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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Snake, this is the conversation that led to you misreading my post:


That is the way you would think about choosing your role brownie, but given SMS's history within the games played here do you think he would think the same way? I think he would choose a more defensive role for himself to be honest. I guess he would choose bomb because the way he has played in the past where he has managed to get himself in a difficult situation and get himself lynched, that way if he was town and scum hammered the lynch he would take out a scum, or if he was scum he could take out a town player who hammered the lynch.


That is my read on it anyway

Are you trying to antagonise SMS? He's draft number 1 - why would he lie about the role he picked? It's far too risky for him to lie about that.




There are plenty of other people who have slipped by this day phase Ron who have said a lot less than me in fact here is a count of all the posts from the start of this phase


Ron 61

SMS 44

britstep 32

brownie 18

Swift 16

Chris b 14

Kenny 13

Snake 13

Spotlight 11

Tom 10

Lion 10 including this one

Nexus 9

Unfitfinlay 8

Carbomb 7


Nexus is usually a lot more vocal than that, I know he has been VLA but even so, so have plenty of others.


I am not trying to antagonise SMS just looking at how he has played in the past. As to why he would lie about his role. If he were scum then why wouldn't he lie.


Snake nothing has changed I am just trying to find scum. I am still VT and if you wish to lynch then me then go right ahead




As to why he would lie about his role. If he were scum then why wouldn't he lie.

Because he's number one draft? Because he is guarenteed to get the role he wants? Because it'd be a monumental risk at pick one to try and guess the roles that every subsequent player has to fake claim? Because he'd be knackered if draft pick 2 chose rolecop as well and got a VT PM? Because being scum doesn't automatically mean you have to lie?


Are you ill Lion? That's a mental thing to say.



As number 1 pick he is the only person we can be sure has a role. So he can say he has whatever role he likes if he is scum, surely you see that. If he was scum yet scum also had the rolecop he could claim rolecop safe in the knowledge that he would not be contradicted. If SMS is scum he can claim any of the roles that scum have. he claimed day 2 so the scum had a chance to talk to each other overnight so they could choose which role out of all the ones they have that he would claim.



So, say he's decided that he'll actually claim the role of scum member 2 instead of his actual one.


Tonight, the vig takes out scum member 2 and in the morning we see the flip.


SMS is banged to rights as lying. And gets lynched.

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So how do we know who is scum member 2 then? Im still a bit fuzzy about what is being suggested here?


Are we saying that SMS is lying about his role and in actuality that it is a scum role that one of the other team members has and he's assumed it to protect himself?


There's been one night phase? Am i right in saying that Scum have no day talk? Because if thats the case he couldn't have communicated the role? Therefore he's broadcasting it to give the other scums a heads up. But then they wouldn't be doing anything until overnight so would that be necessary?


The only way I would see that making sense is if they have a day vig and that would be a signal to not target me.


Again Im not defending SMS Im just looking at all the various scenarios before we lynch one of 2 very helpful PRs. I also, don't like the fact that some people were quite happy to see the Universal backup gone, becuase now if we were to mislynch a townrole Seph would have stepped into that role and we could have afforded the loss. Now the scums have played themselves into a strong position whereby when we loose a PR we've lost it. Period. So Ron suggesting it wasn't a big loss at this juncture I would say actually it is.


Again a fair few people are slipping under the radar. Seriously people you need to take part (If your lurking) or highliting those who are (If your one of the active ones)


So here's a list of where we are at:


SMS - Rolecop claim (Backed up by correct rolecop of Snake P (me)) Alignment Unconfirmed

Snake P - Bulletproof (Rolecopped by SMS) Alignment Unconfirmed (However I know I am town)

Ron Simmons - Neighbourizer - (Confirmed by invite via Mike C invite to QT (Awaiting QT link)) Alignment unconfirmed

Lion of the Midlands - Vanilla Town - Alignment claimed Town (Unconfirmed)


Seph - Universal Backup - DEAD - Confirmed Town

AtG - Vanilla Town - DEAD - Confirmed Town


I actually don't know why im posting that, but it might be of use when you consider all the others not posting currently of what we potentially could loose in the lynch today.

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Welcome back Snake, I'll just say this in response to your vote.


I voted for you before you were V/LA and made it clear you were my suspect numero uno.


I voted for you before SMS claimed you to be bulletproof.


I didn't push a lynch on bulletproof Snake, I pushed a lynch on scum Snake, which is what I believed then and still believe now.


