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The Big Bang - Charlotte, NC (3 April 2010)


Nope, this has nothing to do with Diamond Dallas Page. It's ROH's second iPPV offering, and the first where they really try to market the idea after testing the waters with the concept at 'Final Battle 2009'. It's the big show they been 'banging' on about for just about al of the 2010 DVD release so far, with all of the major storylines coming together. 'Big Bang' was also the planned name for the WCW relaunch PPV after their proposed takeover in 2001 which never ended up happening. Ironically enough, this show is held right in the middle of old WCW territory, with ROH making its debut in Charlotte with the assistance of a local lucha libre promoter.


Show opens with Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazack in the ring. As in, former WWF announcer/interviewer KEVIN KELLY. Good heavens that's a surprising step up for ROH. The pair run down the show, like an old-school ECW PPV. Must be said that the fans pop massively for the announcement of the El Generico & Colt Cabana vs. Kevin Steen & Steve Corino bout. There are also two ring announcers for the show, one speaking Spanish and one, erm, Bobby Cruise. That's to do with my earlier point about this show being put on with the held of an area lucha promoter and, as such, having several luchadors on the card, including in the local main event.


"Homegrown" Charlotte wrestlers get the spotlight first, however, as Zack Salvation vs. Phil Shatter opens the show. Zack Salvation is a horrifically indytastically crap name. Phil Shatter is the NWA National Champion. He also appears to be Gunner or Murphy from TNA Security. Interestingly, the commentary track on this DVD is the live iPPV commentary recorded during the broadcast, as opposed to re-recorded for DVD after the event as with 'Final Battle' (which I'm getting the idea was a bit of a dry run for this broadcast). Commentators tell us that both men are from the local NWA New Beginnings promotion. Now there's a crap name. Basic North American-style match, this. Gunner/Murphy looks decent, but Zack Salvation looks a bit crap and awkward. They lose their way slightly, then Zack just locks in a triangle choke and then a guillotine. Zack Salvation is the least-likely credible MMA fighter ever. Gunner/Murphy hits an Arn Anderson-style spinebuster for the win. Below average filler.


ROH regulars on offer next, with Kenny King vs. Davey Richards for Kenny's Pick Six spot, as part of the road to Davey's promise of winning ROH singles gold. Both men are heels normally but Richards, wthout manager Shane Hagadorn with him, just plays a pure babyface role here and the fans are massively into him. King has partner Rhett Titus with him. Davey controls early with stretches etc before Titus gets involved and King takes over by snapping Richards' neck over the ropes and going to work. Richards eventually fires back with a big babyface comeback which involves the Alarm Clock and his handspring enziguiri, which looks better than when he normally tries it. Big moves by both for nearfalls. Davey goes for the leg of King with a Dragon Screw in the ropes. He later hits a huge release German suplex off the top rope and follows up with a big lariat for a convincing 2-count. Going back to the leg, Davey locks on the Texas Cloverleaf for another fabulous false finish when Kenny gets to the ropes. Titus again tries to interfere, but Davey sorts the cheeky bastard out. King with a springboard blockbuster for a wonderful nearfall of his own that had me convinced. Crowd going absolutely radio rental at this point. A cool reversal sees Davey victory roll through into an ankle lock. They do the Malenko-Guerrero pin spot, which is a bit clich

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Well, I can honestly say I've never seen chlorophyll referenced in a wrestling review before


I think Cornette used it in one of his shoots, it always stuck with me :)


EDIT - Rumour going around that McGuinness will be at the tapings tonight


EDIT EDIT - Nigel McGuinness is on commentary with Kevin Kelly


Early notes from the show courtesy of PWInsider


* The promotion is debuting its new ring and ring barriers tonight. The promotion had a new 20x20 ring built specifically for the company going forward.


* There will be a five or six camera shoot for the TV show.


* The Chicago Tribune is in the house covering the event.


