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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Sorry guys. Shitty day and night for me all round. Good luck.

And also, tom - what do you make of this post? tom ONLY please.

I don't see why you need to aim this solely at me, but it is most likely just referring to his day phase having him drop the hammer on a bp town and his night phase seeing him die, or it could mean that his night action failed which would mean someone else took out Lion; so there's a serial killer perhaps?

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Not comfortable at all with the Ron/Nexus/Tom dynamic over the last few pages. Tom and Ron REALLY jumped on Nexus, and Nexus is acting scummy. To me, it strikes me as either Ron/Tom ganging up on Nexus, or as the three of them working together, sacrificing Nexus for the good of the team. I'm still suspicious of Swiftstrike for all the reasons I've said.


Can whoever Ron neighbourised last night please say so. Ron, right now, don't say a word.

I already had which worries me - if you're going to accuse me of something at least read my posts first. With the greatest respect, if we're not paying full attention to what other people say at this stage, we'll lose. If you look back on yesterday I ALREADY accused Nexus of being scum, and explained why. So it's not just a case of me suddenly doing it.


I'd missed you stating who you'd neighbourise. Fair point - however, I never said that your move on Nexus was sudden. It's the strength you both did it with that bothers me.


I also "REALLY" jumped on Lion beforehand and was wrong - I've pointed that out. So if you think I'm focussing too hard on just the one person, just say I guess. I've done it before with Family Guy a few games back, and I did it with Lion. I don't want to end up doing it a third time, because I'm probably allowing the scum to sit back and let me do all the work when I do that.


It's not that I think you're focusing too hard on one person - it's that it looks, to me, like it's the old 'I'll look more scummy, and you two will be cleared' route.


And another point, on what you say about Nexus being "sacrificed for the good of the team"...do you really think the scum NEED to do that at this stage? A kill tonight, and if there's an odd night vigilante, a miss-kill from him (or, even worse, if the SCUM have to vig) will probably win the game for them with all members intact. :/


Yeah, but having two 'confirmed' town is a strong position in itself.

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The more I think about it, the more worried I am about Ron. In the last phase he tried to buddy up with me by calling me a really good player and in this phase he jumped right onto my worries about Nexus as soon as he could. And I'm not sure why he solely asked me about Kenny? Was he hoping I would say something daft, which I did, and then watch pressure build on another townie?

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The more I think about it, the more worried I am about Ron. In the last phase he tried to buddy up with me by calling me a really good player and in this phase he jumped right onto my worries about Nexus as soon as he could. And I'm not sure why he solely asked me about Kenny? Was he hoping I would say something daft, which I did, and then watch pressure build on another townie?

No - because you've contradicted yourself. I'm accessing the site on a phone right now, so bear with me - I asked this for a reason, and that reason is coming up in a quote post shortly...

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I figured Lion would be taken out by our vigilante

This has got me thinking; Kenny was the town vigilante for last night and he ends up dead, but would his kill have gone through despite him being offed himself? If so then do you think it was Kenny who took Lion out?


Also, I'm dubious about mass role claims as it is just going to give scum a nice big list of all the town power roles in order for them to pick off one by one and/or dispute town power claims and end up getting the actual town power roles killed

It was this post - I think - and if that's the case it's not actually as bad as I initially thought. Basically, Tom - I thought you were trying to feign cluelessness, but the post isn't as shifty on second reading.

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I just honestly wasn't sure if both could go through, as to my knowledge something like that never came up in my only other game of Mafia. I don't see how I have contradicted myself??

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SMS' play right now is starting to look a bit suspect. I believe he's a rolecop, but I'm not 100% convinced he's Town - outing Snake, then outing bristep just doesn't strike me as particularly pro-Town behaviour. He's making it easier for Scum to focus their kills.


It's worth pointing out that he hasn't actually outed Bristep but, yeah, Reading back through the thread, this post caught my attention as well:


I have a couple of things I would like to discuss.


