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So they've bought the WGTT back for two nights....of a TV Taping?? Man, what a waste. Surely you have to think about DVD sales rather than matches on HDNet, that, let's face it, not many people will see anyway.

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DG :USA - Mercury Rising 27/03/10



TJP vs Brad Allen a good opening match. The crowd is solidly behind Perkins, so Allen is forced to play heel, the result being far more palatable than the drippy babyface he portrays in EVOLVE. After ten minutes of choice action TJP locks in the figure-four death lock for the tap-out victory.


The Young Bucks vs. Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw an absolutely scorching tag match, perhaps the best tag bout Ive seen this year to date. This is the Bucks last DG:USA appearance (only after Gabe threatened legal action if TNA pulled them from the show mind), and they certainly put on put on a hell of a performance. The action was fast paced, crisp, fluid just a must-see match in total. Quack and Jigsaw hit the double-stomp JignTonic at the 15 minute mark, and thats all she wrote. The Bucks head off to TNA to be squashed by Rob Terry. Thats our Russo!

Shingo vs. Genki Horiguchi ten minutes of enjoyable fast-paced action sees Shingo pick up the win Made In Japan.

Jimmy Jacobs & Jack Evans vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick so this was supposed to be a three-way match involving Teddy Hart, but characteristically he managed to injure himself last night doing one of his stunt dives, so instead we get a tag match. Jacobs bought in London last night at Open The Ultimate Gate, only to see the flabby flipper align himself with Spanky again. So *deep breath* now its Jacobs & Jack Evans vs. London & Kendrick, with the loser of the fall having to leave DG:USA. With Kendrick having recently signed his TNA contract, it was fairly obvious whod be doing the job here. Still a very good tag match though, only slightly marred by Jacobs no-selling Superman spots bleh. Jacobs makes Kendrick tap to the End Time.


Jon Moxley vs. Tommy Dreamer Hardcore Match Christina Von Eerie accompanies Moxley to ringside. Watching Dreamer run through the same old garbage spots he was doing 15 years ago is one of the more unedifying spectacles in wrestling in 2010. Dreamer bumps the ref; gives Von Eerie a piledriver, then Shingo & YAMATO run in on Moxleys behalf. Moxley gets the win with a DDT onto a chair. Hopefully that marks Dreamers last appearance in DG:USA.


YAMATO vs. Susuma Yokosuka a solid first defence of the OTDG belt for Yamato. Some of the early work on the arm of Yokosuka felt a bit perfunctory, but the last ten minutes were superb. After numerous near falls Yamato finally gets the with Galleria.


BxB Hulk, Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi vs. Gamma, Dragon Kid & CIMA after a years absence the WM weekend DG six-man returns, and it was a hell of a lot better than the main ROH put on on the same day. The only problem I have his Gamma I know a lot of people love his comedy gimmick, but personally it does nothing for me. The first 15 minutes were ok, and the second half features some of the blistering action youve come to expect from these things. Yoshino locks in Sol Naciente on Gamma for the tap-out at 27.26.


Overall surely one of the cards anywhere in 2010, with 7 good-great matches and only one dud. Buy it!!!



Unrelated, but while I'm here - what's with all these shite articles on ROH.wrestling - "Carys Corner", "Dave J. Lagana" - who cares what these marks have to say? :sleeping:

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Another Cary related question - why does he always wear the stupid Hawaiian shirt when he sits at ringside? He looks like a reject from The Sopranos.


Re: DG:USA - indeed, very fun PPV. The YB/ Quack & Jigsaw match in particular was a blinder. Not sure when I'll get round to watching Global Gate, but I'll try and do it fairly quickly. Watching DBD8 at the moment, up to KOW vs Briscoes. Daniels vs Omega & Steen vs Generico were excellent, UIS vs Titus / King very good, and the other two matches were shite. Review up tomorrow at some point hopefully.

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Global Gate is good fun. I don't know if I'm biased because I was there, but I definately feel that the UK stuff is the highlight.


The Spanish show has good stuff on it. I was a bit underwhelmed by the six man on the Spanish show, although there's a cracking tag team match with the Bucks vs. Shingo and Dragon Kid. The German show has a really fun four way and not much else that I got into. I expected to enjoy the opener a lot more than I did.


