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The King Of Swing

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Posts posted by The King Of Swing

  1. 5 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    I've been playing the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 DLC, and it might be the best DLC I've ever played. They've essentially released a full game, it's quite impressive. It's not one to play if you've not played the base game (and you may also want to at least familiarise yourself with XC and XC2 first - it acts as a sequel to both) - but if you're a fan of the series you really should get yourself on to this. 

    I've been slowly making my way through XC3 again in preparation before playing the DLC. 

    Forgot how ridiculously big the game is. 100 hours in and still have loads to do before I finish the main story.

    Rarely boring though. Probably my favourite game on the Switch. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    I find harder to invest in after his unceremonious disappearance while he appeared to be in full flow. It feels like there’s no guarantee that it won’t happen again. 

    Yeah the absence certainly didn't help.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Didn't he head off to go acting but that went nowhere, then cried about storyline ideas and pretty much refused to come back for a while?

    There were reports that he was turning ideas down which if true probably means that all the Redeemer bollocks is his idea. 

    No wonder TS has stuck him in a dead end feud with Hobbs.

  4. Enjoyed the episode but yeah the weakest yet. 

    I actually really liked BCG Vs. Iron Savages but was imo obviously thrown together to kill time. Guessing it was to make up for no FTR segment. 

    The women's division having a mostly consistent direction is a good thing. Hopefully it continues.

    Christian Cage is ace.

    Miro is done isn't he? Crowd didn't give a fuck about his promo other than one line. Hobbs isn't far behind Miro in the 'no fucks given about him' category.

    Hobbs Vs. Miro shouldn't be anywhere near a PPV. That's a Rampage match at best. 

    Got a feeling that All Out might be a Collision heavy show. Be interesting to see how it performs so soon after All In. 

  5. I wouldn't be shocked if The Outcasts implode at All In.

    I could see Saraya winning the title and then quickly dropping it when back in the US but that wouldn't be a good look after Shida only recently won the title. 

    Saraya and Storm fall out to give Shida an opening, I reckon. 

    I think Britt will probably move onto the TBS Title in an attempt to become the first wrestler to hold both the world and TBS championship.

    Poor Rudy though, can't even win a match with Skye Blue on the opposing team and ate the pin.

    What a fall.

  6. That was by Kommander's best match in AEW and I fully agree that Fenix and Penta are much more interesting as singles wrestlers.

    Overall another enjoyable hour of wrestling. 

    Shida/Blue Vs. Storm/Soho was a decent main event and I enjoyed the post match brawl to close the show. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    Oh, it's absolutely no less true than it was 2019 but the public narrative has certainly changed from 'These guys really want to make the business better for everyone' to 'These guys are clearly just bilking this clueless billionaire of as much money as they can'. It was ALWAYS the latter, it's just less people were inclined to say/believe it in 2019.


    Unlike other promotions run by money marks though, AEW has actually been successful.

    So I honestly don't give a fuck how much Sniff is paying out.

  8. 2 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    I think I’ve decided the funniest end to all of this would be that it actually is a work, Omega calls him out tonight at Dynamite, they have a match at All In/Out and… they just don’t gel at all and the match is an utter damp fart disappointment. 

    Match ends with Punk's knee crumbling to dust after attempting a V-trigger. 

  9. To be fair using real glass is pretty dumb. If true of course. 

    Still though the idea of Punk lording it over all the naughty kids and marks on Collision while everyone else is like fuck this clown, I'll stick to Wednesdays is both hilarious and tragic.

    I'm really enjoying the TV but there is a definite cloud over everything.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Whole thing will be worth it if Leatherface unmasks and…IT’S YERSEL! Grado!

    Now I'm gonna be pissed when that doesn’t happen. 


  11. Fun show. Looking forward to the Wembley show. 

    MJF's Hogan line was the highlight. 

    Got proper Double J MMA vibes from that Cole, MJF segment. 

    Two women's main events in a row? That sign must have really rattled Sniff. 

    About as good a Hardy match as you can expect in 2023.

    BCC need to split. Just don't care, anymore. 

    Good opening segment. 

    Strong crying to The Kingdom was hilarious. 

  12. If/when the prosecution prove that Trump committed a crime, it becomes irrelevant if he genuinely believed he won or not. 

    Of course he's a rich guy in the US and a former President on top of that, so fuck knows how it'll all actually go down.

    A general belief going around seems to be that they only have to nail him on one thing to sink him. What's the charge count currently on? 

  13. 3 hours ago, 69MeDon said:

    That's hilarious. Arrive, beat everyone for ages, win a title, continue to beat everyone for ages, lose once, leave.


    Be even better if she took a year off, returned and immediately won the TBS Title, again. 

  14. I really like the look of that card. Hopefully Punk and Starks put on a better match than the tournament final. 

    Big Machine (yes I'm sticking with that name) should be the 21st century Road Warriors. Gimmick them the fuck up.

    What I really like about Collision though is that AEW have somehow pulled a roster split without even really saying it. Basically just chucked a bunch of people on the new show and built it up from the ground up.

    Even the titles have essentially been split. 


    World championship, Women's championship, International championship. 


    "Real" World's championship, TBS championship, TNT championship. 

    Yeah MJF defended his title on Collision once already but I'm guessing that was because they were in Canada and hadn't gone forward with the Punk storyline. 

    Not sure where the trios titles currently stand but HoB are Collision so I'm guessing that's where they will stay for now but I can see the trios and tag belts bouncing between shows depending on who owns them. 

    And of course you have to assume that there will be a World title unification match, at some point. 

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