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Posts posted by matbro1984

  1. Last night I couldn't sleep and got thinking about future hof inductees over the future years, this is what I came up with in no particular order or timeframe:


    Headliners: rock, taker, nwo, dx, hart foundation, macho, HHH, cena, orton, Batista, punk, bryan( if momentum continues), sting, lesnar, angle, vince

    Celeb: mayweather, LT (not sure if he got done for rape 2 yrs ago though?), rourke,

    Undercard: free birds, Luger, steiners, big show, Owen hart(?), new age outlaws( if not inducted in dx), regal, cole, jbl, godfather, Kane, heyman, great muta(was big in wcw in early 90's), bischoff, Jarrett, menry, goldust, rey, Christian, teddy long, Lillian Garcia, demolition, doink, Sid, y2j,


    When Vince goes in, the HoF that year should have him as the lone inductee, like Andre.


    Some other suggestions: Vader, Bulldog, Nash (will probably get inducted as Diesel), Rick Martel, Elizabeth, Honky Tonk Man, the Rougeaus, Boss Man, Earthquake, Tatanka

  2. Unblock US not working for me either.


    Edit: Got it working again, by creating a new PS3 account and signing into the US PSN with it. When I tried to access the network using my usual PS3 account/PSN Id (registered in the UK) it doesn't work. However, a friend of mine who uses his laptop only with Unblock US hasn't had any issues at all.

  3. Some of the stuff in his Raw promo now seems chillingly prescient. How completely fitting that he bowed out of WWE television this week on his terms, after all these years.


    RIP Warrior.

  4. There's a fantastic book called Mirage Men


    Right, added to my Wishlist :)



    I tried adding it to my wishlist, only to find it's already there. Any other books you'd care to recommend? I've collected a stack of UFO/paranormal/conspiracy books over the years, but that's not to say I'd endorse them all. (Case in point - I found "Left At East Gate" an interesting read but this is a case which you say has thoroughly been debunked. I'm not disputing that; just that "Left At East Gate" - and the various embellished re-tellings of the same incident on various TV documentaries - is all I have to go by.)


    Paranormality by Richard Wiseman is the latest one to arrive from my Wish List, and it's an entertaining exercise in debunking psychics, seances, ghosts and so on.


    Also, that AI computer story. Genius.

  5. This thread got really good. It's nice to see sensible discussion with out the "little green men lolz" ridicule nor the blind-faith-without-questioning-the-facts stuff that this thread was full of a few months ago. Top work guys.


    I am currently going through this tremendous box set



    Shame they never released it over here. It's basically a best-of, divided into 6 4-disc subsets with a bonus disc tacked on featuring a few other of the mysteries that didn't fit with the other sets. Strongly recommended if you're into that sort of this. Which, if you're reading this thread, there's a good chance you are.

  6. A fairly decent spicy fried popcorn chicken recipe. Required so much time and effort though I rarely do it. I haven't measured out the ingredients accurately though so this is as close an approximation as you'll get.



    4 large chicken breasts, cubed. Or just cheat and buy it cubed from the shop.

    Small tub of buttermilk

    2 eggs

    Cooking oil



    3 cups of plain flour

    6 tsp paprika

    Optional: 4 tsp MSG / ajinomoto. Unless you have an asian grocer near you, this stuff's a pain to get hold of.

    2 tsp salt

    1 tsp ground white pepper

    1 tsp ground black pepper

    1 tsp cayenne pepper

    1 tsp oregano

    1 tsp chilli powder

    1 tsp sage

    1 tsp onion salt

    1 tsp garlic powder

    1 tsp basil

    1 tsp marjoram




    Coat the chicken in buttermilk and leave in the fridge overnight.

    When you're ready, take half of your coating mix and put in a bowl. (Keep the other half, you'll need it later.)

    Roll each piece in the coating and rest on a baking tray.

    Optional: Leave the completed tray in the fridge for a few hours. (I find that this step helps the coating to adhere better and makes for a thicker coating.)

    Beat together the eggs.

    Dip the chilled chicken pieces in the egg then roll in the other half of your coating mix.

    Now you are finally ready to fry them. Deep fry, lots of cooking oil, and prepare to feel bad about your weight.

  7. I'd have fucking shit a brick and not slept for weeks if I'd have seen that as a 7-year-old back then.


    Funny you should bring that up. I was watching it as an 8 year old, got about half way through the show, and was sent to bed by my parents who saw how scared I was of it. Presumably, they changed the channel and forgot all about it, as I went a good year or two still believing it was a documentary and nobody put me right. Slept with the lights on until I was 10 becuase of that fucking show.

  8. That is a bit like when, as discussed in another thread, a girl signs up to a wrestling forum. You either get people fawning over her and posting old pics of themselves to impress her, or you get "Fuck off, love, you're a 40 year old called Graham".




    No girl has ever signed up to a wrestling forum.

  9. I clicked on the related videos on that "ball" video and saw this. Don't bother watching, but join me in mocking the hilariously shit chanting at the beginning of the video. They're trying to cram 9 syllables worth of statement into a chant with, at best, room for 6.



    Or is that just what they want us to think...

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