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Guide to Japanese Wrestling 2010


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They sometimes have worked kickboxing matches on the undercard, but it's mostly shooters trying worked pro-wrestling matches and failing. It's trully surrealistic to watch Inoki's shows sometimes as it's a complete different universe then the rest of the puroresu world.





NEO on COMM - September 26, 2010, Tokyo - (1 3/4 hrs)




September 26, 2010, Tokyo - Itabashi Green Hall (174 fans)



1. Hailey Hatred & Misaki Ohata -vs- Tsubasa Kuragaki & Aya Yuki [*]

--- Mostly a heavyweight girls fight with awkward hard knocks and that type of thing, but it was little Ohata who stole the show always going for submissions until she managed to submit a much bigger wrestler in Aya Yuki with a kind of grounded Octopus Hold! Can't say it was a very good bout, but it had it's entertainment value.

11:41 of 11:41 - Ohata made Yuki submit to the Fairy Lock




2. Yuu Yamagata -vs- Nagisa Nozaki [1/2*]

--- Nozaki is showing a lot more personality and has made her game more grounded, but so far it's not helping the match quality which had always been bad with Nozaki. And with her bad shoulder which always get dislocated it's going to be limited what she can do from now on aswell. But they make use of it and Yamagata got the win by locking it in with a cross-facelock with most of the pressure being on the shoulder.

6:34 of 6:34 - Yamagata made Nozaki submit to a cross-facelock




3. Hiroyo Matsumoto -vs- Sakura Hirota [1/4*]

--- All about staling for time. The first 5 minutes was just mic talk. And toward the end Hirota brough out a blanket of the same color as the ring mat to hide under thinking Matsumoto would be blind. And when that didn't work she turned the blanket around revelaing the red side pretending to be the corner turnbuckle pad. And when that didn't work the rug was pulled out from under her and Matsumoto pinned her.

13:10 of 13:11 - Matsumoto pinned Hirota by pulling the blanket from under her




4. Yuki Miyazaki & Tanny Mouse -vs- Small Antonio Inoki & Small Giant Baba [1/2*]

--- NEO Machine Guns against fake Inoki & Baba. Could this possibly be serious at all?! Nope.

13:10 of 13:10 - Tanny made Baba submit to a Paro Special




5. Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Kazumi Shimouma [3/4*]

--- Decent enough I guess. Just not something I got too excited about. That's Shimouma's fault. I just find her totally annoying. And regardless if it's one of my favourite women's wrestlers against her, I just didn't care much for it even if Kurihara brought some quality to it. And thankfully won!

12:30 of 12:30 - Kurihara pinned Shimouma with a German Suplex




6. Yoshiko Tamura -vs- Tsukasa Fujimoto [*]

--- Tamura gets to squash another Ice Ribbon girl. Not very interesting when Tamura was dominating in her lazy way, but Fujimoto's forced comebacks brought some sparkles to this bout landing all her big spots to get the NEO Champion in some damger before Tamura started getting her ass in gear and trashed the girl good.

14:45 of 14:45 - Tamura pinned Fujimoto after a Patriot Buster



COMMENTS: This felt like a loooong show. Just too much filler stuff with no match to really take the show anywhere special.




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BATTLARTS on COMM - September 26, 2010, Tokyo - (1 1/2 hrs)




September 26, 2010, Tokyo - Kitasenju Theater 1010 (184 fans)



1. Yoshinori Narita -vs- Kenji Takeshima - (B-Rules) [1/4*]

--- Dead boring and it barely felt like they were even trying to lock in submissions. Narita was the better and got in a couple of decent locks before he had the loser tapping to armlock.

11:10 of 11:07 - Narita made Takeshima submit to a armlock




2. Yujiro Yamamoto -vs- Tomoya Sato [* 1/4]

--- Didn't look like much at first with Yamamoto dominating, but then Sato got in good submission out of nowhere and things started getting exciting. Especially when Yamamoto answered back with his double-armbar type hold with Sato having to work hard to escape. Then came the decision with Yamamoto locking and bending the arm back over the shoulder while keeping the rest of his body in check which ended the match on a good note.

9:50 of 9:50 - Yamamoto made Sato submit to a Pillow Armlock




3. Tiger Shark & Sanchu Tsubakichi -vs- Katsumi Usuda & Bison Tagai [*]

--- Too long and uninteresting. Tsubakichi and Tagai do nothing for me and Tiger Shark and Usuda didn't do enough to lift this one over average. It just kept floating without much of the strikes looking very good and not enough pressure put on the submissions before they were broken up by saves. It was however Tiger Shark who won the match barely kicking Takagi on the back of the head with a high kick for the supposed knock out.

17:35 of 17:36 - Tiger defeated Takagi by TKO after a high headkick




4. Munenori Sawa -vs- Kyosuke Sasaki [* 1/2]

--- These two have had a thing recently in Battlarts, so this is kind of a grudge match and with bare knuckle punches allowed. A lot of knuckle punches and barely any of them looked any good sadly. It made the match look more comocal then exciting. And while there was qualities there and they fought to near exhaustion, it lacked the excitement the match had potential of becoming. In the end Sawa won with his Octopus Hold which Sasaki was not able to get out of.

17:49 of 17:40 - Sawa defeated Sasaki via Referee Stop with a Octopus Hold




5. Yuki Ishikawa & Super Tiger II -vs- Hideki Suzuki & Keita Yano [* 3/4]

--- Ishikawa giving Suzuki a lot of ring time. He didn't look too convincing a lot of the time taking it more as a training session then a fight. His way of fighting was in a was cocky confident almost the way he let the guys go at him. Well, he was bigger then them all and could probable win at any time given the oppertunity. But this was more like Ishikawa showing him pro wrestling and while the match draged in parts it had a clear focus in a way you got behind Suzuki as he ended up failing against Battlarts top dog.

21:30 of 21:21 - Ishikawa made Suzuki submit to a cross-armbreaker




COMMENTS: Not the worst they can do, but Battlarts struggles to hit any climax points....at any point.




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FUTEN on COMM - September 26, 2010, Kawasaki - (1 1/2 hrs)




September 26, 2010, Kawasaki - Lazona Kawasaki Plaza Sol



1. Takahiro Oba -vs- Ryuichi Sekine [**]

--- Oba was bombing, suplexing and locking Sekine up non-stop with Sekine only having to show his fighting spirit in hopes of surviving which made for a fairly good match and a nice way to open the show. Sekine was however unable to create the miracle and Obe locking in the leg for the submission win.

11:19 of 11:20 - Oba made Sekine submit to a achilles tendon hold




2. Tamon Honda -vs- Kazuki Okubo [* 1/4]

--- Honda looked like a crippled punching bag when Okubo was kicking him down. That was probable my favourite moment of the match which didn't feature too much sticking out except Honda locking in his usual holds and winning that way expectedly.

7:51 of 7:52 - Honda defeated Okubo by TKO with a front necklock




3. Koichiro Kimura -vs- Brahman Kei & Brahman Shu - (Handicap) [* 1/2]

--- A rare handicap match in Futen as the Sato Twins takes on experienced shoot stylist Kimura for a ok bout. They managed to keep their ground in this style adapting well. Of course they had the advantage as they were two and could save each other like the top rope splash 'save' in there. But still with the handicap advantage they still managed to lose as Kimura's game is submissions.....

