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Posts posted by danlewis

  1. A friend of mine knows Barney through work, and apparently heā€™s the loveliest, kindest man in the world, basically a puppy mixed with an unusually helpful teenager.


    I was gutted, I was hoping heā€™d be a right cunt and now I feel bad that heā€™s so shit at his job.

  2. I can see the logic in Quake as an Austin opponent, like Pat says, he was surprisingly young, was a bigger deal in WWF than WCW, struck me as safe to work with.

    Boss Man had not long come back in a similar role, which I reckon would have seemed mental if it hadnā€™t happened and someone brought it up now.


  3. Fuck me, I think we have one of the ā€˜facts donā€™t care about your feelingsā€™ lot!

    Look, your argument was that you thought that Havoc had just ā€˜been a cuntā€™ rather than a rapist and that being glad he was fired was virtue signalling.

    No way did you not realise that heā€™d ā€˜been a cuntā€™ to women and what that impliesĀ otherwise exactly what virtue do you think was being signalled?

    So, youā€™ve subtly tried to change the subject like the worst sort of twitter prick, even though virtue signalling is specifically a term used by the right to denigrate the left. I mean, it has no meaning the other way.

    So, instead of arguing in bad faith, why donā€™t you do something about your problems with women?

    Then fuck off.

    Then come back with Jimmy Havoc.

    Then both fuck off again.

  4. 4 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

    If anyone channel flipping happened to come across that, they are changing the channel asap. Awful.Ā 

    Good, fuck ā€˜em.

    There are no casual fans of anything anymore, there is content everywhere and everything is segmented.

    Stop hankering back to some mythical time wrestling was cool and enjoy a thing without longing for a day when youā€™ll see Road Dogg American football tops around town again.

    If there is a way to draw the mainstream in (There isnā€™t) then you know who isnā€™t going to figure it out? Niche weirdos like us. We donā€™t know what they think.

    They wonā€™t like it anyway and I donā€™t see why that should have any impact on whether I do.


  5. Iā€™m not 100% on this but wasnā€™t the Boy George thing the last (or close to) time Kanyon appeared on WWE TV before he was let go?

    If so, comes out as gay, dressed as Boy George, purposely concussed and then sacked is a fucking terrible look for the company and, letā€™s face it, The Undertaker too.

  6. 2 hours ago, FlushFunk said:

    I believe itā€™s universally accepted that nobody could have played or made the Undertaker work as MC did.

    Not one reply so far has changed my opinion that this is just a bunch of pissed of gamers offended by the truth.

    How the fuck can we know ifĀ anyone couldā€™ve?

    if your child gets you a ā€˜Best Dad in the Worldā€™ mug you have to accept that they have a limited frame of reference.

    And Iā€™m not into games, I just think heā€™s a silly old cunt who Iā€™ve never enjoyed.

  7. Yeah, the idea that the plethora of legitimately trained MMA fighters and such knocking around these days would get their head kicked in by the fucking Honky Tonk Man or something is laughable.

    If theyā€™re such hard men why the fuck do they need a knife or a gun in a locker room?Ā 

    I think the main problem I have with him is all the wrestlers court shite. Grow up you daft zombie bully twat.


  8. A Christian and Matt Hardy team, if a long term thing wouldā€™ve been on of the best teams to have ever existed, two creative people who can really go and have a track record for mostly getting stuff over? Yeah, Iā€™d have been up for that.

    A Jeff Hardy and Edge team just sounds fucking weird.



  9. Whether you rate him or not, the idea that thereā€™s nothing about RVD that stands out is an opinion I canā€™t understand at all.

    I agree that by that time his main event push had been left too long but, as a wrestler, he is, if nothing else, not generic.

  10. The Wonder Years, the bit where youā€™re looking at the Dad and you hear he died a couple of years afterwards really hits you hard.


    And Prisoner: Cell Block H. Joan Ferguson finally getting hers while still berating Meg by saying ā€œItā€™s my name theyā€™re shouting Morrisā€ as the women bay for her blood. She may have lost in the end but sheā€™s still the one that matters.

  11. I wonder if Peter Beardsley, Peter Beagrie and Peter Beadle ever met and one of the went ā€œWeird how we are all footballers and our names are quite similar isnā€™t it?ā€

    Then theyā€™d probably decide that it isnā€™t all that odd.

    Also Pete Beale (Who, of course, was played by a Buddhist who didnā€™t drink, which is why he always drunk out of a metal tankard in the Queen Vic; they used real beer in those days you see) might have theoretically got involved.

  12. I just donā€™t think Jim Ross IS better than everyone else these days, I think heā€™s actively bad and also very dated.

    I think the thing about Excalibur's mask is bollocks too. This mythical viewer who would be put off by a commentator wearing a mask but wouldnā€™t be put off by, you know, almost all things that happen on a wrestling show, barely exists if it exists at all.



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