First of all, I am getting confused by the cases for peoples votes at this stage already, so can people please briefly sum up there case on their suspect and can the suspect briefly reply with their defence.


Secondly, we might have a bomb, so if we suspect two people should we get the other suspect to put in the final vote but allow time for someone else to do it at the last minute if they don't.


Even though the odds aren't high, scum won't want to risk taking the chance, unless they have the bomb on their side or have worked out who it is via their role e.g rolecop, neighborizer etc.


Is it also worth us trying to direct the odd night vigilante towards another suspect?


There is a possibility scum could have the watcher or trackers role to discover who the vig is, but if we aim at someone we suspect, is it worth the risk?


Thirdly, two players having the same numbers would mean that they slip down the draft list, so scum won't have two people pick the same, so if any of them are scum it will be just one but we have no proof of whether that could be true yet.


These are just my random thoughts, so I am interested in peoples opinions, as well as hearing other people thought as well.


If I don't appear to be posting as much as other games, don't judge that as scummy, just me distancing myself from the game a bit after things that have happened in previous games.


If you have other reasons to believe I am scum, then vote away, but it will be a wasted vote.


As I am still unsure about what the hell is going on here I am going to unvote.


Unvote: Swiftstrike


SMS - What made you give neighbouriser and, in particular, rolecop as examples of roles that scum might have?


I thought that by putting the two roles together, it might have led to the neighbouriser contacting me, as I was the rolecop.


In other words, it was very crappy breadcrumbing, which didn't matter in the end as I had to reveal my role and results anyhow.


In reply to the other question asked of me, several roles have results, not just cop.


If we are not going to reveal or roles, without revealing your role Bristep, did you uncover anything suspicious?


I believe you are town so please share your info if you can.


If I missed anything, then sorry as I have a terrible headache, so I am having an early night.


Please ask me again and I will answer tomorrow.

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I just honestly wasn't sure if both could go through, as to my knowledge something like that never came up in my only other game of Mafia. I don't see how I have contradicted myself??

I thought you'd feigned not understanding it, hadn't noticed someone explaining it to you the post under and tried to catch you out - reading it back I'm not actually sure why I thought 'scum!!' it looks a lot more innocent on second reading.

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I just honestly wasn't sure if both could go through, as to my knowledge something like that never came up in my only other game of Mafia. I don't see how I have contradicted myself??

I thought you'd feigned not understanding it, hadn't noticed someone explaining it to you the post under and tried to catch you out - reading it back I'm not actually sure why I thought 'scum!!' it looks a lot more innocent on second reading.

This is......odd. You tried to set me up and push me under the bus on something trivial, and now you're more or less admitting it? You did the same against bristep on day one, in which you asked him if he read the rules and were waiting to pounce with a post that would contradict him on this. Only problem was, the point you made reference to wasn't in the thread you referred to and you quickly had to backtrack. Not saying it's a sign but, you seem to be firing up some flimsy attempts at scum hunting

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I just honestly wasn't sure if both could go through, as to my knowledge something like that never came up in my only other game of Mafia. I don't see how I have contradicted myself??

I thought you'd feigned not understanding it, hadn't noticed someone explaining it to you the post under and tried to catch you out - reading it back I'm not actually sure why I thought 'scum!!' it looks a lot more innocent on second reading.

This is......odd. You tried to set me up and push me under the bus on something trivial, and now you're more or less admitting it? You did the same against bristep on day one, in which you asked him if he read the rules and were waiting to pounce with a post that would contradict him on this. Only problem was, the point you made reference to wasn't in the thread you referred to and you quickly had to backtrack. Not saying it's a sign but, you seem to be firing up some flimsy attempts at scum hunting

I'm trying - as you should - to catch people out and look out for mistakes. I've had to access the site on a phone the past two days so I guess it's slightly easier to make mistakes like that. If I was trying to paint you as scummy, I'd have tried to find something and push it - instead I'm asking whilst giving you the benefit of the doubt. I thought you were feigning ignorance first time round, I did that in my first two games, but reading it back I think I probably was harsh in my reading.

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