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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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Whenever I question you about something its always WIFOM. Whenever you question me abou anything its because you have a super theory already worked out. I have played this game pretty badly and acknowledge that fact. But you ignore a few people who have said that I don't read as scum, and change your vote so it makes it less likely that there is a lynch. That is all WIFOM though so best you ignore it


If you do get me lynched you are really going to look like scum and will probably be the most likely lynch day 2.

Or you flip as scum and people see I'm right. I don't think my view that you're scum is the popular theory right now which is a shame, because I'm pretty sure I'm right. As it stands it'd be bad for us to lose out on a lynch. I'm gonna be in hospital almost all day from about half an hour so I'm gonna change my vote to option 2.




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Right, had a bit more of a read, and, whilst I don't really have enough to go on to make a proper vote, I will say I think the situation between seph and LOTM requires looking at with a bit more scrutiny. It's not like Lion to get this het up, as he often strikes me as one of the calmer members of the forum. But it's more the apparent tunnel-vision with which seph seems to be going for him which has caught my eye. The aggression and focus of his pushing seems to me to be really trying to push a bandwagon, while egging Ron on surreptitiously.


Normally I wouldn't be suspicious, but Ron's behaviour isn't exactly enticing me to exonerate him, and tom did a very good job of hiding in plain view in the WCW/nWo game, as he appears to be doing right now. If you look back at a lot of his posts, there's not THAT much in the way of substance, and there's quite a bit of goading mixed in there, most likely designed to stir people up, such as those multiple FOS.


I'd like to say that spotlightmagnet's stance towards lurkers is scummy, but unfortunately for me, it isn't really; however, I do think it's misguided, because, as bristep has pointed out, such a policy has cost Town dearly before. Remember that one where we went for CoreyVandal because he basically went AWOL? He turned out to be Town. Even worse, in the same game Chris Stone, who's normally an excellent player, went missing and ended up getting lynched (I think), and he was the Town double-voter.


I remember that one clearly, I was the one to hammer him. Would have copped hell for it next day had the scum not killed me overnight straight afterwards.


Snake, do you see the merit in lynching one of the other wagons currently going (swift, ron, lion), which if it's a mislynch could give us pages and pages of player interaction to go back through and analyse, over lynching ATG and getting no information out of it? As you say, D1 lynch is usually a fail, so to choose someone we've had little interaction with will give us nothing to go on if he's not scum.


If he is, phenomenal, but it's risk v reward at this stage.


To the rest of the game, just over 11 hours left now so you need to get your votes in. ATG, Carbomb and Swift are the only ones left to put in their votes in, and the rest of us need to think about moving our votes to the most valid wagons.


For the record, I am happy with my vote on Ron. I would be happy to move it to Swift. I would be reluctant to move it to ATG but would to avoid a no-lynch, since he has a null read. I wont move it to Lion, because I think that's been a scum-wagon.

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This a tough one. I'm not voting for Lion, because I don't think he's scum. I think lynching ATG right now is pointless and i'm not happy with voting on a wagon carrying Bristep or Chris (which rules out the Swift or Ron wagons).


I'm sticking with my vote for now.

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This a tough one. I'm not voting for Lion, because I don't think he's scum. I think lynching ATG right now is pointless and i'm not happy with voting on a wagon carrying Bristep or Chris (which rules out the Swift or Ron wagons).


I'm sticking with my vote for now.


Even at the cost of a potential no-lynch? That's awful anti-town...


I get what you're saying about being reluctant to joining a wagon with me on it since I'm your suspect, but look at the timeline.


You say I'm a clever player, but if I am scum then it would have been awful dumb of me to go after Ron as strongly as I did considering the way you've accused me of being scum for going after TDK (and calling for an early lynch) earlier. It would just put me at risk during a time where I should be pulling my head back in. And I'll bring it up again because I think this got kind of washed over. Look where I am on the draft list. If I was scum, would I really risk my postition and potential power role by going gung-ho after you? As I say, if I was a scum power role it would make more sense to be sitting in the pack, not leading any charges.

