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The Terrible, Interminably Boring Mafia Game


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Oh and with likely 2 scum remember it only takes 2 bad town votes to lose us the game so take that vote back if you are town.


Don't tell me when I can or can't vote. I think you're scum, I'm going to vote for you. How was a no lynch for beneficial for the mafia, they're always going to take 2 town for the price of one.

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Well, on the plus side we haven't lost yet. We now can assume that we have 2 scum and not 3 as has been pointed out already.


SMS seems like a very smart NK by the scum because he seems the one most likely to cause WIFOM (his vocality around TMS and Swiftstrike, pushing for no-lynch, wanting a claim, etc). I just wonder if the NK vote came before or after his VLA post, because when I saw that I was immediately intrigued by the fact that he seemed sure that the game wasn't going to be over. I even went back and looked at the start of the game, he was the first person to really push that there were 3 scum in the game. Sadly I was reading into nothing because he was subsequently killed and flipped VT.


We've got until Friday to make our decision, so we have time to really get to take hold of the game and turn it around.


I want to hear from TMS about the TripleA flip because as much as I also believed TripleA was scum when I voted for it TMS pushed it as soon as Snake revealed his plan and as I said right at the start of the last day phase I have a hard time believing that this was town v. 2 town.


Carbomb, you voted for Ron last phase and you also had doubts about INH's spot (now FG). How do you now feel about this in light of the flip/NK?


Ron, you say that you stand by your vote on Carbomb from last phase, how has the flip/NK affected your read on him?


Swift & TMS aren't confirmed town, but I think one of them must be. A scum pair wouldn't stick together (opinion wise that is, not so much pairing up or attacking together) as much as they have.


Edit : Family Guy RE the win condition, I don't see it as risk free and I don't see it as a certain scum move. Why would he be able to brush if off as a mistake if spotted before the lynch when you voted for him on the back of it after the lynch? The timing doesn't matter, you would have voted for him if you noticed it before the lynch too.


TMS didn't notice it, I didn't notice it, nobody else seems to have noticed it except you. That makes you the minority, so I can't see that it's a big leap of logic swiftstrike didn't notice it either. Certainly I don't think it merits a vote when it only takes 2 town misvoting on the wrong player to let the scum hammer it and end the game.


Edit : IMO No lynch would have been more benficial for the scum last round because it would have kept the theory of there being 3 scum alive. It would have allowed the scum to work in a different dynamic than actually exists. Easier to plant suggestion.


FFS, the thread is moving so fast every time I think I'm finished I refresh and there's been heaps more activity.

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Oh and with likely 2 scum remember it only takes 2 bad town votes to lose us the game so take that vote back if you are town.


Don't tell me when I can or can't vote. I think you're scum, I'm going to vote for you. How was a no lynch for beneficial for the mafia, they're always going to take 2 town for the price of one.

I'll try find you one of Mike's many quotes on this, but not until tomorrow I'm going to bed now.


and would you answer the questions please, as at the end of the last phase you refused to answer the clarification questions I asked it would be nice to get some reasoning of why your voting to lynch town.


But a no lynch is more beneficial yo scum than a lynch, we heard that many times before so you want to explain why I would be pushing hard for a lynch? and if Trips have given me the correct answer I would have unvoted him and given us a what I thought was a town confirmed doctor again explain this as a scummy play? In fact explain your own play of switching you vote onto Trips as soon as he claimed doctor?
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Which questions did I refuse to answer? Typical swift, as soon as a finger is pointed at you, you spend your time trying to smear them.


The reason I didn't believe his claim, is I though having a Doctor would have made us almost overpowering considering we'd already had a PGO out, and the prospect of only having 2 scum. Had TripleA not lied in his claim and said 'Weak Doctor', I may have been more inclined to believe him.

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FG what are the arguments that he isn't? To me he has been scummy all game with no redeeming features to his play.


Also with about 6 hours left do you feel a no lynch is the best thing for us as a town? And if you do can you see us as being any more likely to argee a town lead lynch tomorrow?


Read my post, there's not need to repeat myself.

I've read your post and now I'm asking for clarifications?


I'll ask a simple question now do you want a no lynch?


Why, if I wanted a no lynch, would I ask people to throw some suspects out there?

These ones your response to me asking clarification question so I rephrased it for you to try get any answer off you. And you ignored this part of my last post in answering the questions you did.

yeah that's not so useful now but still Trips also had the town pm how did he not spot that I was trying to town confirm him to avoid a possible doctor lynch, do you believe that is a scum play?


and repeated and reworded in the questions you did answer


and if Trips have given me the correct answer I would have unvoted him and given us a what I thought was a town confirmed doctor again explain this as a scummy play?
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Ron going after me from the off, is condemning, especially after he has not hardly mentioned my name throughout the game.


