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DG : USA MOTY list you say?


TJ Perkins vs. Gran Akuma

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Interesting list, I'd like to see you narrow it down to 10 as many of those weren't even under consideration for me. My favourite match from 'Fearless' is Dragon Kid vs BxB Hulk, and I wasn't considering that for my ten. I wouldn't recommend anything from Open The Ultimate/Northern Gate shows either, as they came across as B shows almost all the way through. Naruki Doi & PAC vs Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw came really close for me. Now, I'm going to have to try and find your review of Untouchable 2010...

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It would seem quite strange if they didn't have one this year. Unless its something to do with the new TV deal perhaps, as it usually gets pre-named and receives quite a bit of buildup being one of their major shows.


I notice they have a show in NYC on September 17th. That may be it or perhaps that could be Glory by Honor as there are no October dates announced as of yet.

Edited by Adorable Adrian
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I'm a huge fan of The Young Bucks. Their initial "reign of terror" in PWG was superb and almost every single time they wrestled, it was epic stuff. I don't think they've ever matched that in ROH although their last HDNet match with the Wolves and their Final Battle match with Steenerico both run it close.

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I'm a huge fan of The Young Bucks. Their initial "reign of terror" in PWG was superb and almost every single time they wrestled, it was epic stuff. I don't think they've ever matched that in ROH although their last HDNet match with the Wolves and their Final Battle match with Steenerico both run it close.

I'll absolutely agree on the PWG bit. They'd been involved in plenty of really good bouts with all sorts of teams, but it was pretty much during the 2009 DDT4 that the fans turned on them over 3 excellent bouts (vs. the Cutlers, vs. Omega/Taylor and vs. Danielson/Strong), presumably being partially a bit sick of them, and partially due to the fans really being into their latter two sets of opponents.


It was the catalyst for something pretty special. The heat for their bouts from that point on (e.g. vs. Ryan/Anderson) was brilliant, as they revelled in their new cocky, show-off, flashy pricks role and really wound up the audience.


It'd be difficult to repeat that somewhere like ROH, since part of the reason it worked so well in PWG was that it was the same building each and every month, with the same fans there every time, crammed into that tiny Reseda building almost on top of each other.

Edited by Big Benny HG
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Why is it taking them so long to put DVD's out? It's worse than back in the old RF Video days!

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Why is it taking them so long to put DVD's out? It's worse than back in the old RF Video days!



its terrible, Ive lost interest in Evolve, had the first 5 shows on dvd and likewise the DGUSA shows. I really enjoyed Evolve but having to wait a few months for the next show is poor especially considering the turnaround SMV and even ROH have.


WWN really need to get their act together

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Final Battle 2010 - New York, NY - 18/12/10


It's not as long as last year, but it's nice to have the obligatory Final Battle video to start, detailing the big three feuds coming to an end here at ROH's end of year iPPV spectacular.


The All Night Express vs Kyle O'Reilly & Adam Cole - A hot opener, with both teams getting a good reaction, though it's not very long by ROH tag standards. Indeed, O'Reilly makes a "long awaited hot tag" at just the five minute mark, and they hit the finishing stretch right away, with a bunch of well timed, high impact spots from everyone before the ANX put Cole away with the powerbomb/blockbuster combo at 9:24.


Colt Cabana vs TJ Perkins - This is billed as a scientific showdown, and plays out pretty well along those lines, with Cabana minimising the comedy, and a whole bunch of British-style spots executed nicely. In the true World of Sport spirit, all it takes it the right pinning combination to get the job done, with Cabana getting said pin at 7:54. I liked some of the facials here, expressions of pain from Cabana and bemusement from Perkins in particular, and post-match Perkins looked annoyed that he fell to Cabana in the way he did, which was a simple story but done nicely.


Amazing Kong & Daizee Haze vs Sara Del Rey & Serena Deeb - Some packages from the HDNet show with Daizee and Sara talking about their dedication to women's competition precede this and give some depth to both characters. Good stuff. The crowd are hot for their dream partners also, with Serena getting a massive CM Punk chant, and a longer build to Haze hot tagging in Kong than the comparable spot in the opener. Kong doesn't actually stay in there very long, but that's about the only complaint I'd have about this match at all. Haze kicks out of Sara's Royal Butterfly powerslam, then Kong saves her after a piledriver, but Serena spears Kong and Death Rey nails Daizee with a second piledriver for the pin at 8:18. Good match that left room for rematch variations too.


Eddie Edwards vs Sonjay Dutt - This is a filler match for the most part, I assume based on the previous night's show that it was originally supposed to be Kenny Omega facing Edwards. Sonjay wrestles as a heel here after being a fan favourite vs Roderick Strong the night before, but the crowd were behind Edwards anyway. Most of the match is solid but not too spectacular, though Edwards polishes Sonjay off convincingly with a double stomp-powerbomb-2k1 bomb combo at 10:43. No kicking out of that...


