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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Right well, aside from reading back properly, to say im not happy would be an understatement. SMS not a clever move really. But I can confirm that I am a Bulletproof town, which is why I was asking for Ron to Neigbourize me as I thought the scum may try and pick me off, but being bulletproof it would have failed. But now it's in the scums best interest to have me lynched as they can't take me out overnight. Or have me hammer on a bomb, which Im not planning on doing (Hammering that is).


It's also interesting to note despite people saying words to the effect of he's not here.. They are still piling in and putting votes on. Just as well Im back before lynch time otherwise the scum would lead you all on a merry lynch and take away one of your key players (From a role PoV) as they can't take me out overnight.


So in light of this I start looking at just who is pushing for my lynch. Surprisingly it's Bristep. Despite the possibility of me being town, he's relentless on having me removed via lynch. He doesn't want to take a chance and is not willing to look at other possibilities. SO whats the alternative? Ah yes lynch the cop. While I have no idea on the alliance of SMS. He would have no reason to reveal my role if he was scum as he would have already told them. This to me makes me think SMS is town.


Kenny also has garnered scum points in my view now too as he also was pushing for the lynch with no real reasoning other than my (Non and previosuly explained) vote hopping, plus the fact I surmised over my reads. Weak at best. He's also played the newb card at me which again doesn't weak as I know he's a newb, but I'm not even taken peoples experience into consideratio, it goes on behaviours in each game.


FOS Kenny Thats a placeholder for tomorrow if I don't get lynched.


However I have a feeling that Bristep is pushing way too hard and again is trying to lead you. So for now and in my view quite clearly the most scummy is Bristep.


Unvote, Vote Bristep


This doesn't mean I'm switching off Swift to 'vote hop' I have changed my vote becuase Bristep is clearly trying to get a lynch pushed on to one of two now partially confirmed power roles.

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Also just looking at the posts while I was typing brought up something interesting to mind.


@Lion - Your claiming VT yes? So is it now more important that a power role is lynched today all of a sudden when you were offereing yourself up yesterday to prevent a PR loss? Whats changed?

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There are plenty of other people who have slipped by this day phase Ron who have said a lot less than me in fact here is a count of all the posts from the start of this phase


Ron 61

SMS 44

britstep 32

brownie 18

Swift 16

Chris b 14

Kenny 13

Snake 13

Spotlight 11

Tom 10

Lion 10 including this one

Nexus 9

Unfitfinlay 8

Carbomb 7


Nexus is usually a lot more vocal than that, I know he has been VLA but even so, so have plenty of others.


I am not trying to antagonise SMS just looking at how he has played in the past. As to why he would lie about his role. If he were scum then why wouldn't he lie.


Snake nothing has changed I am just trying to find scum. I am still VT and if you wish to lynch then me then go right ahead

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EBWOP. if SMS is scum rolecop then the only way he can get you killed Snake is by lynch, or possibly bomb. If you avoid this lynch then you make sure you are never the hammer. SMS gave away a lot about you whilst you were not around to defend yourself, and for no good reason either. That is pretty scummy

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As to why he would lie about his role. If he were scum then why wouldn't he lie.

Because he's number one draft? Because he is guarenteed to get the role he wants? Because it'd be a monumental risk at pick one to try and guess the roles that every subsequent player has to fake claim? Because he'd be knackered if draft pick 2 chose rolecop as well and got a VT PM? Because being scum doesn't automatically mean you have to lie?


Are you ill Lion? That's a mental thing to say.

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As number 1 pick he is the only person we can be sure has a role. So he can say he has whatever role he likes if he is scum, surely you see that. If he was scum yet scum also had the rolecop he could claim rolecop safe in the knowledge that he would not be contradicted. If SMS is scum he can claim any of the roles that scum have. he claimed day 2 so the scum had a chance to talk to each other overnight so they could choose which role out of all the ones they have that he would claim.

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So, say he's decided that he'll actually claim the role of scum member 2 instead of his actual one.


Tonight, the vig takes out scum member 2 and in the morning we see the flip.


SMS is banged to rights as lying. And gets lynched.

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Snake - I've been away. I popped in and placed a vote to apply some pressure. As it turns out, I'd already decided to give you the benefit of the doubt for now.




I see no value in lynching someone who could be valuable later. We'll see what happens.


I'm now stuck. The SMS lynch seems to make sense for the info it brings but as bad as I think claiming for Snake was, I can't be sure he's not town, so I want to be careful. A mislynch and a vig killing a townie could leave us in a bad way. The case on Lion seems interesting, but it lookss an unlikely lynch tonight. Swift has had a lot of attention but has largelyescaped my gaze. Bristep interests me, but I'm gettting nothing hugely scummy yet.


For the time-being then, I have to do something, so


Vote SMS


Mod request Votecount


I know I said it's not my favoured option, but it gives us info. We can take it from there. If a better option arises, I'm happy to change my vote.

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Fair points all brownie. We dont know what roles they have so they might have ways to counteract that. Plus they can't night kill a bulletproof player so they have to get rid of him somehow. if SMS is not scum he has not helped snake by exposing his role

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SMS is banged to rights as lying. And gets lynched. [/b]


Im confused Brownie, what part has he lied about? He's got my role right.

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SMS is banged to rights as lying. And gets lynched. [/b]


Im confused Brownie, what part has he lied about? He's got my role right.

Fuck me that post is misleading......



So, say he's decided that he'll actually claim the role of scum member 2 instead of his actual one.


Tonight, the vig takes out scum member 2 and in the morning we see the flip.


SMS is banged to rights as lying. And gets lynched.




FOS Snake Plissken


SMS and Snake = scum buddies?

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Snake, that was a really weak effort to deflect attention.


Why do you think SMS has revealed your role? Do you think it's merely to save himself or part of a scum plot or some other reason?

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I misunderstood what you wrote, quite simply put. Im not defending SMS Im asking for clarity as this will likely hinge on where my vote goes if we need to change again.


What Im asking is and my quote as you pointed out didn't cover it (Teach me for skimming). WHere has he claimed scum role 2? And the lying about the role? are you suggesting he's lying about being a rolecop? As time is of the esscence now I need to understand what you are saying.


Way to lurk Tom.

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