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This a tough one. I'm not voting for Lion, because I don't think he's scum. I think lynching ATG right now is pointless and i'm not happy with voting on a wagon carrying Bristep or Chris (which rules out the Swift or Ron wagons).


I'm sticking with my vote for now.


Even at the cost of a potential no-lynch? That's awful anti-town...


I get what you're saying about being reluctant to joining a wagon with me on it since I'm your suspect, but look at the timeline.


You say I'm a clever player, but if I am scum then it would have been awful dumb of me to go after Ron as strongly as I did considering the way you've accused me of being scum for going after TDK (and calling for an early lynch) earlier. It would just put me at risk during a time where I should be pulling my head back in. And I'll bring it up again because I think this got kind of washed over. Look where I am on the draft list. If I was scum, would I really risk my postition and potential power role by going gung-ho after you? As I say, if I was a scum power role it would make more sense to be sitting in the pack, not leading any charges.

How can you give that argument with a straight face? You're saying it'd be dumb of you to have gone after me so strongly if you're scum, yet you're voting for me, and I've argued more strongly than anyone about my views for today's lynch.

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This a tough one. I'm not voting for Lion, because I don't think he's scum. I think lynching ATG right now is pointless and i'm not happy with voting on a wagon carrying Bristep or Chris (which rules out the Swift or Ron wagons).


I'm sticking with my vote for now.


Even at the cost of a potential no-lynch? That's awful anti-town...


Agreed, that's why I said 'for now'. Obviously we need to lynch, but at least 2 of the wagons on offer I think are a poor choice right now. I'm not going to be goaded into voting for someone I believe to be town, just because not jumping on a wagon is 'anti-town'.


I get what you're saying about being reluctant to joining a wagon with me on it since I'm your suspect, but look at the timeline.


You say I'm a clever player, but if I am scum then it would have been awful dumb of me to go after Ron as strongly as I did considering the way you've accused me of being scum for going after TDK (and calling for an early lynch) earlier. It would just put me at risk during a time where I should be pulling my head back in. And I'll bring it up again because I think this got kind of washed over. Look where I am on the draft list. If I was scum, would I really risk my postition and potential power role by going gung-ho after you? As I say, if I was a scum power role it would make more sense to be sitting in the pack, not leading any charges.


The single best scum performance came from you and Swift and what did you do? Lead the town all the way. I say you are a clever player and with some of the roles on offer, it's entirely possible that scum would risk it to get a town power role out of the way. You could be second on the draft list, but if you picked the same role as the first draftee, you'll be vanilla/a goon. And a goon would risk it to try and eliminate a cop, bomb or doctor.

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This a tough one. I'm not voting for Lion, because I don't think he's scum. I think lynching ATG right now is pointless and i'm not happy with voting on a wagon carrying Bristep or Chris (which rules out the Swift or Ron wagons).


I'm sticking with my vote for now.


Even at the cost of a potential no-lynch? That's awful anti-town...


I get what you're saying about being reluctant to joining a wagon with me on it since I'm your suspect, but look at the timeline.


You say I'm a clever player, but if I am scum then it would have been awful dumb of me to go after Ron as strongly as I did considering the way you've accused me of being scum for going after TDK (and calling for an early lynch) earlier. It would just put me at risk during a time where I should be pulling my head back in. And I'll bring it up again because I think this got kind of washed over. Look where I am on the draft list. If I was scum, would I really risk my postition and potential power role by going gung-ho after you? As I say, if I was a scum power role it would make more sense to be sitting in the pack, not leading any charges.

How can you give that argument with a straight face? You're saying it'd be dumb of you to have gone after me so strongly if you're scum, yet you're voting for me, and I've argued more strongly than anyone about my views for today's lynch.


Except a) You've flip flopped around it for since last night, changing your vote 3 times between Lion and Andrew.


b) You didn't actually commit a vote on your prime suspect until a couple of days ago.


And our situations aren't the same, brownie voted for me and declared me scum after I'd moved on from the TDK focus (due to the PM quote bru-ha-ha). If I'd just burgled the house you'd just bought, but was trying to convince you that I was the cleaner, I'd be dumb as all hammers to then immediately go and smash next door's window and start helping myself to the silverware!