The UK show has Susumu vs. Shingo and the six man main event which are both absolute belters, an opener with sees Genki and Saito at their fun best. Just a shame the Global Gate set doesn't have the match between Lion Kid and Mark Haskins which comes as a bonus on the UK DVD.

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I watched Death Before Dishonor 8 yesterday. Black/Richards was brilliant. And from what i have read on twitter this morning, the match they had on HDNet last night is just as good.


ROH are having a great year, hope it continues.

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Just went to watch the Delirious vs Aries Cage Match on Youtube and it had been taken down due to a copyright claim. This has to be an act of monumental stupidity on their part, as it means no-one outside of America with the exception of Italy will be able to watch it?

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Well, I know at least one trader who can supply me with the episodes, but only after a month or so's delay I'd imagine.


Couple of titbits from today's Powerslam : apparently the reason Richards did a U-turn on quitting at the end of the year was because he split up with his wife, and therefore the plan to settle down and become a family man was no longer in place. They ask him about the departure of Pearce, and while he tries to be diplomatic, basically states that the reason Pearce went was because he was trying to recreate a 1980's style-format in 2010.


Also, in their booking ideas a feud between ROH and EVOLVE/ DG:USA was mooted. A cracking idea; but of course, in order for it to work two titanic egos - Silkin and Sapolsky - will have to find a way to work together. Don't hold your breath

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Well, I know at least one trader who can supply me with the episodes, but only after a month or so's delay I'd imagine.


Couple of titbits from today's Powerslam : apparently the reason Richards did a U-turn on quitting at the end of the year was because he split up with his wife, and therefore the plan to settle down and become a family man was no longer in place. They ask him about the departure of Pearce, and while he tries to be diplomatic, basically states that the reason Pearce went was because he was trying to recreate a 1980's style-format in 2010.


Also, in their booking ideas a feud between ROH and EVOLVE/ DG:USA was mooted. A cracking idea; but of course, in order for it to work two titanic egos - Silkin and Sapolsky - will have to find a way to work together. Don't hold your breath


Just got done with the new PS myself, Davey's interview was interesting. I have a feeling it'd be difficult, at least, for ROH if he got a contract offer from New Japan...

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Epic Encounter III - Mississauga, ON - 20/3/10


Roderick Strong and Mark Briscoe aren't on the show as they didn't make it across the Canadian border, so we begin with an angle where Tyler Black is jumped by Austin Aries and Kenny King, then a bunch of people run in to set up an unscheduled 8 man tag later. That's fine.


The Flatliners vs The House of Truth - A solid tag team opener to kick things off, albeit with some boo/yay silliness at the beginning. Burns and Asylum seem decent enough in only their second ROH appearance, but it's the House of Truth that pick up the win with a double team at 11:50.


Kevin Steen vs Player Dos - More goodness here in what is surely a small scale dry run for what will be the Steen vs Generico formula when the time comes. Steen treats Player Dos like a bitch for the first half of the match, both physically and psychologically, then Dos gets a few big moves in a comeback including a ridiculously unrealistic but crowd popping Dragon Suplex off the top on the much larger Steen. Dos even gets to kick out of the package piledriver, but Steen then hits a second one almost immediately for the pin at 10:33. After the match Steen breaks up Dos being helped to the back and hits the package piledriver again for extra emphasis. Mean.


Eddie Edwards vs Petey Williams - The TV title is on the line here in a non-TV match for the first time. It's a sign of how Edwards has been in the shadow of Davey Richards and doesn't have much personality of his own that they rely on USA vs Canada for heat here. The wrestling is solid but kinda boring and the finish befits the booking - Hagadorn pulls Edwards out when he is hit by the Canadian Destroyer, and Edwards wins by the achilles lock submission less than a minute later at 15:23.


Tyler Black, Jay Briscoe, Rasche Brown & Tyson Dux vs Austin Aries, Kenny King, Rhett Titus & Adam Pearce - There's a definite house show feel to the first half of this, though Aries is funny in announcing the surprise appearance of Pearce on his team. There's not much action between Black and Aries, with most of the heat spots instead building to the blow-off of the previous night's Rasche Brown vs Rhett Titus issue. Thankfully, the action overall is good and the crowd really come alive for the final few minutes. It's Tyler who gets the pin here, sensibly continuing his momentum as the new champion, easily putting Titus away with God's Last Gift at 16:20.


