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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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So what differentiates between modkill and replacement here?


and swift, as I said earlier, trying to prevent a town lynch doesn't necessarily mean they're town, and voting scum doesn't mean they're scum, it's when, and how, they jump on the lynch that changes things (I previously went through the Nexus lynch if you remember).


As for Corey swift, did you read my information regarding the statistics and how, if we leave him alive, and he's modkilled (which, if he IS town, ends the day) means we are as good as handing the game to the scum? If so, what are your thoughts on that?


I still believe Corey is scum, as I've been stating (and pushing) for ages, what's more, I believe a lynch on Corey and his scum flip will also prove brownie is scum (which in turn damned sure confirms me considering how I've been the one pushing those lynches). However, even on the slight chance he's town, getting shot of him today is actually, statistically better than leaving him alive today. To such an extent I am considering lynching him now regardless because it would be more beneficial to the town to have active town (without fear of being modkilled) tomorrow if, indeed, he flips town.


However, I need to stress I really, really, don't think he's town, but I'm presenting the scenario of Corey-town for those who don't believe he's scum.

Mike if he is going to be night killed during Night time then that means we will lose one less player than the way you say it (assuming that Corey is town). because otherwise we are lynching him tonight, night kill and lynching whoever we otherwise would have lynched tonight them and then the additional night kill. Me and Chris B had this argument during the what the hell game I was on your side of the argument so I see the point to it but I also acknowledge in that game that what I argued was wrong.

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I'd say it's more likely that he's not been on the forum since his last post (just checked his profile). But this is what I essentially mean in regards to in-active players will fuck the town over if, indeed, they are town, and if both he and Corey are town, then we've as good as lost the game anyway if we let them both survive this day phase (and I trust Chris over Corey).

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swift, a modkill should hinder the side they are on, in general. (Obviously the mod should make up a decision pre-game as to what happens in these decisions, so Snake should already have his own system in play) Thus, in essence, a Corey modkill (if town) should happen in a day phase, and cut straight to night. In that case, it harms town. If he's scum it doesn't matter as it benefits us, but the risk of him being town and being modkilled tomorrows phase, and cutting a chunk of discussion for us, and putting us into further trouble, is a huge problem if it happens.


I'd rather see him lynched, and we can move on from there personally. Buuuut...


Mod, what happens if Corey is modkilled, I know you can't answer in a set statement in essence, but would it happen overnight regardless, or would it cut the day phase short if Corey were town, and continue the day phase if Corey is scum?


That should finish that one.

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I'd say it's more likely that he's not been on the forum since his last post (just checked his profile). But this is what I essentially mean in regards to in-active players will fuck the town over if, indeed, they are town, and if both he and Corey are town, then we've as good as lost the game anyway if we let them both survive this day phase (and I trust Chris over Corey).

What has Chris done to earn your trust Mike?



Is it that he voted Nexus to L-1 after deadline was suppose to be up and hence would not have mattered if anyone else voted to lynch?

I think it's L-1 there, but I'm not sure. Just to be on the safe side, and in case we can still vote:




Vote: Nexus


Or that he was doing so while sowing seeds that Dan should be the lynch while voting for Nexus?

I don't think Dan's defended himself well at all, to be honest. I'm feeling rather like we've been played here. It's like some people have been actively trying to force a no-lynch. I'm actually wondering if Nexus hurling himself at the noose was a scum plan that's ended up backfiring when the day hasn't ended when was expected.


Or that he seems just happy with any lynch regardless?

In the interests of getting a lynch.


I originally voted Dan at the start of the day, because I thought he needed pressure put on him. I changed it to Mike, because Mike's play today has been horrendous. As it came close to the deadline, I changed it back to Dan because he was closest to a lynch - however, then a few people changed their votes to Nexus after he started acting suicidally. Since Nexus has been on the radar throughout the game as a suspect, it's not a lynch I have any issues with.

For the record, I'd go for Bristep, Corey or Dan at this point. I don't want to jump between, but I will go for whichever is the more popular option.

