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The Terrible, Interminably Boring Mafia Game


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I have made a logical argument, to everything you have posted and asked of me, I can not however be held accountable for the way they are read. That is up to you.


And it's not a hard vote for you Ron, you've already voted mate, quite early on, without any response from me also.

For one there was a vote on Swiftstrike, and that worried me incase anyone pushed for a lynch I wasn't sure of, and for two I didn't think there was any way you could really turn things around to change my vote. And I was right, there wasn't.


Fair one.


FOS: Bristep


VOTE: Ron Simmons


I have answered all his questions, I feel he is using the fact three members of Town have truly fucked up to the scum's advantage. As mentioned in one of my responses.


I am truly screwed, only a cop that has possibly investigated me and found me innocent could help this matter now, the game MAY depend on it. However I'm not sure it's the tactic to go IF you know, IF there's a cop at all.


Thoughts with numbers and stuff, from everyone, I need to prove my innocence, and it's becoming clear that I may face the rope.


I also await the clich

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We have both mine and Swiftstrike posted our opinions of a Roleclaim and results of night play.


Anyone else care to put forward an opinion. I'm especially looking forward to Ron and Bristeps opinion, it makes perfect sense for Town in the end as I am Town myself. You two are pushing my lynch, Ron more than Bristep, but both actively.


How do you feel about being found out?

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yes of course makes sense I always catch the ppv a few days later.


I watched it tonight. Got the winner spoiled by facebook. I only logged on to check a PM as well!


Royal Rumble didn't start until 1am however, if Carbomb was logged in before that then he could have at least posted to give some sort of initial reaction to the lynch/NK.

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We have both mine and Swiftstrike posted our opinions of a Roleclaim and results of night play.


Anyone else care to put forward an opinion. I'm especially looking forward to Ron and Bristeps opinion, it makes perfect sense for Town in the end as I am Town myself. You two are pushing my lynch, Ron more than Bristep, but both actively.


How do you feel about being found out?

"Being found out"? What on earth are you talking about. Could you reword that first line, it makes absolutely no sense. Are you trying to suggest that because I'm pushing the fact I think you're scum means that I've been "found out as scum"?


Because that's utterly ridiculous.

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We have both mine and Swiftstrike posted our opinions of a Roleclaim and results of night play.


Anyone else care to put forward an opinion. I'm especially looking forward to Ron and Bristeps opinion, it makes perfect sense for Town in the end as I am Town myself. You two are pushing my lynch, Ron more than Bristep, but both actively.


How do you feel about being found out?

"Being found out"? What on earth are you talking about. Could you reword that first line, it makes absolutely no sense. Are you trying to suggest that because I'm pushing the fact I think you're scum means that I've been "found out as scum"?


Because that's utterly ridiculous.

Yeah found out is a strange term to use in this sense here.

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Oh, one more thing, if it comes down to it and the roleclaim comes through and I have been investigated, Ron, prepare to defend your actions.

See, it's posts like this that make me think you're scum. You said yourself a short while ago "you fucked the town over with your posting" - you admitted that if you're town you've played poorly. And that's true, so in which case ultimately I'm completely justified in thinking that you're scum. There's no defence to be made. Plus, even if a "cop" did speak up then there's no way we could know for sure that they're a cop. It could be your scum buddy helping you push through that final lynch that you need to win.

No Ron, that is confidence in the simple fact I am Town, it's not scummy, it is the very fact if the Cop were to come forward with an investigation of me, I'd be proven Town, that is as simple as it gets.


Regarding the boldy bit, then why keep asking me?


My defence now is offence, you are driving this lynch forward, I know I am town, if it comes to the front it will be proven too. You played a nice little game there, but it's not over.


Italics wise, good strategy buddy, sow that seed of doubt, because you know you can't back track, I have no defence do I? You've backed yourself into a corner, and that little sentence is a shoddy little play at making a way out seem implausable.


If my confidence on this isn't testimony in itself that I am Town, then I do not know what is.

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We have both mine and Swiftstrike posted our opinions of a Roleclaim and results of night play.


Anyone else care to put forward an opinion. I'm especially looking forward to Ron and Bristeps opinion, it makes perfect sense for Town in the end as I am Town myself. You two are pushing my lynch, Ron more than Bristep, but both actively.


How do you feel about being found out?

"Being found out"? What on earth are you talking about. Could you reword that first line, it makes absolutely no sense. Are you trying to suggest that because I'm pushing the fact I think you're scum means that I've been "found out as scum"?


Because that's utterly ridiculous.

Have I voted for you?


If the answer to the above is yes, does that not make me think you are scum?


So in turn your shallow attempt to force the easiest lynch (something you have lambasted me for BTW) will be highlighted, and in turn your scumness will be 'found out'

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We have both mine and Swiftstrike posted our opinions of a Roleclaim and results of night play.


Anyone else care to put forward an opinion. I'm especially looking forward to Ron and Bristeps opinion, it makes perfect sense for Town in the end as I am Town myself. You two are pushing my lynch, Ron more than Bristep, but both actively.


How do you feel about being found out?


"How do you feel about being found out?" is up there with your "Town doctor got the town doctor killed" comment at TripleA.


You are not confirmed town, so to say "I'm town so this must be best for town, and you two are pushing my lynch and I'm town so I suspect you" is WIFOM, no doubt you'll say it isn't but it really really is. Using such clear WIFOM in a question makes the answer irrelevant and it's a scummy scummy tactic. Sorry, I know you hate being accused of WIFOM but I don't think there's any doubt that WIFOM is what this is.


For the record, yes a role claim is the best way forward since we're at mylo.

