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Just Me

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Posts posted by Just Me

  1. Neighbours at UK pace is epic right now :blush: I've avoided all spoilers about the Zeke missing/dead storyline because I;m a huge mark for him.

    He's rubbish. He's lost any sense of character since he and Rachel first arrived on the show. For years now he's just been there. Hopefully that's about to change. But I expect he'll be back, once they've all got their initial "grieving" storylines out of the way.

  2. I'll be playing Resident Evil 5 come friday if that counts.

    Me too.. cant wait for it! Judging from the reviews so far it will be pretty awesome. I still regard Resident Evil 4 as one of the top 5 games of all time.

    The reviews and feedback I've read haven't been so glowing, all from people who loved RE4 as much as you do.

  3. Oh yeah, of course he is, totally failed to recognise him but thought he looked a bit familiar.

    Apparently (well, according to the "internet"), his character in Heroes was intended to be gay, but around the time he was cast in the role in heroes he was going for John Connor as well. His parents thought the character being gay in Heroes would harm his chances of the John Connor role.


    Which would explain why he just disappeared from heroes, because as far as I remember he wasn't killed off.

    The Bennetts left Odessa, didn't they? He wouldn't have followed them.

  4. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


    She's like Nancy Botwin with a shotgun is our Sarah. I think I'm developing a "thing" for this kind of character. Maybe it's because I was raised by a widow and have much admiration for the single mother doing whatever it takes. Who knows? Maybe I just like dark-haired thirty and forty something women who don't take no shit from nobody but are deep-down very caring and sweet and stuff.


    Anyway, the season 1 box set was

  5. I liked it when Sylar was becoming good but now I don't know what to think, is he a villain or a hero? Yep Heroes has become rather like TNA lol

    This is the thing. If you'll excuse the wrestling vernacular, the face turns have been excellent - Sylar and HRG - but the subsequent heel turns have been a lot more sudden and arbitrary. I'm all for shades of grey, but they've definitely been overdoing it to the point where characters who are supposed to be mostly good with a hint of bad, or do bad things for the right reasons, just don't seem as redeemable as they should.

  6. Heroes is back on tonight at 9pm!

    And it's looking a bit rubbish so far. :(

    What don't you like it?

    What they said.


    I loved series one, but it really started going downhill in series two, and not entirely because of the rushed ending. Characters just began behaving in plain annoying ways, and things stopped making sense. I want the new season to be an improvement but the first episode wasn't the positive sign I was hoping for.

  7. I've found myself with some Wii Points to spend, and was wondering if anyone had recommendations on what to download?


    I'm somewhat interested in World of Goo, but the trailer achieves absolutely nothing in showing how it plays. Are there any other WiiWare games worth a look?


    If not then I'll probably throw my points away on Virtual Console releases and/or the web browser.

  8. Not sure if I nulled my Funniest Poster vote or went for JLM, but he's who I would have voted for so I'm glad he got it. At least until his shameless campaigning in the poll thread started. :sly:


    An appreciative nod to the 40 who voted for me there, and heartfelt commiserations to the 5 who picked me in the "think but not" category. The dream of the double is postponed for another year.

  9. Speaking of Heroes season 3 - does anyone know what's happened to it on BBC2? It was being shown on Wednesday nights but disappeared just before Christmas. I assumed it would be back after the festive schedules but I've seen no sign of it yet. The last episode I saw didn't seem like a season finale:


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Sylar trapped a few of them in the Primatech building, and tried to get Claire to kill Angela. Claire's bio-mom was later left burning uncontrollably in a cell while Noah saved the cheerleader.


    [close spoiler]


    Have I missed something? :(

    It took a Christmas break in the US as alot of other shows have aswell. I read that it will start again on BBC2 sometime in February, although not sure if the exact date has been confirmed.

    Thanks. The same thing happened with The Sarah Connor Chronicles, but I heard the announcement for that one.

  10. Speaking of Heroes season 3 - does anyone know what's happened to it on BBC2? It was being shown on Wednesday nights but disappeared just before Christmas. I assumed it would be back after the festive schedules but I've seen no sign of it yet. The last episode I saw didn't seem like a season finale:


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Sylar trapped a few of them in the Primatech building, and tried to get Claire to kill Angela. Claire's bio-mom was later left burning uncontrollably in a cell while Noah saved the cheerleader.


    [close spoiler]


    Have I missed something? :(

  11. I am appalled that frank is in this list. Granted he hasn't posted as much as he used to this past year, but that doesn't mean that he becomes unfunny. It just means your not laughing because he hasn't posted anything for you to laugh about.

    I agree with this.


