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Posts posted by wrestleuk

  1. Great episode of Impact last night . TNA showcased their three main feuds (Galloway/Lashley, Bennett/EC3, Hardy/Hardy) while also presenting other side stories to keep the show flowing (DECAY & the debut of Sienna. And setting up bram/drake TNA are doing a great job with Decay and even lashley now appears to have some personality This Was probably TNA's best episode Of the POP era


    Roll on next week



    There's nothing bizarre. This place just isn't the "mindless sheep" sort of forum. Enjoy that other place if you want three pages of people agreeing with each other.

    Best thing about this place is that you'll probably only agree with about two other people and you just want to argue with everyone else.
    Keep in mind though that when you were wrestleuk's age, you were rage quitting because everyone didn't join in with the "Cena sux, push the cruisers" stuff. It takes a while for a young lad of limited intelligence to acclimatise when they've only ever been used to everyone around them agreeing with the Internet hivemind opinion. Some kid landing here now from other forums would vomit with confusion upon reading a post about Cesaro not being world title material.


    Although in TNA's case, every fucker on the Internet has abandoned them for NXT now anyway, so it must be a right little pocket of resistance that are still living in the bubble of TNA being great.


    Erm out of interest how old is it you think I am exactly lol


    Bare in mind as I've said many a time I was a long time wcw viewer who never really watched wwf

  3. It feels as if I'm repeating myself on a weekly basis now but a really solid and logical episode again this week


    Top to bottom things are really clicking right now and if your still part of that group who are simply not watching because of past mistakes then your really missing out



    I still can't be on with josh and Pope so if lashley wishes to finish the job he started id be over the moon lol


    On the downside I think the loss of roode will be a big blow although AMW was sort of teesed last night so maybe Harris is coming back in for storm to work with


    I don't see EY as a big loss so much but Roode is such a big talent that they should have done a lot more to hold on to him

  4. Really enjoyable show never thought I'd see grado in a ladder match lol


    Really enjoyed it from start to finish great twist st the end with Drew and it's great to see lashley getting some character depth



    Viewership is in and the numbers were a big jump up from recent weeks up 85,000 to 307,000 for the first airing and even the replay was over double the previous weeks # in total impact drew 430,000 way up from 280,000 last week



    I must say that I find it odd that the ratings are going down when the TV had been fine to good since Christmas.

    Wasn't Nitro actually pretty decent in early 2001, whilst the ratings plummeted further? By that time the horse had well and truly fled the stable.

    Worryingly yes is the answer to that early 2001 nitro was probably the best it had been since mid 98 and they show was really good for about the last 3/4 months solid

  6. So then what is it tna can actively do to improve things? For me there putting on a fairly good show right now there's not really anyone available that could come in a big a difference so TNA are doing the right thing imo building up from within but if the network just isn't going to get extra viewers in regardless of the quality of the show then where do TNA go from this point forward


    Regardless if your one of these tna haters or a fan of the show if Dixie gave you control right now how would you get that viewership back up?


    I personally think there doing the sensible thing in trying to create there own stars but that doesn't mean I think the show is flawless I think they need a shakeup in the creative team and my views on the commentary team are well documented

  7. Another solid week for impact opener was great Eli drake gets better by the week I can see him being a main event player in the not too distant future


    I was dreading the all women lethal lockdown but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I feared


    Great to see Jimmy havoc is being given a intriguing storyline on his debut


    Main event was a cracking contest ec3 is over huge and the spud heel turn made perfect sense given the history between the two


    The one thing I still can't get away with is josh Matthews commentary it's just so bad and yet Mike tenay continues to sit at home being paid absolute madness

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