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The Terrible, Interminably Boring Mafia Game


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Haven't really heard anything from anyone today unfortunately. I'd like to know what people think of my case on TMS, after actually reading over his stuff I'm fairly sure he's scum and worth a vote. He's certainly played the scummiest game out of all the remaining posters in my opinion.

As I already said I would like to give TMS chance to answer the points raised in it before making too much of it but there are things you have brought up that need to be addressed.

I don't think he can really say much to a lot of them other than "it looks bad, but it isn't"...if he's not scum (and I believe that he probably is) I hope he'll adjust his play style in future games so that he doesn't come across as so friggin' scummy. But I've seen the guy play town, and he didn't play anything like this. In fact, considering there's a vote on you, and I'm not so sure about your allignment, I'm going to counter that by balancing things and voting myself.


Vote Top Man Shopper

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Haven't really heard anything from anyone today unfortunately. I'd like to know what people think of my case on TMS, after actually reading over his stuff I'm fairly sure he's scum and worth a vote. He's certainly played the scummiest game out of all the remaining posters in my opinion.

As I already said I would like to give TMS chance to answer the points raised in it before making too much of it but there are things you have brought up that need to be addressed.

I don't think he can really say much to a lot of them other than "it looks bad, but it isn't"...if he's not scum (and I believe that he probably is) I hope he'll adjust his play style in future games so that he doesn't come across as so friggin' scummy. But I've seen the guy play town, and he didn't play anything like this. In fact, considering there's a vote on you, and I'm not so sure about your allignment, I'm going to counter that by balancing things and voting myself.


Vote Top Man Shopper

The fact that there is one vote on me doesn't really change anything it takes two town votes to be a problem given the almost certainty of only two scum the other point is that we can't be sure that the vote on me is town if it's scum then I'm still two town votes away from a hammer.

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The fact that there is one vote on me doesn't really change anything it takes two town votes to be a problem given the almost certainty of only two scum the other point is that we can't be sure that the vote on me is town if it's scum then I'm still two town votes away from a hammer.

It splits the vote though. If you're not scum, and one of them decides to push for a lynch on you, and you're the only person with a vote on them, town members may feel more inclined to vote for you too, and thus a false lynch is pushed. You might be scum, I don't know - all I'm sure of is that I'm less convinced of you being scum than I am TMS. He's by far the scummiest player so far in the game.

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The fact that there is one vote on me doesn't really change anything it takes two town votes to be a problem given the almost certainty of only two scum the other point is that we can't be sure that the vote on me is town if it's scum then I'm still two town votes away from a hammer.

It splits the vote though. If you're not scum, and one of them decides to push for a lynch on you, and you're the only person with a vote on them, town members may feel more inclined to vote for you too, and thus a false lynch is pushed. You might be scum, I don't know - all I'm sure of is that I'm less convinced of you being scum than I am TMS. He's by far the scummiest player so far in the game.

And that is why I asked FG to take the vote off me at the moment. His case is basically the Town PM was posted on the first page, Swift knows the town pm therefore Swift must have got this info from the first page, rather than looking at the context around how I tried to use the pm info to clear the town doc. And then as I question him about why I would do something like that and his own motives for putting a vote on a claimed town doc, I'm then trying to swirm out of it rather than trying to gather info and see his rational and trying to get him to see mine.

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Haven't really heard anything from anyone today unfortunately. I'd like to know what people think of my case on TMS, after actually reading over his stuff I'm fairly sure he's scum and worth a vote. He's certainly played the scummiest game out of all the remaining posters in my opinion.


It's a strong case, and reading that he's definitely our best shot but we need to give him a chance to respond because if we get this wrong it's game over. I'm going to go through his game history as well to see what I make of it.


We need to hear from Carbomb as well, he hasn't said anything yet this phase.

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OK, here I go, I better get this right, if I don't I'll answer anything else that comes my way to try and clear my name.


Ron, I'm going to break the way the posts have fallen into place up, and answer the salient points of each post in order.




-Point One, the defence of Swiftstrike-


I believed Swiftstrike pulled out a blinder with his way to clear TripleA's name, sincerly, I felt it had not only made Swiftstrike 100% town, but also SMS and pretty much confirmed me too. However, as I already posted:

Fuck, and with that I once again trust no-one, bollocks.


