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King of Hamptons

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Posts posted by King of Hamptons

  1. Well i work in a garden centre, in the catering department and on friday we had Des Lyham in, and someone who served him said he was a very nice guy and even left a tip on his table... no one ever does that !!


    i never met him.. Too busy in the sodding kitchen.

  2. I've only done the first three, so Jason has just got his hockey mask. However due to the studio switch after 8 the set I have only goes that far. I do have a rip some where of jason goes to hell which I'll probably watch after though! Whats the new remake like then? It's obviously not a remake of Friday the 13th as Jason wasn't even in that (well barely anyway), so is it a remake of one of the others, or just a kind of hotchpotch of the earlier ones thrown together?


    Next up, the hillariously title 'Friday the 13th: the final chapter". Rule of naming horror sequels rule 1: never say in the name that its the final sequel.

    Apparently the remake is a compilation of the first 4 movies to start off, then tells its own story.


    It's not so much a remake, more a retelling.


    Yep, Its really good too. I reviewed it a few pages back

  3. Friday The 13th Chapter 5: A New Beginning (or as i call it "the Scooby Doo one) is easily the best. I've never laughed so hard during a movie. I love all the Fridays and there cheesy over the top characters, horrible dialogue and stupid kills. The only ones I don't like are Jason Goes To Hell and Jason X. They fucked with the formula too much.


    Jason Takes Manhattan is terrible but also really funny. The poster is the ultimate advertising lie. Jason is only actually in Manhattan for about 10 minutes (and I think only one of those shots actually is Manhattan, I'm pretty sure the rest is either on a studio set or in Vancouver) and the ending makes no fucking sense.




    The design of Jason in Jason Goes To Hell is awesome , I just love how his mask has fused with his head in that film



    Zombie Jason from parts 6 and 7 are my top favourites.



    Film wise 6 and 7 are my favourite films of the series Jason Goes To Hell is utter tosh as is part 5, Jason x should get a mention as it was decent but I dont like Uber Jason.


    The new film is good you should go see it man.

  4. Friday The 13th (remake)





    Remakes off films can be tricky, usually they never live up to the originals. This film i can say happily is a very good effort !


    The film starts off where the original finishes, with Jason's mother losing her head only this time Jason watches the whole thing.. Moving on a few years and a group of teenagers at searching for a large amount of weed.. Jason with cloth round his head gets involved and slauters them all..


    again its moves on 6 weeks where a brother is looking for his sister.. and the fun really begins..


    If not the most original of films, which has been copied many many times over the years this "slasher" is pretty fantastic, most of the teenagers i wanted to die, i was rooting for Jason after all :laugh:


    Gory deaths, including a very clever Boil in the bag one ;) Its funny in places and Jason does indeed get the infamous hockey mask in the end. plus it wouldn't be a Jason film without drug, alcohol and naked flesh, far to many fake boobs though :angry:


    Derek Mears played Jason very well, more quick and musculer. Plus watch out for the little homages to the origanal films .. such as a wheelchair in the tunnels and the scene with a Pamala Voohees shrine and cleverly you never get to see Jason sans mask, only very brief glimoses.


    A enjoyable 94 Min's

  5. Killer Klowns From Outer Space....


    Fuck knows why i thought this would be good..... It cost 2 million to make... Fuck knows where the money went!


    Jesus i really feel like burning the DVD so other people wont have to watch this crap...


    The Front Cover of it made it look really good... Fucknuts!

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