There must have been intermission at the live show after that, as the DVD (and iPPV too I guess) then has some Glory By Honor IX recap to lead into Jim Cornette interviewing Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin taped in Louisville. Benjamin may have a really bad speaking voice but otherwise this did it's job, as Haas and Benjamin announce they want to make ROH home in 2011 and win the tag titles. As usual, the HDNet produced segment comes across really well from a production standpoint.


From there, we get Mike Bennett in a suit coming to ringside with Bob Evans to watch...


Christopher Daniels vs Homicide - Bennett at ringside doesn't exactly encourage good expectations from a match that was dreadful when first done in ROH in 2003 and not much better in 2007. The crowd are rabid for the entrances of both men, but the heat dies away during the match itself, mostly because neither man really does anything of note. Thankfully they don't go too long at 10:31, but there's a bad finish, as 'Cide bullrushes Daniels into the ref, then while the ref is down avoids the BME and gets the pin by throwing his t-shirt at Daniels then hitting an Ace Crusher. Bennett berates the TV champion afterwards, but even that didn't amount to much. Utterly irrelevent match and segment.


The Kings of Wrestling & Shane Hagadorn vs Jay, Mark & Mike "Papa" Briscoe - The crowd don't know whether to stick or twist here, going against the booking and booing the Briscoes and cheering the Kings for the most part, but sometimes forgetting and cheering the Briscoes. You can see the logic with Papa Briscoe being booed as an outsider, and after several spots where the Kings fail miserably to get their hands on him, Hero is cheered when he actually nails Papa with a rolling elbow, but then the crowd cheer when he plants a kiss on Sara Del Rey, only to then chant "Fuck The Briscoes" when the ref ejects Sara from ringside. Just weird. The actual action is laid out meticulously, with some good action between the Briscoes and Kings as you'd expect, and Papa Briscoe executing all his spots on time as well. Indeed, the finish where Papa Briscoe takes Hagadorn off Jay's shoulders with the Doomsday Device looks terrific, and the crowd count three and celebrate the pin at 15:50. This was pretty enjoyable several months after the fact on DVD, but thankfully, both teams can now move on into 2011.


ROH World Title: Roderick Strong vs Davey Richards - Well, you know, a lot has already been said about this one. For me, I would say most of the superlatives fit in this case, and I'm not going to begin to document everything that happened in the match. My only real criticism would be that the first seven or eight minutes didn't have a lot of heat, but they start to draw the crowd which are about 90% pro-Richards in around there, and they are going mental from about twenty minutes in. They do quieten about two minutes before the finish, but the only reason the heat died a bit near the end was Roderick was in complete charge and the crowd were deflated as they saw the chances of a title change slipping away. It actually worked better this way though, as Roddy absolutely had to kill Davey in that final period to set up the finish where Davey passed out in the Stronghold at 30:29, which in the long run kept Davey stronger for 2011. A belting ROH title match. The post-match scene is compelling too, as Davey is woken by concerned officials, and looks utterly devastated as he realises he's been defeated.


At this point, while it may not be the best on a match-by-match basis, I was feeling this was a very strong contender for ROH show of the year. However, there's still business to be done...


Fight Without Honor: Kevin Steen vs El Generico - Unfortunately, I have to say I didn't like this match much at all. The first half is just shit, with attempted deep hatred psychology ruined for me by the fact both guys spend most of their time looking under the ring for plunder. I was anticipating a really good brawl building into the nutty spots that were inevitably going to come later, but from almost the very beginning it's weapon shots, bleeding, and not much else. The second half does improve once they go into the big trademark spots of their ladder wars and exchange theirs and each others finishers, plus there are some shortcuts as Corino and Cabana make cameo appearances, referee Todd Sinclair takes two bumps and Bryce Remsburg eats a package piledriver. The conclusion to all this is that Steen kicks out of the turnbuckle brainbuster, then tries to use Generico's mask that he stole at Glory By Honor IX as a distraction, but Generico isn't having that and blasts Steen with a chair to the face for the pin at 31:13, going full circle from when Steen turned on Generico in the first place. The second half of this probably needs to be seen just as it concludes what has been a mostly excellent year-long feud, but overall this was a long way from a great match. Disappointing.


Overall - It's Final Battle, so naturally this needs to be seen as it finishes two of the year's big feuds, and Strong vs Richards for the World Title was excellent. A decent undercard doesn't have any real standout matches, but provides a good variety early on without burning out the crowd ahead of the two 30 minuters at the end, so that's good. I really like the HDNet video packages which make this feel like a big event, and the show gives victories on ROH's main stage to the All Night Express and Eddie Edwards ahead of big pushes in 2011, so that works out very nicely indeed. It's a shame I didn't like the last match much, but you can't have it all I guess. DVD run time is a very impressive 3 hours, 5 minutes, so there's plenty of value for money here. Recommended.

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The first 20 minutes of that Richards/ Strong match were superb. If only they hadn't fucked it by trying to do too much stuff at the end.





Honor Takes Centre Stage Chapter One

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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