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Posts posted by SuperstarNeilC

  1. 23 hours ago, SuperstarNeilC said:

    Wish I’d had the opportunity to advise him, I could have steered him down a better career path.

    *Firstly, he was a handsome man. Wrestling needs these good looking boys, like Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson. They make sympathetic good guys the crowd likes to get behind.

    *With his eyes visible along with facial expressions it’s easier to connect with the audience, build an emotional bond with them.

    *Good looking guys attract women to the shows, who drag along their boyfriends, increasing box office takings.

    All the above are negated by wearing a mask.

    Also, wearing a mask reduces peripheral vision. Ligers mask even worse, with the eye mesh. There’s no way a wrestler can GO 100% with a mask on. Especially a scientific aerial style. (The most effective masked wrestlers are the slow-moving bruisers).

    *Masked wrestlers become boring. A real face is more interesting over the the long term. Even the best masked men, Kane, Mysterio, Kendo Nagasaki had to unmask to refresh their characters.

    *Blading is more effective without a mask. Blood flowing down a clear face is more dramatic, pulling people closer into the match.

    *Yamada had a perfect physique. V-shaped, slim but bulky enough, strong shoulders, huge biceps. A pleasing and inspiring physique that people like to look at. Even pro bodybuilders respect his build. All that was lost with the full body suit.

    Thunder Liger was a unique colourful and wonderful character, one of the best ever. I just contend he could have been even better without the Liger gimmick.


  2. I saw him wrestle at Preston Guild Hall, 1986, when he was ‘Fuji Yamada’. Twice against Rollerball Rocco. Both scraps were barnstormers, to say the least, blood all over the place. Their bouts on YouTube are tame by comparison. He was super-over with the crowd, everyone loved him. The only grappler more popular was Big Daddy.

    I knew non-wrestling fans in awe of him. He made one PROUD to be a wrestling fan. And that was all when he was just a pre-Liger “snow bunny”.

    I was disappointed when he became masked Liger. I preferred the Fuji Yamada gimmick better. Wish I’d had the opportunity to advise him, I could have steered him down a better career path.



  3. You have to choose a next song with one of the words from the groups name or song title. It’s a ongoing chain. I’ve seen it one other message boards, very popular. My god, I thought people would know that!

    *Apologies if there’s another thread like this this, it’s just that I never noticed one here. I’m trying not to be a cunt!!

  4. I met Cauty and Drummond about 10 years ago in Manchester. A talk and book signing at the Cornerhouse. They were promoting some sort of treasure search. I forget all the details, but they buried £100,000 cash in some isolated, desolate field in Iceland, or somewhere. Somehow they’d release clues, over successive months, as to it’s exact location, and anyone who worked out the location could go there, with pick axe and shovel, and dig up the trove. I don’t know if anyone actually snagged the 100K.

  5. 21 hours ago, Harry Wiseau said:

    About 15 years ago they'd always try and get people to do "personally tests" in Birmingham city centre, there'd always be an attractive young lady doing the "hey how's your day going?" Thing with a big smile to try and get you in, anyway one morning I had an hour or so to waste so I went in and did one of these tests, multiple choice stuff, I was brutally honest in my answers, then when they asked for my details to send the results to I gave a false name and the address and phone number of the house I grew up in, not the one I was living in at the time! What does that say about my personality Tom???!!

    The “personality test” is a major recruiting tool for Scientology. It’s a questionaire asking 200 questions which they say evaluates how you are doing in various areas of your life, your communication skills, things like that. Problem is it’s rigged so that you always score low. Even if you are flourishing and prospering in life, the results will show that you are a complete failure. Then they say to you, “Don’t worry, something can be done about it, Scientology can help you”. That way they are able to sell you a book or course, and therefrom the brainwashing begins.

  6. The inner sanctum members of Scientology, the hard corps members, are called the Sea Org (Sea Organisation). They dedicate their whole lives to serving the cult, and sign Billion Year contracts. This short vid gives a little insight into their mindset.


  7. Here’s something bang upto date, took place last night. Free speech activists go to Scientology locations and film their activities, which is perfectly legal if you do it from a public street, and don’t trespass on their private property. The Scientologists are so paranoid that the first glimpse of a camera, and they film you back and call the police etc. They also keep detailed files on all critics. What legitimate religion would do this?


  8. 5 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    He's also a qualified laughter therapist or something like that. 

    He was also a DJ, hiring himself out for weddings, kiddies parties etc.

  9. 20 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

    Wasnt Dynamite Dwayne a scientologist?

    You’re right, he was. He pm’d me about it years ago. He mentioned he suffered from migraine headaches and asked my advice about how to handle them. I told him that he should leave Scientology. He never replied. 

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