Steve Corino vs Colt Cabana - Not much of note in this one, with some basic heavyweight grappling and not very impactful brawling, and not many bumps. The crowd heat is confused from the moment they announce Corino being from Winnipeg, Canada. Even worse, as Cabana locks in the Billy Goats Curse, Kevin Steen runs in for the DQ at 11:10. El Generico runs in for the 'save', though there's no physical contact, and Steen and Corino leave - for now...


Pick 6 Series Match: El Generico vs Chris Hero (3) - Thankfully things pick up a lot here with Generico heading straight into action. Hero dominates the majority, but his offense is now so good and Generico's selling is obviously great, and it all works in fine fashion. Generico kicks out of everything in the end, including the ripcord elbow and Death Blow, so Hero instead locks in a vicious looking stretch plum and the ref stops the match in his favour at 20:06. That's a much better finish than a loaded elbow pad for sure. Steen comes back out afterwards for some mocking and to explain his heel turn, but Generico is still at the stage where he refuses to hit Steen even with Cabana desperately egging him on. Great match, followed by a solid angle in the Steen/Generico saga...


Davey Richards vs Kenny Omega - A cracking main event with wall-to-wall action, though I'm not sure it could really be called an Epic Encounter in the vein of the 42-minute Danielson vs London or 60-minute Danielson vs McGuinness matches. Richards is really at his best here, that is to say in control for the most part. Omega keeps up athletically as usual inbetween getting the tar kicked out of him and firing back well for the most part. The Hadouken really shouldn't be a big spot in main event matches though (the stop sign enzuigiri is glossed over early). Richards survives a combo of Croyt's Wraths including one into the turnbuckles to get the submission with the Kimura at 23:52.


Two top drawer matches at the end of the show make this a DVD well worth a watch out of some unscheduled circumstances. DVD run time is 2 hours, 42 minutes, plus the Bobby Dempsey Gauntlet from the pre-show and March 23 VideoWire hyping the Phoenix shows with some good promos are included in the bonus section.

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I finished EVOLVE 1 by watching the Richards vs Ibushi main event a couple of days ago, about a week after watching the undercard.


I don't know whether Gabe was intentionally going for an ROH-2002 vibe, but that was what I got from an eleven match card, though it didn't produce hours and hours of action. In fact, by the 40 minute mark of the DVD when Mercedes Martinez wins a squash in all of a minute, that's five matches down. There's a bunch of talking heads at the beginning which mostly left me asking "who the hell are you guys?". The first three matches (Bobby Fish vs. Kyle O'Reilly, Chuck Taylor vs. Cheech and Arik Cannon vs. Ricochet) just blend into a mesh of spots in my mind. Dark City Fight Club get over well enough with some power offense vs Aeroform.


The first match to get any real length was match six, Silas Young vs. Brad Allen, and unfortunately was a somewhat of a momentum killer for the show. I did enjoy Jimmy Jacobs vs. Kenn Doane after that, as Doane has something that makes him watchable, even if he's having a laugh at the crowd's expense by doing headlocks.


I don't really remember much about Tommy Dreamer's appearance or Johnny Gargano vs. Chris Dickinson, though I seem to remember thinking Gargano was more serious here than in his DGUSA pre-show/undercard appearances.


Munenori Sawa vs. TJP was the first time I really remember thinking this was something actually genuinely worth watching, and I'm very excited now by the prospect of seeing the Sawa vs Danielson main event match from EVOLVE 5.


I was disappointed by the Mike Quackenbush, Hallowicked & Frightmare vs. Gran Akuma, Icarus & Brodie Lee semi-main, which was a disjointed effort from the CHIKARA crew.


The main event wasn't quite as epic as I was expecting (18:13), but Richards vs Ibushi started at full pelt and didn't let up. As good as it is though, I'm not sure this and Sawa vs TJP are enough to justify purchasing this show, overall. Still,

this is a debut show and I hear EVOLVE 2 is much better, so I'm not annoyed at myself for seeking this out as a curiosity.

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