was supposed to make a 2nd one, but that never happened. Shame, because the first one is brilliant.



    Other than a few things, I still listen to stuff from the 90s mostly.

  11. Watched a couple of Animated films over the weekend:


    Under the Red Hood - Blummin fantastic. I might be in the minority, but I enjoyed this more than The Dark Knight Returns pt1 which was the fist I saw in this recent run. Probably the best I have seen to be honest.



    This is actually one of my personal favourite Animated Movies too. I downloaded it a couple of years ago randomly, and stuck it on one night and loved it. Really good film


    You can add me to that list.


    I also think it's better than Dark Knight Returns, with all the hype behind the comic (which I haven't read) I was expecting something grand from DKR part1, it was in no way shit, but not on Red Hood's level imo, that was just so great, and is probably my fav animated DC movie, although it's been some years since I watched the mask of phantasm.


    TBF though, maybe Dark Knight Returns will pick up in part 2, so overall it might just be as good.


    Anyone think they should make a Hush animated movie next? that was a very good comic, think it would work well as a movie.


    Also, anyone else find it bizarre that DC can put out quality animated movies, but their live action movies suck outside of Batman, it's a shame really.

  12. If I was WWE, I'd throw a ton of money at Batista and have him come back as the character he was during his last run. He's exactly what WWE miss.


    Stuff like this is only a short term answer, its never really worked, WWE have been doing it for years now, Jericho, Batista *insert fav old wrester* etc comeback, they hang around for 6-8months and then do one, and WWE is back to being no better off.


    I think it was you or somebody else saying even The Rock has lost some of his spark since he cameback, and its true, whether you have out grown his act or just dont like him anymore that spark has faded for me, WWE never built on it, just like when Bret cameback and they fucked that up too, whatever people think of The Rock they're not many names after him that can come in and add a shit load of extra buys.


    I don't think Punk alienates anyone, I just don't think he (or anyone else not named Cena) will draw anyone in who wouldn't watch anyway. It's been obvious for the past few years that the number of genuine draws was diminishing and they've never managed to make more. You have to use hot stars to make new stars. They'll seriously struggle to do it now.


    I agree with stars making stars, I think that's why someone like The Miz has kind of found himself in limbo, saying that they did do a good job with Henry by using Show/Kane/Orton, but yeah its only going to get harder each year.


    It is very hard to see at this point anyone being over on the same level as Cena.

  13. For "choreography involving set pieces", Operation Condor is probably one of Jackie's finest works. Some serious precision work going on there.


    That said, if you don't like actors speaking multiple languages in a scene, it's going to kill you. Chinese Jackie, German Ada, Japanese Mimoko, American Bruce, etc..


    The film is just class from top to bottom, I put up there with the original Indiana Jones movies, never had a problem with multiple languages like some people.



    I quite like Armour of God, but havent seen it in an age. Armour of God Operation Condor, really is a fantastic film. Wonder what a Jackie Chan thread would throw up as his best film?



    EDIT: currently struggling through Sunshine on More 4. It's well, a bit shit isnt it?


    Best film? thats a tough question when they're so many good ones, I would say mine are Drunken Master and...yes Operation Condor, only because its those Ive watched the most again and again, but im leaving out some classics.


    As for Sunshine, yeah that movie seems to lose it half way through, pretty much when they decided to throw Freddy Krueger in there, for a film that was trying to be serious about itself that shit just made me laugh.


    Funny youre watching that after we have been talking about HK movies, since I remember when watching Sunshine that Michelle Yeoh was in it, which surprised me, my fav film with her is still The Heroic Trio, probably one of my fav HK fantasy movies, dont know the actual name for those movies forgot it, but theirs usually a ton of wire work, another would be saviour of the soul, both movies had Anita Mui, I thought she was a great actress, was sad when I found out she died, so young as well :(


    I watched The Thing (2011) I thought it was alright, however the OG is still better, because I feel like most of the cast in 2011 were just cannon fodder, you never really got to know any of them that well, still not a bad effort really.

  14. Good call of Virtua Fighter 4 evo Total Package, I forgot how much I liked the map screen music on that.

    Which reminds me my fav from VF 5:





    You know I only got to play VF5 when it first came out in japan arcades, so I cant really remember the music, I will have to give it a DL and listen to the whole thing, cheers.


    Ive been watching some Final Showdown vids and like what Im hearing on that too, the ost has music from both games, so that saves me the troube of finding that.


    LOL Night Trap that song sounds like an 80s ending credits theme, still good though, funny it was like FMV games we all the rage back then, I still remember Hologram Time Traveler the SEGA game, that game blew my little 12 year old mind, nobody else remembers the damn thing though, I wont ever forget seeing that and going up to it in sheer awe.


    How Hologram games didn't take off after that I don't know, but like FMV games its a dead genre now.


    Alien 3 on the Megadrive was pretty cool and atmospheric also.


    Yeap I remember this too, good game, spent a good while trying to beat it, was quite tough.

  15. Nice thread.


    Ridge Racer Type 4 would be a good one for me, not only the best game in the series but best music too, if you like chill out smooth beats;


    The whole thing is great and worth listening to.


    Some other soundtracks I like are;


    Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver Theme


    If you like epic final fantasy/zelda type music you should like that.


    KOF series namely 98 and 2002

    98 intro




    Always been more of a KOF fan than SF bog standard characters, KOF always had cooler more stylish characters and music imo.


    Sticking with fighters Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution has a cracking soundtrack, some tracks;



    If you love having guitars shoved into your music as much as I do I think you will like that.


