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WrestleMania 28 - Who's Going?


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I'm in. Operation Cheetos has worked. Typical, was looking forward to meeting a couple of lads off here and Sewelly very kindly pm'd me to say he would be about in The Cleevelander at 4pm and I've just arrived in a taxi back at my hotel in downtown (i.e. miles away) after drinking on the terrace at that very bar. Doh!


Taxi fares are raping me of money, the traffic on the causeway between the main land and Miami beach is like the M25. I will be leaving to go back over for DGUSA as soon as I've sat in a cold bath. Never thought to bring a pair of shorts with me did I, sweating me knackers off. This is what happens when I travel without the mrs, I forget about everything apart from wrestling and beer.

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Been at the Wrestlereunion Merch thing.....some good stuff there and met El Generico and Colt Cabana there, and saw Vader and Tommy Dreamer and most the DGUSA guys wandering about. Miami is an amazing place. Had some awesome food, swam in the sea. Hopefully the DG show is good later.

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I'm looking at getting over to Miami beach ASAP, looks like I'm gonna have to go straight to DGUSA as show starts at 8. 3 dollars a pint! It was 6 dollars when I was there 3 hours ago! Try the nachos, even a fat bastard like myself couldn't finish them off, you get shit loads...... But it is still expensive.


If I get over mega quick where you sat? To be honest it's gonna be tight to get there as by time you reply I will have left and I can't access Internet when I'm away from the hotel.


Just ordered ROH 4th row ticket for tomorrow, total madness plan as going to axxess at 8am, stay for a couple of hours as heard reports it's not got much on, then 40 mins travel to Fort Laurderdale for ROH at 1pm then gotta back to hotel to put shirt on for hall of fame.


Just had email through from American airlines arena stating you need casual suit dress which I don not have. I read the posts about smart dress earlier and the best I have with me is a stripy short sleeved shirt, fairly smart jeans and a pair of shoes. Looks like I better get the hotel ironing board out tonight then.

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IMO, Axxess is total Wank, you're jsut rushed through & it's very rare you can even get a photo, I gave up on Axxess's along time ago, waste of Money.


Hotels are a much better option for Photos, Axxess is better for Autographs.


Plus, I'm not one of these Dickish fans with my approach either, I know it's their personal time & won't bother them if they're busy, if they look like they're happy posing for fans (which they have been so far from pics I have seen), well, no harm in asking.


Just have manners, class & respect when you approach & do it at the right time obviously.


Well if you find out where they're staying pm me and let me know!


They're staying at the Intercontinental. I stayed a short distance from the official hotel last year and you won't get anywhere near them there. Private entrance, private lifts etc. Bayside Marketplace is a short walk away, you'll spot them in there getting lunch etc. As you say, provided you're courteous, don't interrupt their dinner and such, they should be fine with it. The mall and gym nearest the official hotel last year were the best places to spot them and because most hardcore autograph hunters were waiting outside the hotel, they weren't as mobbed as you'd expect. In the time it took to sit down for a burger in the food court we'd seen Lawler, Del Rio, Kelly Kelly, IRS, Andy Leavine and a couple more of the Tough Enough contestants. The exception to the "not being mobbed" crowd was The Rock. We didn't see him, but heard a massive commotion when he walked past outside.


If its the same one I think you are on about I can see the Intercontinental Hotel from my window.

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I'm looking at getting over to Miami beach ASAP, looks like I'm gonna have to go straight to DGUSA as show starts at 8. 3 dollars a pint! It was 6 dollars when I was there 3 hours ago! Try the nachos, even a fat bastard like myself couldn't finish them off, you get shit loads...... But it is still expensive.


If I get over mega quick where you sat? To be honest it's gonna be tight to get there as by time you reply I will have left and I can't access Internet when I'm away from the hotel.


Just ordered ROH 4th row ticket for tomorrow, total madness plan as going to axxess at 8am, stay for a couple of hours as heard reports it's not got much on, then 40 mins travel to Fort Laurderdale for ROH at 1pm then gotta back to hotel to put shirt on for hall of fame.


Just had email through from American airlines arena stating you need casual suit dress which I don not have. I read the posts about smart dress earlier and the best I have with me is a stripy short sleeved shirt, fairly smart jeans and a pair of shoes. Looks like I better get the hotel ironing board out tonight then.