8:31 of 8:33 - Kimura made Kei submit to a cross-heel hold




4. Makoto Hashi & Manabu Suruga -vs- Kengo Mashimo & Madoka [** 1/2]

--- Mashimo & Madoka are former team mates from Kaientai Dojo and might have the advantage in that regard, but this is Futen and the style and fight focus is different so with an experienced wrestler at the shoot stylistic like Suruga and a popular ex-NOAH wrestler up against them it was going to be a tough match. And thats something that Madoka got to feel. He was the weak link on the team, but even he did fairly well at the style, but he did need for 'big brother' Mashimo to make the saved and be the strong guy on the team to even out the match. And Mashimo showed the bruises bleeding from the attacks. And it was fun and exciting to see them go to work and how Madoka would eventually fall as a result of Hashi's headbutts.

16:51 of 16:51 - Hashi defeated Madoka by TKO after headbutts




5. Daisuke Ikeda -vs- Takeshi Ono [** 1/4]

--- Non-stop strikes like they wanted to win this and with authority! Ono especially was super aggressive delivering the punches and whatever he could get in while Ikeda was being a little defensive. Ono even tried the Octopus hold he beat Nagai with on the previous Futen show without getting the win over the Futen boss. Ikeda knew how to attack too and it was a real sweet short match. Then as the attacks kept coming Ikeda locked in the armbar laying on the ground for the win out of nowhere!

4:27 of 4:27 - Ikeda made Ono submit to a armlock



COMMENTS: Very solid show with a exciting sprint for a main event and a more all-round solid fight before that. Plus the undercard was ok too.




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DDT on Samurai TV - September 26 & October 7, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)




September 26, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,342 fans)



1. MIKAMI & Tanomusaku Toba -vs- Keisuke Ishii & Yukihiro Abe -vs- Rion Mizuki & Takao Soma -vs- Hoshitango & Shigehiro Irie - (Gauntlet Match) [*]

--- The Unit Battle Royal on September 8th resulted in this match. Winner stands type match with the old ones, the Suicide Boyz, showing they can handle the younger ones without too much trouble. Through Irie did land one hell of a Samoan Drop on poor little Toba before he lost to a backfist!

2:51 of 2:52 - Abe pinned Mizuki after a modifed brainbuster

4:08 of 4:19 - MIKAMI pinned Abe with a sliding schoolboy

4:43 of 4:43 - Toba pinned Irie after a uraken




2. Great Kojika & Ultraman Robin & Emi Sakura -vs- Michael Nakazawa & Hikaru Sato & Tomimitsu Matsunaga [3/4*]

--- Hillariously bad with Nakazawa versus Ultraman being the match's top flavour of the day ending with Michael unmasking the old veteran, who looked like a really old and weird guy. Sakura was trying to cover up being bald, but her wig was pulled off and old Kojika get his nipples twisted.

9:03 of 9:05 - Kojika & Ultraman & Sakura defeated Nakazawa & Sato & Matsunaga by DQ




3. Kota Ibushi -vs- Daisuke Sasaki [**]

--- Sasaki continues to try and establish himself as a singles wrestler taking on the top guys in DDT having another solid bout with the returned-from-injury Ibushi with his hurting arm being Sasaki's main lifeline going after it and doing his best to hurt it. But Ibushi still knows how to fly all over the place and took care of the hitman with a Phoenix Splash landing perfectly.

16:06 of 16:10 - Ibushi pinned Sasaki after a Phoenix Splash




October 7, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (400 fans)



- DDT 48 General Election.....



COMMENTS: The Korakuen Hall stuff with Ibushi vs Sasaki was fine. The entire second hour was dedicated to the General Election results with Danshoku Dino winning the fans vote!




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NJPW on PPV - September 26, 2010, Kobe - (4 hrs)




September 26, 2010, Kobe World Hall (7,500 fans)



- RIP El Gigante/Giant Gonzales. With Super Strong Machine holding his picture in the ring getting a 10-count salute with the New Japan wrestlers paying their respect to the giant standing around the ring.



1. Riki Choshu & Manabu Nakanishi & Tiger Mask -vs- Takashi Iizuka & Yujiro Takahashi & Tomohiro Ishii [* 1/4]

--- Opening action with legend Choshu and lovable Nakanishi running the show while the heels did their best to try and punish them without too much luck as they were stopped every time and Tiger Mask just rolled Ishii up for the pin with a crucifix. The heels got some revenge on them and the referee after the match.

8:52 of 8:15 - Tiger Mask pinned Ishii with a crucifix cradle




2. Prince Devitt & Ryusuke Taguchi © -vs- Gedo & Jado - (IWGP Junior Tag Title) [**]

--- Not exactly blow-away action, but they got a decent responce on some of what they did and Taguchi at least tried to deliver even if he's usually several levels below great. Jado & Gedo are as stale as ever through looking awkward and weak the way they wrestle. It's been so nice since they's traded being out with injury because together they just don't have it anymore. The veteran combo nearly won with a chairshot roll-up, but Taguchi kicked out and then blocked the Geod Clutch for a cradle win of his own! Apollo55 retain. Next up is the 'Golden Lovers' Ibushi & Omega.

15:51 of 15:50 - Taguchi pinned Gedo with a Gedo Clutch cut-back. Devitt & Taguchi retain the IWGP Junior Tag Title in their 1st defence.




3. Tajiri -vs- Toru Yano [*]

--- The finish included a umbrella which Yano blocked Tajiri's mist before spraying Tajiri's face with mist. That one the referee saw and DQ'ed Yano.

6:15 of 6:14 - Tajiri defeated Yano by DQ




4. Koji Kanemoto -vs- Davey Richards - (Kanemoto's 20th Anniversary Match) [** 1/4]

--- So Kanemoto celebrate his 20 years in the business with a match with Davey Richards in a sort of 3rd generation Tiger Mask vs 3rd generation Dynamite Kid spirit. And the match was filled with bigger spots and always competitive. I think my favourite moement was how Richards countered a ankle hold straight into a Sharpshooter. There was plenty of other good moment aswell, but I did feel the match was executed in a too mechanical way and didn't feel real enough. Too exhibition style. And that kept a otherwise solid bout down. Regardless Kanemoto beat the indy darling finally after losing in tag matches several times on the tour by using, fittingly, a Tiger Suplex.

15:19 of 15:19 - Kanemoto pinned Richards with a Tiger Suplex




5. Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson © -vs- Yuji Nagata & Wataru Inoue - (IWGP Tag Title) [** 1/2]

--- What? No 3-way this time? Good, then we might have a chance of getting some focus into the IWGP Tag Title match for the first time in a while. And while execution was kind of low impact and not as intense as it should have been, the match lay-out was good. They timed and traded the offence periods very nicely. And a long time there it looked like the challengers were going to regain the belts. The shock and horror of Inoue winning the tag belts once more had me jumping off the couch whenever Anderson would kick out of certain death. And then when I saw there was a chance for the killer finisher the Gun Stun I was so damn thrilled! Anderson saves the day Ace Crushing Inoue for the pin and Bad Intentions retain!

20:06 of 20:06 - Anderson pinned Inoue after the Gun Stun. Bernard & Anderson retain the IWGP Tag Title in their 2nd defence.




6. Satoshi Kojima -vs- Tomoaki Honma [* 1/2]

--- A little warm-up match for the G-1 Climax '10 winner before he faces the IWGP Champion on October 11th. And it's the current champions sidekick he's trashing in a simple manner. Well, Honma did get in a couple of impressive moments suplexing the superstar. Not to mention countering the lariat for a near fall before he got nailed.

9:11 of 9:10 - Kojima pinned Honma after a lariat




7. Shiunsuke Nakamura & Tetsuya Naito -vs- Hiroshi Tanahashi & Hirooki Goto [** 1/4]

--- On the next big show Goto face Nakamura and Naito face Tanahashi in singles matches, so this tag was to build hype for those. And they managed to get some good excitement in here even if the result was kind of cross-wired for those special singles matches as it was Nakamura who beat Tanahashi with the Boma Ye.

