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DG:USA "REVOLT!" Results (nicked from PWPonderings)


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DUF:Arik Cannon & Pinkie Sanchez d The Scene: Cannon pins Konley with a brainbuster, gaining momentum going into his title match tomorrow


Jon Davis d Sami Callihan: Davis wins with 3 Seconds Around the World


Akira Tozawa d Masato Yoshino: Tozawa counters the Lightning Spiral with a high angle German suplex hold for the win


Ronin (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano) d Blood Warriors (CIMA & Brodie Lee): Gargano gets pinned after a powerbomb from Lee and Meteora from CIMA


BJ Whitmer d Vinny Marseglia via Peruvian Neck-Tie

Whitmer and Lee brawl in crowd and to the outside of the building


FRAY! time. Rich Swann and PAC start off

Ricochet has joined the match followed by AR Fox

Swann eliminated, pinned by Fox and PAC

Uhaa Nation & Sabu join next (Sabu stalks outside)

The Scene attack Nation

Fox eliminated after British Airways from PAC. Ricochet then rolls up PAC for the pin

Ricochet pins Sabu with a 450 splash to win. Uhaa was to hurt to continue


Hulk vs YAMATO. No Ropes, No DQ. : YAMATO pins Hulk with Galleria


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DG:USA "Bushido 2011 : Code of the Warrior" Results




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Yoshino over AR Fox with Sol Naciente

PAC over Brodie Lee via British Airways

Rich Swann upset Akira Tozawa with a crucifix

Johnny Gargano over BxB Hulk with GargaNo-Escape

YAMATO over Chuck Taylor with Cut-Throat CBV.

CIMA & Richochet over D.U.F via botched 630 on Cannon.


Was described by PWP as a decent B-show


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Anyone kinda losing interest in ROH? Since the deal I was hyped up. Thought being able to get it online evey week would be rad but after episode two I kinda keep forgetting can't be arsed. The footage quality is wank when you full screen it and I don't know. Wanna see how the steen story arc goes mind! Who ever said about him taking the title yes! Smash up Richards and monster heel steen, will end up more of an antihero tweener once that happens. Just my guess as even though he's evil etc you wanna root for him as he destroys shit.

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DG :USA Freedom Fight 2011 Results


Gabe Sapolsky Dream Match : Brodie Lee over BJ Whitmer

The Scene over Uhaa Nation & John Silver

Chuck Taylor & Rich Swann ovr Akira Tozawa and BxB Hulk

Yoshino over CIMA with Sol Naciente Kai

Richochet over PAC with kick to the head

Open the Freedom Gate Title match - Gargano makes CIMA tap to the GargaNO Escape to become 3rd OTFG champion

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Anyone kinda losing interest in ROH? Since the deal I was hyped up. Thought being able to get it online evey week would be rad but after episode two I kinda keep forgetting can't be arsed. The footage quality is wank when you full screen it and I don't know. Wanna see how the steen story arc goes mind! Who ever said about him taking the title yes! Smash up Richards and monster heel steen, will end up more of an antihero tweener once that happens. Just my guess as even though he's evil etc you wanna root for him as he destroys shit.


Was thinking of making the same post, but about DG USA after seeing those results. Between looking at who is involved and DVDs being at least 5 months behind I could not care less and the novelty of the promotion has long worn off.


Really enjoyed the first six episodes I have seen of ROH tv. Better matches than the HD net show, better announce team, better look and TJ Perkins being signed I'm hopeful of positive things.

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Really enjoyed the first six episodes I have seen of ROH tv.

I agree. I've never really watched ROH before now, just read the odd thing here and there and I've really enjoyed it. I think of it as a modern take on old school wrestling, with all the time limit draws and stuff. It's turned into the type of wrestling I like.

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Anyone kinda losing interest in ROH? Since the deal I was hyped up. Thought being able to get it online evey week would be rad but after episode two I kinda keep forgetting can't be arsed. The footage quality is wank when you full screen it and I don't know. Wanna see how the steen story arc goes mind! Who ever said about him taking the title yes! Smash up Richards and monster heel steen, will end up more of an antihero tweener once that happens. Just my guess as even though he's evil etc you wanna root for him as he destroys shit.


Was thinking of making the same post, but about DG USA after seeing those results. Between looking at who is involved and DVDs being at least 5 months behind I could not care less and the novelty of the promotion has long worn off.


Agree with the DGUSA sentiment, not least after this year I saw a decidedly average DGUSA show in Atlanta followed by the blowaway DGUK shows. DGUSA could well be eliminated from my viewing shortly.

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I like the 80's feel to the show. However they have taken it to far with the bullshit cameras. The HDNET Show looked a ton better even with things like thr entrance ramp and commentary booth. I agree with someone else who posted saying they forget to watch due to it being released free on Thursdays.

Edited by seanz25
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Incase anyone hasn't seen it yet they have announced Eddie Edwards new training partner to build up to Final Battle



Edwards for the win then! Not only is it generally the beast but of course former NWA World Champion, (Maybe also a former NWA UK champ as well?)! I Dont really like either of these guys any more to be honest, Davey is boring and should of been built up a bit more before the win, and i dont reall get the appeal with Eddie to be honest.


Steen for the title.

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I had a mad lil thought in my head yesterday. If Dragongate and ROH kissed and made up its should go down like so:

Steen turns up fucking up shit causing mayhem get chased from the building, keep building this up with the fans going nuts as they love him at the moment. Video promos how he's bringing like minded individuals that have a problem with ROH. Work the fans expecting heel turns, loki turning up let em guess and get into it, really let them build the hype!


Steen turns up saying he's brought a friend.. None other than Akira bloody Tozawa! Nightmare violence connection on full effect!! Have Corny show up with some ROH guys to get these out and boom the Blood Warriors come running down taking out the ROH guys. This would in turn lead to not a ROH vs DG feud but more of a ROH/J3 vs Steen / Blood Warriors kinda thing.


I'm prob thinking waaaaay too big and OTT here lads but it would be cool. Also this lack of DG/ROH animosity would need to be hidden and under wraps can't let em know until the steen and blood warriors reveal.

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