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More stuff announced for Atlanta. Announced on the video wire relased today, Dave Taylor is the new addition to the Embassy. What's the name of the guy in yellow polo neck and green jacket? I'm sure he had a try out match in Phoenix last year where he wore a blue spandex body suit and a red cape!


We'll probably be getting Colt Cabana vs. Dave Taylor one night.


Also El Generico vs. Michael Elgin on 4/1 and El Generico vs. Roderick Strong on 4/2. These shows really are shaping up to be quality events.

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Havn't picked up EVOLVE 6 yet, but as ever I'll post a review here when I get round to watching it. In the meantime....



DG: USA - Way of the Ronin

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I may be picking up EVOLVE 6 if I can get it at the DGUSA show I'm going to in Atlanta..


I finished EVOLVE 3 now. Jon Moxley vs Drake Younger didn't do anything for me. Hero vs Fish was good, with a tremendous final minute, but I didn't think it was that great overall. The four-way bout was short, Brodie Lee's performance was weird as he suddenly went into monster mode at the end, but not for the rest of the match. I do like the win-loss record stories developing - Kyle O'Reilly vs TJP was a pretty good ten minuter, with previously 2-0 O'Reilly surprisingly submitting to TJP's figure four deathlock. That gave Jimmy Jacobs and Brad Allen the chance to become the first to go 3-0 in the semi-final, but Allen's matches aren't that interesting. Jacobs managed to get something out of this, though, battling for a victory with the End Time and getting it in the end. Unfortunately, the acting Jacobs is involved with in segments with Sean Davis, Johnny Gargano etc is awful. Claudio Castagnoli vs Chuck Taylor in the main event got the most time (19:40) and was more wrestling-centric than the strike-based Hero vs Fish, which appeals more to my personal preferences. Good stuff.


Overall, I think my biggest problem with EVOLVE 3 was that, like EVOLVE 2 and unlike the much better-drawing EVOLVE 1, the lack of crowd makes the best matches lack atmosphere. The crowd was up on EVOLVE 2, but still probably only 200-250 in the pretty big Rahway venue. That and some of the blah undercard matches make the shows as a whole a bit of a struggle, though the good is worth seeking out. I'm anticipating better from EVOLVE 4 and 5...

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I have been looking at getting back into ROH as i haven't watched much in the last few months and the cards this weekend look really good more the second show but still very good.


I was just wondering have the shows got better since pearce left as i really struggled to enjoy most of pearce's stuff

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ROH post-Pearce has been poor to be honest. Of the eight or nine shows I've seen since Old School Timmy got the boot, I could only recommend GBH 9, Fate of an Angel 2 and Final Battle 2010.

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MM IV was a very strong show if you can overlook the two duds in the first half.


But these cards look AWESOME, and each match announced has major potential.


April 1st:


ROH World Title Match

ROH World Champion Eddie Edwards defends vs. World TV Champion Christopher Daniels


World Tag Team Title Match

The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) with Shane Hagadorn defend vs. Wrestling

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One last thing before I head out...


EVOLVE 4: Danielson vs Fish - 23/7/10


Jon Moxley vs Brodie Lee - A better outing for Moxley than his debut vs Drake Younger at EVOLVE 3, as he and Brodie Lee have the beginnings of a war in and around the ring. The match is thrown out just before the 6:00 mark though, as both men enter the ring with chairs. This is to emphasise that EVOLVE won't feature that sort of thing, and set up a future angle for Mox, from what I've seen on t'internet...


Chris Dickinson vs Rich Swann vs Ricochet vs Drake Younger - Another six minuter, this one is a fun enough bout. Dickinson is on the verge of breaking his 0-3 losing streak by making Ricochet pass out to a choke when Younger blasts Swann with the Drake's Landing and scores the pin instead.


Mercedes Martinez vs Tina San Antonio - Martinez wins again, and this time the bout goes a whole 2:15. A video then plays where Amazing Kong accepts her challenge for a match by tearing up and eating a picture of her.


Adam Cole vs Johnny Gargano - I was liking the idea of this one in theory, but the match falls way below expectations, sadly. Gargano's EVOLVE character seems to be that he lacks mental focus, and that's how the match plays out. A half-speed Malenko-Guerrero sequence is followed by Cole countering the Hurts Don'it with a victory roll for the pin at 8:30. Afterwards, Jimmy Jacobs comes out to take the piss out of Gargano and/or come on to Cole, which is weird as Jacobs is playing up the question of his sexuality here when he was trying to play it down at the end of EVOLVE 3. The end result is Cole challenging Jacobs to a match at EVOLVE 5, which should be better than this.


Hallowicked & Jigsaw vs Aeroform - This is just OK, as Aeroform get more than their share of offense and most of it looks like a badly choreographed dance routine. The CHIKARA unit turn it on at the end and score a pin in 6:40.


Sami Callihan vs Arik Cannon - A decent, hard hitting encounter here, but with some things you only get in indy wrestling because they are ridiculous. The obvious standout of those is a mid-match exchange of exploder suplexes on the floor to set up a bunch of no-selling, then a countout tease. This match overall is about as good as you get if you want a solid mid-card match on an indy show and you can't book ROH talent. Sami wins with the Stretch Muffler at 13:54 to go 2-0.


The Osirian Portal vs Up In Smoke - This is better than the earlier tag match on the show by a distance, but nothing too great. Up In Smoke win with a nasty looking flying knee/powerbomb combo at 11:44.


Chuck Taylor vs Jimmy Jacobs - A battle of two undefeated wrestlers for the top position on the EVOLVE leaderboard, the booking would suggest this should be the main event but obviously that wasn't going to happen here. Being the semi-main probably lets this one down, as they get considerably less time (12:03) and never quite reach top gear. They do get to push their finishers, as Taylor manages to avoid Jacobs' choke (which actually is referred to as End Time for once) and hit the Awful Waffle for the pin to go 3-0 and drop Jacobs to 3-1. A reasonable effort.


Bryan Danielson vs Bobby Fish - A Danielson tour-de-force here, the only problem with that being that Bobby Fish is dominated for the majority, the crowd have no interest in his survival or attempted comebacks, and he has no chance of winning. There's plenty to enjoy as Danielson just dissects Fish, predominantly focusing on the leg, but it's not exactly a competitive match. Fish makes it to 20:39 before being forced to tap to a painful looking ankle hold. A good exhibition of what Danielson has to offer, but not much more.


Overall - EVOLVE 4 was a notable improvement on 2 and 3 in some ways, with the smaller, yet full building providing a better atmosphere, but the in-ring action didn't quite deliver as I hoped. Some of the booking looks encouraging, at the very least. DVD run time is 2 hours, 18 minutes. That's less than the average you'd get from ROH, with an above-average 9 matches, though the DVDs are cheaper... you have to wonder if giving 2-3 selected matches a little longer would make the undercards of these shows more valuable. Still, the promotion is only 4 shows old...

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Sami Callihan vs Arik Cannon - A decent, hard hitting encounter here, but with some things you only get in indy wrestling because they are ridiculous. The obvious standout of those is a mid-match exchange of exploder suplexes on the floor to set up a bunch of no-selling, then a countout tease


Agreed. However, Callihan and Younger had the same kind of match EVOLVE 5, and that worked where the EVOLVE 4 match didn't. I'm really big on Drake Younger at the moment - not the flashiest, but he rarely has a bad match.

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