18:08 of 18:07 - Nakamura pinned Tanahashi after a Boma Ye kneekick




8. Togi Makabe © -vs- Masato Tanaka - (IWGP Title) [** 3/4]

--- New Japan versus Zero-One for the IWGP Title. To be honest this felt like on paper a filler defence before the main one where the G-1 Climax winner Kojima face the winner of this match on October 11th, but that's not going to stop them from having a good main event with Tanaka using his hardcore background to do some brutal damage to the champion using chair-on-chair violence, crushing Makabe's neck through a table on the rampway and that kind of thing. Right up Tanaka's alley. But Makabe is a brute. He'd clubber you down with pure strenght. And he fought off the Sliding D and brawled his way back into the game effectively beating the outsider with a Spider German and King Kong Kneedrop from top! Felt like a real solid bout, but I hoped for a little more climax, but nevermind. This was still more then good and the best bout on the show.

18:09 of 18:08 - Makabe pinned Tanaka after a top rope kneedrop to retain the IWGP Title in his 3rd defence.




COMMENTS: A B-Level big show. All good matches with something to offer, but lacking the real hugh moments or spectacular execution. But the IWGP Title bout and tag title match were the show stealers.




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NOAH on G+SN - September 26, 2010, Tokyo - (3 3/4 hrs)




September 26, 2010, Tokyo - Nippon Budokan (7,200 fans)



1. Akira Taue & Kentaro Shiga & Genba Hirayanagi -vs- Takashi Okita & Satoshi Kajiwara & Jun Nishikawa [3/4*]

--- Dull no-life NOAH guys against Kensuke Office guys who's going nowhere fast in NOAH. And again does the job to those without much of a future.

9:53 of 9:54 - Hirayanagi pinned Nishikawa after a lariat




2. Shuhei Taniguchi -vs- Kento Miyahara [*]

--- Nobody expected Miyahara to have a chance as Kensuke Office doesn't seem to have any political gain except for the boss himself Kensuke Sasaki and to a mild degree Nakajima, so it became a rather easy win for Tanaguchi who now uses a sleeper to set-up the German Suplex win.

8:28 of 8:28 - Taniguchi pinned Miyahara with a German Suplex




3. Yutaka Yoshie -vs- Masao Inoue [*]

--- The kill couldn't come soon enough and that annoying little fucker kept kicking out and kicking out until Yoshie finally hit the top rope splash!

11:25 of 11:26 - Yoshie pinned Inoue after a top rope bodypress




4. Taiji Ishimori & Ricky Marvin -vs- Yoshinari Ogawa & Bobby Fish [* 1/2]

--- The former GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Champions Ishimori & Marvin having a fun little match with Ogawa and especially Fish who mixed well with Marvin who did most of the good work. It was never a super spectacular, but it had it's moments as Fish was beating Marvin up and then came the lucky cradles counter.....

11:48 of 11:49 - Marvin pinned Fish with a cradle reversal






5. Kotaro Suzuki -vs- Atsushi Aoki [* 3/4]

--- This is a bout that should have been so much more. Almost a career match, if you will. As Aoki has been growing while Suzuki has been out with injury and Suzuki needs to establish himself as a possible top worker again. Yet, they did very little early on in the match to indicate that there was anything special about the match at all. They had a nice little fight at the very end as Aoki came with the running headbutts and Suzuki landed his finishers until he bead Aoki with a very nice Tiger Driver. But that was it really.

16:32 of 16:32 - Suzuki pinned Aoki with a Tiger Driver






6. Bison Smith -vs- Mohammed Yone [* 1/2]

--- Slow boring Yone. He blocked Bison's dive over the ropes with a spinkick which got booos. And he was pretty much in control over the big foreigner most of the match before Smith finally got the better of the heel out on the rampway. And then came the awesome end! Styles Clash off the rampway to the floor!!! And Yone look as if he was about to die which caused the referee stop! I'm ok with that idea!

7:11 of 7:11 - Smith defeated Yone by Referee Stop after a Styles Clash off the rampway to the floor






7. Yoshinobu Kanemaru © -vs- KENTA - (GHC Junior Title) [** 3/4]

--- KENTA challenging for the GHC Junior Title should almost guarantee a MOTYC in the current puroresu climate, but this was totally a Kanemura match and not a KENTA match. Kanemaru can be a good match-maker, but he doesn't possess the sanme extravagant fire that KENTA does when he is 'on' so that kept the match down. It was a very standard Kanemaru formula aswell with the DDT's off the turnbuckle and brainbusters to win. He tried to be spectacular with a bodyslam off the rampway, but the fans had already seen the previous match end with a Styles Clash from there so it wasn't that big a deal. KENTA's top rope footstomp to Kanemaru laying on the floor was one of the biggest spots and landed hard. But KENTA was suprisingly tame for him to be and for a big match styled event. Kanemaru retains for the 6th time equaling KENTA's own 2005-06 reign for defences.

22:38 of 22:39 - Kanemaru pinned KENTA after a brainbuster to retain the GHC Junior Title in his 6th defence.






8. Yoshihiro Takayama & Takuma Sano © -vs- Kensuke Sasaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima - (GHC Tag Title) [**]

--- Takayama & Sano's first defence and it's against Kensuke Office's main team of Sasaki & Nakajima. And not even here do Kensuke Office have any political pull. 3 loses in one night. Why couldn't they at least gotten one meaningless win instead of their never ending row of losing. As long as it's not Sasaki who lose the fall Sasaki don't care about his boys it seems as Nakajima was the natural fallboy getting German Suplexed Everest style by Takayama. This was no super performance by the big old boys and mainly Nakajima's spirit keeping it alive because Sasaki and Sano especially looked like they didn't really care much looking more awkward then dangerous. Takayama at least let Nakajima get to kick him quite a big along with German Suplexing him once before the kill.

18:48 of 18:49 - Takayama pinned Nakajima with a German Suplex. Takayama & Sano retain the GHC Tag Title in their 1st defence.






9. Takashi Sugiura © -vs- Go Shiozaki - (GHC Title) [** 1/4]

--- Then for the big one. Which didn't feel all that big by looking at them. Where is the fire? It was naturally streached out a hell of a lot as usual by the usual Japanese style 'epic' formula thinking that if a match is long, it's a good one. And that way of thinking is so wrong. It wateres out the focus of establishing anything at all because they use so much time doing nothing so it feels like the match never get started. At least in the old days they locked in weardown holds and stuff like that which they could use later in the match for the story. Now they just slap and elbow each other a little bit and use a lot of time selling that showing no aggressive hunger of going after one and other. And it takes so damn long before a match gets interesting with the current modern day 'epic' style that it feels like such a let down in the end. I did like the end as Sugiura was being a real brute clupping a dazy Shiozaki with elbows with the referee trying to stop him needing to check on Shiozaki and see if he could still go. But Sugiura kept brutalizing the challenger until he felt he'd had enough and Olympic Slamed Go one more time to get the V5.

28:45 of 28:45 - Sugiura pinned Shiozaki after a Olympic Slam to retain the GHC Title in his 5th defence.




COMMENTS: A Nippon Budokan show and they didn't put up more of an effort?! With about the biggest matches they could have offered for the two singles belts and there wasn't done more to make them special? Strange almost. Still the show had it's moments and KENTA vs Kanemaru was very good, but the fire wasn't there and they didn't give the half-full arena any reason to get more crowded for their next big show by this effort.




