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Prince Nana

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Posts posted by Prince Nana

  1. Here is the SWE website. It's a Bawbag Bonanza. Thankfully, no-one with a brain watches these shows which is why almost no-one on the roster got nominated. Purely on looks though, you've got almost a full fifteen just from that motley crew. Bawbaggery of the highest order.

    Is that not basicly the wrestlezone roster?I've already posted a video of them and def think they could have made the whole list.
  2. I actually thought micken was actually ok back in the day, could work on his body though...it's intresting to see peoples opinons, there was a couple of weird ones in the shitarse list too.I think theres a diffrence between an out and out shitarse and somone who has elements who people belive to be shitarse or bawbag even such as body type.Never spoke to the guy to know about his attitude so maybe he deserves it for that I don't know.

  3. LOL, not when you got a fat unemployed bird to look after itim sure she would have been able to cope on a sunday afternoon for 3 hours lol

    Shes not unemployed, she works in a chemistsThough she is pretty fat
    Could we not leave the Kongo Kev bashing until he appears on the list. It's a shoe-in that he will be there. And it's more fun...the anticipation of who can get the best slagging in first! :laugh:
    No let's do it now. :http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sXUKlxLce3Q&...feature=relatedhttp://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1bFIUTXjS9Q&...feature=relatedI found this really hard to watch, theres aparently some storyine too, somthing about money? I couldn't work it out or really care.and wrestlezone world championship what the hell? I hate it when promotions like that come up with "world titles"" your promotions entirly made up of shitty scotsman for christ's sake.(note i mean there shitty and scottish not shitty because there scottish)
  4. Actually I thought it was swift that sounded that canyon, anyway i've just found out that lyons is 31 which would make him 28 3 years ago which was the last time I saw CJ hunter and I didn't think he was that old.Anyways i found a fact Lyon's buisness partner is his 23 year old wife, do's that make it worse?

  5. Oh Jesus, someone's trying to defend Dan Edge with the 'nice guy' defence.He can save kittens from paedophiles for all I care, he's really shit at professional wrestling.

    Everything else can be summed up with some kind of rolling eyes smiley.
    I'm not sure if the person is actually saying " he's a nice guy so should be left alone to continue to wrestle."Just that the coments wern't funny which I kinda agree with.pointing out soones iinadacices is one thing but theres a line somewhere.
  6. I'm loving the fact that, right from the start, Moj explained the reasons as to why he would be putting Doug Williams as No. 1 - one of those reasons being to incite hilarious rants from people who didn't "get" it.Even though he said this publically right at the start and on this very forum, we're still getting hilarious rants from people who, of course, didn't "get" it and only signed up here to spout off and defend the honour of BRITWRES~ and their shitty mates without understanding the full background and context to the project.This already had Thread of the Year sewn up ages ago, but every new mong who comes on here to say their piece about how the internet is ruining British wrestling just confirms it even more. The very fact that these people consider the internet to be a real factor in general British wrestling is one of the main reasons why it is in the state that it is. The fact that they are transparently doing so because they are obviously associated with some of the very SHITARSERY this project has been trying to highlight keeps piling on the hilarity. Please, can we have more BRIT WRES~ mongs, please?As someone else once said: "Get off your keyboard and put some posters up".

    do any of you think that any1 yes any1 in the whole of british wrestling apart from u and all you promotions actually care what u say as i the ginger assain stand for the whole of the people on this list and all those on the past lists and those voted but not made it for the fact that we dont care what u say as u wont touch us as its just internet writing u really dont matter to all the small promotions and big ones not involved with this now all of u get a life
    ok we don't matter.so why bother posting in the first place, Because if we really didn't matter we wouldn't be worth bothering with. No?
  7. i am new to ukff is this for losers who spend all there time downing wrestlers till british wrestling crashes and burns and turns into dust as i wondered as i no certaonly that they think there untouchable my guess about five of you all are the true haters of british wrestling and the rest of u idiots just follow the 5 including mo the welsh ginger bankmanager from newport according to the no2 ronin, the japanese wonder, but u idiots who voted doug no1 u mongs as he is one of the best wrestlers to leave britain so this just proves ure all stupid and if i were u all id get a life get a job leave a computer to the people that need it yes the people with a brain

    Doug williams only got five ligitimate points the other 1000 where magicaly awarde to make a point. So at the very most 5 people voted for him at no 15.one person voting for him at 11 would do it as well.other posibilities include two people voting for him at 13 and 14 or at 12 and 15so at the very most it was five separte people but the liklyhood is that it was only one person posibly two.but you should know that because your the one with the brain not me. :)
    i understand u got a brain cool now all u need is to grow testicales and a penis so that they look nikrmal and then asay them sentences
    I so knew you would do that I soon I posted I thought "I bet he has a go at my spelling"Which means you don't have a counter because you know i'm right and you just look silly for not reading things though properally.
  8. i am new to ukff is this for losers who spend all there time downing wrestlers till british wrestling crashes and burns and turns into dust as i wondered as i no certaonly that they think there untouchable my guess about five of you all are the true haters of british wrestling and the rest of u idiots just follow the 5 including mo the welsh ginger bankmanager from newport according to the no2 ronin, the japanese wonder, but u idiots who voted doug no1 u mongs as he is one of the best wrestlers to leave britain so this just proves ure all stupid and if i were u all id get a life get a job leave a computer to the people that need it yes the people with a brain

    Doug williams only got five ligitimate points the other 1000 where magicaly awarded to make a point. So at the very most 5 people voted for him at no 15.one person voting for him at 11 would do it as well.other posibilities include two people voting for him at 13 and 14 or at 12 and 15so at the very most it was five separte people but the liklyhood is that it was only one person posibly two.but you should know that because your the one with the brain not me. :)
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