    Sonic has been mentioned but while I dont like the whole soundtrack this track of Sonic 4 is great;



    One of the stages on Streets of Rage 2 sounded exactly like The Shamen's Move Any Mountain track.


    Me and my next door neighbor are big 8 / 16 bit enthusiasts and also early 90’s popular rave / acid house enthusiasts. We regularly complete this game on co-op mode whilst drinking on weekday evenings, and we always sing along to that song with the move any mountain vocals.


    Glad there’s others that have noticed the similarity!


    You know there are quite a few old games from 8bit-32bit era that are either blatant rip offs or very much inspired by a real song, the ending in sonic2 would be one, although they make it quite clear that is from a real song, but then you have ones like this that dont make it clear at all;


    MOTW, Rocks theme;



    Which sounds like

    robert miles - children theme




    I mostly found this to be the case with a lot of MegaDrive games, playing the games as my younger self back then, I would think, hmm that beat sounds a lot like "insert band/singer here" I guess it was much easier to get away with back then, chip music and all.

    About that am I'm the only one who prefers chip music for games? dont get me wrong as my list shows I like modern stuff too, I just dont like how games have become like standard mainstream music, kind of like Chest was saying, for example if you dont like rap music you would hardly like Madworlds soundtrack at all, you see I like that soundtrack but I find it hard to call game music.


    Oh and as far as Streets Of Rage goes, again am I the only one who thinks Motohiro Kawashima has the beater beats on that rather than Yuzo? not saying Yuzo is crap not at all, its a great soundtrack, I just think Motohiro has the better beats, too bad he pretty much worked on nothing else other than shinobi, would have loved to hear more from him.

  16. It was ridiculous they never did a conversion of the arcade game, really. Or as far as I remember? It's fantastic, just played it recently.


    Are you talking about the one where you have to get on top of those tanks and shoot your way through between levels? If so then yes that was one hell of a game, me and my friend shoved many 10p's into that Aliens arcade machine game in the chippy, we would beat the the game over and over, we would always argue who got to use the giant yellow power loader at the end, great game indeed, I'm sure that game was made by Konami as well, so yeah it is surprising it never made it on a home console, although I wonder what machine could have possibly run that game at the time, I think it was still the 80s or very early 90s, a port probably would have been a totally different game.


    Still you made me think how sad it is that a great franchise like Aliens does not have much to shout about in terms in games, Aliens the arcade, AVP 1n2 from 1999 and 2001, and again AVP the arcade game by Capcom I think, those are the best imo.


    That AVP game that cameout last year, was such a let down, I remember having so much fun on AVP2, but even that is better than the new one and its a ten year old game, its no wonder Ive seen it in PC World for a fiver, some places even 2 quid lol, I decided to replay AVP2 recently and still love the game.


    Gearbox are making a new Aliens game, I just hope it turns out better than AVP 2010, so far it looks like it could be the best Aliens game ever.


    As for movies I watched recently Conan the new one, which was shit, and Tekken the CG movie which was actually fun, dare I say on the same level as SF the animated movie and the last Fatal Fury movie.

  17. Oh well my mistake then, like i said I wasnt sure, he didnt strike me as a person that would go that low, I just remember his name been thrown about in that thread, guess it turned out to be this Casey chap.


    Dont know why people even do that, to make all that effort to make another account just to comeback and wind people up, just a big waste of time and very childish.

  18. Should have know better clicking on a thread with "Toilet Seat" in the title, but I have to say you really upped the ante in the last 2 pages, and by that I mean it became a more disturbing thread, I don't want to shit in front of anyone or be present when some else is shitting, don't care how much you love them, that's just gross, especially if its a bad one.


    Then theirs your toilet habits, if you Steve were just doing this in your own house that would be one thing(still crazy), but in work/public toilets as well, fucking hell, I'd honestly rather go take a shit in some hidden bush rather than sit my bare bum on somebody else's rank piss stains and some tramps dry wank and god knows what else is living on there.

  19. I don't know what it is about The Relic, but Ive watched that so many times since its been on TV, like Die Hard I will always watch it when its on TV, even though I must have seen it 30 times at-least, another horror that has that effect on me is Mimic, funny enough they both came out the same year along with Event Horizon, some great late 90s Horror movies, 3 of my favs right there.


    I don't have Sky anymore so wont be watching The Relic sadly, instead Ive decided to watch the Candyman trilogy, been a good few years since I seen those movies, totally forget them tbh, Tony Todd is always great though in any movie.


    Off topic here alittle but you know in American horror movies, they always have the party rich kids that nobody like's they go to the woods or where ever and get killed, its an over used cliche, but how come no British horror film has made a horror movie where a bunch of chavs get killed off one by one, by some monster etc, that I would pay good money to watch, as long as you dont cast Danny Dyer as the hero.


    Yeah anyway I agree you cant go wrong with The Relic tonight if its available to you.

  20. ^^ :laugh:


    British porn is, GENERALLY, Fucking shite. Apart from Delta White and a bird I've seen on British Bukkake Babes or something all the birds are rank. The blokes all have fat guts or small cocks and all but that's not as bad as having ugly birds.


    Its funny you say all that and mention Delta White, she looks ok yes, but she is awful at fucking, no matter how hard she gets fucked she hardly makes a sound, the guy could have giant cock, it makes no difference, also she has what I call rock tits, again no matter how hard she gets fucked those things hardly move, atleast all this is from clips Ive seen with her.


    Brit porn my fav was the Shaft series, now I have to say most of the girls he was doing where pretty good looking, there were a couple of sea monkeys but they could atleast suck and fuck better than Delta White.


    Who was Shaft anyway? they would always hide his face, I heard he was an ex-football player, hence he didnt want anyone knowing what he was doing.

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