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3 x Tickets for WWE Newcastle - Tuesday 12th November - OFFERS


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  • Paid Members

Evening all. So basically, this evening I won 3 tickets to the Newcastle show on the 12th. But, I live in Essex and getting there will be a nightmare.


So basically, if anyone wants to offer me a few quid for the tickets and the next day delivery postage to get them to you (I won't get them myself until Monday so will have to be next day I think), then I'll happily send them across.


Rather see them used rather than wasted.

  • Paid Members

Hi everyone - received these tickets this morning. Its 3 tickets in row 111 for Newcastle on Tuesday. I got these for free in a competition, so happy to shift them on for a few quid and the cost of next day delivery.


Message us if you are interested. Thanks!


Hi mate, just messaged you but not sure if it got through, haven't been on here for a while and I'm a bit thick. Could you PM me when you see this? Many thanks.


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