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Myself and Gadgetboy (well, he was at the time :D ) put together a list of the best 150 matches in ROH up the end of 2008 a while back, it's buried in the thread somewhere


The Hunt Begins

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Re Nigel's title defences. At the risk of being slightly pedantic, I did write "one suspect the majority of matches would predate October 07". Certainly the Aries match from Rising Above 07 was a classic, and I agree that the match with Strong from Jan 08 is overlooked. Of the three McGuinness vs Steen matches, looking back I rated the first one "good, but not great", the second "a passable main event", and the third "ok". For me, the Steen trilogy was ultimatly a failute, but a worthy experiment at the time.


Ultimatly I'm not quite sure what your point was in that piece, as we seem to agree by and large on what Nigel's good outings were. I guess was I was saying was that I felt that the majority of Nigel's work prior to his title reign was superior to that after he won the belt. I tell you what - list the 20 matches you think should grace a Best of Nigel McGuiness DVD, I'll do the same, and we'll compare them?


I guess it's just due to the fact that I had such a strong emotional connection to Nigel's title reign. What I was trying to say earlier is that Nigel was at the forefront of ROH, and it was his Title reign in 2008 that by and large kept ROH running. So to say that a "best of" would pre-date the stuff where Nigel truly came into his own and became one of the best in the world took me off guard.


But, like I said, I do have a personal bias. I was there, a small group of pro-Nigel supporters as they turned Tyler Black into a credible challenger and future main eventer, and to just be in that atmosphere was incredible. I was there when Steen superkicked Nigel and El Generico was desperately crawling over to him, absolutely horrified as me and my girlfriend were desperately pleading for Nigel to kick out. I was there when Nigel, injured beyond belief, had an AMAZING match with KENTA, when me and my girlfriend were so worried for Nigel's chances of wrestling in the morning, to being genuinely concerned for his health and well-being during the match.


I'm just going through past ROH results to look at dates and times, but I'll be honest, eventhough I see he had matches against John Walters in 04 for the Pure Title, and I'm sure they were damn good technical wrestling contests, I can't really remember them. It says he and Homicide had a "classic" but again, I can't remember if I've seen it or not lol.


When I think of Nigel, I immediately think of his feud with Colt Cabana. The Soccer Riot match from Night Of The Grudges II would definitely be a match I'd include. And I did love the Manhatten Mayhem match between them also


I do remember he had an early 05 match against Samoa Joe at It All Begins that was pretty good, and better than tha Dragon Gate Invasion match they had where Nigel won the Pure Title.


He proved he had early chemistry with Roderick Strong as they had a belter at Glory By Honor 4. And later at Death Before Dishonor 4.


Him and Claudio again had chemistry, I'd probably choose the Best In The World match to be included on the list.


Again from the before they were great, but back when they were still good, the Austin Aries Pure Title defense at Unscripted II was good, but still didn't scratch the surface of what they'd do later.


I really don't need to say that every time he faced Bryan Danielson they had classics do I? The Unified match is probably their best match and arguably Nigel's best match.


Although saying that his match against Naomichi Marufuji from GBH V Night 2 is one of his best matches as well.


He had a good little feud against Jimmy Rave at the back end of 06 that finished in Liverpool and probably provided the best match of their series.


Again in Liverpool, a great match against Joe that was tremendously helped by the crowd in spite of the bad booking of the finish.


Nigel and Hero started off their series in early 07, I'd probably rate their Death Before Dishonor V Night 1 match as their best. Although I really do wish we could have seen serious KO Kid Hero against Nigel instead of flippy Hero now.


Like I said with Morishima, their Title change match in Oct 07 wasn't their best, I'd probably give that nod to their Live In Tokyo encounter.


Again going back to Danielson, the Driven PPV match was fantastic and again one of Nigel's and Dragon's best.


And then that's the matches from pre-Oct 07.


And I am only listing singles matches as you can't really remember 4-ways or Tag Matches, outside of the awesome one time pairing of him and Danielson against the Briscoes in Mid-07.


Now in that list I have included matches with Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Claudio Castagnoli, when he had better matches than the ones mentioned with them during his Title reign.


Danielson is a funny one as Unified and Driven are clearly two of their best matches, but the turn from tweener to full-blown heel in the Sixth Anniversary Show match and the drama in the Rising Above PPV matches mean they can definitely be brought up in the same breath.