I never even read post one, I went straight from post 40 after signing up.


Granted this IS a weak defence, but on signing for the game I literally clicked the thread, posted, and waited for the game to begin pretty much, can anyone actually confirm whether that post was there come the initial sign up, or was it edited at a later date? This is a serious question I would like answered, as I obviously have ill feelings towards others right now.


I do feel I had actually already answered the question you posed there, before you actually asked it too.


-Voting Snake and doing a switch-


I think everyone can be in agreement, Swift's play was as dodgy as they come, for me that sentence can be followed by the word "initially". I called his bluff on it, it was desperation, attention seeking, and down right WEIRD play ... but that was the point of it ... SMS did EXACTLY the same as me. I stand by the fact that I feel it was very clever play, and hence when Snake played his hand fully, it fully dawned on me what he was trying to achieve. He attempted to draw in a scum player through confusion, teased a Joker Role, possibly even teased a Bomb role (even though I still think TripleA conjured that one through his own fear) I will even when this game is over stand by the fact TripleA portrayed himself in an exceptionally dodgy manner, I stand by my day one vote, to the extent it carried over to day two. The switch from Snake to TripleA was 'slightly' immediate, but that's because it took so many posts for the 'trap' (I'm beginning to loathe typing that now) to take effect. Does that answer my switch? Afterall you even agree on the whole TripleA being scummy from it.


As for lording up Snake's play, I agree it was a bit 'gay' for him, I sincerly felt it was a stonking bit of play, instead of loving his work, I really should have been posting how crap TripleA's play was, just like you agree with me on.


If I can, I will ask one think on this point that you have raised:

Have to agree, never seen someone be so afraid of a jester/bomb/vanilla and so in need of a roleclaim when, in reality if you've nothing to fear the vote should have just been delivered and left.

If you felt this way Ron, why didn't you sanctify the same rationale and vote Snake?


The whole Snake/TripleA both being Town does put me in a difficult position, whole heartedly agree on that, I could say what you proposed, it could however give scum an even better out, leave the Town to fight, Snake or TripleA will go, that will leave Snake/TripleA and TMS, from that combo we could say Snake was scum for pushing the lynch, OR let TripleA and TMS battle it out to gain another lynch, to then smash home the loser of that fight too.


In theory, your step has been taken one futher. The scum WERE rubbing their hands, not at TWO town going at it, but by the luck of resoundingly shocking play from TripleA (and I stand by that decision) they have in turn found themselves with THREE town battling it out, they're not only rubbing their hands, they probably have had a semi-on all game too! The lucky, lucky bastards ... you hearing me scum? If I get lynched today, I want that to be noted on your forum!



=Post Two=




Nope, excessively bored. I honestly could NOT understand why TripleA was not being lynched, Snake looked Town to me, his game play looked (at it's conclusion here, not at the beginning) to be scum-hunting. Scum would not have made that play, it just didn't sit right. When you look at the roles that were recommended Snake could be they were:






Town playing a bluff


His play was SO blatant, it was cack Jester play. Bomb is technically Pro-Town if played well, and Town, well it's town!


It was annoying me that anyone would see Snake in any other light!


-Answering Q's-


Quite simply here ... I have, every question asked of me? Answered 'em all, because I actually don't have anything to hide, I have played a very open game, every single one of my thought processes have been put down in post form. And I have expanded on those thoughts when asked to, the same way I am doing so here.


-Voting for myself-


This was risky, and I will admit, I haven't explained it fully, although I did highlight why already in this thread, I shall expand here.


I voted for myself for one main reason, and you mentioned it yourself, a different tactic ... why? Quite simply to throw off Scum, they could've quite easily gone for a quick lynch on me, knowing now that TripleA was Town, that would've been an extra vote on top, so I'm glad I nailed that as early possible. By upping my numbers, those that were willing to wait for answers (I knew folks would) wouldn't vote, those looking for an easy lynch, couldn't get it THAT easy now, as they would've looked to have been steamrolling my lynch. As far as I'm concerned, that self-vote worked!

But, of course he unvotes (he has to if he's scum...)


Of course I unvote, I have to, I don't want to loose another Town member, that surely makes sense?!