    When you get the occasional Just Me post that is actually serious I find myself re-reading it to see where I missed the subtle pun until I realise there wasn't one....

    It's a dilemma. No serious posts = "OMG, gimmick account." Serious posts = "Where's the punchline?"


    So, er, yeah - insert pun here~!

  12. Not as contradictory as "Just Me" being up for the "your are funny" and "you are not funny awards".

    I wouldn't have it any other way. Somebody winning both at the same time would be funnier than anything ever posted, or that someone thought they posted, or that someone didn't post but other people thought they had, or whatever.

  13. One thing I won't get used to is the speed at which some of the written dialogue disappears from the screen. By necessity in a Banjo game, nearly all speech is subtitled, but the font is very small (made worse on a portable TV!) and frequently vanishes before I've had a chance to read it all. Very annoying, in any game.

    I read that both these issues were patched last week. Check for updates?

    I guess I'd better get around to joining this Xbox Live thingummy after all, then.

    Installed the patch now and it's made a massive difference, thanks.


    Exploring the town area/game hub is mighty addictive. I've only played three proper acts so far (one world), but spent ages travelling around the overworld retrieving boxes for the garage, collecting musical notes, and discovering the whole jinjo/minjo deal. With a bit of creativity you can reach places you're probably not supposed to yet - unless that's actually part of the plan, which wouldn't surprise me.

  14. One thing I won't get used to is the speed at which some of the written dialogue disappears from the screen. By necessity in a Banjo game, nearly all speech is subtitled, but the font is very small (made worse on a portable TV!) and frequently vanishes before I've had a chance to read it all. Very annoying, in any game.

    I read that both these issues were patched last week. Check for updates?

    I guess I'd better get around to joining this Xbox Live thingummy after all, then.

  15. Over Christmas I had my first go on LocoRoco for the PSP. This is the one game on the system that's ever interested me, and it is incredibly charming (hard to describe why, you just have to play it - with the sound on). Unfortunately I found the controls unresponsive at times, making for infuriating play when your character won't jump at that critical moment. It's a great shame, because I really wanted to love LocoRoco. As it is, I still prefer Soul Bubbles on the DS, which doesn't have quite the same charm in its style but has more reliable and (I can only assume from what I've seen of LR) varied gameplay.


    Also taking elements from this loose-fitting genre is Mercury Meltdown Revolution on the Wii, which I've mentioned before as I bought it a while ago, but only put any serious time into this week. It's a great challenge, and the combination of skill and puzzle solving makes it as much fun to watch as to play. You should be able to pick it up pretty cheap, so look out for it if your release-starved Wii's been gathering dust.


    Completely separate from these three, I got back into LEGO Batman for the DS. The levels are really well designed, it seems so simple but they must have to work hard to make the teamwork of your characters align and interweave so neatly. That's why it was so surprising when I managed to get stuck, literally unable to progress through the stage because Robin had left Batman behind and was unable to get back to him, so that Batman could use his unique abilities to advance them both through the level. I've completed all the LEGO Star Wars games and played a bit of LEGO Indiana Jones, and never had that happen before. On a second playthrough I took Batman ahead first to do his bit, before returning to Robin, and that seemed to be the expected method. Weird.


    After getting it for Christmas on Xbox 360, I've just had my first go on Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. I've always been a huge fan of the N64 games, so ten years later, it was actually quite a special moment to watch the title screen panning around a more detailed Spiral Mountain (shaped exactly as before) while the old familiar theme tune plink-plonked away in the background. Aside from the couple of vehicles whizzing around the landscape, it's exactly what fans wanted to see.


    What does grate a little though is the way the script belittles and undermines the previous games. Rare have tried to be self-deprecating to endear themselves to Banjo newcomers, those who had written off the original entries as derivative, second rate Mario clones. But all it achieves is alienating those of us who've enjoyed and supported the series, who believe that assessment couldn't be further from the truth. For the game to basically say "yeah, these characters and their earlier games are a bit shit" is pretty jarring if you've been a fan of them in spite of the criticism - a chunk of the audience that must be quite large for any sequel.


    If you've read the (p)reviews, you'll know the gameplay is quite different this time around, with the focus being on building vehicles to move around in. This isn't bad at all, though you don't get nearly as much freedom in your design as could have been made possible. I've only just started though so I expect this element to become more and more creative.


    One thing I won't get used to is the speed at which some of the written dialogue disappears from the screen. By necessity in a Banjo game, nearly all speech is subtitled, but the font is very small (made worse on a portable TV!) and frequently vanishes before I've had a chance to read it all. Very annoying, in any game.

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