Sorry, obviously my "listing" is not going so well...... Was just jotting my thoughts down as I re-thought over some of these matches. I would definitely include, in a best of Nigel McGuinness, ROH only in no real order-


1: vs Bryan Danielson, Unified

2: vs Bryan Danielson, Driven

3: vs Bryan Danielson, Sixth Year Anniversary

4: vs Bryan Danielson, Rising Above 08 PPV (Can you see I'm a sucker for Nigel vs Dragon yet?)

5: vs Austin Aries, Rising Above 07 PPV

6: vs Colt Cabana, Night Of The Grudges II

7: vs KENTA, Seventh Year Anniversary

8: vs Tyler Black, Take No Prisoners PPV

9: vs Claudio Castagnoli vs Tyler Black vs Bryan Danielson, Death Before Dishonor VI

10: vs Naomichi Marufuji, Glory By Honor V Night 2

11: vs El Generico, Glory By Honor VII

12: vs Jerry Lynn, Southern Hostility

13: vs Samoa Joe, FYF: Liverpool

14: vs Jimmy Rave, FYF: Finale

15: vs Claudio Castagnoli, New Horizons PPV

16: vs Roderick Strong, Without Remorse

17: vs Austin Aries, Supercard Of Honor III

18: vs Takeshi Morishima, Live In Tokyo

19: vs Tyler Black, Injustice II

20: vs Roderick Strong, Glory By Honor IV


Okay, that was hard.


But 12 out of my 20 were AFTER Oct-07..... Although I do feel bad about not including more Nigel/Cabana and Nigel/Claudio..... But the Strong match stays. And the Tyler Black match was my favourite 48 minute draw of this year.....


So..... Yeah.


I want to watch Nigel matches now.


Also, off topic here, finally got around to watching Danielson vs Strong. Fantastic match, as good as I remembered it being live. Is it kinda sad I marked out for myself?......... Yes. Yes it is.

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Moorpark youth centre have become a finalist in the Peoples Millions grant to open a multi cultural and inter-generational cafe within Moorpark Youth

Centre. The project will provide work and training opportunities for young people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds while providing a much needed service to the community. The cafe will promote healthy eating and use local produce where possible. The project will be community led and will involve a variety of local groups and partner agencies, including local high schools and colleges. More information on the peoples millions is available at

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so please people vote vote vote


thank you

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Holy crap, DDD is ahead of me on the reviews. Catch up time...


ROH Double Feature II

Nine matches from ROH's two show swing of Canada in April 2009 on one disc. Over three and a half hours of wrestling here, but it's only somewhat worthwhile...


The Hunt Begins - Montreal, Quebec, 17.4.09


It's worth mentioning that between Take No Prisoners 2009 and this, ROH taped weeks 7-12 of TV for HD Net. Notable points were The American Wolves winning the tag titles, defeating Kevin Steen and El Generico in a good Tables Are Legal match (episode 11), and Jerry Lynn retaining the World title in a Fatal Four Way (no tags necessary) over Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries and Tyler Black in a pretty crappy first World title defense for the TV show (episode 12).


The 'B' show of the weekend only gets four matches. Here's what's missing...


1. Chris Hero beat Franky The Mobster

2. Daizee Haze beat LuFisto

3. Rhett Titus & Kenny King beat The Necro Butcher & Delirious by DQ when Necro Butcher used a chair


Jimmy Jacobs vs Tyler Black - I hate to think what the first three matches of the show were like, as this was not fun to watch. For two guys who supposedly have a grudge, there was no intensity whatsoever, and to make matters worse they may as well have been wrestling in a morgue. Polite applause at best in the first ten minutes, a bit of reaction to some highspots by Tyler in the last five, then Tyler wins with the superkick. A meaningless match in the 'feud' with no heat.


Austin Aries vs Kenny Omega vs Jay Briscoe vs Roderick Strong - I didn't mind this. No-one bar me notices the wrong generic music playing at first, as Jay comes out to Aries' (sadly no longer Weezer) music first, and the same music correctly plays when Aries comes out last. Aries telegraphs the finish with his in-ring, pre-match promo about how Roderick and Jay are established ROH upper card talent, and Omega doesn't belong in the match with them. Jay and Roddy have some good hard hitting exchanges reminiscent of their recent singles encounters. The crowd are still pretty quiet. Aries gets his comeuppance and gets pinned by Omega. I believe this plays into Omega looking for a title shot later in the year, which should be fun...


