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There's been more gruesome stuff in Money in the Bank matches.


In front of crowds 50 times the size, for presumably a lot more pay. That piledriver on the ladder, if either end of the ladder had slipped, he'd have been driving his head into the canvas from 6 feet up.


It's a great spectacle, no doubt. Is this ROH's biggest PPV of the year?


I would say so, yes.


As far as I'm concerned, ROH's "big five" are Final Battle, Glory by Honor, Supercard of Honor, Death Before Dishonor, and Best in the World.

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The piledriver spot was actually not anywhwere close to a couple of spots they did in the match. That ladder bridge, for instance, seen Generico fall from it almost onto his head. The match wasn't that good. I can take contrived stuff in a ladder match, but they took too long at times here, and it just sapped away my excitement. They had a MUCH better ladder match in PWG.

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Very good PPV yesterday i thought, You can tell that Delirious how has full booking power. This, Glory By Honor and the last load of TV tapings have been a step in the right direction. Everything from Final Battle is good to great, Wolves vs Fish and O'Reilly and the Ladder War were the best matches of the night. Looking forward to what lies ahead in 2013 for this company.


Also agree, things definitely picking up over the last few weeks in ROH. Now the Wolves are back as a team it creates some new dynamics as it gives a shake up to the tag division and opens up spots at the top of the singles for different guys to step up. After a rocky period good to see ROH building up some momentum heading into the new year.

Edited by king_dezeeuw06
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Very good PPV yesterday i thought, You can tell that Delirious how has full booking power. This, Glory By Honor and the last load of TV tapings have been a step in the right direction. Everything from Final Battle is good to great, Wolves vs Fish and O'Reilly and the Ladder War were the best matches of the night. Looking forward to what lies ahead in 2013 for this company.


Also agree, things definitely picking up over the last few weeks in ROH. Now the Wolves are back as a team it creates some new dynamics as it gives a shake up to the tag division and opens up spots at the top of the singles for different guys to step up. After a rocky period good to see ROH building up some momentum heading into the new year.


Wolves vs Briscoes has been booked for the 19th January in Milwaukee. Shame its not an IPPV but will be a must buy DVD.


Heard the news that Benjamin has been let go from his ROH contract with the view to heading back to WWE. Fairly pleased with that, Haas has been the star of the team since there heel turn.

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I don't think this is the general consensus view, but I've always thought Haas was the better wrestler, and as such, would be the better fit in ROH because of it.


Would it be right in saying that they are building Jay Lethal up for a run at the title? Adding into that, I got the sense they may be a Lethal/McGuinness match down the line as well?

Edited by neil's bitch
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Would it be right in saying that they are building Jay Lethal up for a run at the title? Adding into that, I got the sense they may be a Lethal/McGuinness match down the line as well?


They've been SERIOUSLY pushing Lethal, and pretty much since he got back. I'd be very surprised if he never won the belt at some point down the line. The match with McGuinness seems a bit obvious as well. I think that'd be a cracking match.

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I don't think this is the general consensus view, but I've always thought Haas was the better wrestler, and as such, would be the better fit in ROH because of it.


Would it be right in saying that they are building Jay Lethal up for a run at the title? Adding into that, I got the sense they may be a Lethal/McGuinness match down the line as well?


People only seemed to think Benjamin was better due to him doing more "flashy" moves and such. Guy is awful on the mic and doesn't work a style that works in ROH. Haas works to his strengths, His promos and interaction with the crowd since the heel turn has been awesome. Used to prefer Benjamin but i'm now sold on Haas being the better worker.


I think that is where they are heading, Looks like he's going to be the top heel in the company. He can't face Steen for the title though due to Steen demanding it after his actions at Killer Instinct. I think Lethal spitting in McGuinness's face was to cement the heel turn rather then have a match between the two, Even though i would love to see it.


Talking of Killer Instinct, Got round to watching it on Thursday night. Very good show. Bravados vs 3.0, Strong vs O'Reilly, Briscoes vs Edwards and Cole plus Lethal vs Steen (Until the ending) were all good to great. Whole dvd is set out like the TV show aswel, Using all the TV graphics and live commentary. Hopefully they use this format on all DVD shows from now on, Looks alot better and professional.

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Personally I'd love him back in ROH full time, but the depends if he can do that really, as I'm not sure what is physically possible for him at the moment.


With Lethal, I'm not sure. Some of this stuff seems "heel-ish" on paper, but I would of thought it'll lead to a killer match with Nigel, with a stipulation of that if he wins, he'll get his title match. Then we'll have some crazy match which lethal will win, as well as earning Nigel's respect or something, and thus leading to some sort of crazy fight without honor against Steen for the title.

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Nigel McGuinness has been involved in a couple of things these days. He seems to be a bit involved with SCUM as well, which might well lead to a non-title match with Kevin Steen down the line. Those two guys have a bit of history in ROH, so it'd make sense. The Lethal match seems a bit less likely when I consider that, unless Lethal winds up with SCUM, but that'd make zero sense.

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Ring Of Honor have started a VOD service, They have but there latest DVD tapings up. Good idea to help some people who don't want DVDs to keep up with the product, Should be cheaper though




Also the line up for the 1th Anniversary show is looking very good:


ROH World Championship

Kevin Steen defends against Jay Lethal


ROH World Tag Team Championship

The Briscoes defend against Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly


Dream Tag Team Match

The American Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards) vs The Forever Hooligans (Rocky Romero & Alex Koslov)


2 Out of 3 Falls - Truth Martini is Banned from Ringside

"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs Roderick Strong


ROH World TV Championship

Adam Cole defends against the winner of the 2013 Top Prospect Tournament


Wolves vs Hooligans should be awesome

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