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The Sparkmeister

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Posts posted by The Sparkmeister

  1. Just out of curiosity, thislittlemaschist, what attracts you to a guy? I've asked many a girl this question face to face but they always seem to give the bullshit answers.Is it height? Confidence? Demeanour? Status? I'm guessing it's not looks in the conventional sense judging by your contributions to this thread (no disrespect but none of those guys are pretty boys).I have male friends that are conventionally attractive and nice blokes but get less female attention than ugly friends of mine with arrogant personas. What gives? I probably fall somewhere in the middle - semi confident, ok looking.I'm very curious. I know one woman doesn't represent an entire sex, but women are generally a very mysterious sex, in my experience.Ahk, it's almost 5AM. Just been to a party where I've had to converse with these alien lifeforms... and I still have no clue about them :confused:

    Don't you just love drunken, slightly chauvenistic posts where you wake up the next morning and think 'what have I said'?Damnit. I have had 5 hours sleep and now have to write 2000 words for a uni creative writing piece that's due in, in guess what... 2 hours! I haven't started :/ And I'm hungover :crazy: Last night I was in a 'aren't women alien' mood
  2. Just out of curiosity, thislittlemaschist, what attracts you to a guy? I've asked many a girl this question face to face but they always seem to give the bullshit answers.Is it height? Confidence? Demeanour? Status? I'm guessing it's not looks in the conventional sense judging by your contributions to this thread (no disrespect but none of those guys are pretty boys).I have male friends that are conventionally attractive and nice blokes but get less female attention than ugly friends of mine with arrogant personas. What gives? I probably fall somewhere in the middle - semi confident, ok looking.I'm very curious. I know one woman doesn't represent an entire sex, but women are generally a very mysterious sex, in my experience.Ahk, it's almost 5AM. Just been to a party where I've had to converse with these alien lifeforms... and I still have no clue about them :confused:

  3. Amber Benson and Katherine Isabelle I can definitely appreciate. Hadn't heard of Isabelle before, but remember Benson from Buffy.


    Here's another one. Her name's Randi Wright. She's a great actress, versatile, classy. Shame she's morally against nude scenes. She's the type of girl you'd be proud to bring back to meet your parents.












    Ahk, who am I kidding? She's a dirty porn star :love::devil:

  4. The whole 'celebrities you fancy' post has been done time and time again and it generally garners the same few women (Jessica Alba for example).


    The point of this thread is to post celebrities you're attracted to, but ones that aren't very well known, so steer clear of the J-Los, Beyonces and Britneys. Having said that, don't post a pic of some girl that works in the chip shop. No amateurs please.


    You might want to post pictures of women that aren't conventionally attractive but do something for you.


    N.B. If anyone wants to post pictures of men, that's fine by me. Equal opportunities and all :)


    Here's my few -


    Claire Forlani (see signature for alterative pic) - a beautiful English actress. She's been in high profile films like Mallrats, Meet Joe Black, Boys and Girls (awesome in this) and Antitrust. Despite this, most of my mates have no clue who she is, so I think she qualifies.




    Morena Baccarin - Actress in Firefly/Serenity. Of Brazilian descent I believe.




    Larisa Oleynik - Became well known through her role in 10 Things I Hate About You but when mega fame beckoned she went back to college. Now graduated she doesn't seem to have been inundated with big offers. Oh, and she was Alex Mac.




    Shiri Appleby - Mentioned in Roswell thread. She is most well known for this and the film Swim Fan, but seems to be doing bugger all of note lately.




    Sorry for the lack of thumbnails. If any moderators wants to edit this to change the pics to thumbnails then it's fine by me.

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