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L-Carntine - Any one used it?

DJ Kris

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So I've been losing a fair bit of weight for a while now, but only started in the gym towards the end of last year. Things are going ok, although weight loss wise I seem to have stalled. Someone suggested L-Carntine to me, apparently it speeds up the metabolism and help reduce fat. Having had a bit of a snoop around I've found a bit of info, but I wondered about the UKFF's experiences with such a thing.


Its a fairly mainstream fat burner, ive only ever had it in a pre-made bottled drink and I cant say it works magic.


Having said that it all depends on the varients; how old are you, what is your weight and fat %, what is your current programme for burning fat? stuff like that.


My Philosophy is; If you are doing everything possible to lose fat, then you can look at suppliments but be very carefull what you take as your messing with your heart using fat burners.

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One thing that bothers me with supplements and in fact diets, is what happens when you stop? I don't believe in diets, I prefer to make changes that are intended to be permanent, to putting the weight back on when I stop. I'm wondering if the same would apply to these pills on the assumption they even worked.


I'd say I eat reasonable ok. Most evening meals are accompanied with either salad or veg rather than chips, which is something I've been doing for nearly a year now. That definately made a difference losing me around 2 stone before I even hit the gym, which I do 4 times a week.


Then I would advise consulting a trainer, the moment they try to sell you something ignore everything they have said and find a different trainer.


There are very select groups of people I make a point of not taking advice from;


A skinny rake type person if Im trying to lose weight, odds are they have no personal experience compared to the slightly husky fella who used to be 10 stone heavier.


Anyone who uses steroids for anything training related (to build up or trim down), the only advice they can give is what steroids to use and even then I would probably not listen.


Someone who has clearly never seen the inside of a gym on anything training related especially body building.


Anyone who works on commision.


it gives a decent boost to your workouts and some versions can cause irritation to skin, personally Id have a nice cup of green tea about half an hour pre workout, has the same effect fat burning wise and so much healthier.

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it gives a decent boost to your workouts and some versions can cause irritation to skin, personally Id have a nice cup of green tea about half an hour pre workout, has the same effect fat burning wise and so much healthier.

Yeah, my mate who I go with was on about green tea, I've never really fancied it. I've actually ordered some L-Carntine, wasn't very expensive so I thought I'd give it a go, not really heard anything bad about it so might as well. If that doesn't work out I'll probably try the green tea.

it gives a decent boost to your workouts and some versions can cause irritation to skin, personally Id have a nice cup of green tea about half an hour pre workout, has the same effect fat burning wise and so much healthier.

Yeah, my mate who I go with was on about green tea, I've never really fancied it. I've actually ordered some L-Carntine, wasn't very expensive so I thought I'd give it a go, not really heard anything bad about it so might as well. If that doesn't work out I'll probably try the green tea.


If you do try green tea get the flavoured ones if you dont like the taste on its own, pomegranate and strawberry ones are nice.


It's not a fat burner as such, it won't raise your heart rate or body temperature. It helps with the release of energy from fat cells, though like most of these sorts of supplement the science behind whether taking extra amounts of them has any measurable effect is wooly at best. I didn't notice anything when I took it but I'm not very good at maintaining a good diet so it was hardly a fair test.


As long your diet's in order the very best thing for burning fat is to sprint. You don't really need to do any kind of set plan, just get out there and sprint. Doing it up a hill is kinder on your body but also much harder work, doing it up stairs is an absolute killer. I like to do them pulling a weighted sled or pushing the prowler but I guess most people don't have that kind of stuff at their gym. Take plenty of rest between reps so that you can give your absolute all on each one and keep them short enough that you can finish without starting to slow. 15-30 minutes of sprints a couple of times a week combined with a decent diet and your regular training 3/4 times a week should melt the fat off and will improve your conditioning to boot.


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