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STANLEY on COMM - September 27, 2010, Tokyo - (2 1/4 hrs)




September 27, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-kiba 1st RING



1. Tsuyochi Kikuchi -vs- Shota [*]

--- Strange seeing Kikuchi down doing opening card indy matches against a small indy wrestlers who's barely on the radar. Kikuchi was lovely stiffing the kid, but unselflessly gave Shota a good share of the offence before going for the kill. Didn't feel that was neccessary.

11:02 of 11:52 - Kikuchi pinned Shota with a modified Liberbomb




2. Takeshi Takeshima -vs- ? (West Gate Wrestler) - (2x2R) [1/4*]

--- Waste of time......nothing happend in 2 rounds.

4:07 of 4:00 - Takeshima wrestled ? to a Draw after 2 Rounds




3. Munenori Sawa & Keita Yano & Ken Kataya & Mr.Magic & Bull Armour Takuya -vs- Shinobu & The 101 & Zipangu & Yasuhiro Katsura Jr. & Batten Tamagawa [3/4*]

--- Messy indy shit with some known and some thankfully unknown and rare guys. I'm not sure I want to see too many of these again. At least they made an effort of collecting a bunch of characters.....

12:30 of 12:31 - Mr.Magic pinned Batten after a moonsault




4. Gran Hamada -vs- Pink Tiger [1/2*]

--- Old Hamada beating a pink Tiger.....at least Hamada managed to stay on his feet most of the time without falling awkwardly.

7:32 of 7:34 - Hamada pinned Tiger after a swinging Ace Crusher




5. Toshi Takemura & ? -vs- Sanchu Tsubakichi & Pedro Takashi [1/2*]

--- Ugly.....the old break-dancin' Pedro trying some submission fighting and not really managing it while Battlarts Tsubakichi made a fool of himself getting cheated out of a win.....

10:50 of 10:55 - ? pinned Tsubakichi with a fist full of tights




6. Kanjo Nagase © -vs- Jun Kasai - (WMW Middleweight Title) [3/4*]

--- It's all kinds of painful seeing Kasai wrestle a clueless fighter with a belt.... yet they pull off a half fun bout if one don't take it too seriously with some old school rules like not allowed to jump off the top rope and the over the top rope DQ rule in effect. Which was something Kasai learned as he lost his chance at this 'prestigues' belt losing that way.

11:08 of 11:08 - Nagase defeated Kasai by DQ via Over The Top Rope Rule to retain the WMW Middleweight Title.




7. GENTARO -vs- Shisaou - (VKF Title) [* 1/4]

--- A GENTARO title defence.....so all kinds of slow and not too interesting as he works over Shisaous lims. It was naturally the final minutes that brought any kind of excitement trying for their finishers, but it all ended with a cop-out count-out win for GENTARO leeping in from the rampway just before the 20 to beat the Okinawa Pro top wrestler.

18:19 of 18:22 - GENTARO defeated Shisaou by Count Out to retain the VKF Title.




8. Naoshi Sano -vs- Tigers Mask [3/4*]

--- Huh....what was going on here? Not your usual type fight. Silly, almost funny at times, but quite shit too. Black Buffalo came in and replaced Tigers Mask a few minutes there and was involved even after the second substitution. And Sano got kicked and beat to the humiliation he deserves....and then the cock won. Defeated the former Osaka Pro Champion with a figure-four leglock! WTF!!!!

15:13 of 14:57 - Sano made Tigers mask submit to a figure-four leglock




COMMENTS: Almost a mini indy summit collecting all kinds of shitty characters and some half-good ones for a all-never-been-a-star event.




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TENTYU PROJECT on Samurai TV - September 29, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)




September 29, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE (385 fans)



1. Mitsuo Momota -vs- Ryuji Hijikata [1/2*]

--- At the very end of his career he's finally getting a winning streak! Now he beats former All Japan wrestler Hijikata. Not very impressively, but it's nice they tribute the old man like Momota.

8:24 of 8:24 - Momota pinned Hijikata after a backdrop suplex




2. Hisamaru Tajima -vs- Bear Fukuda [1/2*]

--- A boring win for Tajima winning with a very easy vertical suplex.

5:55 of 9:03 - Tajima pinned Fukuda after a vertical suplex




3. Kyoko Inoue -vs- Ayako Sato [*]

--- I don't think anyone was thinking Sato was going to win, but at least Kyoko let the little one get in a ton of offence like the top rope dropkick, plancha and a couple of Germans before she squashed Sato landing a vicious top rope suplex and then the powerbomb Kyoko style!

7:45 of 9:49 - Inoue pinned Sato with a powerbomb




4. Tiger Shark © -vs- HIROKI - (Tenryu Project International Junior Title) [* 1/4]

--- HIROKI getting another shot at the former WAR International Junior Heavyweight Title and this time he does it and beats Tiger Shark landing knee kicks to the head to knock out down for the pin. Decent bout, but I still liked their previous match a little better.

9:11 of 11:31 - HIROKI pinned Shark after a kneekick to become the 17th Tenyru Project International Junior Champion.




5. Masao Orihara & Black Tiger V -vs- Madoka & Shinobu - (Tenryu Project International Junior Tag Title Decision) [* 3/4]

--- And the belts that was unified with Dragon Gate's Open the Twin Gate belts a few years ago is now being brought back and Orihara gets awarded for jobbing so much, including a couple of loses to Momota, by winning the former WAR Jr Tag Titles with the current Black Tiger (Takaiwa) when Black Tiger landed a fine Splash Mountain to pin Shinobu after a ok finishing streach. The match wasn't always exciting, but for a Tenryu Project match it delivered ok.

15:30 of 18:14 - Black Tiger pinned Shinobu with a Splash Mountain. Orihara & Black Tiger become the 16th Tenryu Project International Junior Tag Champions.




6. Yoshihiro Takayama & Daisuke Sekimoto & Tatsutoshi Goto © -vs- Kohei Suwama & Arashi & Tomohiro Ishii - (Tenryu Project 6-Man Tag Title) [* 3/4]

--- Ok, this is interesting All Japan's Triple Crown Champion challenging for the ex-WAR 6-Man Tag belts with New Japan's Ishii and Dradition's Arashi! Takayama is back on the champion side with the other blonds. The match had it's moments, but sadly not as awesome as it could have been had they wanted to make this special and clash harder. Kind of lightly worked considering this match featured some of the stiffest motherfuckers on the scene, but there was part you could see the good wrestling too. Loved Ishii suplexing big Takayama and also Goto landing the backdrop suplex on Suwama! But Suwama got his revenge and eventually lariated Goto down for the count to win the belts.

13:34 of 16:17 - Suwama pinned Goto after a lariat. Suwama & Arashi & Ishii become the 17th Tenryu Project 6-Man Tag Champions.




7. Kohei Suwama & Arashi & Tomohiro Ishii © -vs- Daisuke Sekimoto & NOSAWA Rongai & Tatsutoshi Goto - (Tenryu Project 6-Man Tag Title) [**]

--- Suwama was pissed that NOSAWA interfered during the previous match, so they had an extra title match on the show with NOSAWA taking Takayama's place. And the match was good as NOSAWA got good support from Sekimoto especially working around Suwama trying to get the Triple Crown Champion beat somehow. And even Arashi landed a couple of hard moves during the match. Good fun overall until Suwama did what he just had to do and that was beat the crap out of NOSAWA.

14:14 of 14:14 - Suwama pinned NOSAWA after a Last Ride powerbomb. Suwama & Arashi & Ishii retain the Tenryu Project 6-Man Tag Title in their 1st defence.




