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UKFF FIFA 12 PS3 League


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Fiorentina will be around at sporadic moments today.


Just to add to the Marseille debate, whilst there's no proof I was also a little suspicious. He didn't accept my invite but sent his own 20 seconds later, now he's offered up an anal excuse as to why which I think is mildly plausible. What peaked my suspicion was the fact that he's smashing everyone by so many goals, dominating the scoring charts and despite beating me 5-1 I didn't think he was anything special. I would even go as far to say I was the better side, I had more chances but the difference being was his players were alot quicker than mine and all of his shots were on target with 5 of them going in. It will always raise suspicions but like I said,k I've been played off the park by better players than him - Wmxxx, Scottingham and Tilde to name but a few - and not conceded 5.


Fairplay to him if his games have all been legit but there was defo something there that niggled me.

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I can honestly say there has been no foul play on my part in any form whatsoever. My online record speaks for itself and I am probably the only guy on this league that has an online rank which is around 15,000 at the minute which was higher in the top 3000 before Modern Warfare 3 was released. Is it not concievable that I am just that good? I have a formation and custom tactics which I have refined and tailored to my style of play. I never drag my defensive midfielder or centre backs out of position which many guys have tended to do against me. My home and away matchup preference has contributed to this ambiguity which in hindsight wasn't the best idea.

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wmxxx you free tonight, i'm on now for a hour but if u can play later just let me know


was busy last night mate. You available today?


what time were u thinking to playing if not just let me know the best time for u over the next few days.


can come on at ten but not for long, if not will have to catch you another day?

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Also to add to the Marseille debate, it was me who raised the initial suspicion. I invited Marseille to a match, he didnt accept the invite and then added me into a match around two minutes later, he then proceded to score 4 goals with his first 4 shots, a fifth later and then a sixth when I started to chase his players with my goalkeeper as EVERY attack ended with one of his players disposesing me. He also said earlier that he only adds the other players when he is the "home" team, well I (Lyon) was the home team for that match so there was no reason for it.


I then went on to offer him a match around 10 minutes later (under the false pretence of me deciding to see if I was really that bad, when in reality I was going to make sure I was host to trip him up, and he wouldnt accept it)


I have since quit the league.

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Atletico is back :)


You cant do assisted settings online, that solves the argument.


Yes you can in unranked online matches. If you add the other person (as Marseille DO) you can set your match settings to "ANY" which means if you were enough of a cheat to set your own settings offline as assisted yours will be assisted, the other persons will also go their offline settings and if your not a cheat, will be set to "MANUAL" already.

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I just played 2 friendlies against the guy accused of cheating and there is no way in which he is. He is a good finisher and a good player, where everyone is going wrong is not taking chances you get in a game. I neearly beat him in the first friendly and the second game he took his chances to beat me 6-4. You can tell he plays it alot in his spare time.

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Mate you are an absolute joke. You did message me afterwards saying you wanted to play me to see if you were actually that bad (under false pretences) and I told you that you weren't because you got into goal scoring opportunities more than once but were not as clinical as me. If i knew not playing you would have resulted in all this bullshit then I wouldn't have hesitated to beat you again. What can I possibly do that constitues cheating to ensure that in this particular game I scored 4 out of 4? I am confused as to what the actual accusations of cheating are. I think you are confused as to what assisted means because all assisted means is that your shooting and passing and crossing will be assisted by the computer. If you are saying I use legacy defending instead of tactical defending and me sending invites is a way of guaranteeing this then you are fucking mistaken because its possible to change your defending options in controller customisation before the game starts. I know this because when FIFA 12 was first released people that I beat convincingly on FIFA 11 were changing their controls to legacy instead of tactical and beating me as a result. You are such a dumb cunt. Does it not occur to you that the reason I kept dispossesing you is because I am actually that good? It shows online you are a 3 star rated player and I am a 4 and a half star rated player so I am going to be more successful in tactical defending than you because I simply have more experience as I have played more games than you. I just want the issue put to bed because its annoying reading that I am being accused of cheating when I am not. If anyone wants to replay their game with me then I am more than happy to do so and prove my quality of which I have no doubts. People are also ignoring the fact that Marseille are probably the best team in the league and I don't think I would have a 100% record if i was another team.

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