* Working backstage as agents are Delirious, Jim Cornette and Jerry Lynn.


* Daizee Haze is also working backstage.


* The promotion brought in a lighting truss for the taping and designed a number of new graphics for the series.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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I've seen a pic of McGuinness on the ROH Facebook. Good to have him doing something. Anyone got full results?


Also, when I got home after my last response, I found those DGUSA DVDs waiting for me. Will probably watch the United shows before ROH's February efforts...

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From the ROH board. In spoiler tags as ROH are intending to put this show online for free, presumably after it's aired in September.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler


ROH/SBC TV Tapings - 8/13/11 - Chicago Ridge, IL


Jim Cornette was out at the beginning to put over Chicago and that the TV show will be available for FREE on the re-vamped ROH website!


a. Grizzly Redwood over Tony Kozina following a rana reversed into a roll-up.




K. Kelly is in the ring to intro his new partners on commentary...




1. Tag Team Grudge Match

Future Shock of Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly over The Bravado Brothers of Harlem & Lancelot following Total Elimination. Really good match.


Crowd is SRO - 1000 to 1200 easily!


Taping format appears to be "live to tape" with pauses for commercial breaks where nothing happens.


~Nigel interviewed a fan at ringside about the Tag Team Title Match and the fan predicted WGTT would win.


2. Ring of Honor World Tag Team Title Match

Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team of Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas © over The Kings of Wrestling of Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Hero w/ Shane Hagadorn & Sara Del Rey when Charlie Haas pinned Chris Hero after the Hart Attack finisher. Great Match.




~Jim Cornette back out. Dealing with some audio issue. Intro's WGTT for an interview.


WGTT want The Briscoes after the attack a few months ago (Best in The World '11). Cornette says he's aware, but won't give them the title shot. WGTT tells Cornette to give it to them or else!


3. Challenge Match

"The Prodigy" Mike Bennett over Jimmy Jacobs w/ Steve Corino following The Side Effect. Just okay.


~Nigel interviews another fan at ringside, this time about the TV Title match. Fan predicts Generico to win.


4. Ring of Honor World Television Title Match

Jay Lethal over El Generico © to win the title. Went to a 15 minute draw, 5 more minutes chant...Cornette says they don't have 5, but they have 3.


Crazy 3 minute sprint, ending with Lethal hitting a Mic Check style move to win the belt. Great ending to a really good match.


~Return Date: November 19th


5. Mike Sydal over Ernesto Osiris w/ Barrister R.D. Evans after a standing moonsault, following R.D. hitting Osiris with his shoe. (dark match)




~Cornette out to interview Briscoes. They say that "next week" they face ANX for the #1 Contendership.


~Corino out to replace Nigel on commentary.


6. Challenge Match

"The Project" Tommaso Ciampa w/ The Embassy over Andy "Right Leg" Ridge


~Corino did speak to Ridge post-match, continuing that he wants to help the young talent.


~Nigel back out and interviews fan about who will win World Title Match. Fan responds "Bring Back K E V I N S T E E N!"


7. Ring of Honor World Title Match

Davey Richards © over Roderick Strong to retain title via Ankle Lock; Amazing match 18-20 minutes long.


~Post-match, some in the crowd begin to leave. COO Joe Koff (sp?) is introduced. He puts over the crowd and reminds them of 2 more matches to go.




8. Tag Team Grudge/#1 Contendership Match

Jay & Mark Briscoe over The All Night Express of Rhett Titus & Kenny King when Jay kicked King low and scored the win with a small package. Good, hard fought match. Post-match, both teams brawl and it is broken up by students.


~Jim Cornette out again. He says based on the way the last match resulted, neither team would be considered #1 contender.


9. "Defy or Deny" Re-Match

Eddie Edwards over "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin w/ Truth Martini with the avalanche suplex finish (?). Strong hit the ring and went nose to nose with Edwards, Nigel got in the ring and backed down the H.O.T. Very good match to close the show.



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