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No Ron, that is confidence in the simple fact I am Town, it's not scummy, it is the very fact if the Cop were to come forward with an investigation of me, I'd be proven Town, that is as simple as it gets.

No it wouldn't! At this stage in the game ANYONE could come out and say they're a cop even if they weren't! Can you not see that fact? Look at it this way - let's say you're scum. You only need one more dead to win the game. that lynch is coming closer to you, so your scum buddy comes forward, says "I'm a cop, I investigate TMS and he's not guilty!" - people for some inexplicable reason believe this, and lynch someone else, ANYONE else because you guys are both "innocent" and you win the game for the scum.


Regarding the boldy bit, then why keep asking me?

Can you not see I'm bloody advising you on how to fight your corner?! I resent even doing this, but I've given you suggestions as to how you could prove to people you weren't scum! I'm trying to help you on the off chance you're innocent, but instead you're coming out with insane statements like "how does it feel to be found out?" which ultimately makes no sense to say!


My defence now is offence, you are driving this lynch forward, I know I am town, if it comes to the front it will be proven too. You played a nice little game there, but it's not over.

And insane WIFOM statements like this. You've said yourself that you can see why I'd think you're scum. So if you're town, why are you coming out with these WIFOM statements?! Why not just say "OK, he thinks I'm scum, but I'll tell you what, I suspect person X and person Y are the real scum and here's why..." Why not make a coherent case rather than just make these matter-of-fact statements? Heck, you've not even tried to make a coherent case on me!


Italics wise, good strategy buddy, sow that seed of doubt, because you know you can't back track, I have no defence do I? You've backed yourself into a corner, and that little sentence is a shoddy little play at making a way out seem implausable.


If my confidence on this isn't testimony in itself that I am Town, then I do not know what is.

But that's stupid! Anyone who is town is of course going to be "confident that they're town" but that isn't a tangible fact that every other town member can see. you can't use "confidence in your role" as a proving factor as to why you're scum. Nobody in their right mind should look at your post and think "oh well, he seems confident. Must be town."


If they did they're actually insane. Make an argument, quote people! Try and make SOME sort of case. I'm trying to help you here incase you actually are town, because if that's the case you're basically placing the noose around your neck and telling people to pull it now. Which is why I think you can't possibly be town. It screams "desperation" to me.

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The fact I CAN be confirmed by the Cop if they have investigated me, means it won't be WIFOM will it, and that is my only true defence, I am implying that throughout, quit pretending you don't know that!

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Oh, one more thing, if it comes down to it and the roleclaim comes through and I have been investigated, Ron, prepare to defend your actions.

See, it's posts like this that make me think you're scum. You said yourself a short while ago "you fucked the town over with your posting" - you admitted that if you're town you've played poorly. And that's true, so in which case ultimately I'm completely justified in thinking that you're scum. There's no defence to be made. Plus, even if a "cop" did speak up then there's no way we could know for sure that they're a cop. It could be your scum buddy helping you push through that final lynch that you need to win.

No Ron, that is confidence in the simple fact I am Town, it's not scummy, it is the very fact if the Cop were to come forward with an investigation of me, I'd be proven Town, that is as simple as it gets.


Regarding the boldy bit, then why keep asking me?


My defence now is offence, you are driving this lynch forward, I know I am town, if it comes to the front it will be proven too. You played a nice little game there, but it's not over.


Italics wise, good strategy buddy, sow that seed of doubt, because you know you can't back track, I have no defence do I? You've backed yourself into a corner, and that little sentence is a shoddy little play at making a way out seem implausable.


If my confidence on this isn't testimony in itself that I am Town, then I do not know what is.


1) RE The italicised sentence. Sowing the seeds of doubt or providing a perfectly feasible scenario? What if a cop comes forward and says they investigated Ron, Carbomb, Swift, myself or Family Guy and got an innocent result? Is that player proven town? What if it's Ron who gets 'proven town'? I bet you wouldn't be so quick to take the "cop"'s word for it then.


2) This is your post towards TripleA last phase.


And to compound his desperation 'I AM TOWN! I AM TOWN! I AM TOWN!' tagline may help you go over to his side too, please note that he's actually the only one to force that in this game so far, not even Snake on his deathbed truly looked so desperate!


That sounds like EXACTLY what you are doing now.

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The fact I CAN be confirmed by the Cop if they have investigated me, means it won't be WIFOM will it, and that is my only true defence, I am implying that throughout, quit pretending you don't know that!

Even if that happened, and we could legitimately say it was a cop (we won't be able to do that) then it would still be WIFOM. I don't know your allignment 100% - so I can only base my thoughts on what you've posted. If your logic is "Ron's accusing me of being scum, I'm not so he must be scum" then I could apply that same logic to you in regards to Triple A. It's WIFOM, pure and simple. If you'd even attempted some sort of argument against me then fair enough, but you haven't.

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We would all love to see a cop result but it's not looking likely that there is one out there, I'm not one, I don't think Ron or Bristep are the cop unless of course they haven't investigated you to make a claim either way. So there is not a huge likelyhood of a cop in this game or one that has found someone guilty anyway.

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We would all love to see a cop result but it's not looking likely that there is one out there, I'm not one, I don't think Ron or Bristep are the cop unless of course they haven't investigated you to make a claim either way. So there is not a huge likelyhood of a cop in this game or one that has found someone guilty anyway.


Nope, I'm not a cop.

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Here's one thing I could propose, it probably will get shunned as a stalling tactic or trying to get you to lynch the wrong person, but please bear this in mind!


If I'm certain scum as you say, find another scum member, and leave me for the next day phase. Seriously gents, you lynch me, it's game over, I can't tell you that any simpler!

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