I urge everyone to not put a vote in either mine nor Swiftstrike's direction, we are quite clearly town.

Why are you defending swiftstrike like that? That's either the worst scum slip I've ever seen, or a ridiculous town statement. If you've learned anything at all from the last game it's that you can't trust anyone. Assuming you're town. And you, calling yourself "quite clearly town"? Hardly. You've been one of the scummiest looking players in the game so far:


Fairly early on Snake tries to "trap" scum. Nobody seems to be getting this, Chris B, Carbomb...it passes them by. However, as soon as Snake votes for Triple A, you follow suit, lavishing his tactics with praise:


Have to agree, never seen someone be so afraid of a jester/bomb/vanilla and so in need of a roleclaim when, in reality if you've nothing to fear the vote should have just been delivered and left.


I believe this to be great work from Snake here, a fantastic trap set, and it looks to have been sprung.


Unvote: Snake Plissken


Vote: TripleA


But hang on, you voted for Snake first, following his "offering up" of himself as a lynch:

Fuck this, I'm calling the bluff, very strange and unnecessary gameplay there.


VOTE: Snake Plissken


Now, Chris B and Carbomb were confused as to why Snake voted Triple A, this might be because they are town and didn't know who to trust. Perhaps you're scum, and seized the opportunity to start a wagon - twice. First you go for Snake after his bizarre "offering up", then you see the chance to set something up on Triple A. You called Snake's "trap" "strange" and "unnecessary" at first...but then you call it "great work" a little later. Yes, there was a little debate between Snake and Triple A between then, but there wasn't anything that (in my eyes) explains your switch from calling his play "strange" to calling it "brilliant" - I think it might be wagon shifting.


The praise you gave Snake's play was so over the top that I really find it suspect. Here's a post from Triple A in which he quotes your OTT love for Snake's actions to illustrate:

he's done by basically putting himself up for an easy lynch



As far as I can see, nobody's 'steered the lynch onto you' - you appear to have very deliberately done that yourself.

I'm more concerned that you've decided to try a huge bluff, in the hopes of confirming yourself as town with a 'self-sacrificing' play.



Actually, you steered the lynch onto yourself by "offering yourself up." The general play is either scummy or misguided, and it doesn't help detect scum at all.



I offered myself up to draw out the scum onto a wagon.



the move Snake did here, he offered himself up, it was risky, hell I even voted for him.


so I aks you all if Snake goes, to look at who forced this vote, and look at who is actually relying on the "Snake offered himself" crack for the lynch


I'm not relying on "Snake offered himself" at all. I've pointed out numerous reasons I think he's scummy. Just looking back on this page alone you'll see all the people who said he offered himself up, including Snake himself. It was a useless and totally pointless play. All he did was annoy Town, and get you to practically ejaculate in your pants at how "amazing" it was.


IT didn't go unnoticed though, Mr "Clearly Town":


Top Man Shopper - does no-one else suspect him? He seems to have slipped under the radar a tad. The fact that his explanations for why Snake's argument is so compelling aren't completely convincing either means I'm starting to wonder if he's Scum in cahoots with Snake, a Townie who's bought into Snake's argument, or Scum who can't believe his luck that two Town are targetting each other.

Now we know that Snake and Triple A are both town...well, it kind of speaks for itself I think. I think TMS might have been trying to encourage Snake, knowing that he could push through a lynch on either man. If Snake was lynched, TMS could say "I told you he was town!" and push through a Triple A lynch the day after (and Triple A WAS lynched the day after) - a stroke of joy for any scum party.




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He then starts to get a bit cocksure, making comments that echo Nexus's scum turn in the previous game. SMS says:

Scum are keeping their votes on him?. He's L-1, it's not just Scum voting him is it.

I agree with Carbomb in that if Snake flips Scum, TMS needs some serious questioning.

I agree, I would.


Of course if Snake IS lynched and is Town, TripleA the questions wouldn't even need to be asked as you should be lynched within a matter of moments of the day phase restarting.


No, lynching straight away would waste a day of questioning everyone else, so lynch him near the end of the day if you must but use the day for discussion.


Saying we should lynch straight away is scum talk.


I am now as convinced as I can possibly be without actually knowing, that Snake & TMS are scum, so I know where my vote will most likely go in the next day.




