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According to PWInsider ROH are going to announce details of another PPV taping this week. God knows why, the fact that they refuse to release the buyrates for any of the others says it all. The general consensus seems to be that in order to make furthur strides ROH need TV. Discuss

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According to PWInsider ROH are going to announce details of another PPV taping this week. God knows why, the fact that they refuse to release the buyrates for any of the others says it all. The general consensus seems to be that in order to make furthur strides ROH need TV. Discuss

IF pre-recorded PPVs don't have the associated costs of live PPVs, as I believe they don't, then where is the harm in doing them? As for TV, that's a whole different kettle of fish. I don't think the perceived benefits would materialise, and as well as the added costs of making regular, free product available, I think it would do more harm than good to the DVD sales. Or, they'd have to change the style of the shows to film filler (remember when they did High Impact TV in 2002-3?)... I'd rather they stayed as they are, to be honest.One other thing - you're spot on about Hero vs Castagnoli at Honor Nation. That match drags for ten minutes more than the Manhattan Mayhem II one, and achieves nothing. Lame, lame, lame.
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Re; Roh getting t.v.I don't know how the American market works but with NYC being such a huge city would it not be worth trying to get on a local station? With the right deal they could be filling the Hammerstein every few months and have a show to give as an example to a nationally televised station.Would that be viable?

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I think their entire business model is based around selling DVDs, and they don't work enough to make weekly TV a possibility. I'm not saying never, but they're just not set up for it, and with their match length not really appropriate for hour-long TV, with all the advert breaks and everything, I can't see it happening without them changing fundamentally what makes them great.I guess if they make a profit, no matter how tiny, on PPVs they might as well carry on doing them. Although, it must annoy fans who are completely up to date, as PPV tapings skew the continuity of what's going on. Perhaps if they made their PPVs special events, with some sort of gimmick? I don't know.

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Results from Manassas, Virginia below... they drew a big enough crowd to book a return date for August 1st. The Hammerstein show is tonight...

1. Chris Hero d. Pelle Primeau with a roaring forearm & big boot. Larry Sweeney made Bobby Dempsey get under the ring after a "Bobby" chant broke out, and then promised to get out of town as quickly as possible because Manassas is disgusting. Pelle got a nice head scissors in. At one point, Hero hit a "HUGE" atomic drop. Sara Del Ray has come out. She chokeslammed one of the crew and is still in Sweet and Sour Inc! Sweet and Sour headed to the back.2. Rhett Titus & Rex Sterling d. Mitch Franklin & Sean Denny. Titus hit a huge clothsline on Franklin, and Titus and Sterling worked over Franklin for some time.3. Brent Albright d. Damien Wayne, Nigel McGuinness, & Claudio Castagnoli in a Four Corner Survival when the ref stopped it while Albright was repeatedly hitting Wayne with knees while he had his arms trapped. Albright came out with Sweeney, but sent him to the back. Claudio and Nigel had a face off during the hand shakes. Nigel did the usual "heel champ won't work with his next challenger" thing. Eventually Claudio got his hands on Nigel and reversed the jawbreaker into a big swing and hit a big European. Eventually though Albright got left alone with Wayne and won it. 4. Austin Aries d. Erick Stevens with The End Time! Aries came out in street clothes and called out Jacobs. Stevens music hit, and he came to the ring. Aries continued to yell for Jacobs. Stevens asked Aries if he was scared of losing to him again, and grabbed Aries to start the match. At one point Stevens missed the Choo Choo. Stevens also had to fight to hit the TKO with Aries fighting out of it a couple of times before hitting it. Aries reversed the Dr. Bomb by kicking Stevens in the face as well. After the match, Aries continued to call Jacobs out and said that Jimmy threw Lacey away, Austin didn't steal her. He continued to call Jimmy out, calling him an insecure little boy. Finally said Jacobs was nothing but a bitch and left.5. Necro Butcher d. Jack Evans in a No DQ Match with the backbreaker across 2 chairs. Necro started off killing Jack with punches, kicks and throws. Necro back dropped Jack onto the guardrail. Necro then hit a big chairshot on Jack's back and the Chair Scoop Slam. Necro set the chairs up with the backs together, but Jack reversed with an ace crusher and hit the 630 for a 2 count. Necro then hit the backbreaker across 2 chairs for the win. Match was said to be "pretty sick, Necro killed Jack".Intermission Time!6. Jimmy Jacobs d. Jay Briscoe with the End Time. Aries ran out from the back and AOTF jumped him. Jay came out and it turned into a big brawl for a bit. Finally got down to Jacobs vs. Briscoe, with Jay beating on Jacobs outside. Jay hit a flatliner onto a chair in the corner, and then a big Death Valley Driver. Jay tried for a top rope Jay Driller at one point, but didn't hit it. Jacobs missed the Senton at one point, landing on chairs. Jay hit a chair shot, but got locked in The End Time, he stood up however and threw Jacobs. Necro ran in, which led to the End Time getting locked in for the win. Didn't let go after the bell, leading to Aries coming out, and a big pull apart brawl with Aries, Jacobs, and Necro with Aries chasing AOTF to the back eventually. 7. Bryan Danielson d. Tyler Black with a heel hook. Black started out in control. Danielson took control then with the surfboard stomp, then multiple submission attempts (single leg crab, indian death lock, etc). Dragon then locked in a dragon sleeper with a grape vine. Dragon and Black each took turns with big dives to the outside. Black reversed Cattle Mutilation and hit a powerbomb to the corner on Dragon. Black reversed the top rope back drop but missed the phoenix splash. Dragon started hitting elbows, but Black reversed that, eventually Dragon caught the heel hook for the win. Said to be a "great, great match"! Dragon tried to shake hands with Black, but Black spit in Dragon's face and walked out. 8. Takeshi Morishima, Naomichi Marafuji, & Go Shiosaki d. Roderick Strong, Davey Richards, & Rocky Romero. Go "KILLED" Davey with chops early on. Morishima did the Azucar dance at one point! Marafjui got the pin on Romero after the shiranui. Very good, hard hitting match!