Colt Cabana and Brent Albright vs Jimmy Rave and Claudio Castagnoli - The crowd are a bit more up for this, TP showering The Embassy, who's act (Nana in particular) doesn't appear any different at all to the 2006 version and could use something to freshen it up. Cabana gets a good reaction as well. However, this 12 minute tag, while nothing is really wrong with it, is utterly bland. I almost wish Rave had been able to bring Lance Rock to ROH with him to do the Rock 'n' Rave gimmick - it probably would have got good heat here. Albright gets pinned in screwy fashion, no surprise there, next please...


Kevin Steen, El Generico and Bryan Danielson vs The American Wolves and Sylvan Grenier - For the most part, this is a solid main event. The Wolves have plenty of experience with Steen, Generico and Danielson, and therefore anything between them reaches the level of good without too much effort. Grenier looks good physically... until he has to actually do anything. He falls behind on a couple of interference spots before he's had to take anything, messes up some basics in the ring, and when there's some dives near the end, he dodges one, leaving the Wolves to take it, and looks uncomfortable as heck in taking another. At least he takes the fall here, submitting to Steen's Sharpshooter in the battle of the Montrealeans as Danielson locks in Cattle Mutilation on Edwards and Generico nails his partypiece, the turnbuckle brainbuster, on Davey. This 22:30 main had its moments, but the WWE house show style simultaneous finishers ending to the match highlighted that this is one house show that should probably never have seen the light of day.


Tag Title Classic - Markham, Ontario - 18.4.09


Two matches missing from this one...


1. Brent Albright beat Jimmy Rave

2. Chris Hero beat The Necro Butcher by DQ after Necro used a chair


I guess you're only missing out if you're a big Chris Hero fan - or you desperately want to see Necro get himself DQed for the second night in a row.


Colt Cabana vs Claudio Castagnoli - This starts nicely with some good, old school World of Sport chain wrestling in the first several minutes. Naturally Cabana makes Claudio look foolish, and the crowd responds nicely, especially compared to the crowd in Montreal. Things then slow down as Claudio takes control and the heat fades, and when Cabana comes back, Prince Nana and Ernie Osiris attempt a run-in, only for Brent Albright to come out and stop 'Dirty' Ernie from shoe throwing. One shoe thrown into Claudio's gut, however, and Cabana capitalises with a folding press for three just past the ten minute mark. Okay opener overall.


Austin Aries, Kenny King and Rhett Titus vs Kevin Steen, Kenny Omega and Generico Dos - A second Canadian-centered six man tag on the DVD, sadly lacking in El Generico due to a dodgy knee, with Player Dos of the Super Smash Bros subbing for him. Pre-match promos to set that up end with Aries kicking away Generico's crutch, and IT'S ON. I like watching the two Kennys against each other, Dos hits a very nice dive and doesn't look out of place much (bar being an even skinnier, smaller version of El G), and Steen comes across as the captain of his team with his big moves built to throughout the match. However, it's Aries who prevents the Canadians from picking up the victory, breaking up a pin by Dos with the kick to the head, and King and Titus capitalise with a double stomp spike piledriver for the victory at 12:30. Team A-Double are very good together.


This must have been intermission, because a Jimmy Jacobs promo is interrupted and we go straight throught the crowd into a Markham Streetfight...


Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious - The break-up angle and match the next night between these two were a lot of fun back in March. This for me is way better than Jacobs vs Black the night before, mainly because it has decent intensity to the brawling. Delirious dons the red and black ring gear to express his rage, which means he can get away with some no-selling spots due to the change of character. I don't like the amount of time spent while Jacobs bundles a load of chairs into the ring to set up the final parts of the match, but when they head in they up the pace to a fine finale. I always like the Alex Shane/Guy Thunder (or Jack Xavier) spot with a spear through the ropes into a ringside table, and Jacobs hits it well on Delirious here. It brings Daizee out to check on her man, and when Jacobs grabs her, he is blinded by black mist from Delirious, nailed with his own spike and choked out by a spike assisted Cobra Stretch (supposedly, anyway, as we get a very distant camera angle). Delirious has his Grudge match win, and I believe the feud is now finished after just their second match, which makes a nice change.