The fact that Nicko was trying to throw out the bulletproof role onto SMS early on (good spot by the way whoever it was, I forget.), followed by the backtrack when SMS called him on that makes me think they might be scum together, (since they can't day talk, SMS might have been worried that Nicko was rolefishing and gave him a warning in game to let him know) or at least Nicko tried to buddy to the top town player draftwise


I still don't see why people think that the bulletproof role has any validity left. It's only a temporary power, basically negated once the scum are aware of it.



a) Scum will not target him, so any potential night kill misses through that avenue are gone. That is a bulletproof townie's ONLY use IMO, and it's now gone.



a) Scum already knew he was bulletproof, and wouldn't be NKing him anyway

b) Having him out in the open but alignment unconfirmed means that any vigs won't waste their NK trying to test the claim.




Missing out brownie and ChrisB off that list Snake, both have claimed Vanilla town (albeit via proxy in brownie's case since it was TDK who made the claim).

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So how do we know who is scum member 2 then? Im still a bit fuzzy about what is being suggested here?

I actually buy what you're saying to an extent - I'm still wary of you if I'm honest, but while I'm being honest I'll admit once again there's a bit of paranoia in that feeling since I neighboured you.


I think the BEST lynch is Lion, because at this stage I think he's pretty blatantly scum. People seem to have this huge urge to lynch for info, which is all well and good when you need it - ultimately the aim of the game is to HUNT SCUM and I think we've found our first member in Lion.


There's been one night phase? Am i right in saying that Scum have no day talk? Because if thats the case he couldn't have communicated the role? Therefore he's broadcasting it to give the other scums a heads up. But then they wouldn't be doing anything until overnight so would that be necessary?

You could actually be right. SMS may be a little over-eager to share his results with his team. He may be making a misguided push to ensure they vote for you. With the lack of day talk mistakes like this can be made, I reckon - and we should look out for them.



Again a fair few people are slipping under the radar. Seriously people you need to take part (If your lurking) or highliting those who are (If your one of the active ones)

Again, I agree. Nexus is making me suspect him slightly, he's very opportunistic about when he posts, it seems to me. I definitely think we need to push him next phase.


But yeah, I don't think we're making the right lynch. I DO want to have one tonight, so I'll keep my vote as it is for now until more people are about to chat - but I URGE you all to reconsider.

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So how do we know who is scum member 2 then? Im still a bit fuzzy about what is being suggested here?

Are we saying that SMS is lying about his role and in actuality that it is a scum role that one of the other team members has and he's assumed it to protect himself?


I think you're deliberately trying to cause confusion and try to delay anyone else voting.


Quite obviously we don't know yet who is scum. Re-read the quotes I posted for you. Lion has a theory that SMS has claimed a role that another member of the scum team has. I pointed out that it's a major risk for SMS to do that as if the member of scum who actually has that role is killed, SMS will be exposed.


There's been one night phase? Am i right in saying that Scum have no day talk? Because if thats the case he couldn't have communicated the role? Therefore he's broadcasting it to give the other scums a heads up. But then they wouldn't be doing anything until overnight so would that be necessary?


You know there is no scum day talk. It says on page one of the thread and pointing it out was ATG's only contribution to the game.


Are you saying you believe SMS to be scum?

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Im not ruling it out brownie. But im not convinced either and Im not trying to confuse people Brownie, but I know I am confused here.


@ Bristep - apologies yes you are right it's Kenny who put that vote in I was referring to (I just looked back, again skimming the thread before posting is not a good thing to do kids). How is a Bulletproof town negated once the town know the identity. If anything it ensures one town member who will live to the end thus increasing the towns chances of winning by one. Thats seriously small minded thinking Bristep and scummy too. You are acting like you are trying to off an unkillable (From a scum perspective) player. Which just in my view enhances your scuminess.

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Im not ruling it out brownie. But im not convinced either and Im not trying to confuse people Brownie, but I know I am confused here.


@ Bristep - apologies yes you are right it's Kenny who put that vote in I was referring to (I just looked back, again skimming the thread before posting is not a good thing to do kids). How is a Bulletproof town negated once the town know the identity. If anything it ensures one town member who will live to the end thus increasing the towns chances of winning by one. Thats seriously small minded thinking Bristep and scummy too. You are acting like you are trying to off an unkillable (From a scum perspective) player. Which just in my view enhances your scuminess.


Scum only need to get the town number down to an equal level as their number. There is no circumstance where the town would have 1 player left and have the game still going (other than having a third party in play as well for a 1-1-1 split) which means there is no point in the game where they would *need* to kill you. Now that they know you're the bulletproof player they don't need to give a shit about you and can target other townies at night safe in the knowledge that they won't hit the bulletproof.


That's if you are town by the way. I think you aren't.


Call me small minded again by the way. I love it when we get personal.

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Calm down dear it's a game, I was referring to your in game play not you personally. sheesh.


