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First, worst, best, last


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First match was Rad Radford against Man Mountain Rock on the full metal tour at the hull arena. Really fun match that set the tone for what was a great night.


Worst is tricky as in Hull alone there has been some utter drivel. I'd say though I've seen some guff at WWE events so I'll go with Mason Ryan vs Jack Swagger from a Raw house show a couple of years ago. Crap crap and crap!


Best is too difficult but I think ill say seeing Steve Austin vs The Rock from a Sheffield house show in 1999. Both were gold at that point and the atmosphere was electric.


Last, in many ways, match I saw was Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan in April at Sheffield arena. Crowd were hot but the match was dull surprisingly.

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I don't remember the very first match. I went to a live house show with the WWF in London, I remember the three main matches were Bulldog/Owen vs. Godwinns, Bret Hart vs. Vader and Undertaker vs. Mankind. Just looked it up apparently the first match was Barry Horowitz vs. TL Hopper. No wonder I didn't remember it.



About a year ago Premier Promotions did a show in the BIC (as opposed to the Pavillion) for their easter special. ALas they put on two girls who just didn't know what to do. The match had about 34 roll ups. It was awful. To be fair it was because they were young and just getting started, but it was awful.



Dunno, it's pretty hard to tell. I think in terms of a match I got really drawn into then I'll go for Samoa Joe vs. Nigel McGuinness at the Liverpool Olympia for ROH's Fifth Year Festival. I really loved those shows and the main event of the first night I found more special than the next night. The two men just went at it and the match was really good imo. I know people say Danielson/McGuinness is better and it probably was but I didnt see that live.


Actually maybe the best was Danielson/Edwards vs. Ishimori/KENTA at Pro Wrestling NOAH. That match was incredible in the live arena. But I would like to add honourable mention to Joel Redman and Nick Riley who blew Bournemouth away about a year ago.



Hogan/Sting/ James Storm vs. Angle/Ray/Roode from the Nottingham Arena this January. Came home and my mum felt unwell. Two weeks later she was in hospital.

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First: According to Wikipedia, the opening dark match for Summerslam 92 was Jim Duggan & The Bushwackers v The Mountie and the Nasty Boys. Had to wikipedia this as I was only 11 at the time and it was almost 20 years ago :)


Worst: Cant say ive seen too many stinkers live that I can remember too well, although I did have to sit through a Mason Ryan match at a WWE house show at the MEN arena last year that was pretty awful. A Tommy Dreamer v Davari at the ECW tapings at the same venue in November 2006 was god awful too


Best: Cena v Michaels at the Raw show shortly after Mania 23 in London. Cant believe they put on such a match on a free TV event at a non US venue. Im not a Cena fan per say but both guys were on top form for this one


Last: Tozawa v Ligero at Preston City Wrestling 'Guild Wars' in June this year. An amazing match to cap off an excellent show

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