=Post Three=


A question for everyone, was TripleA an easy target? Or was he my number one suspect from Day One, I BELIEVED he was scum, all out scum in fact (ERROR I know) why go elsewhere, if anything I was sticking my neck on the line here, TripleA had believers in him, he had already pulled off a play that got his main oppressor lynched, I could've faced the same. I had faith (wrongly) in the 'Trap' (Eugh)


And thank you for posting my expansion on TripleA, I stand by every word I posted, he looked scummy as buggery there. No real question asked in this post, if there's one I've missed I'll gladly cover it.


=Post Four=


-I AM TOWN, I AM TOWN cocksure cont-


Pure frustration, I couldn't believe he'd got through Day One, how he'd lasted that long in Day Two and once again posting (IMO) scummy posts. No excuse really, but an explanation of why I posted it.


-The second bit-


Aimed at me? If so ... eh?


=Post Five (I think)=


-The System-


A cracking idea, scum were forcing a split vote and in turn a no vote. Something speedy needed to happen, I thought it was a good idea to get things moving and avoid that. It should be noted that the system had no real bearing on the game, it scared TripleA into ANOTHER bit of shit play, he revealed his role when the tiniest bit of heat was put on him, which AGAIN looked scummy, enough to get him lynched.


-Faux Pas-


More along the lines of 'Christ what's just happened?!?!' I wasn't the only posting small interjections around that time, the game got spun on it's head.


-Though Swift is Town-


See the post WELL before that which says 'I DTA'


-Implicating you Ron?-


Possibly, you seemed eager to jump on me, which I, being Town, can only consider scum trying force an easy lynch, that surely makes sense in your mind too?


Does that answer everything? I hope so, I also hope it's enough to stop a lynch, for I am Town, I have scum hunted throughout, I have looked after the interests of the Town ... I fucked it up right royally ... but I felt at the time I was right. There's absolutely nothing else I can say on the matter, I just hope the above is enough.


If anyone has another bright way of coming up with me proving myself, please put it out there.

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If you felt this way Ron, why didn't you sanctify the same rationale and vote Snake?

Actually, I DID vote for Snake.


Even in your reply you do that "addressing the scum" thing I've never seen you do before:

In theory, your step has been taken one futher. The scum WERE rubbing their hands, not at TWO town going at it, but by the luck of resoundingly shocking play from TripleA (and I stand by that decision) they have in turn found themselves with THREE town battling it out, they're not only rubbing their hands, they probably have had a semi-on all game too! The lucky, lucky bastards ... you hearing me scum? If I get lynched today, I want that to be noted on your forum!

It all seems very unconvincing and fake to me. A lame attempt at disassociation.


I also think this is a poor, poor excuse:

I voted for myself for one main reason, and you mentioned it yourself, a different tactic ... why? Quite simply to throw off Scum, they could've quite easily gone for a quick lynch on me, knowing now that TripleA was Town, that would've been an extra vote on top, so I'm glad I nailed that as early possible. By upping my numbers, those that were willing to wait for answers (I knew folks would) wouldn't vote, those looking for an easy lynch, couldn't get it THAT easy now, as they would've looked to have been steamrolling my lynch. As far as I'm concerned, that self-vote worked!


A cracking idea, scum were forcing a split vote and in turn a no vote. Something speedy needed to happen, I thought it was a good idea to get things moving and avoid that. It should be noted that the system had no real bearing on the game,
it scared TripleA into ANOTHER bit of shit play, he revealed his role when the tiniest bit of heat was put on him, which AGAIN looked scummy, enough to get him lynched.

You do realize this isn't a good thing? The idea is hardly "cracking" when all it did was arguably lead to a town lynch. If you're scum then yes, it's a cracking tactic and post game you should be applauded for it. If you're town though you really deserve your balls squeezed.


Possibly, you seemed eager to jump on me, which I, being Town, can only consider scum trying force an easy lynch, that surely makes sense in your mind too?

Trying to force through an easy lynch? That's not what you said at all:

Also, just because Swift quoted it, doesn't mean that he didn't just guess it. It also doesn't in any way clear TMS.


This sums up TriplreA's work throughout, headstrong, and only playing for himself including giving Swifts awesome bit of play away, which could've goen on through today (the fucking idiot).


It is no surprise that SMS was lynched and both myself and Swifty remain. Me more than Swift I have to say, but we were both supporters of a TripleA lynch near enough from the get go, we have been spared to attempt to make a lynch of Town seem more simple.