Jay Briscoe vs Roderick Strong - A fine chopping and clubbering match here, a step up on their good opener at Stylin' and Profilin', probably booked to go longer as the semi-main event on this show. For some reason this friendly rivalry gimmick reminds me of Jay's pair of matches with Amazing Red in 2002. One thing Jay still needs to pick up is a submission move, even as a wear down hold. Roderick has a standard Boston Crab as well as his Stronghold finisher which works with his set of backbreakers nicely. Jay sometimes, such as here, uses a Stretch Plum which never really means anything or looks effective. I liked Jay's pinfall reversal at the end here, though. I wonder if we get a decider between them... I think it may have been done on HDNet...


ROH World Tag Team Titles: The American Wolves vs Bryan Danielson and Tyler Black - this one just flew by, even knowing ahead of time that it went the 45 minute distance.


A few highlights - Danielson and Black taking turns slamming Eddie Edwards early on, culminating in a double slam, a tactic that then failed for the Wolves when they tried it with vertical suplexes just afterwards; the way the pace picks up and a bunch of finishers are just avoided around the 20 minute mark, when you might envision the match coming towards the end, culminating in Black crashing through a ringside table; Danielson having to go it alone in Black's abscence, which allows the Wolves to really show off their tag team unit; Danielson selling his leg masterfully; the inevitable dive sequence, and the pop when a double countout is then avoided by a split second.


I won't go into the concluding minutes, but there's one ultra-close nearfall for each team, and at the very end they time the 45 minutes expiring perfectly with the action in the ring, almost making up for the 48 minute shambles in January.


A fine match indeed, along with Richards vs KENTA at Supercard of Honor IV it sits at the top of my ROH 2009 list (albeit with me still watching shows from April...).


Overall, Double Feature II clocks in at 3 hours, 48 minutes. Saying that, 'The Hunt Begins' is an entirely irrelevent 1 hour 34, and while the 2 hours 14 minutes of the disc devoted to 'Tag Title Classic' is all solid matches, I'd rather have seen the full card of that show with perhaps the six man main from Montreal as a bonus match than what we have here. Still, you miss this main event at your peril...

Edited by gadge
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Lol,its not a competition! I have been watching more ROH than usual recently, as I slightly panicked when I realised I was nearly ten months behind. I sat and watched the tag title change from HDnet the other night, I thought it was a really good match.

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*Mouth Waters* I'll probably pre-order the last two FCT shows, and get me a new hoodie. :D:D

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Brent Albright is gone from Ring of Honor. There had been rumors going around that he was gone, and it was confirmed in the last few days. He could come back to the company down the line, as he has a close relationship with booker Adam Pearce. [Credit: Pwinsider.com]


Only about 18 months too late but oh well.

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  • Paid Members
Brent Albright is gone from Ring of Honor. There had been rumors going around that he was gone, and it was confirmed in the last few days. He could come back to the company down the line, as he has a close relationship with booker Adam Pearce. [Credit: Pwinsider.com]


Only about 18 months too late but oh well.



What he said

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A Cut Above - Dayton, OH - 24.4.09


Roderick Strong opens the DVD with a promo about his 0-10 record in ROH World Title matches... way to convince us it'll be 11th time lucky, there. We then cut to a Danielson promo to set up the opening match...


Bryan Danielson vs Eddie Edwards - For the DVD viewer, this follows on very nicely indeed from the 45 minute Tag Title Classic main event. Danielson cuts the smiley stuff out, instead focusing on outwrestling Edwards. Focus is something Danielson definitely needs, from a storyline standpoint. Hopefully battles with the Wolves and their associates over the titles will provide it for his remaining ROH tenure. It was perhaps debatable in 2008, but Edwards has really solidified his spot by this point, and is believable vs Danielson here. Danielson once more has his leg worked over, but the commentary don't mention that the Wolves worked the leg over for much of the match less than a week prior. Danielson wins with a small package reversal pretty much right on the nose of the 15 minute mark. Real good opener.


Silas Young vs Claudio Castagnoli vs Matt Cross vs 'Skullcrusher' Rasche Brown - For those keeping score, there's no tags at all in what is again billed as a Four Corner Survival. The commentators mention Brown has been wrestling for FOURTEEN YEARS. I couldn't tell from the performance, though it explains why he looks much older than everyone else. Brown is Claudio's size, so for some reason that means Claudio is intimidated by him. The tempo is pretty fast for the six minutes this lasts, which makes it watchable at least. Cross then tries to kill himself by attempting an Ode to the Bulldogs style dive from the ring to the floor on Brown, only to get caught in the ropes in a horrible looking manner. Claudio makes Silas tap straight after that to a new finisher, Swiss Sleeper Holding. The right man wins.