But Im still a town that will be around. deary me. So what your suggesting is that town members don't matter en route to victory, if they are vanilla or outed vanilla or in your mind worthless role. Hmmm, thats scum thinking right there.

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Calm down dear it's a game, I was referring to your in game play not you personally. sheesh.


But Im still a town that will be around. deary me. So what your suggesting is that town members don't matter en route to victory, if they are vanilla or outed vanilla or in your mind worthless role. Hmmm, thats scum thinking right there.


Oh dear, that's some serious misrep right there. I've suggested no such thing. I'm saying that if you are town, you have as much impact as a vanilla townie now. That's not to say that you wouldn't have a contribution to make, all town players do whether they have a power role or not, but your ability has become redundant.


Again, that's if you're town. I think you're scum. If I thought you were town I wouldn't support your lynch, even in the face of a no-lynch.


This is my order of preference (based on my read, null would basically anyone you really aren't sure on).


1) Scum Lynch - Always

2) Null Lynch - Only to avoid a no-lynch

3) No Lynch - Only if none of the wagon candidates give me a scum or null read.

4) Town Lynch - Never.


Right now you and SMS are in category 1, everyone else is in category 2 pretty much. In my opinion anyway.


I'm not leading a case for you to be lynched because "Oh he might be scum, and even if he isn't the bulletproof is just vanilla now so it doesn't matter".


I'm leading a case for you to be lynched because I think you are scum, and I hope that people don't ignore a scum read because of your claimed role.


You're doing a lot of twisting at the moment, ref in point your 'confusion' over brownie's points about SMS. Hmm that's scum behaviour right there.

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Calm down guys!


I felt I had no choice to try and stand up for Snake as I didn't find anything scummy about his play and knew he had an important role.


There were quite a few players on his lynch, enough that it would have been easy for scum to jump on and push it through, as well as being easy as he wasn't around to defend himself.


I unselfishly did what I felt was best for town, even warning players that I didn't want to reveal, but I understand why people needed to push me on this.


I believe Lion, Bristep and Nexus to be 3 out of our 4 scum members but don't have enough proof to back up my theory.


I hope people will see I am telling the truth, which I know I haven't always played that well, but here I am trying my best and hope you can all see that and try and judge me on this game only.


If I am not mistaken, didn't Tom also claim Vanilla, saying he went for the bomb role?


Calm down guys!


I felt I had no choice to try and stand up for Snake as I didn't find anything scummy about his play and knew he had an important role.


There were quite a few players on his lynch, enough that it would have been easy for scum to jump on and push it through, as well as being easy as he wasn't around to defend himself.


I unselfishly did what I felt was best for town, even warning players that I didn't want to reveal, but I understand why people needed to push me on this.


I believe Lion, Bristep and Nexus to be 3 out of our 4 scum members but don't have enough proof to back up my theory.


I hope people will see I am telling the truth, which I know I haven't always played that well, but here I am trying my best and hope you can all see that and try and judge me on this game only.


If I am not mistaken, didn't Tom also claim Vanilla, saying he went for the bomb role?

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Bristep have you ever considered you are wrong and what the consequences are? I don't think so. Im interested in why you are so sure Im scum. Im not doing twisting Im posting as I understand. Im not thick, but I didn't get the way Brownies post was written. Sorry if I don't meet your lofty standards.


Just becuase I don't agree with you Bristep, doesn't majke me a) wrong or b) scum.

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Bristep have you ever considered you are wrong and what the consequences are? I don't think so. Im interested in why you are so sure Im scum. Im not doing twisting Im posting as I understand. Im not thick, but I didn't get the way Brownies post was written. Sorry if I don't meet your lofty standards.


Just becuase I don't agree with you Bristep, doesn't majke me a) wrong or b) scum.


Of course I consider I might be wrong, but I can't play the game by doubting myself nor should others. If I'm wrong I'll apologise post game, that's my philosophy. If I accidentally do something wrong or hurt someone a bit in a match we don't instantly stop and apologise. It gets left until afterwards. Same thing applies here. I try and make sure I don't insult anyone, berate anyone or belittle anyone. Anything else is personal play style and that's nothing to be apologetic about.


BTW, I've driven 3 of the major wagons so far in this game. Funny how I'm suddenly only looking scummy when I'm driving the wagon on you. What was it you said before I voted for you? "Bristep looks town" or something along those lines. But you're right, I just accuse anyone who votes for me of OMGUS, so I better not do it this time.


I don't think i've based my case on you not agreeing with me and since you're now starting to take pot shots with the "have you ever considered you are wrong" and "Sorry if I don't meet your lofty standards" I think it's best that I just stop responding to you for the moment.


EBWOP : SMS You're right, Tom has also claimed Vanilla.

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