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I'm watching PWG Kurt RusselMania at the mo, then probably Fade to Black, although I'm tempted to watch EVOLVE 5. So much wrestling! So little time to watch it all...


EDIT : Interesting titbits from the Gabe thread :


* When the BOTASJ tourny was agreed the final was supposed to be Danielson vs Gibson; the inference presumably being that NJPW interfered afterwards


* Round Robin Challeange was dumped as he didn't think much of #2 & #3, and also it would be giving away too many potential main events in one show.


* Apparently Danielson wanted the Aries 2/3 Falls match to go three hours (?!?!?!)


* Before Spanky signed with WWE in late 2002 there were plans to put the belt on him.


* Contrary to rumours at the time, Aries was always supposed to get the belt ahead of Shelley


* The reason there was never a Joe/ KENTA singles match is that they always kicked the shit out of each other so much in the other matches Gabe was afriad to book it due to concerns for their safety.


* Apparently Dixie was supposed to be part of the AOFT


* Towards the end of Gabe's reign as booker there were plans to bring Lance Cade in for an angle with Brian Danielson


*It was supposed be Foley vs Joe at the 3AS, but Foley pulled out.


* There were plans for Steamboat to wrestle CM Punk, but Flair told Steamboat not to waste his first match back in an ROH ring.


* Before the Joe vs Punk 2 match that happened due to Corino pulling out, the original plan was to have the third match of the trilogy happen at the 3rd anniversary show, with Aries beating Joe shortly after.


* Why the belt went on Xavier : "I felt Xavier had a lot of potential and upside. Joe wasn't even in ROH yet so he wasn't an option. Ki was already a star so he didn't need the belt. We put the belt on him first because he was such a star that we knew he would make his mark in this business. Then whenever anyone would talk about the 1st ROH champion it would be somebody that could give a rub to the belt and make it seem important. I was hoping Xavier winning the title that way would give us a new star with heel heat and a really intense feud vs. Ki. I think it was a success to a degree, particulary when looking at the heat in the Paul London matches and how happy the fans were when Joe won, which did make a new star."


* Apparently the plan was build to company around Lo-Ki in 2006, but his shitty attitude nixed it.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Tell me about it! I have done pretty well in watching 4 ROH DVDs in the last week or so, starting with The Big Bang, though that last one was a bit painful to sit through.


I already reviewed Kurt RussellMania (yay for being ahead in one promotion!), so my next viewing decision is between Supercard of Honor V from the night after Civil Warfare, or DGUSA in Canada the same night as Civil Warfare.

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do fixer vs embassy and yoshino is fantastic in fact, god ROH was at another level back in 2006


I still enjoy ROH 2010 and can't wait to be front row at the 9th Anny show (providing that Chicago as the iPPV doesn't need the Anniversary tag and NYC in March get it)


Bad luck!


Ring of Honor is excited to announce that we have finalized the date and location for our next iPPV broadcast. It will take place on February 26, 2011 in Chicago Ridge, IL and it will be ROH
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A lot of dross in the Gabe booking thread - I've put the choice bits in my earlier post.


Open The Northern Gate was ok, good match between Kid & Yoshino 2/3 Falls.

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I've said this before - it didn't generate the best matches, but in a way that was part of the reason it was smart to put the belt on Xavier after Low Ki in 2002 - it generated genuine heat. Getting the type of fans that watched ROH, especially then, to be so delighted when Joe won the belt off him was a job well done on Gabe's part.

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To be fair, February 26th is much closer to the actual ROH anniversary date than March.


Ah well.


I was only hoping due to the last time I was at NYC that was an Anny show in March (7th Anny, Nigel vs KENTA).


I'm now dreaming/hoping that Eddie cashes in his SOTF Title shot in NYC.

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And now for something completely different...



PWG : Kurt Russellmania

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Not sure if anyone can help me but looking to basically watch the highlights from the Steen/Generico feud?


I just received Final Battle 2009 so starting with that tonight.


Does anyone have a quick guide of must-see matches through 2010?


Cheers :)

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Off the top of my head :


The tag match from Bitter Friends Stiffer Enemies 2

Cabana vs Steen from SOH 5

Generico vs Steen from DBD 8.

Colt/ Generico vs Steen/ Corino - HDNet, airdate 19/7/10


And that's about where I'm up to with my viewing - just started to watch Fade to Black

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Steen/Generico has been such a great feud that you can take pretty much any of Steen or Generico's matches from FB09 to FB10 and they will add something to the feud. This also applies to most of the stuff from Cabana and Corino as well, and I would particularly also include stuff like Generico/Corino from the WM Weekend, Cabana/Corino from Richards vs Daniels, Steen/Corino v Cabana/Generico in a Chain match from GBH9, the cage tag match from HDnet....

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Kurt Russellmania was a weird PWG show. It felt like (and i guess was) a one-ff PWG showcase, seperate from it's usual stuff. No storylines were continued really or mentioned.


Oh and Paul London does improve as the year goes on in PWG. He's still nothing like he used to be, but he seems to enjoy working in PWG.

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Paul London plays a decent role in PWG's match of the year at Seven, in a three way Guerrilla Warfare match as he and El Generico take on The Young Bucks and The Cutlers. Definately must-see.



agree, just watched this match the other day, and as spotty as you'd expect, its a hell of a lot of fun, some of the spots are just crazy including matt jacksons swinging ddt on the apron. i'll also agree that london's been looking alot better as the year has gone on.

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