Jimmy Rave vs Grizzley Redwood - Glad to be back, Jimmy? Ghanarrea scores him the pin in just 1:40, then Ernie Osiris steals Redwood's boots. I am not making this up.


Austin Aries and Rhett Titus vs The Phoenix Twins - After the obligatory entertaining pre-match promo by Aries, The Phoenix Twins get just over ten minutes to impress before losing. The action is not bad, but there's not much personality on the side of the ring not occupied by Aries and Titus. The twins hopes of impressing the DVD viewer are not helped by the commentary trying to make humour out of them being identical. At this point in the card, a competitive match is needed.


Colt Cabana vs Chris Hero - Thankfully, a competitive match is next up. This match took a similar format to Cabana vs Claudio in Canada, but is probably better. Cabana comments on Hero's change to That Young Knock Out Kid and challenges him to a wrestling match, and so we start with the World of Sport style, albeit not identical spots as the Claudio match, which is good. Hero changes the flow with a killer rolling elbow, and looks convincing as he stomps and generally beats on Colt. During this period I noticed Shane Hagadorn doing a good job of being an annoying, occasional distraction at ringside, getting his spots here and there but not overshadowing his charge by being way OTT like Sweeney was. Overall, the Hero/Wolves/Hagadorn package is much better than it had become when Sweeney was still around, for me. Cabana wins with the Billy Goats Curse kinda out of nowhere at the twelve minute mark, but he really sinched (?) it in and convincingly forced Hero to tap. Good match to setup Cabana for the next night. I should mention Nigel McGuinness adds a lot with guest commentary, but he then disappears again until the main event.


Jimmy Jacobs vs Egotistico Fantastico - This is probably the best of the matches with obvious winners on the card. Apart from his costume which looked a but naff, Ego looked good here, and got to show some personality and some (presumably) trademark spots. Jacobs submits Ego with the End Time just past the 8 minute mark. Nice throwaway junior action.


Tyler Black vs Davey Richards - There was some discussion about Davey Richards development when this match main evented Proving Ground 2009 Night 1 in Florida in good, athletic style. This time around, you can't help but sit up and take notice. This is the Davey Richards show through and through. It may not be the main event this time around, but it's a better match for certain. Tyler is good too, putting in an understated performance. A cracking match which Davey wins, taking two superkicks and the Buckle Bomb but ducking the finishing superkick and grabbing a rollup with a handful of tights at 15:04. Funny how the Wolves vs Danielson/Black singles matches had almost identical match lengths.


Kevin Steen and Jay Briscoe vs The Dark City Fight Club - Disappointing. Steen and Briscoe work as a team seeking revenge on the Wolves, but against random opposition the crowd don't care as much about either Steen or Briscoe as they would in their proper teams. Steen did make me laugh, watching from the corner as Jay gets beat up and coming out with "Do that Man Up thing you do". Overall this match just fails to hold the attention. Steen rolls up one half of the DCFC following a blind tag while they go for their finisher on Jay. The DCFC can go back to squashing people on HDNet, for now.


ROH World Title: Jerry Lynn vs Roderick Strong - This one is a tale of two halves, for sure. The match starts out nicely, but not at anything like top pace. The first ten minutes go past pretty quickly but feel like the beginning of a 30+ minute match, which was quite possibly the plan looking at some of Roderick's first ten title shots. Lynn (who comes out to a mixed, mostly positive reaction but with a strong undercurrent of boos) feels Roddy out and appears to have a wrestling edge, but Roderick punishes Jerry with some chops and isn't much behind on the wrestling side. There's one spot where Jerry dumps Roderick somewhat clumsily on his head out of a Gory Special, almost Cop Killa style, which looks painful.


Then, at about 10:30, Roderick attempts to dive onto Jerry off the apron, only for Jerry to duck and Roderick crashes head first into the metal guard rail at some speed. He comes up absolutely gushing blood all over the ringside mats then in the ring, and quickly looks like the Terminator or something with one half of his face more or less normal, and the other half covered in blood. The crowd, which were quietly paying attention for the most part, understandably go mental for Strong. Both guys respond by turning it up several gears straight away, Strong realising he had to get his shit in while he can last, and Lynn realising he needs to survive Roderick's flurries and show no mercy on offense. Nigel comes into his own on commentary at this point, as he has his title defense against Austin Aries from '07 to reference. Lynn certainly doesn't show mercy, targetting the head with a tornado DDT and Air Raid Crash among other things. In the mean time, Strong's always excellent combinations are given lots of extra drama by the bloody circumstances. Finally, Lynn nails the cradle piledriver, and while Roderick kicks out, Lynn goes straight to a second one for the pinfall at 18:20.


