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Since the Big Bang its been Prazak and Dombrowski up until the aforementioned Champions Challenge; which I was halfway through watching the other day until the disc conked out.

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Prazak used to be pretty decent when he was with Lenny Leonard, these days he seems uninterested.


I like Dombrowski and I think Kelly is really good, makes the iPPVs seem like a big deal and has the sound of a true wrestling commentator (if that makes sense)

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I used to love Prazak when he did IWA-Mid South; at one point he was undoubtedly the best commentator anywhere in the business. These days he's pretty stale though. It's a shame Leonard went, as he was the better play-by-play man by a mile. Dombrowski's ok, but he apes Jim Ross too much for my liking.

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It just hit me while watching DGUSA Mercury Rising that if Joe Dombrowski is guilty of aping Jim Ross, then Lenny Leonard is very much a commentator in the, erm, style of Joey Styles. The Hardcore match between Tommy Dreamer and Jon Moxley really accentuated this, particularly as Leonard was commentating solo.


Full show review to follow!

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Just finished watching Allied Forces, definately a skippable show although worth getting if you don't own any of the Joe-Punk matches added as extras.


Andy Ridge's first trial match did nothing for me, didnt really showcase him, more Cabana's tired comedy routine. A glorified squash.


Rhett Titus is definately the most improved wrestler in 2010, after a very good bout with Jay at GBH he had a cracking little match here with Mark Briscoe. hopefully he and King can keep their momentum going into 2011 and get the Tag titles


The main was enjoyable even if the result was predictable.


Everything else is pretty much forgettable.

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Apparently Kenny Omega has dislocated his ankle in training and is out of Final Battle 2010. Stupid boy....

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I shall probably be seeing that show in the summer of next year, so remind me then. In the mean time...


Dragon Gate USA: Mercury Rising - Phoenix, AZ - 27/3/10


All the production notes from Open The Ultimate Gate apply here, plus the crowd is a tad bigger and definitely louder for this PPV taping than the DVD only event.


TJP vs Brad Allen - A seemingly random opener, credit to Allen for noticing the crowd booing him and adapting to more of a heel persona after the first couple of minutes. TJP hits a combo of big moves that should have been the finish, but Allen kicks out only to submit to a Figure Four Deathlock about a minute later at 9:22. Solid enough.


The Young Bucks vs Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw - A rocking tag match, as the outgoing Bucks put over Quack 'n' Jig on their way. Really good stuff ending in the double stomp Jig 'n' Tonic at 14:44. Post match, the Bucks talk about their breaking out in DGUSA but say Quack 'n Jig have now taken their spots - in other words, Gabe's just going to transfer the booking plans across. Shame the CHIKARA boys jobbed the previous night, but it's a minor quibble.


The PPV portion starts after this, presumably because the Bucks took this booking after signing to TNA...


SHINGO vs Genki Horiguchi - I still can't get over seeing Genki as a brightly coloured fan favourite again. He's still great and stuff, but the sneaky heel Genki was so much fun. This appears to be a new beginning for SHINGO in DGUSA, as he picks up his first win in the promotion at the sixth attempt with Made in Japan at 10:08 (more on this later). A good PPV opener, with hard hitting action, one problem I did have was that Genki stood toe-to-toe with SHINGO a lot, which seemed a bit wrong due to the size difference between them.


Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs Jack Evans & Jimmy Jacobs - The idiotic Teddy Hart is forced to withdraw from this match because he injured himself in the set-up angle the night before. We still get a bunch of rambling from him as he recruits Jacobs in his place. Jacobs then adds a loser of the fall leaves the promotion stipulation. The action here is nowhere near as smooth as the earlier tag, but at least there is some logic in that as Jacobs and Kendrick are feuding and carry that into the match pretty well. London and Evans put in solid performances, but it's all about Jacobs getting his vengeance, and Kendrick buggering off to TNA as soon as he's tapped out to the End Time at 10:44. This was only okay really, but at least we have storyline progression.