I'm sat right as come in , wearing a green polo shirt. Have you got a good seat for hof I'm in the gods and don't have any smart clothes

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I'm looking at getting over to Miami beach ASAP, looks like I'm gonna have to go straight to DGUSA as show starts at 8. 3 dollars a pint! It was 6 dollars when I was there 3 hours ago! Try the nachos, even a fat bastard like myself couldn't finish them off, you get shit loads...... But it is still expensive.


If I get over mega quick where you sat? To be honest it's gonna be tight to get there as by time you reply I will have left and I can't access Internet when I'm away from the hotel.


Just ordered ROH 4th row ticket for tomorrow, total madness plan as going to axxess at 8am, stay for a couple of hours as heard reports it's not got much on, then 40 mins travel to Fort Laurderdale for ROH at 1pm then gotta back to hotel to put shirt on for hall of fame.


Just had email through from American airlines arena stating you need casual suit dress which I don not have. I read the posts about smart dress earlier and the best I have with me is a stripy short sleeved shirt, fairly smart jeans and a pair of shoes. Looks like I better get the hotel ironing board out tonight then.


I'm sat right as come in , wearing a green polo shirt. Have you got a good seat for hof I'm in the gods and don't have any smart clothes


Fairly good, I'm sat in the floor seats, thing is the floor seat was bought off eBay and the email came from a ticket I bought in the gods through ticketmaster which I have going spare if anyone wants to meet at the venue as its a 'will call' ticket, I've got the card I bought it on but haven't got the confirmation email. I'm going to ROH before so I would do my best to get back in time.


I think I'm gonna have to leave meeting up mate unless the traffics better than when I was last out as gonna be tight getting to the show. Enjoy the Kevin Nash night, never know I might turn up there!

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We've just got to the Deauville beach resort after 3 days in Orlando and it's quite strange to walk in and see Honky Tonk Man standing by the reception and then to bump into Vader coming out of the lift as we get to our room!


We've also seen Demolition Ax walking about and Larry Zybsko outside having a cigarette. Finally we got talking to a Wrestlereunion worker and he said that New Jack was sat at the bar and not too happy that they didn't have his favourite drink there. Surreal to say the least and looking at some guys it's also a bit like the convention scene in the Wrestler. Going to watch Jake Roberts after midnight. :music:

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Just got back from DGUSA and if that's the start of my wrestling holiday then I'm in for a good time. Fantastic show, good crowd and got a photo with Gabe. Random thoughts: Sami Callihan is a star of the future, great to see Sabu and Tommy Dreamer in a surprise appearance, great matches were : AR Fox v Rich Swann in one of the best openers I've seen, Low Ki v PAC was always going to be good and it was a statement of how wrestling should be ( slow build & mat wrestling to stiff kicks then onto high spots and near falls), main event tag of Yoshino (replacing Cima) & Ricochet v Gargano & Taylor was another good match with funny shout outs from Taylor, even though I'm never sure of comedy in a main event, great heat for Tozawa's valet in his match (another good one) and she gave as good as she received although it did distract from the match, when she told a fan who was giving her stick he had an 'ugly hat' the whole crowd gave him an 'ugly hat' chant. Well funny.


Overall really enjoyed it and found out that Highspots & Colt are doing the $5 wrestling show again tomorrow night after DGUSA / Hall of Fame which Colt says will be the most fun you can have with the worst possible wrestling!!! Colt will do some jokes & there are matches with some random blokes which Colt says will be so bad they will be good, generally sounds a laugh so that's another thing to add to my ever growing list of things to do, at least I can take back the t shirts I just bought, too small and too big. Sometimes buying shirts at a show is just a gamble to see if they I'll fit you.

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Have no idea what to do with myself tomorrow. In downtown Miami. Anyone got any non-wrestling related suggestions?


Cup your hand to your ear, and listen for the sounds of Andrew driving Tucker mental. Failing that maybe get a bus early doors up to Orlando and go to Universal Studios?

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Have no idea what to do with myself tomorrow. In downtown Miami. Anyone got any non-wrestling related suggestions?


Cup your hand to your ear, and listen for the sounds of Andrew driving Tucker mental. Failing that maybe get a bus early doors up to Orlando and go to Universal Studios?


I hear those two are driving. The traffic over here is mad! I don't envy them one bit. More than happy to stick to my public transport.

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