Ron going after me from the off, is condemning, especially after he has not hardly mentioned my name throughout the game.


I urge everyone to not put a vote in either mine nor Swiftstrike's direction, we are quite clearly town.


"Quite clearly town" you said. If you thought you were "quite clearly town" then presumably you also thought that you weren't an easy lynch. If you did consider yourself an easy lynch then you could hardly call yourself "quite clearly town."


Also, your "system" of counting votes strikes me as something Swiftstrike would do, so I wonder if the two of you concocted the idea together in a scum forum? You've buddied swift, so that makes me feel a little less sure about his scum status, but I wonder if that was just out of you thinking that you'd "gotten away with it" and people thought that you were town - through ignorant arrogance after some successful lynches forced through previously?


You've not convinced me. My vote stands.

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Actually, I DID vote for Snake. <-- TWO days later, I thought an immediate vote would've been best, like you said?


Even in your reply you do that "addressing the scum" thing I've never seen you do before <-- Never been in this position before, I want the scum to know they have been lucky, no skill has been required to get to where they have gotten.


I also think this is a poor, poor excuse <-- Fair enough, but that's why I did it, in your eyes an excuse, in mine a bit of play that could have possibly slowed down a quick lynch by scum


You do realize this isn't a good thing? The idea is hardly "cracking" when all it did was arguably lead to a town lynch. If you're scum then yes, it's a cracking tactic and post game you should be applauded for it. If you're town though you really deserve your balls squeezed. <-- It DIDN'T lead to a town lynch, arguably or not, because not everyone played the system. TripleA's play lead to a town lynch. That is FACT!


Another fact you're missing is that I WAS willing to unvote, TripleA didn't come through though.


Trying to force through an easy lynch? That's not what you said at all: <-- It is. Re-read it.


"Quite clearly town" you said. If you thought you were "quite clearly town" then presumably you also thought that you weren't an easy lynch. If you did consider yourself an easy lynch then you could hardly call yourself "quite clearly town."<-- THIS! This is what I honestly wanted from you, because it clearly shows you have NO intention of reading my replies and taking them on board, you are using ONE thing here, and ONE thing alone. The fact I did not know the win spiel was on the first page. Why will you not acknowledge this:


Post 529 --> we are quite clearly town


Post 536 --> Fuck, and with that I once again trust no-one, bollocks.


I never even read post one, I went straight from post 40 after signing up.


Is this post invisible to you?

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And can you clarify this, it makes no sense to me, and I'd like to answer everything you've asked.


It wasn't that strong a case really, but who is the first person who votes for Triple A after this? It's a few pages - take that for what you will, but it comes just one post after SMS voted for him:


SMS at the moment you are really on my radar if as I expect trips flips scum you definitely have a number of questions to answer as you didn't mention a no lynch until the pressure came on to trips and a couple of other issues where you have backed him, also you have tried to insinuate that I made tms case on trips where I have had nothing to do with it if I had put forward my case on trips it focused a lot less on his reactions to Snake and a lot more on his other scummy play.


I mentioned the no lynch and the role revealing results in an early post of day 2 when I figured out this might be our last day.


Your info there is incorrect!



Due to the fact I am using a phone to type this, this may be split across several posts as I have quite a bit to say, so don't think I am doing this to boost my post count because I am not.


I think we have now hit a very important stage in the game where we have a very, very tricky decision to be made.




It has been mentioned by a few players, including myself, that the most likely scum players in this game are 3.


If we get this vote wrong and they get a successful nightkill, then we have lost the game, as all 3 of them can vote for the same townie meaning we don't get a majority vote.


As I see it we have 2 choices, unless anybody else can come up with a better decision, so please don't start voting for me and accusing me of being scum when I am only bringing this important information to the towns attention.


1) We wait till near the deadline, put together all the info we have uncovered, then agree on a vote.


2) We no vote, risk losing a power role with info overnight, but get the chance to gain more info if the power role survives.


I usually don't like a no vote, but can see the fact that it might be useful to use on this day, but we don't know if we even have a cop or other such roles to gain us info.


I would say we most likely have, but don't have anything to go on to confirm this, so I would be interested in hearing your opinions.


If in doubt, just think what would Mike Castle do, the do the opposite.


Just joking Mike!


