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Chris Benoit dead


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I don't know why they bother with an expensive scientific medical drug testing policy. It would be so much cheaper to just take a polaroid and put it on-line for internet forum posters to vote on whether people are on steroids.

:D Regardless of who is or isn't on steroids, growth hormone, etc. (and I'd be surprized if the majority haven't tried them at some point) the fact is that the vast majority of guys have gotten bigger for their main event pushes. Forgetting how they did it, they obviously felt the need to get bigger/more muscular.

Jericho, Eddie and Rey all got gassed up to their eyeballs before Vince put them any where near a main event position, can you honestly say that that is "talking shit"? I'm not saying they did not deserve to be main-event guys, just that they would not have been put in that position without making an effort to "fit in" with the likes of Triple H, Lesnar, Angle, Steiner, Batista and the other Roided up main-eventers at the time.Just go back and look at Benoit, Jericho, Eddie and Rey in WCW, then look at them when they were main-event WWE talent.Look at pics of Angle when he debuted compared to how he looked as a main-event guy.

Exactly. I agree with all five of those (Benoit, Jericho, Eddie, Rey and Angle). Another one would be in 1999, when it was reported Triple H (who had already bulked up after becoming the leader of DX a year before) gained thirty pounds of solid muscle within six months in preparation for his run at the top. At the time the joke was that he had built up a "main event physique". Those six aren't the only ones either - it seems like virtually everyone loses fat and gains muscle just before they get a big push: although possibly not as ripped as in his early days (see his time in USWA) Austin got bigger when he got to the top and was working with big guys like Foley, Taker and Kane compared to how he looked in '96-'97; The Undertaker got in his best shape in years, complete with bulging muscles, prior to his title run in 2002; Chavo Guerrero Jr. put on a load of muscle very quickly after Los Guerreros started to get pushed... only to be sidelined with a muscle tear. The sad thing is that people like Benoit and Guerrero (and even a taller guy like Helmsley) already looked heavy enough to compete given their size / build, were muscular, knew how to work with bigger guys and were over... Yet they obviously felt the need to bulk up even further.

Ironically Edge got the WWE Title after his body vanished. Quite the first. Lets hope we see more examples of this in the future.

That really is the exception to the rule.Having said that, I did read Bret Hart was actually at the lightest he was in his WWF run in 1992 when he won his first WWF World title (compare 88/89 when he was MASSIVE by comparison or the latter days of his career when he'd gotten a bit bigger again). At the same time you could argue, he had slimmed down rather than 'losing his body' in quite the way Edge did. But getting 'smaller' / less muscular prior to winning the World title really isn't something you see everyday.
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The sad thing is that people like Benoit and Guerrero (and even a taller guy like Helmsley) already looked heavy enough to compete given their size / build, were muscular, knew how to work with bigger guys and were over... Yet they obviously felt the need to bulk up even further.

Ironically Edge got the WWE Title after his body vanished. Quite the first. Lets hope we see more examples of this in the future.

That really is the exception to the rule.Having said that, I did read Bret Hart was actually at the lightest he was in his WWF run in 1992 when he won his first WWF World title (compare 88/89 when he was MASSIVE by comparison or the latter days of his career when he'd gotten a bit bigger again). At the same time you could argue, he had slimmed down rather than 'losing his body' in quite the way Edge did. But getting 'smaller' / less muscular prior to winning the World title really isn't something you see everyday.
And the reason Hart trimmed down at that point - the steroid scandal that was going on, and McMahon wanting the Title on a more normal/athletic looking guy.Christ, I'm glad someone sees things the way I do. :thumbsup:
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The sad thing is that people like Benoit and Guerrero (and even a taller guy like Helmsley) already looked heavy enough to compete given their size / build, were muscular, knew how to work with bigger guys and were over... Yet they obviously felt the need to bulk up even further.

Ironically Edge got the WWE Title after his body vanished. Quite the first. Lets hope we see more examples of this in the future.

That really is the exception to the rule.Having said that, I did read Bret Hart was actually at the lightest he was in his WWF run in 1992 when he won his first WWF World title (compare 88/89 when he was MASSIVE by comparison or the latter days of his career when he'd gotten a bit bigger again). At the same time you could argue, he had slimmed down rather than 'losing his body' in quite the way Edge did. But getting 'smaller' / less muscular prior to winning the World title really isn't something you see everyday.
And the reason Hart trimmed down at that point - the steroid scandal that was going on, and McMahon wanting the Title on a more normal/athletic looking guy.Christ, I'm glad someone sees things the way I do. :thumbsup:
Yip the Bret Hart who won the WWF title in October 92 was like a different guy to the one who main evented Summerslam that year or had the classic match with Mr Perfect a year before that. It
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More names come up in Astin probeby Dave MeltzerWAGA-TV in Atlanta has just reported that federal investigators have seized all medical records of Dr. Phil Astin and patients Larry Pfolhl (Lex Luger), Marcus Bagwell, Mark Jindrak, Bob Howard (Bob Holly), Chris Benoit, Nancy Benoit, Mike Durham (Johnny Grunge) and Oscar Gutierrez (Rey Mysterio).The station also reported that M.J. and O.G., the two wrestlers involved in the indictment of overprescribing pain killers were, as speculated, Mark Jindrak and Gutierrez.