COMMENTS: One of the better shows of Tenryu Project's short run, but it was only a average indy show without the major fireworks.




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NOAH/AAA on GAORA TV - October 1, 2010, Madero - (2 hrs)




October 1, 2010, Mexico - Ciudad Madero Centro de Convenciones (12,000 fans)



- Takashi Suguira in Mexico......



1. Aero Star -vs- Chris Stone -vs- Elegido -vs- Laredo Kid -vs- Super Fly -vs- Alan Stone -vs- Billy Boy -vs- Decnis - (Copa Antonio Pena) [*]

--- Clipped action with Aero Star looking like a super flyer and even winning the bout he looked so good in. And Chris Stone had to get his hair shaved.

4:34 - Aero Star defeated Chris Stone, Elegido, Laredo Kid, Super Fly, Alan Stone, Billy Boy, Decnis to win the Copa Antonio Pena




2. Nicho El Millionario & Joe Lider -vs- Konnan & Damian 666 & Halloween - (Handicap & Hardcore) [3/4*]

--- Hardcore action. It was almost like seeing Big Japan action. Light tubes, tumbtacks, barbed wire boards and ladders! All you need for a hardcore night! Was never a pretty bout or as spectacular a Big japan bout, but it had it's devilish fun before Konnan was beat over a garbage can.

5:05 - Nicho pinned Konnan after a double-arm DDT on a garbage can




3. Dr. Wagner Jr. © -vs- Silver King - (AAA Title) [1/2*]

--- Wager had to battle Silver King and a heel referee and still managed to retain his belt! Too little airing to really get a grip of the drama.

2:52 - Wagner pinned King after King missed a moonsault to retain the AAA Title.




4. El Mesias -vs- Perro Aguayo Jr [3/4*]

--- More heel ref stuff with again the babyface fighting the odds! Mesias put Augayo through a table and the referee was thinking it was Perro who had the offence and didn't see who had the cover when counting and didn't see until after he'd counted 3 that it was Mesias who was the victor!

3:34 - Mesias pinned Aguayo after a second rope powerbomb through a table




5. Cibernetico & Heavy Metal & Cuervo & Ozz & La Parka Jr -vs- Electroshock & Zorro & L.A. Park & Hernandez - (War Games Steel Cage Match) [*]

--- As I don't follow lucha and who's technicos or rudos and all that, it was nearly impossible for me to know who was sided with who in this short time, but Cibernetico came in and became the hero helping his Parka escape leaving the other Parka & Hernandez in the ring resulting them losing.

8:20 - Cibernetico & Heavy Metal & Cuervo & Ozz & La Parka Jr defeated Electroshock & Zorro & L.A. Park & Hernandez by escaping the cage




6. Takashi Sugiura © -vs- Chessman - (GHC Title) [*]

--- Watching sportsman like Japanese wrestlers on a freakshow from AAA just looks and feels strange. And you see just how far behind the rest of the world the showmanship is in Japan in an environment like this. The NOAH wrestler looked like he was from the stone age. He had a basic, slow, technical bout with Chessman who'd just returned from injury trading a few suplexes along the way. The bout was never exciting and just a curiosity with Sugiura retaining easy with a Olympic Slam in little over 8 minutes. While it aired last here it was really the only the second match on the show after the mixed match.

8:32 of 8:41 - Sugiura pinned Chessman after a Olympic Slam to retain the GHC Title in his 6th defence.




COMMENTS: The usual travling stuff when a NOAH wrestler go on vacation to Mexico. Sugiura was more interested in trying all kinds of alcohol then eat and go sight seeing. That's my man! Well, they did go and see crocodiles!




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WAVE on COMM: VIRGIN - September-October 2010 - (3 hrs)




October 3, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,224 fans)



1. Kana -vs- Policewoman [1/2*]

--- Policewoman, aka Yuki Miyazaki, was very facinated about touching Kana's breasts.....thats why this match happend so she could do that a lot.

6:07 of 6:40 - Kana made Policewoman submit to a wakigatame armbar




2. Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda -vs- Reika & Bachiko [3/4*]

--- The Sweethearts vs the trannys. The good and the ugly in a ugly fight with some good moves to at least help some of the mixed impression. The men had to be carried carefully so they'd not get lost and the men also got in some bigger moves before Toyota took care of things with the Queen Bee Bomb. Wilder then you'd expect.

9:33 of 9:57 - Toyota pinned Bachiko after a Queen Bee Bomb




3. Tsubasa Kuragaki -vs- Ryo Mizunami [*]

--- Mizunami getting to face well-established JWP wrestler Tsubasa on WAVE's special Korakuen Hall show and.....gets beat up in 5 minutes. Stubborn fight between two butchy girls, but it was clear that Kuragaki was the top girl of the two and they just made that even more clear with such a quick win. Was on it's way to getting interesting when it ended.

5:05 of 5:17 - Kuragaki pinned Mizunami after a lariat




4. Kayako Haruyama -vs- Misaki Ohata [* 1/2]

--- Another WAVE associate getting to meet a JWP star as Ohata faces former JWP Champion Haruyama. And it's another glamorized squash with Haruyama forcing the Ohata comebacks in too visually for me. At least the fans got behind the underdog and cheered like crazy when she'd kick out of certain death, but after 8 minutes of that and only getting a few cross-armbreakers as serious offence Ohata was finished off with the Keene Hammer.

8:06 of 8:26 - Haruyama pinned Ohata after the Keene Hammer




5. Kikutaro & Sakura Hirota -vs- Ran Yu Yu & Toshie Uematsu [1/2*]

--- Comedy WAVE and since there will be a tag match featuring Abdullah the Butcher and Aja Kong later on Sakura Hirota & Kikutaro has taken the inspiration from there with Sakura dressed as Abby and Kikutaro as a rather good Aja. Sakura's Abby was just absurd. Not too fun, even at this level, and with the slow-mo and fast-forward WAVE spots it was kind of embarrassing in the K-Hall. Didn't help that it ended with a double-count out result aswell with slow-mo and FF happening.

9:31 of 9:12 - Kikutaro & Hirota wrestled Yu Yu & Uematsu to a Double Count Out




6. Gami & Abdullah the Butcher -vs- Aja Kong & NOSAWA Rongai [3/4*]

--- Bloody. And awkward. Pure tribute stuff with Abby being in rough shape soon turning 70 years old. But they others bumped all the way for him and Aja did the job to the legendary elbow drop.

7:09 of 7:33 - Abdullah pinned Kong after a elbow drop




7. Hiren -vs- Moeka Haruhi [*]

--- Ugh....Haruhi is so weak and awkward at everything she does. So this 'Idol grudge' match which was supposed to be heated lost most of that whenever Haruhi tried to show heat failing miserably at that. Thankfully Hiren has turned into a decent wrestler and made sure there was qualities and some badness and not just bad. Not to mention her winning.....again thankfully.

8:53 of 9:02 - Hiren made Haruhi submit to a ankle hold




8. Yumi Ohka & Ayumi Kurihara & Sawako Shimono -vs- Meiko Satomura & Ayako Hamada & Yoshiko Tamura [**]

--- WAVE girls against a super team of aces. Long struggling match. Never got much flow, but it ended up being a pure survival fight for the WAVE associated side who had to deal with Hamada's bitterness, Tamura's lazy offence and Satomura's eager ace ways. Sawako was treated exactly how the veterans wanted her to be treated and she got a solid beating out of it, but she also had to be carried all the way not really knowing how to handle the situation. One would have expected she to do the job, but they ended up doing a face-saving time limit draw instead for the WAVE main event.

