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Posts posted by KingOfMetal

  1. Spoiler from tonight:


    "Backstage, Dixie talked to Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards. She referred to them as "the Wolves." She said she was looking forward to their try out match next week. Davey said they were passed that. Dixie said that's why she brought them here. Eddie said they signed that morning.


    at least we can look forward to more of this



    and all his other nonsensical shit that we've posted GIF's of before


    and heres Dixie towering over one of her 'larger than life' wrestling personalities. Looks like Holt Richter from The Cleveland Show



  2. So why did the nWo reform after they split, why did Nash drop the belt he chased etc. Was an explanation ever given?


    People say Nash enforced his creative control just so he could be the guy who ended the Goldberg streak, which seems daft if he then just dropped it to Hogan a week or so later.


    It'll probably been more to do with Hogan then enforcing his creative control. Thats all speculation on my part, but its probably not far from the truth. Thats what so annoying about Hogan, he could be a real fucking parasite at times. Every now and again he would do business right (jobbing for Yokozuna on his way out of WWF, putting over Rock and Lesnar in 2002) but then he'd do so much just to benefit himself -stealing Warriro's thunder at WM6, the shit he pulled at Royal Rumble 92 with Sid, WM9 - the list goes on

  3. Why do TNA always do this? Just tell us who they are so we might actually watch the show? If its Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards who watching is going to give a shit when they walk out? Just build the fuckers up and we might actually anticipate their arrival. They did the same thing a few months back and it was Trent Barretta and Petey Williams who were there for a set of tapings and fucked off again. Or like the time Mark Haskins debuted and they pretty much killed his TNA career by debuting him as a surprise appearance. Nobody took to him because nobody knew him enough to be surprised when he showed up.



    This hits the nail on the head.


    The new signings are bound to be indy guys, that 2/3rds of people watching have never heard of.


    and who the big boys have just said 'thanks, but no thanks' to

  4. Speaking of the nWo, who takes the credit for the actual naming of the group? Id assume it was either Nash, Hall or Bischoff, but I've never heard anyone take the credit for it.


    Bischoff's initial idea, basically a rip off of the New Japan vs. UWFi feud, but will have been a bunch of others contributing also, i.e. WCW Bookers at the time Terry Taylor and Kevin Sullivan (maybe Paul Orndorff too?)

  5. Heyman will go in before Bischoff does.


    Savage is the glaring omission, but I think that will change eventually, and assuming that what Lanny said it the other year is complete shit (about it being a collective Poffo Family induction). Doubt that Rude and Bulldog will go in anytime soon as being a pair of roidy-magoos who died before their time.


    In terms of big names (exlcuding Warrior whos now been announced and the aforementioned Savage), the only other marquee name would be Sting, wouldn't it? Thats before Undertaker goes in once he retires obviously

  6. What is Rhino up to these days? I was watching Invasion yesterday and it got me thinking that I haven't heard anything about him for a ages


    He was in ROH at some point in 2012, but I think he mainly just does the indies now

  7. He went from not been booked at Night Of Champions to being the #1 contender the following month at Hell In A Cell. Come to think of it, he hadn't been on PPV since July when he smashed Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks


    Yes, he was superover, but he wasn't ready to be in the main event and they booked themselves into a corner with it. He had a hot undefeated streak going but wasn't ready for the belt. So he had to lose, as any other result in a Hell In A Cell math would have been completely stupid, and he never recovered from it. He could have been booked to go after the IC title, held that for a few months to then challenge for the world title when he was more ready for it.

  8. I don't know what it is about Ambrose, but I just can't see him becoming a big time player. A solid midcarder, yes, but nothing more.

    He came in with such a reputation, mainly from fanboys thinking he was the second coming, and he seems to work fine when hes working off of Rollins and Reigns. But I can't picture watching him wrestle someone on his own for 15 minutes or more. I know alot of people bang on about his promo work in FCW and his expressions, but they don't make a star on their own, you've got to be able to draw people in when your in the ring, and I just don't see him being able to do it in anything above the midcard.


    Its similar to Jake Roberts, everything he did worked fine for the spot he had in the midcard, but cutting that kind of soft-spoken yet sadistic promo just wouldn't have drawn fans in at the top of the card

  9. I dont know about adding someone else to The Shield. They've had a decent run as this trio since debuting, changing the lineup could devalue them. Kind of like a big band replacing a member.


    I don't see why Ambrose & Rollins couldn't continue as a duo, keeping The Shield name, image, music etc.

  10. They could split them (maybe even put the US belt on him, or the IC if they unify the pair) and then have him go after Ambrose & Rollins for a couple of months all the while keeping the title (maybe until around November time). That way you've done the split and not hot-shot him into a spot hes not ready for by having the US/IC belt as a stepping stone

  11. Isn't Edge a Warrior fan, he featured a lot on the Destruction DVD.


    Gets him involved in the Wrestlemania proceedings too.


    Although you have to agree that Sting is the most logical choice


    I wouldn't be against Sting inducting him per se, but I think WWE will hold off with anything to do with Sting until they tie him down to some kind of deal were they're inducting him into the HOF

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