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King of Hamptons

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Posts posted by King of Hamptons

  1. Flicking through an old flame's Instagram account and there's a picture of her with a new engagement ring. I almost shit myself. Not because I still have feelings (we weren't together long) but because it was one of those "what are you doing with your life?" moments that hit you outta nowhere. Really need to get stuff together in 2015.

    I saw a old friends photo of her getting married a few months ago, I really did like her, but never said anything... I'm pretty sure it was obvious that I did even my friends around me at the time thought so. Not sure if she did, I kind of decided that i should break contact with her for a while it was killing me., We lived too far away and i never had the balls to tell her how I felt.  Happy she's got married and settled down with her bloke.   Looking back some of my Facebook stuff that I wrote all cryptic about her is very cringe worthy..... 




  2. I love the Special Edition of Alien 3, The Aliens different being born from a OX and seeing things from its prespective as it moves around corridors, They killed off Newt and Hicks making the film more personal and about revenge for Riply, also Newt was annoying as fuck in Aliens!

    As mentioned above there are some great surporting Characters namely Clemens and Superintendent Andrews and Dillion.


    I would say it more a horror film too then a Sci-fi film its very claustrophobic and has a dark feel to it.  

  3. I've been thinking about all the punishment Foley's body has taken over the years, specifically in matches like the Royal Rumble street fight with The Rock and it got me wondering about who you'd pick to create the most messed up real-life CAW possible.


    So far I've got Foley's head, Kurt Angle's neck and Jannetty's ankles.


    Nash quads, Rey knees, Jake liver, Hall septum, Batista biceps.


    Benoits Head..

  4. I met him at the Coventry show too... Big disapointment, He wasnt bothered at all, and was more intrested in the guy taking the money from me. When i went to get my t-shirt I had bought he snatched it off me and asked the guy if i had paid for it. Bad experience.


    He asked on twitter a while ago For experiences meeting him, so I told him, he never menstioned me to reply only PM'd me and we had a pretty civil conversation were he apologized, but then he sent this tweet...








  5. I'm sure I've heard/read that it's common for restaurants to keep aside cuts of steak solely for 'well done' orders. Essentially keeping the shitarse cuts aside for people who wont know the difference anyway as it's been cooked to within an inch of it's life.


    Yes, I used to butcher whole Sides of sirloin, I would keep the end parts just for this reason.. Your basically paying to eat my Rubbish which normally i would mince up and use somewhere else

  6. So at the start of the year i decide to do something about my weight, Started going to Slimming World. When i weighed myself I was 23s 12Ib


    In 3 weeks i've lost a Stone and 1 1/2 pounds. All this by just completely changing my diet. Next stop is the Gym.

  7. So, speaking of single mums, a girl I know got dumped last night because she had a glass of wine whilst pregnant. Her boyfriend put a big rant about it and tagged all her friends in it, and now they're leaping to her defence. Here's one such nugget of support from someone who appears to be mid-late twenties.






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