28:37 of 30:00 - Ohka & Kurihara & Shimono wrestled Satomura & Hamada & Tamura to a 30:00 Time Limit Draw





September 5, 2010, Osaka Move On Minami Arena (278 fans)



9. Aya Yuki -vs- Shimono Sawako [1/2*]

--- Basic rookie stuff with NEO's Aya Yuki taking care of business.

6:26 of 7:41 - Yuki pinned Sawako after a top rope elbow drop




10. Ran Yu Yu & Moeka Haruhi -vs- Toshie Uematsu & Misaki Ohata [3/4*]

--- Entertainment style wrestling with Uematsu dressed as Ohata and Haruhi as Uematsu. Simple fun stuff and never too serious until the original Ohata got smashed with a elbow.

10:42 of 12:21 - Yu Yu pinned Ohata after a elbow smash




11. Policewoman -vs- Sakura Hirota [1/4*]

--- Sakura as.....TANNY MOUSE with HUGH teeth! Well as long as it's going to be a Tanny match, I'm still going to hate it. Fake Tanny or not....

7:58 of 12:48 - Policewoman pinned Hirota with a La Magistral




12. A*YU*MI -vs- Sakura Candle (Yumi Ohka) - (X-LAW Women's Title) [*]

--- Ayumi Kurihara under her cute masked gimmick defending a meaningless title against Yumi Ohka and her more kinky masked gimmick dripping candle light on A*YU*MI. The wrestling was light lucha inspired. Decent, but sadly nothing amazing or up to the level they should perform. A*YU*MI kept the belt with a flash cradle jumping in.

12:42 of 13:38 - A*YU*MI pinned Sakura with a forward rolling cradle to retain the X-LAW Women's Title in her 2nd defence.




13. Yoshiko Tamura & Asami Kawasaki & Kagetsu -vs- Gami & Kana & Ryo Mizunami [* 1/4]

--- Messy and a lot of clumsy Gami vs Tamura fighting with most of the girls not really knowing how to keep this match together. Loads of action though. Just not too much that was any good and it just felt like a very long fight which never started rising. Half-happy moment at the end with Gami losing, but they should have gotten a lot more out of this one as the highlights was spread too much.

25:28 of 25:57 - Tamura pinned Gami with a small package




COMMENTS: The Korakuen Hall show which should have been a milesstone for the promotion was just a throw-away happy show with a few glamorized squashes, comedy and tribute bouts along with one main event which was never anything super even if it was the best the show had to offer. The September Osaka show was the usual WAVE stuff too.





WAVE on Samurai TV - October 3, 2010 - (2 hrs)




October 3, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,224 fans)



1. Kana -vs- Policewoman [1/2*]

--- Policewoman, aka Yuki Miyazaki, was very facinated about touching Kana's breasts.....thats why this match happend so she could do that a lot.

4:03 of 6:40 - Kana made Policewoman submit to a wakigatame armbar




2. Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda -vs- Reika & Bachiko [3/4*]

--- The Sweethearts vs the trannys. The good and the ugly in a ugly fight with some good moves to at least help some of the mixed impression. The men had to be carried carefully so they'd not get lost and the men also got in some bigger moves before Toyota took care of things with the Queen Bee Bomb. Wilder then you'd expect.

4:58 of 9:57 - Toyota pinned Bachiko after a Queen Bee Bomb




3. Tsubasa Kuragaki -vs- Ryo Mizunami [*]

--- Mizunami getting to face well-established JWP wrestler Tsubasa on WAVE's special Korakuen Hall show and.....gets beat up in 5 minutes. Stubborn fight between two butchy girls, but it was clear that Kuragaki was the top girl of the two and they just made that even more clear with such a quick win. Was on it's way to getting interesting when it ended.

3:15 of 5:17 - Kuragaki pinned Mizunami after a lariat




4. Kayako Haruyama -vs- Misaki Ohata [* 1/2]

--- Another WAVE associate getting to meet a JWP star as Ohata faces former JWP Champion Haruyama. And it's another glamorized squash with Haruyama forcing the Ohata comebacks in too visually for me. At least the fans got behind the underdog and cheered like crazy when she'd kick out of certain death, but after 8 minutes of that and only getting a few cross-armbreakers as serious offence Ohata was finished off with the Keene Hammer.

4:48 of 8:26 - Haruyama pinned Ohata after the Keene Hammer




5. Kikutaro & Sakura Hirota -vs- Ran Yu Yu & Toshie Uematsu [1/2*]

--- Comedy WAVE and since there will be a tag match featuring Abdullah the Butcher and Aja Kong later on Sakura Hirota & Kikutaro has taken the inspiration from there with Sakura dressed as Abby and Kikutaro as a rather good Aja. Sakura's Abby was just absurd. Not too fun, even at this level, and with the slow-mo and fast-forward WAVE spots it was kind of embarrassing in the K-Hall. Didn't help that it ended with a double-count out result aswell with slow-mo and FF happening.

9:31 of 9:12 - Kikutaro & Hirota wrestled Yu Yu & Uematsu to a Double Count Out




6. Gami & Abdullah the Butcher -vs- Aja Kong & NOSAWA Rongai [3/4*]

--- Bloody. And awkward. Pure tribute stuff with Abby being in rough shape soon turning 70 years old. But they others bumped all the way for him and Aja did the job to the legendary elbow drop.

7:09 of 7:33 - Abdullah pinned Kong after a elbow drop




7. Hiren -vs- Moeka Haruhi [*]

--- Ugh....Haruhi is so weak and awkward at everything she does. So this 'Idol grudge' match which was supposed to be heated lost most of that whenever Haruhi tried to show heat failing miserably at that. Thankfully Hiren has turned into a decent wrestler and made sure there was qualities and some badness and not just bad. Not to mention her winning.....again thankfully.

9:02 of 9:02 - Hiren made Haruhi submit to a ankle hold




8. Yumi Ohka & Ayumi Kurihara & Sawako Shimono -vs- Meiko Satomura & Ayako Hamada & Yoshiko Tamura [**]

--- WAVE girls against a super team of aces. Long struggling match. Never got much flow, but it ended up being a pure survival fight for the WAVE associated side who had to deal with Hamada's bitterness, Tamura's lazy offence and Satomura's eager ace ways. Sawako was treated exactly how the veterans wanted her to be treated and she got a solid beating out of it, but she also had to be carried all the way not really knowing how to handle the situation. One would have expected she to do the job, but they ended up doing a face-saving time limit draw instead for the WAVE main event.

20:15 of 30:00 - Ohka & Kurihara & Shimono wrestled Satomura & Hamada & Tamura to a 30:00 Time Limit Draw




COMMENTS: The Korakuen Hall show which should have been a milesstone for the promotion was just a throw-away happy show with a few glamorized squashes, comedy and tribute bouts along with one main event which was never anything super even if it was the best the show had to offer. This is the edited TV version and without the September 5th show.




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Dragon Gate on GAORA TV - October 3 & 10, 2010 - (2 hrs)




October 3, 2010, Kobe Sambo Hall (1,400 fans)



1. Naoki Tanizaki -vs- Naruki Doi -vs- BxB Hulk - (3-Way Elimination) [**]

--- They are really pushing Tanizaki now! Letting him beat both World-1 wrestlers in the same match! Doi had a bad wheel so after taking too much punishment to the knee Doi was locked in a half-crab with added tools to make him tap. Hulk got more of the heel stuff as the boxes came into play knocking Hulk silly enough to get in the Implant for the win! Fairly good drama.