You were still in your "Lion is scum let's lynch him" mode when I made my case on you, so you were then pretty much locked in to it, because there hasn't been any game altering information regarding Lion to allow you to leave focus on him.


And didn't you say you'd be in hospital? (And from that I hope you work there, and don't have any serious reason to be going in, if it's the latter I hope it all goes well) If you can post while there, there wasn't a need to move your vote like that.

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This a tough one. I'm not voting for Lion, because I don't think he's scum. I think lynching ATG right now is pointless and i'm not happy with voting on a wagon carrying Bristep or Chris (which rules out the Swift or Ron wagons).


I'm sticking with my vote for now.


Even at the cost of a potential no-lynch? That's awful anti-town...


Agreed, that's why I said 'for now'. Obviously we need to lynch, but at least 2 of the wagons on offer I think are a poor choice right now. I'm not going to be goaded into voting for someone I believe to be town, just because not jumping on a wagon is 'anti-town'.


I get what you're saying about being reluctant to joining a wagon with me on it since I'm your suspect, but look at the timeline.


You say I'm a clever player, but if I am scum then it would have been awful dumb of me to go after Ron as strongly as I did considering the way you've accused me of being scum for going after TDK (and calling for an early lynch) earlier. It would just put me at risk during a time where I should be pulling my head back in. And I'll bring it up again because I think this got kind of washed over. Look where I am on the draft list. If I was scum, would I really risk my postition and potential power role by going gung-ho after you? As I say, if I was a scum power role it would make more sense to be sitting in the pack, not leading any charges.


The single best scum performance came from you and Swift and what did you do? Lead the town all the way. I say you are a clever player and with some of the roles on offer, it's entirely possible that scum would risk it to get a town power role out of the way. You could be second on the draft list, but if you picked the same role as the first draftee, you'll be vanilla/a goon. And a goon would risk it to try and eliminate a cop, bomb or doctor.


Of course it's possible. It's possible but how likely is it? I could have picked the same role as SMS. But in a game already filled with numbers, I'm loathe to say this but It's a 1 in 16 shot that I did so really, factor that in. There is a 1 in 16 chance that I am vanilla/goon. A 1 in 16 chance that your scenario has validity. Or, there is a 15 in 16 chance that I'm not, and that your scenario doesn't.

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Yes but your all forgetting that was further on in the game. This is day 1 and unless we are very lucky odds are we will lynch a town anyway day 1. Lynching a lurker at this point has no bearing on the game. Unless he turns out to be a power role. In my view there's only 2 reasons why people lurk. 1, they are scum and are afraid of saying something that will lead to them coming unstuck or 2, they are VT and can't be bothered.


Either way if AtG doesn't cone in and rapidly do something meaningful, my vote stays where it is and we have less than 12 hours. Time to suck it up boys.


BTW I don't like the re wagon on Lion, looks to me like opportunist scum wagon.


If you look back through my whole days play, you will find that the only person I have said I believe might be scum is Lion, not counting the RVS.


I don't see anything wrong with me going back on my original choice now there are others voting the same with it being late in the day.


I want to add that I didn't like Sephs comments towards Lion either, as I had people not believing I had a funeral to attend in a previous game, plus I like to think we are all old and sensible enough to try and play this game fairly and not cheat like that.


FOS: Seph

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I am out at work in about an hour and may not be back before deadline.


I feel happy voting for Lion or Seph, but don't see enough evidence to just throw a vote on anyone else, but I don't want a no vote either.


Anyone got any last comments to add before I make my final decision?

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Yes but your all forgetting that was further on in the game. This is day 1 and unless we are very lucky odds are we will lynch a town anyway day 1. Lynching a lurker at this point has no bearing on the game. Unless he turns out to be a power role. In my view there's only 2 reasons why people lurk. 1, they are scum and are afraid of saying something that will lead to them coming unstuck or 2, they are VT and can't be bothered.


Either way if AtG doesn't cone in and rapidly do something meaningful, my vote stays where it is and we have less than 12 hours. Time to suck it up boys.


