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Posts posted by SpursRiot2012

  1. JTTS nobody commented on my observation that a lot of refugees/asylum seekers come through the channel tunnel, obviously not wanting to stay in France. I guess some would say it is a compliment to this country that they all want to come here and not our good friends in the EU such as France and Spain.

    Well I can only assume that in France they wouldn't get what they get here. But I don't know for sure because I don't know what the welfare system is like in France.
  2. So you don't feel all dirty about visiting the BNP site I thought I'd post "Their Stance:"

    IMMIGRATION - time to say NO! On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years. To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question. We will abolish the

  3. I didn't imply you cared. I said that if it had happened to YOU you'd be pretty pissed off as well.I don't deserve to be a British citizen? Why? Because I love my country and am sick of all this FORCED multiulturalism* and sick of British people, born and bred, being second to people who have plenty other options to come here. Why is it our problem what happens to them in their country anyway?And yes. I *do* live under a goverment of liberal limp wristed pinkos. And believe me if I was old enough to vote, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for them.*I am not against multiculturalism before I'm lynched. I am against forced multiculturalism.

  4. I don't read the Daily Mail. Nor do I care what some Home Office researcher publishes in a report. And another thing thats starting to get on my nerves is namby pamby liberal limp wristed pinkos, like yourself, with the whole "poor refugee" shit. It's really annoying. Last time I said this I was told it was trolling. But I'm going to say it anyway. Because it's the truth.I am a selfish, self-centred prick. I'm not ashamed to admit that. I think of myself first, and everybody else second. In fact, I think of every British person, born and bred in this country first and then any refugee second. Why should British people struggle while these refugees come in for their free ride? And that's NOT racism. That's just the beliefs of a very opinionated teenager. Maybe when I'm older I'll see things differently. But when your own family has been affected by the influx of asylum seekers you'd be pretty pissed off as well.

  5. You think that if other European countries had been taking their fair share there would be as much animosity toward refugees?Kosovan, Iraqi...whatever, refugees. Why come to England? They'd be just as safe (not that I believe for a minute thats what they come for) in France. Or Spain. Or Italy. Why not travel straight though Britain and go to Southern Ireland. Hell lets go the whole hog. Go through mainland Europe, through Britain, Southern Ireland and then row a little boat over to America.But they wouldn't do that. And do you know why? They get what they *want* here. They get housing. They get benefits. They get to send their children to state schools, for free. So I say bring down the shutters. Let no more in. We'll be a lot better off for it, in my opinion.

  6. Immigrant: A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another. Refugee: One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.Now I know some of you are now going to come back with, "Exactly. They flee in times of war, political oppression or religous persecution."Well, I've said it once and I'll say it again: REFUGEES ARE SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE NEAREST SAFE BORDER! THIS IS NOT THE UK!

  7. It does rather concern me that some of you seem not to have any moral objection to refusing genuine asylum seekers somewhere to live where they won't be tortured and maimed, or have their children murdered/starve, Are some of you really ignorant enough to believe that immigrartion is causing such a huge problem that the only sensible thing to do is to ban all forms of immigration no matter how valid the case?

    I say again: REFUGEES ARE SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE NEAREST SAFE BORDER! THIS IS NOT THE UK!Whats wrong with other European countries? France, Spain, Italy etc?
  8. And theres still that old thing that I like to spout out every time anything like this crops up...REFUGEES ARE SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE NEAREST SAFE BORDER! THIS IS NOT THE UK!They come to this country because our welfare system caters for those people. And I've seen a lot of them saying they are whatever country they've come from first, British second. Happy to live here for free, happy to send their kids to our schools, happy to claim this and that benefit and free housing but not an ounce of pride to call themselves British.And if that makes me racist, then yes. I am a dirty, dirty racist.

  9. Some of their policies I do support. Such as their stance on asylum seekers, crime, education.

    So you support:
    • [*]Stopping all immigration (including presumably Europeans and Americans), thus causing a crisis in lack of manual workers willing to work for minimal wages?[*]Allowing teachers to discipline children as they see fit, thereby allowing crooked teachers to hit kids without any reason?[*]Putting emphasis on industrial methods despite our economy being hugely service-based, thus creating an inadequate workforce?[*]Eliminating the rights of criminals, thereby encouraging convicted petty criminals to become dangerously embittered psychopaths?

    Yes. Yes I do.
  10. Whizz Kid:

    Some All Star news


    Translation:Colston Hall has a couple of thousand seats in it. All Star draws about 150 every month. So now they're moving to a dodgy leisure centre somewhere.We're advertising Doug Williams V Jonny Storm, but it probably won't happen. Please come!Also: Marty Jones is wrestling! We can't get away with calling it a retirement match any more, as he's had several million of them, so we'll go 'It might be his last match!' in order to entice some suckers through the door...

    Now I'm sorry. But I've been noticing things like this for God knows how long. MOJ, usually you are cool. But if that isn't trolling I don't know what is.And bagga:

    Mr Selling Ability. my show drew 120 which was promoted in 9 days, and got better reviews than the majority of Allstar shows I have been to. Your very lame attempt at trying to throw an insult just goes to show how flawed your arguement is.

    That's just a lie, isn't it?
  11. Another thing I don't get is this...Just say I'm a total racist. I'm like a proper skinhead. However, I don't act on my racist feelings. Would you still hate me? So I have an opinion that's in the minority. But it's not as if I go around lynching black people. I don't shove my opinions in your face.Just wondering.

  12. This is bullshit. I hear plenty black people saying things like, "That WHITE boy/girl/man/women" and it's not considered wrong in the slightest. But I come out with a comment like, "That BLACK boy/girl/man/women" and there'd be plenty people jumping on my back about it with things like, "What's his colour got to do with it?"I never understood why the "N word" is so hated anyway. I mean...it's just a word.

  13. What the hell? Since when was calling someone "coloured" deemed racist?I agree Big Frank. This country has gone PC mad.I no longer wish to be called "white." I just have fair skin :angry: And another thing is, you can't call midgets midgets anymore. You have to call them "a person of less the averege height."

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