And TMS responds rather scummily:

Boring and predictable


SMS, you must try harder

As Carbomb says a few posts later "boring and predictable, but that doesn't mean it's wrong" - a cocky dismisal to try and discredit a legit suspicion from someone we now know 100% was town.


TMS also repeatedly says throughout the game he'll answer any questions anyone has:

Oh Christ, how many times do I have to say I'll answer anything you throw at me, I have nothing to hide.


I do like the way TripleA is ALREADY trying to swerve attention onto me for when Snake is lynched and proved Town, but I'll not only put my case across, but I'll further add to the over bearing suspicion of TripleA and also divulge at least one more who I believe to be scum from their actions, of course that person will be allowed the chance to answer what questions I throw at them too.

I think he's trying a little too hard to sound like a town member here, and comes across as a scum member pretending to be town. "I've nothing to hide" was quite probably typed with a heavy dose of sarcasm. He lays on the "I'm innocent! Ask me whatever you like BECAUSE I'M TOWN!!" a bit too heavily for my liking.


Now, after Snake was lynched and revealed to be town TMS posted this:


I am awaiting all these questions people wanted to pose.


I am also awaiting the "He used Snake going after TripleA to make himself look town" lines, when in reality, I saw what Snake had done, I saw how TripleA bought the trap and I stuck with it. I ask everyone to go back and with hindsight on their side try and see where me and Snake were coming from.


I'm also liking the way scum have let me live in a blatant attempt at trying to get me lynched today, being the most vocal, and the one they already egged on with a "scummy behaviour" tag, please town don't fall for it.


And as I MUST stick to my guns on this:


VOTE: TripleA

That last paragraph strikes me as odd. What a strange thing to say. Forgetting the fact he pushes for that Triple A lynch he immediately comes out with another "I REALLY AM TOWN GUYS!!" style post. Totally unecessary and shady thing to say.


He also pulls this gem out of the bag:

Aah fuck it, I'm considerably bored of the truth being accused of WIFOM scenarios, I'm bored of having to push forward blatant lynches especially after a previous clear day phase. I am not going to spend my time on here attempting to convince people I am town when the cold facts show I was the only one fully backing Snake's (Town) plan, and had belief in his lynch, I did that day one, I'm not doing it again.


If you're Town look at those that have pushed my lynch, those that are saying it MUST be me or TripleA, when in reality it MUST be TripleA and no-one else.


I believe the mafia to be TripleA, SMS and Bristep123


Unvote TripleA


Vote: A Bored TMS


That's it, I'm done, looking forward to speaking sense in the dead man's thread

Different tactics to try and project that "I'm town, guys!!" aura.


But, of course he unvotes (he has to if he's scum...). And makes sure to remind everyone he'll answer "all questions thrown at him":

Unvote TMS


I'm coming back full force with my summing up, I will answer all questions posed to me during this day phase too.


It's going to be a big one so bear with me.



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He makes sure to mock Triple A too, in that scummy cocksure way he'll probably regret in hindsight:

Oh and additional, it's hard on an iPhone, the everyone knows line is a clever bit of recruiting, as long as one town latches onto that it enables other scum to back it up to and mak it look reaper than it actually is.


And to compound his desperation 'I AM TOWN! I AM TOWN! I AM TOWN!' tagline may help you go over to his side too, please note that he's actually the only one to force that in this game so far, not even Snake on his deathbed truly looked so desperate!


It wasn't that strong a case really, but who is the first person who votes for Triple A after this? It's a few pages - take that for what you will, but it comes just one post after SMS voted for him:


SMS at the moment you are really on my radar if as I expect trips flips scum you definitely have a number of questions to answer as you didn't mention a no lynch until the pressure came on to trips and a couple of other issues where you have backed him, also you have tried to insinuate that I made tms case on trips where I have had nothing to do with it if I had put forward my case on trips it focused a lot less on his reactions to Snake and a lot more on his other scummy play.


I mentioned the no lynch and the role revealing results in an early post of day 2 when I figured out this might be our last day.


Your info there is incorrect!



Due to the fact I am using a phone to type this, this may be split across several posts as I have quite a bit to say, so don't think I am doing this to boost my post count because I am not.


I think we have now hit a very important stage in the game where we have a very, very tricky decision to be made.




It has been mentioned by a few players, including myself, that the most likely scum players in this game are 3.


If we get this vote wrong and they get a successful nightkill, then we have lost the game, as all 3 of them can vote for the same townie meaning we don't get a majority vote.