16:30 - Tanizaki made Doi submit to a single leg crab with a spanner

16:42 of 20:59 - Tanizaki pinned Hulk with the Implant




2. Susumu Yokosuka & K-ness © -vs- CIMA & Gamma - (Open the Twin Gate Unified Tag Title) [* 3/4]

--- The Warriors challengers looked so confident and in control in this match slowing the pace down and having fun in their own speed. Can't say it felt too exciting. Especially not during the earlier portion. The champs got in some periods, but it was CIMA & Gamma shining. Well, that kind of guarantees that they'll lose don't it? Yes it does. And since they've done quite a few spots with K-ness's rolling clutch hold in recent months they follows it up here too with Gamma countering it and K-ness fighting it back in rolling Gamma for the pin! CIMA seemed less the pleased that Gamma would lose so easy and the two argued all the way to backstage.

20:45 of 22:28 - K-ness pinned Gamma with a rolling cradle. Yokosuka & K-ness retain the Open the Twin Gate Unified Tag Title in their 4th defence.




October 10, 2010, Hakata Star Lane (2,350 fans)



3. Kagetora -vs- YAMATO [* 1/4]

--- Kagetora isn't exactly someone who's collected a lot of big wins since joining Dragon Gate, but he's having luck with his Kagenui cradle which is like a leg-hook small package roll-up. And here he beats a former Open the Dream Gate champion with it! And therefore he takes YAMATO's place when Shingo Takagi & Cyber Kong and now Kagetora battle the Warriors for the Triangle Gate Title on October 13th.

7:42 of 15:26 - Kagetora pinned YAMATO with a modified small package




4. Susumu Yokosuka & K-ness -vs- Masaaki Mochizuki & Don Fujii -vs- Shingo Takagi & Cyber Kong - (3-Way Elimination) [* 1/2]

--- More a fun match then anything special. But it did make the Twin Gate champions Yokosuka & K-ness look even stronger winning the match on top of having a successful run as champs with 4 successful defences so far. Not that they were the most visual guys in this match as the others got to look good before they were eliminated. But Yokosuka's Jumbo no Kachi is effecive!

16:41 - Fujii pinned Cyber Kong with a German Suplex

14:08 of 19:56 - Yokosuka pinned Fujii with a lariat




5. Masato Yoshino © -vs- Ryo Saito - (Open the Dream Gate Title) [**]

--- Yoshino finally gets to defend the belt he won on July 11th. And out of the box he draws Ryu Saito, a former champion himself holding it brifly back in 2006. Sadly Saito's career has mostly been going downhill from there except for his periods teaming with Genki Horiguchi, but as a singles wrestler he's been floating around in the middle of nowhere a long time so it's nice to see him get a shot at the big one. The match didn't delvier up to Saito's '06 standard sadly. Cut in half for TV too with what was shown being the champion in control hurting Saito's arm good making it difficult for Saito to do his big moves. But out of that came the poppin' moments like Saito landing the Premium Bridge and stuff like that for some pretty near falls. But not close enough to get the gold as Yoshino kept landing his big moves like the Lightning Spirals and then the modified Sol Naciente to have the first defence checked. Now out of the box CIMA gets to be the next challenger on November 23rd!

13:47 of 27:49 - Yoshino made Saito submit to the Sol Naciente Kai to retain the Open the Dream Gate Title in his 1st defence.




COMMENTS: It's good days for Yokosuka & K-ness, that's for sure! Yoshino too!




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DDT/UNION PRO on Samurai TV - October 3 & November 3, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)




UNION PRO - October 3, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-kiba 1st RING



1. Madoka & 726 -vs- Muscle Sakai & Ryo Gouma [3/4*]

--- The match of neckbreaker drops! Gouma did a Shining neckbreaker drop, Sliding neckbreaker drop and a Dragon-style neckbreaker drop! So Madoka countered the offence with a springboard neckbreaker drop and a Sliding neckbreaker drop of his own. Then Sakai had the brilliant idea that Gouma should get back at Madoka by blowing mist, but he only had the color powder and not the water to sprey it and then Madoka kicked his skull and Gouma was out.

4:51 of 8:58 - Madoka pinned Gouma after a high headkick




2. Emi Sakura & Cherry -vs- Black Cherries #1 and #2 [1/2*]

--- Ice Ribbon girls as disguised heels taking on Cherry and a Cherry'ed-up Sakura who turned on Cherry! Didn't stop the queen herself to win and the heels turned on Sakura too.

3:53 of 9:28 - Cherry pinned Minami after a Swanton Bomb




3. Big Murakami & Katsuyoshi Usuda -vs- Seiya Morohashi & Yoshihiko

--- This had so much potential! Think about it. Agressive shit like Murakami against the blow-up doll Yoshihiko! Just think about the brutality Murakami could have unleashed! But all they showed was Murakami beating up Morohashi very easy.

1:39 of 12:15 - Murakami pinned Morohashi after a STO




4. Isami Kodaka -vs- Keita Yano - (Hardcore Scramble Match) [* 1/2]

--- Cool little hardcore match with Yano doing a rolling cradle with a stick stuck on Isami's pants and barbed wire getting stuck in his face while rolling! Isami going berzerk with the baseball bat when Yano stick inside a garbage can. Yano suplexing a ladder straight in Isami's face and Isami landing a top rope double kneedrop with the Wallaby belt as Yano was laying with a ladder over him. All kinds of fun action with Isami even cracking up as Yano was smashing a table piece over his head! Isami ended up winning landing a snap kick on Yano's throat.

8:16 of 17:43 - Isami pinned Yano after a superkick




5. Shuji Ishikawa -vs- Kengo Mashimo [*]

--- Union Pro's big Ishikawa against Kaientai Dojo's once great spirited fighter Mashimo in a fairly stiff fight. But it was cut down a lot for TV starting quite late in the match with none of the wear'n'tear of the build up getting revealed, so it was hard to get into the struggle they'd come to. So more should have been shown of Ishikawa's big victory when he landed a nice modified Ligerbomb to beat the K-Dojo star. After the match a bunch of wrestlers argued until former NOAH crazy man Kikuchi came in and took off his pants.

6:18 of 17:41 - Ishikawa pinned Mashimo with a modified sit-out powerbomb




DDT - November 3, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (447 fans)



6. Dick Togo & GENTARO & Yasu Urano -vs- KUDO & Hoshitango & Takao Soma

--- Only a match where nothing much got established from what aired until GENTARO landed the elbow on the younger guy.

2:32 of 12:25 - GENTARO pinned Soma after a top rope elbow drop




7. Toru Owashi -vs- DJ Nira [1/4*]

--- The DJ Nira's many speaches took forever and there wasn't much wrestling in these two short matches.....

0:04 of 0:03 - Owashi pinned Nira with a small package

3:10 of 3:10 - Owashi made Nira submit going for a top rope bodypress




8. Yukihiro Abe -vs- Rion Mizuki - (Young Drama Cup)

--- Looked like a dull match as Abe won the simple way.

1:24 of 5:47 - Abe made Mizuki submit to a single leg crab




9. Keisuke Ishii -vs- Shigehiro Irie - (Young Drama Cup)

--- This one was smarter! Irie did an amazing Samoan Drop as he often does these days and hurt his neck on impact and Ishii eventually landed a spinkick to the neck and won!