I think I might have hit on something with this gut feeling I have about Swift coaching TMS, so sorry if I'm wrong peeps, but I now am going to switch my vote where my head is telling me too.


The evidence is not strong enough for me to push a case there, but right now my feelings are Swift, TMS and Carbomb are scum, with Triple A just being the village idiot (not the role type, just an opinion based on his gameplay) for allowing himself to be played and biting to everything.


Unvote: Carbomb


Vote: Swiftstrike


Sorry if I get this wrong, but I got to vote what I believe is scum, so will happily vote for a lynch on either three of the names I mentioned.


So you have gone from me playing a clearly town game to a vote in the space of what 5 posts, a nice try at trying to split the town vote to get the no lynch you want sorry it won't work, you are playing so hard to save Trips he is obviously an important scum vote for you.


vote tripleA


TO BE CONTINUED (sorry if these posts are incoherent in pieces, the forum quote posting system is a bitch)

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"Quite clearly town" you said. If you thought you were "quite clearly town" then presumably you also thought that you weren't an easy lynch. If you did consider yourself an easy lynch then you could hardly call yourself "quite clearly town."<-- THIS! This is what I honestly wanted from you, because it clearly shows you have NO intention of reading my replies and taking them on board, you are using ONE thing here, and ONE thing alone. The fact I did not know the win spiel was on the first page. Why will you not acknowledge this:


Post 529 --> we are quite clearly town


Post 536 --> Fuck, and with that I once again trust no-one, bollocks.


I never even read post one, I went straight from post 40 after signing up.


Is this post invisible to you?

You don't reference the win condition or the fact you knew the win condition in your "quite clearly town" post. If you want to construct an explanation of why you made this using QUOTES rather than your own interpretations of what you say or others say (feel free to interpret these posts alongside quotes, but unless you do what your saying is kind of meaningless.)


I don't buy the "went straight from post 40" statement either. It's way too specific, you actually knowing the number of post that you started from.

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And can you clarify this, it makes no sense to me, and I'd like to answer everything you've asked.

Basically you push for Triple A and vote, and after SMS votes for swiftstrike immediately afterwards he follows your lead, which seems to me as though he might be trying to push a lynch on the person with the highest number of votes whilst avoiding the lynch himself. It might not be the case, but it seems like it could be.

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"Quite clearly town" you said. If you thought you were "quite clearly town" then presumably you also thought that you weren't an easy lynch. If you did consider yourself an easy lynch then you could hardly call yourself "quite clearly town."<-- THIS! This is what I honestly wanted from you, because it clearly shows you have NO intention of reading my replies and taking them on board, you are using ONE thing here, and ONE thing alone. The fact I did not know the win spiel was on the first page. Why will you not acknowledge this:


Post 529 --> we are quite clearly town


Post 536 --> Fuck, and with that I once again trust no-one, bollocks.


I never even read post one, I went straight from post 40 after signing up.


Is this post invisible to you?

You don't reference the win condition or the fact you knew the win condition in your "quite clearly town" post. If you want to construct an explanation of why you made this using QUOTES rather than your own interpretations of what you say or others say (feel free to interpret these posts alongside quotes, but unless you do what your saying is kind of meaningless.)


Firstly, in English? I don't get at all what the second part of this post means. The first part however; It was obvious from gameplay that Snake had produced that nugget of play, and both myself and SMS (me first BTW) had cracked the clue!


I don't buy the "went straight from post 40" statement either. It's way too specific, you actually knowing the number of post that you started from.

TOO Specific .... really? You are picking me up for giving you solid, open information on my gameplay? Ron that is laughable, look at post 40. That is where I commenced gameplay from, IE when the game actually started.

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I never even read post one, I went straight from post 40 after signing up.


You posted on page 1 when you signed up, so whether you noticed the win condition or not, you definitely read the opening post so that's clearly a blatant lie.

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And can you clarify this, it makes no sense to me, and I'd like to answer everything you've asked.

Basically you push for Triple A and vote, and after SMS votes for swiftstrike immediately afterwards he follows your lead, which seems to me as though he might be trying to push a lynch on the person with the highest number of votes whilst avoiding the lynch himself. It might not be the case, but it seems like it could be.


Still don't really get that, sorry, can you not ask questions of me about other peoples gameplay please, I can not answer that at all.

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