Really good, slightly scary main event to cap off a very good Dayton show. While I wonder how long the main event would have gone if Roderick didn't get busted open, or if it was just a very well hidden, stupidly executed blade job, the resulting match is dramatic and exciting. A great first one on one title defense for Lynn after some crappy four ways.


Overall, this is a show worth seeking out by 2009 standards, with two excellent matches, and two more very good ones.


DVD runs 2 hours, 30 minutes.

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Just watched Ring of Honor HDNet 11/30/2009


The show started with Eddie Kingston vs Claudio Castagnoli with Chris Hero watching at the entrance way. Claudio looked tremendous, displaying tremendous athleticism and strength. A further reminder what a disgrace it is to have him losing to the vastly inferior Brent Albright. I was impressed when Claudio hurled up Jigsaw, uppercutting him on the way down, and I was even more impressed when he did that to Eddie Kingston! Somehow, Kingston kicked out of that and a spin around waterslide before pulling out the recently stolen CH loaded elbow pad and backfisting Claudio with that. Chris Hero looked infuriated on the ramp. I look forward to seeing those 2 go at it again.


The awesome Kenny King then cut a promo proclaiming himself a future world champion! He stated that he was learning at the very moment from Austin Aries about what being a champion entails! Very nice! This sidekick has so much more of a personal identity than Cody Rhodes or Bland Debiase have.


The Dark City Fight Club vs The Briscoes is most notable for a miss-timed 'Hart attack' double team maneuver. TDCFC went for the move again, and hit it the next time, but nothing elicited a 'You fucked up!' or any other chant or reaction for that matter. The match is thrown out and we get a boring brawl. I enjoyed TDCFC's squash matches, and considering how awesome El Generico is at getting beat up and surviving just before making a hot tag to Steen, I wouldn't mind seeing that match. I can't say I'm all that interested in seeing another Briscoes vs DCFC match though.


Speaking of Steenericho, they face 'The SET' next. "What in the world is that?" the awful Mike Hodgwood asks, before poking fun at 'The Set's' physiques. One is skinny and the other is fat you see. The same jokes could be made at the expense of Steen and Generico. 'The Set' actually impress Dave Prazak with some flashy tandem maneuvers on Generico, but you could hear a pin drop within the audience. Steen gets tagged in and puts the skinny guy down with a hard powerbomb. For good measure they then swanton and splash him as Mike Hodgwood makes some unbearable remarks.


Main event time, and its Colt Cabana vs Austin Aries in a non title match! At this point I'm beginning to crack under the unbearable commentary, who at times are more concerned with a single kid chanting in the crowd than the match. I'm not particularly big on Cabana either, and he reminds me why when he uses his ass as a weapon and shouts "Flying asshole!" So overall, nothing much to say about this. Austin Aries treated us to his suicide dive and his wicked torpedo dropkick, but I didn't much care for the interference filled finish. Kenny King, then Brent Albright and then Rhett Titus all came out in rapid succession, and through that Aries got Cabana in the Last Chancery and made him submit.



Is Mike Hodgwood doing the commentary on the DVD's? I was thinking about picking up The Final Countdown Tour, but I would be deterred if he was on commentary for the events?

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Is Mike Hodgwood doing the commentary on the DVD's? I was thinking about picking up The Final Countdown Tour, but I would be deterred if he was on commentary for the events?

No it's been Prazak and Hero since the FCT DVD's started to come out - I guess Leonard got dropped when they took DVD production in-house and with him siding with Dragon Gate USA seemingly he's out the door in ROH - And there's also the option to turn the commentary off now which is a God send.


I was at that show btw. There was a "You fucked up" chant at DCFC, and Steenerico/SET was only supposed to be a dark match which may explain the lack of reaction.

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Is Mike Hodgwood doing the commentary on the DVD's? I was thinking about picking up The Final Countdown Tour, but I would be deterred if he was on commentary for the events?

No it's been Prazak and Hero since the FCT DVD's started to come out - I guess Leonard got dropped when they took DVD production in-house and with him siding with Dragon Gate USA seemingly he's out the door in ROH - And there's also the option to turn the commentary off now which is a God send.


I haven't got that far with my DVDs, but I'm relieved to hear that. Hodgwood is awful

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