1:16 of 5:13 - Ishii pinned Irie after a kneel kick to the neck




10. Great Kojika & Riho & Mr.#6 © -vs- Michael Nakazawa & Tomomitsu Matsunaga & Hikaru Sato - (UWA/Jiyugaoka/Nihonkai Trios Titles) [3/4*]

--- The super team of 68 year old Kojika, 13 year old girl Riho and pre-teen boy #6 lose their collection of trios belts when Matsunaga of all people got the win lariating down old Kojika who also had his mouth stuffed. Little 6 did a top rope huracanrana and a tope! There was also some exchange of spit between the challengers on the kids.

5:15 of 13:33 - Matsunaga pinned Kojika after a lariat. Nakazawa & Matsunaga & Sato become the UWA/Jiyugaoka/Nihonkai Trios Champions.




11. Danshoku Dino & Antonio Honda & Daisuke Sasaki -vs- Sanshiro Takagi & MIKAMI & Tanomusaku Toba [1/2*]

--- Only designed for Honda & Sasaki to turn on Dino.....

5:38 of 12:05 - Dino & Honda & Sasaki wrestled Takagi & MIKAMI & Toba to a No-Contest




COMMENTS: I had much more expectations from the Union Pro show as they had Big Murakami, a Isami hardcore match and Ishikawa vs Mashimo. The DDT show was pretty much a throw-away show.




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NOAH on G+SN - October 6, 2010, Tokyo - (2 1/4 hrs)




October 6, 2010, Tokyo - Differ Ariake (800 fans)



1. Kensuke Sasaki & Go Shiozaki -vs- Takashi Sugiura & Masao Inoue [* 1/4]

--- Comedy time done in a serious boring wrestling way. If Sugiura's team lost, and let me remind you he's teaming with eternal loser Inoue, a secret letter which Sugiura send to a girl will be revealed to the fans. And Sugiura can't let such an embarrassing and personal letter get public. Gossip & wrestling~~~~ And Inoue did most of the fighting with a very nervous Sugiura always having to come in for the saves. People were more surprised when Inoue was the one getting a rare near fall. Was never more then a mildly amusing bout with Inoue naturally getting the crap beat out of him with Sasaki holding Sugiura off unable to make the save.

22:18 of 22:18 - Shiozaki pinned Inoue after the Go Flasher




2. Takuma Sano & Kotaro Suzuki -vs- Shuhei Taniguchi & Ricky Marvin [*]

--- Finisher hold restrictions rules here. One had to go through a list of selected old school moves like the Oki headbutt, spinning toe-hold, Iron Claw, neckbreaker drop and double-arm suplex before one could start trying to win the match. Took almost 19 minutes of light hearted work before both teams had finished their list and then it ended with a comedy reversal of a small package.....

19:12 of 19:13 - Sano pinned Marvin with a small package reversal




3. KENTA -vs- Taiji Ishimori [* 3/4]

--- A gay man picked this as his wet dream match-up based off pictures of the two. He nearly had to be put on a leach so to not storm the match. And while it was a bit silly and a lot of focus on the

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NOSAWA BOM-BA-YE on Samurai TV - October 8, 2010, Tokyo - (3 hrs)




October 8, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (777 fans)


1. Gran Hamada & El Pantera & Chicken Boy & Ayako Hamada -vs- Tsuyoshi Kikuchi & Takuya Sugawara & Hisamaru Tajima & Mima Shimoda [* 1/4]

--- The guy wasn't born before November 27th, but they use this show to celebrate Gran Hamada's 60th birthday! And his daughter Ayako is there with him making a rare Japan appearence again after spending most of her time on the American continent. Also cool seeing El Pantera again. The match was a struggling spotfest, but it was all in good sport as light entertainment and a handfull cool moves. Funniest being Chicken Boy missing the twisting moonsault finish having to do it again!

11:01 of 11:02 - Chicken pinned Tajima after a Roppongi Tornado




2. Masaaki Mochizuki -vs- Hikaru Sato [* 1/2]

--- Kind of an interesting match-up as both are rather shooter styled and we got a taste of that during the build-up. Didn't get too much out of the submission work sadly and it wasn't until Mochizuki kicked Sato's head in it started getting interesting. And it wasn't long before the Dragon Gate veteran had the DDT based fighter beat with his Twister brainbuster!

12:35 of 12:35 - Mochizuki pinned Sato after a brainbuster






3. 15-Man Royal Rumble [* 3/4]

--- Rumble time! And Stalker Ichikawa brought the highlights. Happiest moment was him managing to ENTER the ring! Yes, he struggled with that. Well, a bigger moment might have been when he single handidly eliminated Big Murakami over the ropes!!! But that happiness was shortlived as Minowman made him tap right after that and Sanshiro Takagi punched him in the face as they met during his enterance! Well, it ended up being Takagi's night as he helped fool Minowaman and then he fooled Taka to win the match! Funny stuff.

(5:58) - Brahman Shu eliminated

(7:08) - Masao Orihara eliminated

(8:35) - Minoru eliminated

(8:52) - Mr.Cacao eliminated

(9:54) - Black Tiger V eliminated

(11:37) - El Samurai eliminated

(12:28) - Muscle Sakai eliminated

(13:12) - Ricky Fuji eliminated

(13:15) - Kana eliminated

(20:05) - Big Marukami eliminated

(20:19) - Stalker Ichikawa eliminated

(22:46) - Brahman Kei eliminated

(23:49) - Minowaman eliminated

(24:25) - Taka Michinoku eliminated

24:25 of 24:25 - Sanshiro Takagi win the 15-Man Royal Rumble






4. Tacan Hanson(Y.Takayama) & Bruiser Minodi(M.Suzuki) -vs- Genichiro Tenyru & Jumbo Kiku [*]

--- Old style All Japan as Takayama & Suzuki dress up as Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody against Kikutaro as Jumbo Tsuruta and the original Genichiro Tenryu! And I must say that Tenryu did a terrible Tenryu impression. Mr.Puroresu is old now and can't even stand without help of the ropes anymore. But Kikutaro as Jumbo Tsuruta was what the match lived on! He had the mannerisms in. And he was hit with a Hansen lariat!

11:59 of 11:59 - Takayama pinned Kiku after a lariat






5. Mazada -vs- Minoru Fujita [*]

--- All kinds of lazy couldn't-care-less wrestling, but at least they managed to add some spice with dangerous drops to not make it a total waste. Fujita's second rope Tombstone was the big highlight, but Mazada's piledriver counter and high-angle Shoda Drops were nice too beating Fujita in the match of lazy whashed-up never-beens indy dudes.

17:59 of 18:01 - Mazada pinned Fujita after a Shoda Drop






6. NOSAWA Rongai & Mil Mascaras & El Vampiro Canadiense -vs- CIMA Abdullah the Butcher & Arkangel de la Muerte & - (NOSAWA's 15th Anniversary Match) [* 1/2]

--- NOSAWA celebrating 15 wasted years in pro wrestling. The guy has got connections everywhere and here he uses a bunch of calls to Mexico to bring in Arkangel, El Vampiro and super-old Mil Mascaras along with equally old Abdullah the Butcher! Pure tribute stuff! And not really NOSAWA. More NOSAWA paying his respects to Mil Mascaras and Abby. NOSAWA while bleeding was smiling watching the match as a fan as Mascaras and his old heroes was going their thing. And he just had to ask Mascaras to do a flying cross-chop with him before NOSAWA got his piece of the pie winning the match over Arkangel with the La Magistral. CIMA was also more then pleased to bump for the Mascaras cross-chop!

12:41 of 12:41 - NOSAWA pinned Arkangel with a La Magistral




COMMENTS: NOSAWA knows everyone and brings them to the show. Sadly for NOSAWA not many fans care about him and it was a fairly low-numbered Korakuen Hall who'd bothered to show up for his show regardless of how many stars he brought in.




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