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As much as I like Edge he really does have the worst physique of any (non freakish as in Yokozuna) WWE Champion I have seen. He is billed as being 240 lbs. Edge is lucky if he is 200lbs. Very lucky.

I'm interested in why you claim this. Edge is billed as 6ft 5. Bearing in mind that's a WWE provided statistic we have to take it with a pinch of salt but I would say it's fair to surmise Edge is at least 6ft 2/3. He's in decent shape and clearly has some muscle on his frame. Certainly enough to outweigh my 6ft 3, not overly muscular, 196 pound frame. And for the poster claiming that Steamboat wasn't roided to the gills I think you need to go and take another look at the man in his prime. EDIT - See the pic Simania posted.
Why? Well I have met Edge and stood beside him. He is not 6'5". I am 6'2" and he is 6'3" at a push. I am about the same size as Edge physique wise at the moment and I am only 195lbs. As it is stated elsewhere on the thread 200lbs is big and I think that is what Edge will be. There was a point last year during the Edge vs John Cena feud where they were announcing Cena as being about 8 lbs heavier than Edge. Madness. HBK won't be far off the 200lbs mark either I would imagine. It's still big but not big enough in the land of the WWE hence the lying with heights/weights.
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HBK won't be far off the 200lbs mark either I would imagine.

What? He looks like an AIDS patient.
lol a harsh evaluation of his physique. He still has a much better chest and arms than Edge though.
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Don't forget, WWE is entertainment and weights listed may not reflect the actual weight of the person. :D

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HBK won't be far off the 200lbs mark either I would imagine.

What? He looks like an AIDS patient.
lol a harsh evaluation of his physique. He still has a much better chest and arms than Edge though.
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The sad thing is that people like Benoit and Guerrero (and even a taller guy like Helmsley) already looked heavy enough to compete given their size / build, were muscular, knew how to work with bigger guys and were over... Yet they obviously felt the need to bulk up even further.

Ironically Edge got the WWE Title after his body vanished. Quite the first. Lets hope we see more examples of this in the future.

That really is the exception to the rule.Having said that, I did read Bret Hart was actually at the lightest he was in his WWF run in 1992 when he won his first WWF World title (compare 88/89 when he was MASSIVE by comparison or the latter days of his career when he'd gotten a bit bigger again). At the same time you could argue, he had slimmed down rather than 'losing his body' in quite the way Edge did. But getting 'smaller' / less muscular prior to winning the World title really isn't something you see everyday.
And the reason Hart trimmed down at that point - the steroid scandal that was going on, and McMahon wanting the Title on a more normal/athletic looking guy.Christ, I'm glad someone sees things the way I do. :thumbsup:
Yip the Bret Hart who won the WWF title in October 92 was like a different guy to the one who main evented Summerslam that year or had the classic match with Mr Perfect a year before that. It
Edited by TheBigBoot
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HBK won't be far off the 200lbs mark either I would imagine.

What? He looks like an AIDS patient.
With comments like that, is it really any wonder WWE thinks it's guys need to be a certain size?
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HBK won't be far off the 200lbs mark either I would imagine.

What? He looks like an AIDS patient.
With comments like that, is it really any wonder WWE thinks it's guys need to be a certain size?
I didn't mean it like that at all.There's a difference between Shawn Michaels and someone like Brian Kendrick. Michaels actually looks sickly, Kendrick just looks small. Edited by Bix
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HBK won't be far off the 200lbs mark either I would imagine.

What? He looks like an AIDS patient.
With comments like that, is it really any wonder WWE thinks it's guys need to be a certain size?
I didn't mean it like that at all.There's a difference between Shawn Michaels and someone like Brian Kendrick. Michaels actually looks sickly, Kendrick just looks small.
How does Michaels look sickly? Now that is crazy talk my friend. Have you seen Michaels up close in person? He looks like he has one of the healthiest, most natural physiques in the whole of the WWE. Now Lashley..............HE looks sickly!!!
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