BTW I don't like the re wagon on Lion, looks to me like opportunist scum wagon.


If you look back through my whole days play, you will find that the only person I have said I believe might be scum is Lion, not counting the RVS.


I don't see anything wrong with me going back on my original choice now there are others voting the same with it being late in the day.


I want to add that I didn't like Sephs comments towards Lion either, as I had people not believing I had a funeral to attend in a previous game, plus I like to think we are all old and sensible enough to try and play this game fairly and not cheat like that.


FOS: Seph


We're finding out precisely nothing about your role by your absence, exactly how is that cheating, per se? It's mean-spirited and ugly, for which I am willing to apologise for (Sorry, Lion), but scrutinising the motive behind - and the timing of - an LA does nothing in itself to give either Town or Scum an advantage, does it? Really? While I've been heavy-handed in that accusation, my motive behind it - and my read of Lion - will become clear at some point, especially if Lion dies today.


If anything, your own LA is somewhat convenient, especially as you've left it until now to put my name in the noose with the only reason being I've called someone else on using slightly darker methods.


oh, and Unvote as well - the ATG lynch is going nowhere. FOmS SMS

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Seph that was an incredibly scummy comment. The lynch is going nowhere, like you were hoping that it was going to take off...


FOS Seph

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Yes but your all forgetting that was further on in the game. This is day 1 and unless we are very lucky odds are we will lynch a town anyway day 1. Lynching a lurker at this point has no bearing on the game. Unless he turns out to be a power role. In my view there's only 2 reasons why people lurk. 1, they are scum and are afraid of saying something that will lead to them coming unstuck or 2, they are VT and can't be bothered.


Either way if AtG doesn't cone in and rapidly do something meaningful, my vote stays where it is and we have less than 12 hours. Time to suck it up boys.


BTW I don't like the re wagon on Lion, looks to me like opportunist scum wagon.


If you look back through my whole days play, you will find that the only person I have said I believe might be scum is Lion, not counting the RVS.


I don't see anything wrong with me going back on my original choice now there are others voting the same with it being late in the day.


I want to add that I didn't like Sephs comments towards Lion either, as I had people not believing I had a funeral to attend in a previous game, plus I like to think we are all old and sensible enough to try and play this game fairly and not cheat like that.


FOS: Seph


We're finding out precisely nothing about your role by your absence, exactly how is that cheating, per se? It's mean-spirited and ugly, for which I am willing to apologise for (Sorry, Lion), but scrutinising the motive behind - and the timing of - an LA does nothing in itself to give either Town or Scum an advantage, does it? Really? While I've been heavy-handed in that accusation, my motive behind it - and my read of Lion - will become clear at some point, especially if Lion dies today.


If anything, your own LA is somewhat convenient, especially as you've left it until now to put my name in the noose with the only reason being I've called someone else on using slightly darker methods.


oh, and Unvote as well - the ATG lynch is going nowhere. FOmS SMS


That is my only reason for the FOS on you, but I fully admit that I am clueless at this moment, so whoever we lynch and any night actions e.g. scum night kill, odd night vigilante, etc. at least give us something to work with.


Other roles will get info, but may not be able to share it straight away, but at least we start getting something to work with.


When I mentioned cheating, I was not referring to you Seph, I was suggesting that I don't think anyone would cheat by claiming a false LA.

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And why would I want it to happen considering it's plain as day he's not lurking, he's just not bothering to play? Everybody here wants a lynch, that is certain. Most people here want the right lynch, and most people (as am I, now) are in agreement that lynching ATG will solve nothing. It's 'going nowhere' for the correct reason, not because I'm deflecting attention.


So why are you still voting for him?


EBWOP: That was FAO Snake.

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Because theres as much a chance he's scum as everyone else, only some of these bandwagons that have gathered on the others are quite driectly to likely have some scum input.


AtG is no good to us if he's not playing despite being online. What would turn out to be even more unfortunate is if he's a power role, which is simply being wasted.


The others are at least talking, sooner or later the scums will scum slip.


Highly over defensive though Seph for a FOS though.

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