Right, I'm travelling to Ireland tomorrow, so my access will be sporadic for the next 24 hours. Family Guy isn't my preferred choice, but Mike's put himself in a position where anyone looking to be the final vote is in a catch-22 - if they believe him, they won't lynch him, and if they don't believe him, they're potentially killing town. Dan and Ron both seem to be slipping through the cracks somehow, which is surprising me. The Bristep/Swift thing is interesting as well, but it feels almost unusually aggressive from Swift. Nonetheless, I don't want to be part of the reason for a no-lynch, and I think Family Guy is now in the lead.


That said, Family Guy's tunnelling on Ron HAS been excessive, and I've not understood it. Part of my issue with Ron and Mike has been that I'm not sure who to believe. Family Guy's flip would probably be a useful thing to find out, so let's see how that one goes.




Vote: Family Guy PMSL

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swift, a modkill should hinder the side they are on, in general. (Obviously the mod should make up a decision pre-game as to what happens in these decisions, so Snake should already have his own system in play) Thus, in essence, a Corey modkill (if town) should happen in a day phase, and cut straight to night. In that case, it harms town. If he's scum it doesn't matter as it benefits us, but the risk of him being town and being modkilled tomorrows phase, and cutting a chunk of discussion for us, and putting us into further trouble, is a huge problem if it happens.


I'd rather see him lynched, and we can move on from there personally. Buuuut...


Mod, what happens if Corey is modkilled, I know you can't answer in a set statement in essence, but would it happen overnight regardless, or would it cut the day phase short if Corey were town, and continue the day phase if Corey is scum?


That should finish that one.

I have given Corey a deadline, if he fails to meet it, then he gets mod killed.

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Wrong Chris. I'm talking about the rock version, not the buzzing insect version.


And it's less that he's earnt my trust, and more that I suspect Corey more than him.

We are going to have to start surnaming them then.



Anyway I went back threw my ISO list and the points in my above post are the best ones on Chris B so I would like him to ask them, and explain why his game has become very much like mine was in the last game, with not throwing any suspicious out there but making sure that he asks a lot of others to put there's out there so he can seem busy in his posting and gauge the mood on lynches.

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Also, just remembered something


Everyone, my V/LA still stands, but it may go on longer (or a second one just after), as a mate's asked me to help him move house right after Christmas. Can hardly tell him to get stuffed when he helped me when my sister needed help moving. Will let you guys know as soon as I do.


In addition...


Mod, that's not what I asked. If Corey is due to be modkilled during the day, would it end the day phase if he flips town (this counts for anyone who needs modkilling, not just Corey I'll note. So it doesn't confirm him one way or another).

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If a Mod kill deadline falls within a day phase, then the day phase will end at the Modkill. If it falls atvthe end of a day phase or overnight, then they will be listed as Modkilled on the open of the next phase in addition to any other results of night actions that may or may not happen

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Okay, so unless we can be 100% sure Corey will be modkilled during the night phase... (which we can't, as Snake's not being transparent with that information...) we could find that we've barely begun the next phase when it ends... I'm getting closer to just hammering on Corey for the good of the town regardless.

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Corey may or may not be scum, but with a pending modkill and no chance of knowing when it could happen we can't take the chance that it could cut the next day phase short.


I'm off to work and won't have much chance to check in (and no chance to post) before the deadline. With that in mind, and I am ready to fully defend my actions next phase (assuming I'm still alive, who knows who the scum will target overnight).




VOTE CoreyVandal


On the chance that I am night killed, I will say this


Mike is the bomb, or Ron is the PGO. I do not believe that both are what they claim to be. I do believe that one of them is though.


I don't buy swiftstrike's idea that throwing out a case against me was to try and entrap scum. It's too convenient given that he has failed to start a wagon against myself.


I also think however that he makes a good point about ChrisB. He has played a very middle of the road game and needs to be questioned.


Family Guy's roleclaims are accurate but nothing that can't be assumed or that was mentioned previously in the game, I still think he is scum and your next lynch (if Chris Stone isn't L-1'd for a modkill as well), brownie will hopefully be around more this next phase too even if for nothing else than to anwer questions (especially if Corey flips scum, given brownie's defense against lynching him in the past for inactivity.)

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