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Rob Feinstein Perverted-Justice Story

Bob Barnett

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Guest danthebruiser

Shocker, whats even more infuriating than Rob turning out to be a groomer is Picks return and his insider tid-bits. Mostly because we're all completely in the dark, snorting our last 10 dollars worth of crack cocaine. You return on an even larger horse, towering over any conceivable feat of monstrous human arcutecture. Your points are completely inane and you seem to think the overriding and best issue here is that RF is getting his comeuppance, as opposed to small children being at risk.LOOK CLART, PUT DOWN YOUR VODKA AND REDBULL AND SAMPLE REALITY FOR A MINUTE.Heres a culinary morsel for you, cooked up especially to go with your enormous kebab after you

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Guest Dave Pick

I'm in several different minds here...1. Feinstein really has stepped down. He's realised that if he has any affiliation with ROH, it's just gonna ruin the good reputation he's made for the promotion. He realises that a lot of the name talent on shows may not return because they don't want to work for a pedophile, thus it's logical for him to step down legitimately. 2. Feinstein has said he's stepped down, but hasn't really and Doug and Gabe are covering for him. I've met Doug before, and legitimately think he wouldn't do that. He came across as a really nice guy who seems to just play in the background - which is partially why he could do this as he just seems to be Rob's yes man. Rob's made Doug and Gabe what they are within indy wrestling so they coul;d feel they owe him one to cover up. However, I just find it unlikely that someone would cover for Rob after this...but they are his best friends. 3. Rob, Doug and Gabe already knew about this and they had contingency plans in case it ever got out like it has. They knew that RF had these problems and decided since he was their friend, they'd stick by him. The plans would be if it got out, they would run everything as normal but have Rob's name basically inked out of anything in the public eye. This way they can dodge bullets from people by saying RF has severed all ties within the company.4. Doug, Gabe and the money man legitimately knew nothing about this and when it came out, they had a meeting where they sat down with Rob and talked about it all. Since the money man behind ROH wouldn't have been happy with this, he's had the last word and possibly over-ruled anything the other three wanted and gotten Rob out of there to protect his investment. This could happen, as without the guy with the money, ROH wouldn't exist anyway. There's a few options there and I have a feeling #4 is the right one. I just have a really hard time believing Rob would just leave the company like that. But I also cannot see the likes of Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Steve Corino, Homicide and anyone else with high morals staying with the company if Rob is there. Then again, Low Ki has already denounced any affiliation with ROH or RFVideo so...I dunno. This'll probably be my last post in this topic as the past two days have tired me out thinking about it but there's a few options there for people to discuss. Heh, it was real strange going to the pub tonight and my conversation being:Me - "Remember that guy I told you about a couple of years back who threatened to sue me for selling bootlegged footage?"Friend - "Yeah?"Me - "Well he's been knacked. He's been caught out as a pedophile and it's all over the news in the Philly area"*Friend looks at me like a wtf? face for a few seconds and then burts out laughing*Honestly, the single most surreal thing I've ever had the pleasure of looking into involving wrestling. It's been fun, and I'll quote Teddy Hart as I leave this thread...God bless ya.

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Guest The Masked Avenger

May I be the first to shower the Mighty Danzo with kudos, made out of glory.That is possibly the best post I have ever read, ever.

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Guest Dave Pick

Shocker, whats even more infuriating than Rob turning out to be a groomer is Picks return and his insider tid-bits. Mostly because we're all completely in the dark, snorting our last 10 dollars worth of crack cocaine. You return on an even larger horse, towering over any conceivable feat of monstrous human arcutecture. Your points are completely inane and you seem to think the overriding and best issue here is that RF is getting his comeuppance, as opposed to small children being at risk.LOOK CLART, PUT DOWN YOUR VODKA AND REDBULL AND SAMPLE REALITY FOR A MINUTE.Heres a culinary morsel for you, cooked up especially to go with your enormous kebab after you

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Guest danthebruiser

Shocker, whats even more infuriating than Rob turning out to be a groomer is Picks return and his insider tid-bits. Mostly because we're all completely in the dark, snorting our last 10 dollars worth of crack cocaine. You return on an even larger horse, towering over any conceivable feat of monstrous human arcutecture. Your points are completely inane and you seem to think the overriding and best issue here is that RF is getting his comeuppance, as opposed to small children being at risk.LOOK CLART, PUT DOWN YOUR VODKA AND REDBULL AND SAMPLE REALITY FOR A MINUTE.Heres a culinary morsel for you, cooked up especially to go with your enormous kebab after you

Edited by danthebruiser
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Shocker, whats even more infuriating than Rob turning out to be a groomer is Picks return and his insider tid-bits. Mostly because we're all completely in the dark, snorting our last 10 dollars worth of crack cocaine. You return on an even larger horse, towering over any conceivable feat of monstrous human arcutecture. Your points are completely inane and you seem to think the overriding and best issue here is that RF is getting his comeuppance, as opposed to small children being at risk.LOOK CLART, PUT DOWN YOUR VODKA AND REDBULL AND SAMPLE REALITY FOR A MINUTE.Heres a culinary morsel for you, cooked up especially to go with your enormous kebab after you

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Guest Andy_CZW

I have been firmly defeated, no wait, I havnt.The level of condescension you imply, the Nerve that you display sometimes. And I didn

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Somebody just showed me this and you need all see it too!Rob Feinstein tribute Vid!Teddy hart, RF, Jacko, BOB BARRET?! It's a genuine LOL!

Oh my.... :omg: ..... what a video.As for Feinstein, well, he's really wrecked his life in the short term, hasn't he?I never fail to be amazed how people in the public eye do stupid things. You only have to look at someone like Stan Collymore in the paper the other day, or people like George Michael and Michael Barrymore in the past. Then there are the paedophilia cases, involving the convicted paedophiles like Gary Glitter and Jonathan King.But I digress. My prediction is that Rob will disappear for a year to 18 months, then reappear, Vince Russo/Tod Gordon style, on the U.S. indy scene somewhere.ROH will carry on as normal. RF Video will probably shut down permanently, or more likely, be taken over and renamed by someone else.Let's also not forget that although someone underage could have been harmed in all of this (and kids may or may not have been harmed in the past by Feinstein, who knows) no-one was actually hurt in this particular sting. There was no 14 year old boy, it was an undercover reporter.Not that these facts change things by one iota. At best, Fernstein has been incredibly stupid. At worst, he has shown perverted and/or criminal tendencies, which will forever tarnish his reputation. Shocking situation all round. Edited by ClassicsGuy
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CBS Evening News is running a story on internet operations to expose adults seeking meetings with minors through the internet this hour. It may or may not include details of the Rob Feinstein situation specifically.Apologies for not posting this in the other thread, but I thought this was pretty urgent enough to deserve it's own thread.At least for now. Maybe a mod can move it later.

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Damn, its taken an hour to read through this whole thing.Personally im openly skeptical. The net thing alone looks dodgy and could be faked but the running from the cameras thing doesn't really leave him with a leg to stand on.Of course he might claim to be "intimidated by a camera prodding him in the face for no reason and escapes a hostile situation brought about for no reason" but thats far fetched and bullshit.Infact what HAS he said in his defence?I hope whoever's with him has him on suicide watch cos he aint gonna be able to go far these days, the downside to running a large scale indy corp and bein a general ass.Meh life sucks, then again so does Rob, thank god there really was no little 14 year old tho.

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He can't really say he ran from the camera's cos he was suprised and didn't know what was going on because, what was he doing at the house anyway? The same house which happened to be mentioned in the internet convo.

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