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Gabe has been noted to be the pissy type in the past


Indeed - he does not like being contradicted. Remember the Alison Danger/ Bobby Dempsey/ Larry Sweeney angle which everyone, including his own girlfriend said was in bad taste, and he STILL insisted on putting it on the DVD.


The Final Countdown Tour : Dayton

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The Sweeney thing was due him getting the boot after going on some sort of a bender at WM weekend 09. However, Sweeney did commentary on Final Battle 09, so I assumed they'd kissed and made up. I hadn't heard anything to the effect that Omega was through with ROH.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Sweeney was booted from ROH mid-March, well before WM weekend.


The Payne/Sweeney/Omega connection is that Cary Silken apparently has a thing for curly blonde hair.


DOI really do have an anti-ROH bias to the point that a lot of what they say is slander and should be taken merely with a pinch of salt for the odd times they get it right.

Edited by cobystag
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I don't know if it began when ROH started producing their own DVD's, but I was quite miffed that they continued to use the same weak theme rifts from the HDNet show. Chris Hero's 'Requiem for a dream' entrance is epic, and really sets the tone for a match. Likewise, 'The final countdown' would have been such a fitting song to play to close the show.


I had no problems getting my copy to work.

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I don't know if it began when ROH started producing their own DVD's, but I was quite miffed that they continued to use the same weak theme rifts from the HDNet show. Chris Hero's 'Requiem for a dream' entrance is epic, and really sets the tone for a match. Likewise, 'The final countdown' would have been such a fitting song to play to close the show.


I had no problems getting my copy to work.


No that began the show before the first TV tapings at the end of Feb last year - Eliminating The Competition. It was the norm for all TV wrestlers to come out to their TV themes by the next DVD taping, Stylin' And Profilin'. So it's been a full year of TV themes now almost.

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Sweeney was booted from ROH mid-March, well before WM weekend.


My memory has seen better days... :(

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Mike Johnson from PWInsider is reporting that ROH were okay with Richards working DGUSA as well as ROH in Pheonix but Gabe dropped Richards straight away. Also TNA have pulled the Young Bucks from the same shows. DGUSA have also sent a legal letter to TNA demanding the Bucks work the shows.


I thought as much.

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What an idiot Gabe is - talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face. Or your company in this case...

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February 1st: Wesley "Davey" Richards is no longer with Dragon Gate USA. Open The Freedom Gate Champion BxB Hulk now has an open contract for the March 26th event. Hulk says he wants the toughest, most skilled opponent possible. He guarantees a title match that you will never forget. Friday will be the only night that the DGUSA Title is defended by Hulk in Phoenix. DGUSA officials are looking at several different, interesting options for a new challenger. We'll keep you updated right here in DGUSA.tv News Alerts.


I shall get back at being "betrayed" by calling him by his real name. Yeah, that'll show him!


Gabe is a real tough cookie. You wouldn't wanna mess with him. I can remember when he did the same thing to Low Ki after they had their falling out.


You know if Davey signed for TNA/WWE, Gabe wouldn't be doing this, and would understand the guy for doing it for money/exposure. But because he signed with the company that fired him............. Wow, is he ever mad as you can see by the latest press release!


Don't get on Gabe's bad side people.

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For the record, what did happen with Low Ki and ROH? I never found out



The first time he walked out because they asked him to wrestle a 15 minute draw with Homicide at Main Event Spectacles, and if memory serves he quit the second time because they asked him to lose to Roderick Strong at what became Unscripted 2.

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I just posted this on the ROH forum in a thread about the commentary duo of Dave Prazak and Chris Hero and thought I'd share here...


You know, I'm really worried about this.


At the moment, having just watched the DVD of Manhattan Mayhem III, I'm watching episodes 19-24 of the HDNet show via YouTube before going onto Violent Tendencies on DVD. I have the DVDs up to Glory By Honor VIII, but I know that when the Final Countdown tour starts, I'm going to have to put up with the loss of Lenny Leonard on the DVDs (as well as out of focus hard cam and deathly quiet crowds, if i choose to have commentary on at all).


I don't mind the team of Prazak and Hog on the HDNet show, as the way the show captures the action is excellent, the crowd noise is well balanced with the commentary, and while Hog lacks the pro wrestling knowledge, his voice doesn't grate and at least he's enthusiastic.


I worry that once I get to the end of Glory By Honor VIII, and lose Danielson and McGuinness from the roster, I'm not going to have the motivation to buy badly produced DVDs when I can just watch the HDNet show online.


I've been buying ROH since they were on video, so that's not exactly my preferred option, but if the problems are as bad as I have read, it's possible...


I only have episode 24 of the HDNet show to watch, then the review will be up here (probably tomorrow)

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