Tommy Dreamer vs Jon Moxley - Before Moxley comes out here, Dreamer makes this a Hardcore match in a promo where he's just dying to say ECW and obviously has been told not to. Moxley is pretty adept at making Dreamer look good by taking an ECW-style beating, until the ECW-style booking then takes effect, and first Moxley's valet then YAMATO & SHINGO do run-ins on Moxley's behalf. This will be the beginning of Kamikaze USA. Dreamer still kicks out of everything until Moxley hits (what else?) a DDT on a chair for the pinfall win at 12:31. A fair brawl, not a great one.


Open The Dream Gate Title Match: YAMATO vs Susumu Yokosuka - First off, I like the video package putting over the ODG title they have made for this one. Sadly, the match isn't the classic you might hope for from the first defense of the title in the US, mainly because the vast majority is just too slow. YAMATO working the arm of Yokosuka to try and reduce the impact of Jumbo No Kachi! goes on for what seems like ages, and doesn't actually make much difference when the later stages come into play. The obligatory high impact closing sequence is good, but not enough to completely recover things. Both of Yokosuka's epic battles with SHINGO over here were MUCH better. YAMATO retains with Galleria in 21:43.


BxB Hulk, Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino vs CIMA, Gamma & Dragon Kid - A quality DG six-man, probably the highlight of the entire weekend as far as both ROH and DGUSA went. Main highlights are the Kid/Yoshino sections, as you'd expect, the sequence where Gamma is battered with his own Kendo Stick by Doi, and of course the production finish. The Warriors team do their best to put together the combination required for victory, including an epic combination of 'ranas on Hulk, but it's World-1 who prevail when Gamma gets locked into Sol Naciente, and Doi and Hulk hold off CIMA and Dragon Kid long enough for the submission to come at 27:25.


Overall, this is the indy show of the weekend by a distance. DVD run time is 2 hours 38 minutes, and in addition there's another hour and 27 minutes on the bonus disc...


Bonus matches


The Prophet, Derrick Neikirk & Irish Airborne vs Chimera, The Cutler Bros & Malachi Jackson - Just the one pre-show match this time round. Eight man tag action is a WAY better format for this type of thing than the usually awful FRAY!. The Cutlers put one of Irish Airborne away with their nasty looking double team jumping tombstone at 10:53. A decent effort.


Homicide vs SHINGO - This is from FIP in July of 2006. Homicide is wrestling one of his first FIP matches since losing the FIP title, and SHINGO is accompanied by the evil DP associates (Dave Prazak in his heel manager role and fake cripple Milo Beasley). The style is pretty basic but effective for the smallish Florida crowd. They're just getting up for Homicide winning the match when a distraction from Prazak allows BJ Whitmer of all people to interfere, and SHINGO wins with a lariat in 11:55. Not worth going out of your way to see, but nothing offensive.


CIMA & BxB Hulk vs Austin Aries & Matt Sydal vs B-Boy & Chris Bosh - This is another one of those Wrestle JAM matches also from July of 2006. I like that it's proper triangle tag rules, with one man legal from all three teams. It's refreshing to go back and see Aries back in his prime wrestling period, doing his trademarks at full pelt. Sydal doesn't seem to get much in though, and is surprisingly pinned by a B-Boy roll-up at 10:31 in a moment that seems more like a mix-up. DG faction warfare interferes in the final part, as Gamma tries to cost CIMA the match from the outside, only for miscommunication and more distractions to allow Don Fuji to blast Bosh with a lariat, and CIMA capitalises on that with the Schwein for a popular pinfall at 13:48. Good stuff here.


SHINGO & YAMATO vs BxB Hulk & Masato Yoshino - The Summer Adventure Tag League III gives us our final bonus match, from 2/8/09. A real cracker of a match with a finish straight out of the league tournament playbook, as they go to a twenty minute draw (well, 19:47) but not before both teams and BxB Hulk in particular let everything hang out.


This is definitely yet another DGUSA set well worth the investment, roll on the May weekend of shows even if those shows up in Canada didn't draw very well...

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