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Posts posted by NorthSeaTiger

  1. Sorry if its already been asked....When someone wins the WWE or World Title does he get money of that stature and is it all the same for everyone. As in, when say Khali won, did he get the same "Champion" wage as Mysterio, Edge, HBK?Not including individual contracts but a set amount added whenever someone wins the Big One? Sorry if its not clear...makes kinda sense in my head!!

  2. He wasn't the one that went to the show.


    My guess is his girl was cheating on him and made up some story about a wrestling show and added in little details like oh they did moves on me in the ring, but now he's gone all Sprules so she's sent him random pictures off the internet to try and back up her claims.



    Thats exactly what i thought.........Sorry dude but someone is feeding you shit sandwiches...with extra BS on the side!!!!

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