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Posts posted by buba3d

  1. i used to watch bits all the time on channel 4 till she moved to bravo to do some gamer show or whatever the shit was, but then while watching a film on horror channel at the time, they aired the uncut version of some film with female vampires and there she was masterbating with a cruizifix.


    SACRED FLESH :alien:

  2. Watched season 1 of torchwood last week, not really a fan of the DW new series but quite liked this, but after watching 1 season 3 caught my eye (i already knew s2 spoilers) but didn't know what to make of season 3, then i just got done watching season 2, ending for me was a real tear jerker.


    i honestly think there will be a season 4 or 3.2

  3. heroes (fin)

    lost (fin)

    chuck (fin love the show hope it don't get axed) also sarah is hot

    supernatural (just ended ooooh final)

    smallville (fin, needs to end asap)

    dollhouse (fin, slow start but picks up)

    knightrider (fin/ meh start but better after the reboot)

    prison break (tonights the last/ season 3 killed it)

    bones (halfway through S4)

    24 (s5 ep 9)


    One show i'm so looking forward to in the coming months, V sencond generation

  4. porn of the dead, I don't know even know where to begin with this, all i can say is damn



    the jist of it

    female zombie gets boned then she bites of the guys tally whacker, female gets drilled by 2 male zombies then ripped apart, doctor plays with a dead females privates she moves and he bones her then she eats his testies, its one of the weirdest films i have ever seen.

  5. I'm currently watching friday the 13th (2009), every time jason shows up on screen some tool in the cinema decides to go "YEAHHHHH FUCK EM UP JASON WOOOOOOOOO"


    anyways i'm halway through the film but all i ask is one tiny question

    SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    gods name in hell what have they done to it? jason has never kept anyone alive as far as i'm aware.


  6. Universal Soldier fucking rules, and he is a badass in it.



    "i'm all ears"


    There's an indy film called gutterball, watched it and i was shocked with the content in it, brutal gang rape scene, mass murders, explicit porno scene, penis getting stabbed and chopped off and a few other stupid but funny plotlines.

  7. I almost forgot i had this, the reaction and paul heyman on the mic, brilliant


    oh yeah and trish barks like a dog and strips.




    cole interviews trish basic instinct style



    kimona wanalya strips at the ecw arena


  8. anybody else think this was a setup or revenge in some way, after a member here berated fin and PS, now all of a sudden somebody from here writes into a PS mag. hmm

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