As I see it we have 2 choices, unless anybody else can come up with a better decision, so please don't start voting for me and accusing me of being scum when I am only bringing this important information to the towns attention.


1) We wait till near the deadline, put together all the info we have uncovered, then agree on a vote.


2) We no vote, risk losing a power role with info overnight, but get the chance to gain more info if the power role survives.


I usually don't like a no vote, but can see the fact that it might be useful to use on this day, but we don't know if we even have a cop or other such roles to gain us info.


I would say we most likely have, but don't have anything to go on to confirm this, so I would be interested in hearing your opinions.


If in doubt, just think what would Mike Castle do, the do the opposite.


Just joking Mike!


I think I might have hit on something with this gut feeling I have about Swift coaching TMS, so sorry if I'm wrong peeps, but I now am going to switch my vote where my head is telling me too.


The evidence is not strong enough for me to push a case there, but right now my feelings are Swift, TMS and Carbomb are scum, with Triple A just being the village idiot (not the role type, just an opinion based on his gameplay) for allowing himself to be played and biting to everything.


Unvote: Carbomb


Vote: Swiftstrike


Sorry if I get this wrong, but I got to vote what I believe is scum, so will happily vote for a lynch on either three of the names I mentioned.


So you have gone from me playing a clearly town game to a vote in the space of what 5 posts, a nice try at trying to split the town vote to get the no lynch you want sorry it won't work, you are playing so hard to save Trips he is obviously an important scum vote for you.


vote tripleA


TO BE CONTINUED (sorry if these posts are incoherent in pieces, the forum quote posting system is a bitch)

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More cocksure and scummy smearing/mocking of Triple A from TMS:

I think Swift is scum, and TMS and Ron have a good chance of being scum too.

TripleA believes Ron to be scum eh?

You're wrong about me, Triple A, but I actually agree with you about swiftstrike.

Ron agrees with TripleA, to the point it looks like he may be willing to vote Swift

Well out of the three I said, You're the one I'm least convinced about.

'oooh, I love you really Ron, now VOTE SWIFT! VOTE SWIFT! VOTE SWIFT!!!!'

He just pushes, and pushes, and tunnels and tunnels...


And then comes up with this bizarre system:

FG Voted 1: Carbomb(5) 2: TripleA (2)

TMS Voted 1: TripleA (5) 2: SMS (2)


Overall Total:


TripleA - 7

Carbomb - 5

SMS - 2


Simply add your two candidates and add their scores to the total, if we know for defo someone isn't going to be voting (Bristep?) then we'll just add their current vote as their No 1 and add 5 point to that persons total

A great way for the scum to manipulate the vote, as Triple A points out shortly after.


Here's more mocking of Triple A:

can all Town voters please ask themselves how thrilled they'll be when they realise the Town Doctor got the Town Doctor lynched?




As Town, how are we going to play this now? Take the power out the Scums hands, or lynch elsewhere?

What's interesting is that TMS doesn't dispute Triple A's claim that he's the town doctor.


TMS spots his faux pas quickly though, and in the next post writes:

EBWOP: Does everyone actually believe this?


Then there's this:


This sums up TriplreA's work throughout, headstrong, and only playing for himself including giving Swifts awesome bit of play away, which could've goen on through today (the fucking idiot).


It is no surprise that SMS was lynched and both myself and Swifty remain. Me more than Swift I have to say, but we were both supporters of a TripleA lynch near enough from the get go, we have been spared to attempt to make a lynch of Town seem more simple.


Ron going after me from the off, is condemning, especially after he has not hardly mentioned my name throughout the game.


I urge everyone to not put a vote in either mine nor Swiftstrike's direction, we are quite clearly town.


Going after me now, I reckon.


I wonder if he's actually trying to implicate Swiftstrike alongside him, though Swift is town? Either that or it's the most blatant buddying I've ever seen in such a game.

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All questions posed, all doubts on game play, EVERY detail you have covered will be answered and commented on, as soon as I get back from work today! There's no way I can do it on an iPhone, so please don't do anything against me until gone 1900 this evening, by then my retort should be posted and completed in full!

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Which questions did I refuse to answer? Typical swift, as soon as a finger is pointed at you, you spend your time trying to smear them.


The reason I didn't believe his claim, is I though having a Doctor would have made us almost overpowering considering we'd already had a PGO out, and the prospect of only having 2 scum. Had TripleA not lied in his claim and said 'Weak Doctor', I may have been more inclined to believe him.