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Sounds like a really strong show to me with some good matches and some good build to angles, looking forward to the DVD release.

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rohly8.jpgHammerstein Ballroom results... there's a bigger review on PWinsider, this is just results. They drew 2100 or so, less than that paid. They are returning, with the Motor City Machine Guns, on August 2nd.

Ring of Honor WrestlingNew York, NYMay 10, 20087:30 PM EDTROH Debut @ The Manhattan Center's Hammerstein Ballroom1) FIP World Heavyweight Championship: Roderick Strong defeats Go Shiozaki & Erick Stevens to retain the FIP World Championship. Strong pinned Erick Stevens. "Great opener" (Note: Possibly better than Collyer & Stryker from Expect The Unexpected)2) Tag Team Challenge Match: Kevin Steen & El Generico defeat Rocky Romero & Davey Richards. Steenerico wins with the Piledriver/Brainbuster combination as Generico pins Davey Richards.3) Tag Team Scramble: Delirious & Pelle defeat Hero & Albright and Evans & Jigsaw. Delirious pins Chris Hero.- Brent ALBRIGHT quits Sweet & Sour, Inc. ALBRIGHT destroys all members and leaves! Huge ovation for Mr. ALBRIGHT!- Attendence near 2,000.- ROH Returns to the Manhattan Center's Hammerstein Ballroom on August 2, 2008 w/ MURDER CITY MACHINE GUNS!4) NOAH vs ROH Rematch: Bryan Danielson defeats Naomichi Marufuji via Arms Across America.-INTERMISSION-- Daizee Haze & Delirious in ring segment. Delirious, dressed up, asks Daizee Haze on a date. Rhett Titus comes out and "cockblocks Delirious". Said to be hilarious live.5) Mike Adamle Special: The Takeshi Morishima defeats The Necro Butcher. Necro was "way over," but "the match didn't click" - JSWO6) ROH Tag Team Championships (No DQ): Jay Briscoe & Austin Aries retain the ROH World Tag Team Championships. Jay pins Tyler after a Mark Briscoe run in.7) ROH World Championship: Nigel McGuinness defeats Claudio Castagnoli with the London Dungeon.

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Undeniable - 6/10/2007


Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black vs Jack Evans & Ruckus - a short and completely forgettable tag match to kick things off with. Age of the Fall win with whatever their finisher is called (The End Time)


Brian Danielson vs Chris Hero - very good match indeed, lots of quality mat work plus the usual Hero antics. Plus Danielson knows when to cut Hero off, in any case Hero would have probably toned his excessive heat building down due to PPV time constraints. Danielson wins by stomping Hero into oblivion, quite literally.


Brent Albright, B.J. Whitmer & Adam Pearce vs Delirious, Kevin Steen & El Generico - the angle leading up to this match was pretty good, with Pearce trying to get Steen to join the Hangm3n by beating up Generico. However, the resulting 6 man is the usual Hangm3n rubbish. Albright hit

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Apart from McGuinness vs Dragon and Steen/Generico vs Briscoes there wasn't much else on the Driven PPV worth shouting about. Now if we're talking about the Driven DVD on the other hand, that's certainly better, if only on the grounds it has Danielson vs KENTA on it

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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DDD- ROH originally had a UK doubleshot booked in October last year. The dates were never announced outside their inclusion on a flyer I picked up at All Star Extravaganza 3 in Detroit at that Wrestlemania weekend. I'm sure that, with the way the Fighting Spirit and Tokyo matches went, the plan would have been for Nigel to beat Morishima for the title in the UK. Things changed as the dates never happened. They later agreed to do the west coast shows based on the San Francisco date being part of the Wrestle Reunion thing that turned into a shambles, and the Nigel title win that was obviously scheduled for October from months in advance was done in Edison instead.

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Another thing - does Erick Stevens not even get a namecheck in your reviews any more?

Well spotted sir! Edit made. Stevens is coming on a bit in what I've seen thus far. I thought his match with Morishima was way better than Steen's. I remember reading something about an ROH return in Autumn 07. Then presumbaly Alex Shane acted the prick and it got pulled
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