2nd part of this point is actually interesting


Chris B flipped 1 shot Vigilante not PGO, so are you really saying that against what we believed was three mafia you though we would be overpowered if we had a revealed 1 shot killing role (which is as likely to target town as scum) and a claimed doctor? To me a doctor made prefect sense as we it would give us a chance to pull a night back against the scum and that is why I pulled back from pushing Trips so hard and tried to gauge if he was town or scum though what I though was a legitimate town only play.


Given what Bristep said about not remembering that either and clear SMS didn't as he switched his vote based on it, would you accept that you are far more likely to have remembered that due to the fact you have just joined as replacement so have read the thread more recently that all us players who joined at the start (especially as the post you reference was put up one week before the game started.)



Ron thanks for providing that case on TMS, I have looked it over and the only point I really have to comment on until TMS answers as it concerns me rather than TMS


SMS at the moment you are really on my radar if as I expect trips flips scum you definitely have a number of questions to answer as you didn't mention a no lynch until the pressure came on to trips and a couple of other issues where you have backed him, also you have tried to insinuate that I made tms case on trips where I have had nothing to do with it if I had put forward my case on trips it focused a lot less on his reactions to Snake and a lot more on his other scummy play.


I mentioned the no lynch and the role revealing results in an early post of day 2 when I figured out this might be our last day.


Your info there is incorrect!



Due to the fact I am using a phone to type this, this may be split across several posts as I have quite a bit to say, so don't think I am doing this to boost my post count because I am not.


I think we have now hit a very important stage in the game where we have a very, very tricky decision to be made.




It has been mentioned by a few players, including myself, that the most likely scum players in this game are 3.


If we get this vote wrong and they get a successful nightkill, then we have lost the game, as all 3 of them can vote for the same townie meaning we don't get a majority vote.


As I see it we have 2 choices, unless anybody else can come up with a better decision, so please don't start voting for me and accusing me of being scum when I am only bringing this important information to the towns attention.


1) We wait till near the deadline, put together all the info we have uncovered, then agree on a vote.


2) We no vote, risk losing a power role with info overnight, but get the chance to gain more info if the power role survives.


I usually don't like a no vote, but can see the fact that it might be useful to use on this day, but we don't know if we even have a cop or other such roles to gain us info.


I would say we most likely have, but don't have anything to go on to confirm this, so I would be interested in hearing your opinions.


If in doubt, just think what would Mike Castle do, the do the opposite.


Just joking Mike!


I think I might have hit on something with this gut feeling I have about Swift coaching TMS, so sorry if I'm wrong peeps, but I now am going to switch my vote where my head is telling me too.


The evidence is not strong enough for me to push a case there, but right now my feelings are Swift, TMS and Carbomb are scum, with Triple A just being the village idiot (not the role type, just an opinion based on his gameplay) for allowing himself to be played and biting to everything.


Unvote: Carbomb


Vote: Swiftstrike


Sorry if I get this wrong, but I got to vote what I believe is scum, so will happily vote for a lynch on either three of the names I mentioned.


So you have gone from me playing a clearly town game to a vote in the space of what 5 posts, a nice try at trying to split the town vote to get the no lynch you want sorry it won't work, you are playing so hard to save Trips he is obviously an important scum vote for you.


vote tripleA


TO BE CONTINUED (sorry if these posts are incoherent in pieces, the forum quote posting system is a bitch)

I really believed at this time that SMS and Trips where scum buddies because SMS started to get on my case as soon as I showed but distrust of trips and questioned SMS about his suggested no lynch around the time that I started to put the pressure on Trips day two, now obviously both where town but I do feel like I'm being set up here as I pushed so hard that both where scum only to pull back at trips doc reveal and now am at the centre of something I can't defend against (TMS case on trips which I know I didn't help with and TMS sheeping me) and that if you intend to vote for me that I at least have a case against me I can defend myself against, else it just seems like I'm being pushed as the easiest lynch.

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Haven't really heard anything from anyone today unfortunately. I'd like to know what people think of my case on TMS, after actually reading over his stuff I'm fairly sure he's scum and worth a vote. He's certainly played the scummiest game out of all the remaining posters in my opinion.

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Haven't really heard anything from anyone today unfortunately. I'd like to know what people think of my case on TMS, after actually reading over his stuff I'm fairly sure he's scum and worth a vote. He's certainly played the scummiest game out of all the remaining posters in my opinion.

As I already said I would like to give TMS chance to answer the points raised in it before making too much of it but there are things you have brought up that need to be addressed.

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